Episode Transcript
[00:00:04] Speaker A: All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes ever onwards to find the lands and people lost.
All thanks to our brave explorers.
[00:00:19] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanya the Wolfkin Warrior.
[00:00:23] Speaker C: Hey, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Rayri the Sprite Ranger.
[00:00:27] Speaker D: Hi, my name's Theo and I'm playing Cal A Sang of our Guardian.
[00:00:30] Speaker E: I'm Georgia and I will be playing Elfric Stormhall, a dragon scent bard.
[00:00:35] Speaker F: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azakar and the Jani Seraph.
[00:00:40] Speaker A: And my name is DM Dan, the gm. In these adventures, the further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere.
Hello and welcome back everyone to Explorers of Elsewhere Live.
Tales from Elsewhere are regular Dagger Hearts Live Stream Actual play. Hi, I am DM Dan and these are my five intrepid adventurers. Nate, Livy, Georgia, Theo and Dan. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.
[00:01:17] Speaker D: Hello. Hello.
[00:01:18] Speaker A: Hello. Hi. We have just done a big fight in the concourse which is the.
The. The location where all the portals to these capital city of Avenmoor are kept.
Someone was doing naughty things with portals. You've managed to solve that and you've now hurried through to a sleepy little town called Seldavon, a town that you sort of have visited in the past on a previous adventure, albeit keeping your.
Well, keeping yourself up in a arch mage's magical mansion up on a hill.
But the Seldivon is of great importance to at least one of you. Alfric, this being your hometown. But you've discovered that it is appears to be of great importance to a dubious figure called a dubious man called Ganis, who has diabolical plans with soldavon lying at the heart of it.
Yeah, you've just managed to defeat some draca tours, some sort of like Centaurish Draconic Dragonspawn.
And yeah, with their magical enchantments on the portal lifted. Yeah, you have hurried through to the aid of Seldom.
So we rejoin you as you emerge out of the portal that lies just outside of Sodon. The town of Sodon. You can see Seldon sort of like below you slightly more into this sort of like valley.
Off to your left you can see the hill that you ascended some weeks ago when you attended Archmage Ulic's mystery well, mystery guest dinner.
Unfortunately, never really got to meet him because he was killed before the party got started.
But where his mad, his magical mansion used to be is now just like an empty well. It's an empty hill for all intents and purposes that overlooks the purple roofed. The purple roofed narrow houses that comprise Eldon as aar. Not as a car Alri.
As you see your town from, you know, a very, very familiar site. Where's your mind at knowing that bad stuff is happening or due to.
[00:04:15] Speaker E: I should say he. He is. He's very. He's looking around trying to see if anything is different about this. These very familiar rooftops.
Trying very much not to look in the direction of one particular. Very familiar with that is his home. But yeah, I think he's. He's mostly he's. He's trembling with the adrenaline of actually and yes, trying. Trying very hard.
[00:04:46] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:04:47] Speaker E: To keep his composure in.
[00:04:50] Speaker A: In which case.
Yeah. As the. As the five of you hurry along the path that leads into Seldivon. Yeah. Alfric, you are clearly aware of the sort of like the largest stately like manners that are on the sort of like far side of the. Of the town on a like. On a what? Like a like raised bit of the geography that sort of looks over this. This you know, relatively small but well populated town that survived the catastrophic events of the eschaton a mere 18ish months ago.
And as you sort of like make it into the town as a five, you make it into the town proper.
Like fundamentally all roads, like the road you're in will lead you to the central town square.
Alfric, you know that the town square sports a rather garish statue of the now late Archmage Ulic, A commemorative piece. You perhaps you did or didn't know why it was there really. I mean, Archmage Ulic was always a bit of a poser at the best of times.
But now you know that. Well, did you know that he had his final encounter with Eindrith here? Or are you slightly concerned that perhaps that has been kept from you?
[00:06:26] Speaker E: That's a good question. I feel like if it's something that the town was aware of in terms of it was a big slopchy battle, especially considering the town was spared from, you know, being moved around geographically in the war. If that was sort of the one thing that happened to us that we are aware of, then I think I'll be very aware of it, especially considering his love of adventures and of that.
[00:06:56] Speaker A: So perhaps you were aware of the battle of Seldivan, but. But maybe you weren't allowed near windows by your parents, didn't allow you near any windows to watch what would apparently be an Archmage fighting off a major like a high power Dragonspawn. Okay, well, let's say the road that you're on leads towards the town square. So that's where we'll fundamentally pick up.
And as the five of you arrive, let me preload that for you and then switch you in.
We find you.
Let me turn on the lights.
Can you all see?
Cool. So we find you on a rather wide street again, very familiar to you, Alfric, that leads into the center of town. In front of you you can see the. The rather large garish statue of Archmage Ulic.
There are the. The various kind of market stalls scattered around this square. Again, that looks relatively normal as. Whilst you. It was like morning in Avonmore when you left. Wherever Seldivon is, geographically, it is now like dust, the sun that the sky is starting to turn a bit pinkish as it's starting to descend.
In front of you, you can see a number of like, seldom civilians just sort of like standing around muttering and murmuring to each other. A rather insular folk, I would argue, given that, you know, oh, we survived the war.
But you can hear a sort of like a hubbub commotion coming from the town square itself.
And between the five of you, you will be astute enough to recognize the voice of a particular lore of our man.
Gather, citizens of Seldivan, we come from Avermore with gifts of wonder and beauty. You hear Gannis shouting to the masses.
What do the five of you do?
Are you kind of rushing in? Are you going a bit more discreetly?
[00:10:00] Speaker C: I think like the entire walk up, as we were like walking up, I just imagine Rayri is just kind of. She's quite excited that we're in like, Alfric's hometown. And I just imagine as Alfric's just kind of just like walking along, a little bit apprehensive. Rayri's just like in his ear, just like.
[00:10:19] Speaker G: So you're gonna see your parents. Where do they live? How big's their house? Where are we going?
[00:10:23] Speaker A: What's the.
[00:10:23] Speaker G: Like, have they got a dog? But do you think that we could stay over? Do you think they want to do this? How long did you live here?
[00:10:29] Speaker C: And just like the entire time, just like, like a little fly, just. And then just as soon as, like that she hears that voice, she's literally just like.
And just like, oh, this guy.
And she just kind of looks towards Cal as the leader of his dad.
[00:11:01] Speaker D: It's him.
[00:11:04] Speaker G: Gotta get him. What are we gonna do?
[00:11:07] Speaker D: Let's go in quietly. We don't want them to like, quietly. Quietly.
[00:11:15] Speaker G: Sure.
[00:11:17] Speaker D: Well, there are lots of civilians Here. Yeah, that's rightly.
[00:11:23] Speaker G: We could just get Alfric to stab him.
[00:11:25] Speaker A: I just.
[00:11:26] Speaker G: He's really good at that.
I don't know why he's bothered with all the magic stuff.
[00:11:31] Speaker C: He's much better.
[00:11:33] Speaker G: He's much better at stabbing, isn't he?
Do you think, Cal, do you think?
[00:11:40] Speaker D: He was very good at the sword.
[00:11:42] Speaker G: Stab, do you think?
[00:11:45] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:11:48] Speaker A: So are the five of you.
Are the five of you discreetly heading on up?
[00:11:57] Speaker D: I think that's the best plan.
[00:11:59] Speaker C: Discretion is our middle name.
[00:12:01] Speaker A: Okay?
[00:12:02] Speaker C: All of us, we're all discretion.
[00:12:06] Speaker A: So I'll go ahead just. Oh, yeah, go.
[00:12:08] Speaker F: I was gonna say just before we're heading up, if Alfric is feeling sort of like a little bit like hesitant, and if people are sort of walking up in front of him, Azakar's probably just gonna catch him unawares and put a hand on his shoulder and say.
And you can find. It's quite hard for him to sort of find the words, but he feel like he needs to say it. And he said like, you did well in that fight, but the most important thing you did because you protected those people.
Remember that as we go forward and saying that, I would like to give my four prayer dice to Alfric for him to use when he wants.
[00:12:59] Speaker A: Okay? Okay.
So, yes, you have a plus four in the kitty to use as. And when the two of you, like.
[00:13:11] Speaker C: Imagine cow behind him like, yeah, good, daddy, good.
[00:13:16] Speaker A: As, as the two of you kind of catch up with the others, you begin sort of like slowly moving up and like, you know, there's a big kind of gathering of civilians as they're kind of going, oh, what's this? Is that a wizard? Oh, I think, oh, bloody wizards are just an oceans, aren't they?
And as you sort of like arrive at the mouth of the street, that kind of opens up into this kind of central town square.
You notice, let me get these commoners out the way, out the way.
[00:13:54] Speaker C: Peasants sling them to the side.
[00:14:00] Speaker A: You notice that what used by Gannis stood in the, like the shadow of the statue.
And he is flanked by four robe wearing individuals. You see two like, you see two, well, a lot of our. And a mace of our.
Like closest to him and in front of him there are two more like green robe wearing individuals. But their robes look a bit more ornate. Two, two keepers specifically.
And they, they. Whilst G has his arms up and he's kind of petitioning to the, to the murmuring crowds, these two keepers seem to be sort of like, like towering over everyone, just kind of Scanning seemingly on on. Watch out.
I will ask for.
I'm just gonna roll effect. I'm just gonna roll 50. 50.
So on a four plus things happen. And also if anyone's interested, who, who would we say is the most astute or has an experience that belies their perception? I suppose Van Year and his heightened senses. Vanier, you. Oh, you don't have hope. You, you can roll a reaction check a reaction instinct.
[00:15:41] Speaker B: Reaction instinct. Yeah, let me do that.
[00:15:45] Speaker D: Instant.
[00:15:52] Speaker B: 24.
[00:15:53] Speaker A: 24. Okay, very good.
Four plus things happen. Okay. As the five of you approach, Ganis. Doesn't appear like Ganis, nor these two keepers seem to have acknowledged your approach.
But Vanier, you, from where you're stood, you get this sort of like sixth sense feeling creeping up your neck that actually perhaps you wonder if there are more people here than you than like meets the eye. And as you do a subtle kind of glance around your surroundings through a combination of sight and like shadows, like the seeing shadows, you notice that there are two more robe, green robe wearing individuals on the roofs of the buildings flanking you.
And there are two other robe like green robe wearing individuals in a. Like a pot market stand behind you and hiding behind the tree behind you.
[00:17:13] Speaker B: Do I get the sense that they've.
[00:17:14] Speaker A: Clocked us or it looks like they.
Well, you notice that they are watching you. But like they. They've acknowledged your presence. But as the keepers don't appear to have. The keepers in front of you don't appear to have acknowledged your presence.
[00:17:34] Speaker B: I'll mutter under my breath only so that these guys can hear us. Like two on the roofs, some behind behind that tree and that stall over there.
[00:17:50] Speaker A: As you warn your companions, Ganis continues.
Seldivan is a town blessed with history.
A fortunate survivor of the Eschaton. You have positively flourished under the guidance of the now late Archmage Ulic. I invite you here today to celebrate his achievements and to ask yourselves, what will the town of Seldivan do now? Ulic is gone.
Who will you turn to in the dark?
Who will you whisper thanks to when you're alone and the gathered civilians just kind of. What's she going on? He said, oh, he must be a wizard. He's a bit of a kook.
Yeah. Gannis is still, like Janice has not noticed you. He's still doing crowd work. What do you, the five of you want to do?
[00:19:09] Speaker C: Ring his little neck is what I want to do.
[00:19:12] Speaker B: Yeah, I want to choke slam into the floor.
[00:19:18] Speaker E: We just body him as a group collectively.
[00:19:22] Speaker A: Just one big ball.
[00:19:24] Speaker C: Yeah. Can we do a sort of five tag team?
[00:19:34] Speaker A: Yeah. What. What would you like to do?
[00:19:38] Speaker C: Do we want to make ourselves known? I mean, these guys have already clocked. We can't really get any closer without being seen. So I guess it depends if we want to snipe or if you want to just go all in.
[00:19:51] Speaker A: You've got Fireball.
[00:19:54] Speaker D: Can.
Can we clock, like, win?
[00:20:02] Speaker C: But what if you did, though? But what if you did, though?
[00:20:04] Speaker A: Yeah.
Ray Re.
[00:20:08] Speaker B: Invanya is just on the sidelight.
[00:20:12] Speaker D: I wonder. I was like, can we clock like. Because you mentioned like, that, like, goods or something like, like special things that Ganis was like, presented.
[00:20:23] Speaker E: I do not trust him.
[00:20:25] Speaker D: Yeah. I'm like, can we clock what these are? Can we. Can we figure out what it is that he's got on sale?
[00:20:32] Speaker A: Oh, oh, no. He's not selling anything. He's just kind of got his hands up and he's just.
T shirts with his name and his face on.
[00:20:42] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what I mean. Like, I'm just trying to clock what it is that he's brought with him.
[00:20:47] Speaker E: I have thought Delver, I can. I mean, all, like, if I read it, all I'm gonna get is evil.
[00:20:53] Speaker A: Evil, evil, evil, evil.
[00:20:54] Speaker C: Yeah.
Surface level thoughts.
[00:21:00] Speaker A: Yeah.
Well, I mean, a. A potential course of action is to hold fire, to see how this.
How this pans out. Okay. In which case. Yeah, because he's not like, offering the town anything. He's just sort of like addressing them. Public speaker styling.
But yeah. He continues.
Without the protection of. Of Archmage Ulic, we must turn to other benefactors, benefactors that are surprisingly closer to home than one might think. And he produces in his hands the glowing crystal that he gathered from the temple of Naravid. The mirror Thesaus.
And as he holds it aloft, it begins to radiate light, like dazzling arcane light in all directions that sparkle through all the hues of. Of the visible color spectrum.
And like, you hear a couple of like, there's a mix of emotion from the gather crowds. There's. There's a couple of like.
And there's a couple of like the. The. It's the perfect split of bewilderment and fear of the arcane.
[00:22:30] Speaker D: What's his.
[00:22:32] Speaker A: He is currently 40ft from. 40ft from Cal and 40ft from you as a car. Okay. So that. That is far.
[00:22:47] Speaker C: Yeah. I. They.
Vinnie does have an experience called Go Fetch. Just putting it out there.
[00:22:58] Speaker E: I. I can. I do have Fireball and it. It can hit very far. That's.
[00:23:03] Speaker B: Yeah, I just Just sniping the crystal.
[00:23:07] Speaker C: Yes. Cuz either. Either Vinnie can go and fetch the crystal if we can roll that or. And then fireball him. I just wonder if it's. If the crystal will ex.
[00:23:22] Speaker E: Yes.
[00:23:22] Speaker C: I was gonna think if we hit.
[00:23:23] Speaker E: It with something, is it gonna just decimate?
[00:23:28] Speaker B: Only one way to find out.
[00:23:33] Speaker E: I could levitate it out of his hand.
[00:23:46] Speaker F: Do a tag team of levitating and levitate and then.
[00:23:51] Speaker E: And then Vinnie grabs it.
[00:23:53] Speaker D: Yeah, that'll be hilarious. And I'm here. I'm for it. Would you like hell doesn't know this is happening? I feel like this is something that you two are designing, you know, devising together.
Kat was just like.
[00:24:08] Speaker A: Are there two furtive looks between Alfric and Rayri that would encourage me to start combat?
[00:24:15] Speaker E: We feel like Rayri would pull Alfric down to. To impart this. This plan upon him.
[00:24:28] Speaker C: Pull it asleep.
[00:24:30] Speaker G: I can get a cup of to put it and then in the air.
[00:24:36] Speaker E: I could try.
Come on.
[00:24:39] Speaker G: It's your one good spell. It's your one good spell.
[00:24:44] Speaker E: That is true. Yes.
[00:24:48] Speaker A: Are you. Is someone casting magic? Cuz if so that you'll have the surprise. Well, you have the surprise against Ganis, but I will put you into combat.
[00:24:58] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:24:58] Speaker E: Are we all good with this?
[00:25:00] Speaker C: Are we?
[00:25:00] Speaker E: Okay, cool.
[00:25:01] Speaker C: Best fight to the death.
[00:25:05] Speaker B: Take that crystal out.
[00:25:06] Speaker D: So I've only got three hit points left. It's all fine. It's all good.
[00:25:11] Speaker C: We'll be fine. It's fine. We'll be fine.
[00:25:14] Speaker F: All right. I can do healing.
[00:25:17] Speaker A: Okay. In which case who's. Who's who's not spell slots still. Who's initiating? I assume it's Alric is initiating.
[00:25:26] Speaker E: Yes. If I. If I try and pluck it out of his hand.
[00:25:29] Speaker A: Okay, let's start the battle music then. In which case Alric. Yeah. As he's talking.
You and RIRI have this grand idea.
If Ray you spending your three hope to tag team.
[00:25:52] Speaker C: Would it be they're both like checks rather than.
[00:25:57] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:25:57] Speaker C: So yeah.
[00:25:58] Speaker A: Well I mean can I do that.
[00:25:59] Speaker C: With a tag team? I'm happy to do it.
[00:26:01] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:26:01] Speaker A: So yeah. You effectively. You spend the hope to do it simultaneously.
[00:26:05] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. Perfect.
[00:26:07] Speaker A: Cool, cool, cool. Okay. So you're. If you drop yourself down to one hope Alfric as he's talking and he's produced this large crystal in his hand. Please roll me your presence spell check.
[00:26:25] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:26:36] Speaker A: What.
[00:26:36] Speaker D: What do you need?
[00:26:38] Speaker E: So I rolled a seven. I rolled with hope. Yes, but I rolled a seven.
[00:26:47] Speaker C: How many prayer dice I've got Paradise.
[00:26:48] Speaker E: I've got three. Paradise.
[00:26:50] Speaker F: You've got a plus four.
[00:26:52] Speaker E: Plus four. Yeah, got four. Paradise.
[00:26:55] Speaker A: So an eleven.
[00:26:56] Speaker D: Shouldn't you wait to see what living rolls?
[00:26:58] Speaker C: Yeah, if I go see if that's better.
[00:27:02] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:27:07] Speaker E: That'S much better.
So we'll take the 20.
[00:27:12] Speaker A: We'll take the 20 with Hope. Okay, so Rayri is gonna get hope.
So as.
Okay, how does this pan out?
So Alfric, what. How. How does this look? Do you just sort of like step from the crowd with a. Of the violin? Or do you, you want to say something, something witty before you do your thing?
[00:27:36] Speaker E: I think he plans on saying something witty. And as he steps forward, he realizes in a crowd and a crowd of people who probably know him and he's. He kind of like, he locks eyes with Ganis and he, he kind of stumbles and he just.
And the sort of like spectral hand comes out of the violin, shoots towards the crystal that he's holding to. To grab it.
[00:28:02] Speaker A: Okay, in which case, as you. As the special hands kind of reach out to. To grab the artifact and like the crystal and lift it from Ganis's hands.
Like r seeing that as your.
[00:28:18] Speaker C: As my go. As soon as, as soon as that first happens.
[00:28:23] Speaker A: Is it Riri on Vinnie's back or is it just Vinnie?
[00:28:26] Speaker C: It'll be, it'll just be Vinnie. So Vinnie will go out individually from Rayri. He sort of jumps sort of up and over and just runs like an absolute maniac and just raises and just kind of points towards the crystal.
[00:28:50] Speaker A: Okay, so Alfric, you what this hand like. Ganis pauses and sort of like watches as a spectral hand just sort of like materializes in front of him to grab the crit, the charged mana crystal that he's holding.
And like, as it, as it begins to sort of like target from Ganis's grip, Gannon sort of like like lunges forward and gets a better hold of it. So there's a bit of a tussle as this happens. This large like four and a half foot tall Chihuahua bursts out of the crowd. There's shocks, there's cries of shock and surprise as Vinnie goes barreling towards G and the green robe wearing individuals. The two keepers at the front, sort like clock Vinnie. And you start see them sort of like drop into ready defensive positions. But they're completely caught unawares by the raw speed of the pup.
[00:29:50] Speaker C: It's crazy. I like to think that his bum's going at the same time, you know, when they get really excited and their bum just goes really fast.
[00:29:57] Speaker A: Yeah, as Vinnie leaps at Gannis, Vinnie's like weight and momentum knocks Gannis back enough that the crystal slips from his hand.
The spectral hand tries to grab it and misses, but then Vinnie catches it in his drawers.
So the crystal is in.
Yeah, in Vinnie's mouth.
And as it does appear in his mouth, you watch as there is an explosion of blinding light that.
[00:30:44] Speaker G: She's beautiful.
[00:30:45] Speaker A: Explodes into this kind of corona of chroma light and Vinnie vanish.
[00:31:07] Speaker E: We killed Vinnie.
[00:31:10] Speaker D: Where'd he go?
[00:31:12] Speaker C: Oh boy.
[00:31:14] Speaker A: Vinnie, my boy. No, my boy. Vinnie is gone and like Ganis has been rocked back and he's sort of like looking around frantically.
But yeah, there is now this sort of like thrumming it. Look, it's. It's just almost like half orb of pulsating coruscating light that's eminent presumably emanating from this crystal.
And then like the crowd just bursts into panic and screams.
The. You've rolled with hope. So the ambush isn't sprung on you in any way, shape or form. But as this portal, as this bubble opens up, you get as a car through your sort of like magic sensitivity, you recognize that it's got a similar feel to it as the magic that was permeating the temple of Naravid when you went into that crystalline past.
And you hear echo through the town square meddlers and this low sonorous booming voice that you've all heard internally but now externally.
And like you feel the tile that the tiles of the nearby roofs shake slightly under the. The basic reverberance cool as the. The defenders are currently. Well, the. The Ganis and co are currently a bit confused. Alfred, would you like to move?
[00:33:05] Speaker E: I suppose he. He'd already. He'd stepped out, so we probably started there when I think he won't move. I think he's. He's too frozen in horror and they've just.
So he's. Yeah, he's good there. He's fine.
[00:33:26] Speaker A: Okay, who's going next?
Actually, you know what me's going next. I'm gonna spend a fear and interact.
So as this rainbow sort of like bubble explodes out, Ganis is not back. But he recovers quickly and then shouts seemingly to the sky.
Now, my lord, now. He shouts and Cal and Vanier, your particularly astute observationalists. You feel like you watch as this wisp of like shadowy smoke descends into the rainbow bubble.
But Ganis will join the initiative and he's going to go first. So G steps round and then spying the five of you now that the crowd is beginning to disperse as they're sort of like running away screaming because magic explosions are scary for people. With like one hit point, Gannis sees the five of you and like his face twists into a snarl and he, he shouts to the gathered green robe wearing cultists. You realize, don't let them in. Don't let them interrupt our Lord. He shouts and he will mark a stress. Choose a point in far range and the five of you feel the ground underfoot begin to rumble and reverberate as the ground erupts underneath your feet. And I need everyone to make a agility reaction roll, please.
Ray rebosses it. Oh wait, let me scroll.
[00:35:31] Speaker C: Yeah, I totally.
[00:35:32] Speaker A: Yeah, Ravi bosses it. Cow bosses it. Vanya does not boss it. Alfred does not boss it. Azakar does not boss it. Does Azuka want to spend prayer dice on people?
[00:35:48] Speaker F: Yeah, we'll keep them for now.
[00:35:50] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, so Vanier, Alfric and Azkar, those who didn't roll 14 or more, you are flung directly away from the eruption. So Vanier, you're. You kind of like bash into the side of the, the building that you're next to and kind of get wedged into the cart as a car. You're blown back there and you clatter into a commoner. This commoner is hurled away and Alfric, you're flung forward into a commoner.
[00:36:30] Speaker G: Oof.
[00:36:31] Speaker A: The two of you collapse to the ground. The three of you that were thrown from this eruption take 15 damage.
And you can reduce damage. You can use your armor normally against that.
[00:36:55] Speaker F: Yeah, gonna use an armor.
[00:36:58] Speaker A: Okay.
And yeah, the ground just becomes this like, tragic, tragically difficult to navigate bit of terrain.
So yeah, any movement over this difficult frame will require an agility check of some sort.
So yeah, Gannis fires off those, well, detonates the ground from under your feet.
And yeah, he seems to be shouting to these green road wearing cultists who you realize are wearing similar kind of robes to those who came in through the portal.
That is Ganis's turn. Who wants to take over?
[00:37:45] Speaker C: I.
I think Rari seeing Vinnie disappear is just gonna run at. Oh, my foundry went.
[00:37:55] Speaker A: Oh.
[00:37:55] Speaker C: What?
[00:37:56] Speaker A: Oh.
[00:37:59] Speaker C: Is that everyone or is that just me?
[00:38:01] Speaker D: I think it's just you.
[00:38:03] Speaker A: Well, were you, were you gonna run into. Into portal?
[00:38:08] Speaker C: I'm just gonna run to the pool. Okay, just, just absolutely launch herself towards the portal.
[00:38:15] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:38:16] Speaker C: Just, just.
[00:38:20] Speaker A: In which case, Cal, you watch as Rayri bolts past you into this like shifting, shifting rainbow hued maelstrom that's just erupted from the ground in front of you. And Rayri you're back now. Okay, you materialize.
He's still there.
You materialize in this distorted crystalline reflection of Seldavon's town center.
Everything around, like the buildings around you, look like they're all in the same place. But as you glance around, you notice that the buildings are in various states of damage and destruction. There's the. The building, sort of like immediately in front of you, the large kind of townhouse that appears to have one corner of the building utterly demolished by perhaps siege weaponry, perhaps there's rubble. You notice that behind you. Sorry, just to your left, there appears to be a body sprawled out on the floor.
But you also hear the sounds of frantic fighting.
And glancing behind you, you can see that there are a number. There are clearly two sides of a. Of a battle engaged in combat in the street that you arrived in not, you know, minutes ago.
Glancing around, you can see that all of the. The roads into this central area, there seems to be, you know, running street battles between who you assume to be defenders of Seldivan and some enemy invading force.
And all of this pales in comparison to the image of the elderly lore of our Archmage stood to your right, who is staring up at a coiled, winding, green scaled dragon spawn that you immediately recognize as the one you saw. I know in the memory.
[00:40:53] Speaker C: I know that boy.
[00:40:55] Speaker A: But what's curious is that hovering behind this crystalline manifestation of Eindrif is what appears to be a smaller, similarly rainbow glowing, smaller Eindriff.
[00:41:15] Speaker G: Oh, it's got a little mini me.
[00:41:19] Speaker C: He's got his own little. Vinnie.
[00:41:23] Speaker A: Rayri, you have emerged in this mana memory of Soldavon, and you immediately acknowledge that this must be the final encounter between Ulic and Eindriff.
And you know, based off what, as Alfrix told you, what Meridius has told you, that Eindrith was defeated in this battle.
But what do you do?
[00:41:55] Speaker C: Guess I'm gonna have to fight everyone.
I think she's Rose just. It's just like the overwhelming flood of relief that Vinnie is there with me and he's fine and he's alive. I think that's the first, like, oh, my God, you're alive. And then it's like, oh, oh.
So I will mount Vinnie.
[00:42:26] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:42:27] Speaker C: Sorry, Dan. You're gonna put us back together again.
[00:42:30] Speaker A: So you jump on Vinny's own.
[00:42:34] Speaker C: And I think we're just gonna kind of get out the whale, so I'm gonna move out the way. Can I use a new well that I have, please?
So I'm allowed to do that?
[00:42:55] Speaker A: Yeah, I Mean, you still got your action and the like.
[00:43:00] Speaker C: Fab. How far can I go?
I want to. No, I want to go more this way. Let's go down here.
[00:43:06] Speaker A: I will say that in order to. Because you had to scamper to get into the portal in the first place.
[00:43:11] Speaker C: I'm not going to have a lot of movement, am I?
[00:43:13] Speaker A: Yeah. So. Well, give me an agility check. If you want to move, move again.
[00:43:18] Speaker C: Okay, let's do an agility check.
[00:43:21] Speaker A: But that would be your action.
[00:43:24] Speaker C: Okay, that's fine. So that's a 16. Can I move myself sort of down here some, would that be?
[00:43:33] Speaker A: Yeah, well, as you sort of like seeing this, like, what is seems to be the start of the battle between Indrith and Ulick.
And like, you, yeah, you jump on Vinnie. You spur Vinnie on to, like, scamper off to the. The corner of this kind of destroyed building that you were just stood next to a moment ago.
And, yeah, you hear this low, reverberant, echoey voice.
You have plagued me for too long, Laurivar. This ends today.
And as you scoot and sort of, like, look over as the like aindrith uncoils and flies towards Ulic in a frenzy, as Ulic kind of brings this wand and staff to bear and lightning crackles from the ends of it. As you reach that corner, your vision crystallizes, cracks. And as you've rolled with fear, you are immediately jettisoned back into real space.
And you kind of bump into this little Auran sprite that's just like a large Chihuahua just appeared in front of her, and she. Oh, no.
Yeah, you screech to a halt. This Terran sprite on the other side of you looks to you and bloody wizards.
Yeah, Rayri, you are back where you started for all intents and purposes.
And that is your action. Unfortunately, that's.
[00:45:13] Speaker C: That's fine. I'm just glad I'm alive.
[00:45:16] Speaker A: Okay. But, yes, it would seem that the Eindriff and Ulic fight is playing out. But there seems to be a smaller diminished Irondriff also present in the fight. Who's going next?
[00:45:34] Speaker D: Can Cal just be like. He has gone through, like, loads of emotions in the space of about 3.3minutes. I don't even know how many seconds was. But before he could even go to stop Rayri, planning to plunge in after her to make sure she was okay, but suddenly to just respawn next to him. I think that man is on the verge of a heart. He is relieved. He's just like, don't do that again.
But then also relieved that Vinnie is also there. It's like what happened? And he's like, he's like trying to do this whilst also trying to like figure out who he's fighting next. Cuz he knows that we're about to get like attacked so he's just like trying to have a conversation with Rain. So like trying to plan who is probably going to attack them next.
[00:46:22] Speaker A: So I should, I should mention you would have seen this given that you were in sort of like real space. But when Riri rematerialized effectively next to you, it was as if she had just run through like rainbow colored stained glass. So like this like a crystalline shatter and then the piece is just sort like disapp like melted into mana moats as Ray kind of rematerialized.
[00:46:51] Speaker D: Just like sword out. Like please don't run into portals again. Well you don't know what they are.
[00:46:59] Speaker G: We should go. It was fine, wasn't it? Cuz I'm back here again. But I don't really know what happened but it's like you know where it went all rainbow before, before. And then we were having a fight while they were having a fight in the portal and it's like that weird like slithery, slithery man. And the guy, he's got two, he's got two stars and he's like.
It's another little slippery one. There's like a double, you know, what's his name? You know what I mean? You know Andrew.
[00:47:29] Speaker C: That's the one.
[00:47:30] Speaker G: He's in there. But there's two. There's like an. Another one of them. I think we should go back in.
[00:47:36] Speaker D: We should go back in in the portal with you.
[00:47:39] Speaker A: You could just.
[00:47:40] Speaker G: I just came back out again. It's fine, isn't it? You go in, you come out, it's easy.
[00:47:45] Speaker D: You're gonna be the death of me. Okay, let's go.
[00:47:49] Speaker A: Cow.
[00:47:50] Speaker F: Before you run in. Yeah. Could I just spend an action very quickly?
[00:47:54] Speaker D: Yeah, go.
[00:47:55] Speaker F: Please do.
Kind of overhearing as Azak pitch himself up and hearing that you're going to run in, he noticed, he still notices that you're quite hurt from the last fight.
Before rushing before, like as you're just about to rush in, he sort of grabs hold of your shoulder and he puts his hand on your chest and emanates sort of like some divine light into you and, and cures two of your hit points.
[00:48:23] Speaker D: Thank you so much much.
[00:48:25] Speaker A: I will be a party pooper and say cuz there's a move and an action. We'll just have as a car take his turn now.
[00:48:33] Speaker F: Yeah, that is. That counts as an action.
[00:48:35] Speaker A: Yeah, perfect.
[00:48:36] Speaker D: Sure, that's fine.
[00:48:37] Speaker A: Okay, so a car has just taken his turn while Rs been like supersonic explaining the plot.
You know what? Oh, I've got. I've got loads of them. As a car. As you heal Cal before. Cal as you. Before you get a chance to. Well, before anyone gets a chance to do anything, one of the Keepers that were keeping watch that are now sort of like flanking this large rainbow vortex.
They. Yeah, like, as far as the rest of you are concerned, it's only. It hasn't been very long since Scatter said stop. Don't let them interfere with our Lord. So one of the keeper strides forward, has this rune covered like metallic rod in hand.
And like the keeper grabs it with two hands, twists the the rod and it separates. And what appears to be this sort of like shimmering green metallic, metallic chain between the two halves of the rod effectively falls out into the ground. And I will spend another fear in order to use this ability. So I'm down to three and I. If I can have everyone within close.
So that is, everyone can I have.
Well, oh, it just happens.
So these green chains kind of melt into the floor and then spring up from the ground underneath your feet to sort of like wrap around your wrists and ankles, temporarily restraining you.
When you.
When you go to activate, I will get a fear.
You can break free of the restraints with a strength roll or by spending two hope as these thick chains, magical chains wrap around you.
[00:50:53] Speaker C: Okay.
Are they around Vidi?
[00:50:58] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:50:59] Speaker C: Go.
[00:51:01] Speaker A: Yeah. So you're all. You're all shackled. So that was.
Who was that? That was his turn. So let's put him in the initiative.
Okay, now who wants to go?
[00:51:18] Speaker D: Because I didn't actually get to take Micah.
[00:51:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay.
[00:51:23] Speaker D: That'S cool.
First off, he will react to the healing, which I think as before, the chains like take their hands. I think Azakar's hand on his hand, he'll put over like as a thank you and give him a very sincere. Yeah, basically. Yeah. And then before they can really say anything, then the chains happen.
But I think Cal is gonna spend. Is it to hope you said?
[00:51:49] Speaker A: Yeah, or I hope to hope he'll.
[00:51:52] Speaker D: Spend his hope to like wrench himself away and say I'm going, and he's going to use his action to jump into.
[00:52:03] Speaker A: Okay. The portal. I did forget for Ray Reaper. If I could have an agility check to get over.
Get over the rubble.
[00:52:14] Speaker D: He's a good agility boy. So it should. Should be.
Should be. Okay, I'm going to see before you tell me that's wrong, I can reroll my hope die. How bad is my hope die?
[00:52:29] Speaker A: Six.
[00:52:30] Speaker C: Six.
Oh, get one.
[00:52:34] Speaker D: I'll just do it. Let's just do it. How do I. Oh, just roll.
[00:52:37] Speaker A: Roll away. Just roll. D6. G12.
[00:52:41] Speaker D: Okay, let's go.
Same again.
[00:52:46] Speaker C: All right.
[00:52:46] Speaker D: I take that Anyway. Okay, so that's a.
Yeah, you're doomed.
[00:52:51] Speaker C: To be a six.
[00:52:52] Speaker A: Okay, so it is difficulty 14. So what I'll say is.
[00:52:59] Speaker F: Would you like. Would you like my final prayer dice?
[00:53:03] Speaker D: Sure.
[00:53:04] Speaker F: Bump that up to a 15.
[00:53:05] Speaker D: Yes, please.
[00:53:06] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, a car. As you. You watch as Cal sort of like strains against these magical chains which then break.
Yeah, there's a.
[00:53:17] Speaker C: There a shirt rip open. His shirt rips open just.
[00:53:19] Speaker A: Just at the biceps. Just.
Either. Either that or Wolverine at the end of the Deadpool 3 film explodes.
But yeah, Cal breaks free of the chains, and as he goes to step Azakar, you see that the ground underneath him is what, like, woefully kind of loose. And as you kind of wheel it on Cal, you are able to find firmer footing in this moment, and you are able to use your full movement, which can take you to the portal to the rift.
[00:53:55] Speaker D: Okay, into the rift.
[00:53:58] Speaker A: And as you disappear into the rainbow miasma, you emerge in this crystalline hellscape version of the town square you were just in. And as I described that currently you are. You are worryingly close to an arch mage who is. There's a whip of lightning coming from. From the end of his staff. There's what appears to be like a blade of mana emerging from the wand, which is now holding like a sword shaft. As he's sort of like fending off and dueling with this dragon that's kind of like whirling round him, trying to confuse him by attacking from all directions as claws and like clamps of the jaw as this as you lick. Oh, fending off and all. While this happens, you see this smaller, kind of smaller version of Indrith lurking in the background.
[00:55:09] Speaker C: Little guy. Get the little guy.
[00:55:13] Speaker A: The agility check was your action so that like, you are. You are in. Please, please take a hope if you didn't haven't already for that agility role.
Who wants to go next? I think it's just Vanier. Next.
[00:55:30] Speaker B: Alpha is Al Gon.
[00:55:33] Speaker A: Started off with the.
[00:55:35] Speaker E: Yeah, I was. Yeah, the levitating.
[00:55:37] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:55:39] Speaker C: Then.
[00:55:40] Speaker A: So, Vanya, you're.
[00:55:41] Speaker D: It's just my Fault.
[00:55:43] Speaker A: So Vanya, you're kind of like caught in the corner. You've got these trains wrapped around you, but like, yeah, it's. So you can either do a strength check or you spend two.
[00:55:53] Speaker B: Hope I'll spend. I'll do a strength check.
[00:55:56] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:55:56] Speaker B: Is that my action to do?
[00:55:58] Speaker A: It is.
[00:56:01] Speaker B: I can't do anything else.
So yeah, I'll have to have my action to break out the chains.
[00:56:08] Speaker A: Okie dokie.
[00:56:11] Speaker B: Strength check.
I don't have any hopes. Do anything.
[00:56:22] Speaker A: Okay. This time it's even more graphic because Vanya doesn't have sleeves, but like muscles bulge as you draw. You like, cross your arms and the chains snap and fade away as the mana is dispelled.
But yeah, you are now free to move.
[00:56:44] Speaker B: Can I.
The only thing I can do is I'm seeing people run in to the. The portal thing.
I don't understand much of what's going on.
[00:56:58] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:57:00] Speaker B: Just.
[00:57:00] Speaker D: I. I feel like the. The discussion was loud enough that you'd have been able to hear. Okay, so I think you heard me. Be like a bat and a portal.
[00:57:09] Speaker B: I'll move 30 foot into the portal.
[00:57:13] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:57:14] Speaker B: So I do reach with my 30 foot.
[00:57:16] Speaker C: I think he grasps big slithery man and smaller slithery man.
[00:57:23] Speaker A: If you move yourself to the center of the portal, I will teleport you across.
[00:57:27] Speaker B: Oh.
Attempt movement clients.
[00:57:34] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, hang on, let me.
Yeah, then you can vault a car.
Yeah. Okay, so runs through it.
[00:57:45] Speaker B: He just bashes out the way.
[00:57:49] Speaker A: Oh, I.
Vanya takes the long route. Hold.
[00:57:58] Speaker C: Vanya runs across time and space.
[00:58:02] Speaker A: You. So you materialize also in this sort like Chris line crystalline amalgam of the town center. I mean, certainly. Well, now the two of you are here, you're able to take in just how much larger like this is this. How far does this extend that this. This crystalline memory is certainly larger than what you saw in the temple of Naravid. And that was a whole temple beer.
As you look around Van Year, like your senses are almost screaming at you because everything just seems like wrong and distorted. The. The cries of battle from behind you coming through as if someone's shouting at you through multiple panes of glass.
But yeah, you have emerged to. To find Cal. Watch like looking up at this dragon spawn fighting this Archmage. Your action was to break free. So that's your action.
[00:59:03] Speaker B: And that was my move.
[00:59:04] Speaker A: Yep. And you roll with fear. So I will. Now I will activate as the two. As two of them. As two of you have jumped through the portal.
Ganis looks up to the roofs. And now you fools and Rayri as a car. And Alfric, you watch as two figures vault from the roofs.
One sort of like bounces on the cart and then drops to the ground next to you, Alfric.
And the. The. This fang. This cultist fang will mark a stress. And Alfred, can you please make me an instinct reaction roll?
[00:59:57] Speaker C: Yes.
[01:00:04] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:00:06] Speaker E: With fear.
[01:00:08] Speaker A: So we won't have to worry about the fear. But as this. In the. As this cloaked figure jumps down, you notice he's wearing. He's wearing a mask. He has these two sort of like wrist mounted blades attached to his forearms.
But as he pounces down, he seemingly almost like has. Well, he has two hands on your shoulders. Has you in this firm grip. And Azakar and Rayri, you. You hear this as the. As this cultist fang and Alfric vanish and rematerialize on the other side of the square in the shadow of the townhouse.
[01:00:53] Speaker C: What is this tiny wimey portally waterly.
[01:01:01] Speaker A: As a Alfric, I also need you to mark two stress please.
[01:01:06] Speaker E: Huh?
Teleport stress.
[01:01:09] Speaker A: Teleport stress. The seconds. I will now add him to the initiative tracker.
The second one leaps down and let's do it. To Alfric. To Azakar again as a car. Can I have a 50 an instinct reaction roll please?
And I'll spend a fear to activate this second guy.
[01:01:45] Speaker F: 14 with hope.
[01:01:46] Speaker A: 14. So 14 is a fail.
So the two Ryu watchers as a car is pounced upon by this sort of like cultist assassin and Aar. You.
The two of you b.
[01:02:08] Speaker D: Oh, off the map.
[01:02:10] Speaker A: Off the map.
Yeah. Azakar, you are teleported into this sort like little cul de sac wedge between two buildings. You kind of emerge out the shadows. Please also mark two stress as these two. Two assassins kind of separate you all.
That's my turn. I'm going to move it on to round two. Who wants to start the round?
[01:02:39] Speaker E: Can Alfric respond to this sudden portling?
Which he was not. He did not approve. Oh, I vanished.
[01:02:50] Speaker A: We've got you. There you are.
[01:02:55] Speaker E: There I am on another side of the map.
He is going because he's. I assume he's still being held by this. This cultist.
[01:03:05] Speaker A: So the cultists are sort of like let you go now that you've teleported, but you've realized that in letting you go, you are now open to stabbings.
[01:03:14] Speaker E: Stabbings. Stabbings and smudgings.
I. And he is going to cast a runic circle that creates a temporary magical circle on the Ground around me. Any in melee range, circle. You enter range, take 2d12 plus 4 magic damage, and I'm pushed out at the end of their action.
[01:03:38] Speaker A: Oh, wow. Okay.
Is that. Does it just appear or do you have to roll for that?
[01:03:45] Speaker E: I think it just. Just happens.
[01:03:48] Speaker A: So is people within melee range and they get pushed to.
[01:03:53] Speaker E: They get pushed out of the circle? It doesn't say.
So I assume they get pushed out of melee.
[01:04:01] Speaker A: Yeah, just. Okay. Five. Five. Five. So as you what? Well, describe to me what this magic circle looks like as I. As I create your circle.
[01:04:13] Speaker E: I think he. Alfred, would have been grabbed while he's still holding his violin levitating the crystal. So I think he's kind of been clutched to him as he was grabbed. And then as he was pulled out, he's been able to kind of like do one long, shrieking musical note, and it's kind of exploded outward into this circle at his feet of sort of glowing blue light.
[01:04:38] Speaker A: Okay.
And this cultist will take.
Yeah, so if you roll your 2d12 plus 4 magic damage.
[01:04:48] Speaker E: Yes, I think that's. Yes, 17.
[01:04:53] Speaker A: 17 damage. That is severe. Okay, the. So this assassin.
What. What sort. What type of like magic damage do you expect this to be?
[01:05:10] Speaker E: That's a good question. I. I assume if it's. If it's musical damage, then it's. It feels like it's bludgeoning damage.
If he's being forced by. Or do you mean.
[01:05:28] Speaker A: Well, I. I could imagine almost like perhaps slicing winds.
[01:05:33] Speaker E: Yes. Yeah, that makes sense.
[01:05:35] Speaker A: Okay. In which case this. This fang or this fang of Wendah High is positively shredded. So when he finally stumbles out. He looks awful.
He looks like he's. He's just suffered severe damage and is not enjoying himself. But yeah, he's blown back, like, collides with the floor heavily as you sort of like this magical rune. Rune circle erupts from. From you. Like from the ground around you.
Very good. Are you moving or are you staying put in your circle?
[01:06:11] Speaker E: I will stay put in my circle now that I've been taken across the map.
[01:06:16] Speaker A: Sure, sure. Who wants to go next?
[01:06:21] Speaker C: When Azakar and Alfric Bamped, would Ray have any idea of where they went? Or was it literally like you watched.
[01:06:30] Speaker A: The two of them descend into their own shadows?
[01:06:34] Speaker C: Okay, so they just wouldn't know where they went.
[01:06:39] Speaker A: Melted into the ground.
[01:06:44] Speaker C: Only one thing left to do then, which is jump into a portal.
[01:06:51] Speaker A: Okay, well.
[01:06:53] Speaker C: Or do I want to?
[01:06:54] Speaker A: Well, so you're currently still chained. Bear in mind. So it's too hope Or a strength.
[01:06:58] Speaker C: Yeah, I forgot my. I. I'll spend my last cuz my strength is not it.
Does that mean that's my action? So I can only move?
[01:07:09] Speaker A: No. So could you just spend the hope that isn't an action because obviously that's a pretty expensive thing to pay. So you're. You're able to sort of like wiggle your way out.
It will be. Because you're on the rubble. It will be an agility role to always.
[01:07:25] Speaker C: Do I want to go to the port or do I want to give Gannis and Noogie on my way out now I just jump in. Let's just go. Let's go for it. Let's go for it.
[01:07:45] Speaker A: G stood there going, why is no one stopping these fools?
[01:07:50] Speaker C: He's small fry. He's absolute small fry.
So agility roll.
[01:07:57] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:07:57] Speaker C: Oh no. Yes.
[01:08:01] Speaker A: Yeah. Absolutely fine. You've roll. So I'll take the fear.
So let me add that on. And then I move to you. And then I pick you up and you materialize.
Bam. You emerge once again into the. The crystal scape where you Lick and Eindrift are currently fighting.
That's your action and your move. I will.
I will spend the fear to interrupt.
And I think, as you know, there's three of you here now.
We're going to watch.
We're going to activate Eindriff. And first of all, he's going to claw and bite ulick.
He rolls a 13 which isn't a hit. He goes to clamp down on the mage, but the. The warding shield holds firm. And Ulic fends him off.
Snarling he moves backwards away from the Archmage.
And you've realized that the Archmage is between you and the Dragonspawn.
And I will spend another fear to basically give myself an additional activation.
And Eindrift breathes deep and then unleashes a gaseous breath attack.
And you watch the air sort of like distorting as his breath flies towards you.
And as you find yourself in the path of this breath attack and you kind of naturally go to shield yourself, I reckon we'll call it there.
[01:10:27] Speaker G: He's going to get us.
[01:10:30] Speaker C: Instincts.
[01:10:31] Speaker A: So reaction. Well, so 19.
[01:10:37] Speaker C: Jesus.
[01:10:39] Speaker A: We'll just leave that there for next time.
If you are enjoying this or you are wondering what's going to happen to our poor intrepid adventurers, make sure to follow us on Twitch. Hit the like and subscribe button on YouTube and just have a. Have a little check of our stuff. We're going to be back doing another live stream in a fortnight's time and that will be the finale of this, of the. This tale of dragon wrath.
So, yeah, very, very excited for all of that.
I. Yeah, we'll be fine. You'll be fine. Everyone survived Dragon Breath, right?
[01:11:19] Speaker G: Maybe if I do really good at my rolling.
[01:11:22] Speaker A: Maybe. Maybe.
Yes. So we'll leave it there.
Thank you for watching, those of you watching, and hello to the. The new people in chat. It's good to have you along.
Thank you, you five, for playing.
Oh, you know what?
[01:11:41] Speaker F: Level up again.
[01:11:44] Speaker D: Level up again.
[01:11:45] Speaker A: No, I. I reckon, I reckon, I reckon you deserve the. The outro music. Music.
Cool. We'll get the outro music on.
Yeah. Thank you for watching. Thank you for playing. Make sure to tune back in for the next episode and you have a look at our stuff to see all the other. All the other actual plays and live streams that we've done in the past as well. Campaign three, we have a release date for it, so news of that will be coming up soon.
Very excited for that as well, but.
Oh, he is playing. There we are.
Yes, thank you all. Sorry, getting distracted. ADHD brain. Thank you all. We'll see you next time.