Episode Transcript
[00:00:02] Speaker A: Hello and welcome, everybody, to Explorers of Elsewhere Live. Hi. Hello. Hello. Hi. Hi. Hello. How are we all doing? Are we. Are we audible? Can the world hear us?
[00:00:17] Speaker B: We're.
[00:00:18] Speaker C: We're not on YouTube.
[00:00:19] Speaker A: We're not on YouTube. We're NOT on YouTube. I've got to click the go live button. Hello, world.
There we go. Much better.
A professional outfit, to be sure.
This consummate professional goes by the name of DM Dan. Hello, welcome. Explorers of Elsewhere Live are currently fortnitely Dagger Heart actual play campaign that was never intended to be a campaign, but it just kind of turned into one.
[00:00:50] Speaker B: Pretty much.
[00:00:50] Speaker A: Pretty much. Pretty much.
Hello, gathered players.
Hello, Nate. Hello, Nate.
[00:00:59] Speaker C: Hello.
[00:01:00] Speaker A: Hello, Livy.
[00:01:01] Speaker D: Hello.
[00:01:02] Speaker A: Hello, Georgia.
[00:01:03] Speaker E: Hello.
[00:01:04] Speaker A: Hello, Dan.
Hello, not cow. Bloody hell. Hello, Theo.
How are we all doing on this fine, fine day?
[00:01:15] Speaker D: Good kid. Kid.
[00:01:17] Speaker C: Good. Good.
[00:01:18] Speaker A: Amazing. Amazing. I would wager that we players are doing better than our characters off the back of the last episode of the last live stream because they've had a bit of a rough time, have they not?
[00:01:34] Speaker D: Little bit.
[00:01:36] Speaker C: I think we're overreacting.
[00:01:38] Speaker A: Yeah, they. It's. Yeah, it's been a bit of a. Bit of a nightmare for everyone involved. You've been to a volcanic wasteland. You've kind of spelunked through dusty crypts and time itself.
You've. You've come a cropper of a big mean wizard who's stolen your doodads and left you stranded and you've had a big old barney with each other. Tensions were a bit fraught.
But you've all. You've all. You've all thrash it out. You've all. Everything simmered down and you have been called back to action.
How we. How we feeling about that call back to action?
[00:02:35] Speaker E: Sure, nothing will go wrong.
[00:02:37] Speaker A: Nothing simple. Nothing at all. Yes. So. Well, you. You. At least you've made it out of Meritos in one piece.
So we are. We are ready to crack on with our fourth live stream.
We're near the end.
I would be very interested to see you through to the end if you're watching this live. Hello, welcome. Please say hi in chat to keep us entertained while we keep you entertained, hopefully over on twitch and on YouTube. Hello, hello.
If you're enjoying this, make sure to hit, like, buttons to hit follow buttons, to hit subscribe buttons, because there's loads and loads and loads of stuff like this coming out all the time. We won't want you to miss out. So, with all that said, shall we jump to an intro and then crack on?
[00:03:26] Speaker D: Yeah, let's do it. Do it.
[00:03:30] Speaker A: All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes ever onwards to find the lands and people lost.
All thanks to our brave explorers.
[00:03:45] Speaker F: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanir the Wolf King warrior.
[00:03:48] Speaker D: Hey, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Ray Ree, the Sprite Ranger.
[00:03:52] Speaker B: Hi, my name's Theo and I'm playing Cal A Sang of our Guardian.
[00:03:56] Speaker E: I'm Georgia and I will be playing Elfric Stormhaw, a Dragon Scent Bard.
[00:04:01] Speaker C: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azhakar.
[00:04:04] Speaker A: A Majani Seraph and my name is DM Dan, the gm. In these adventures, the further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere.
And so we rejoin the five of you as you step through a silvery portal, a silvery rend in the fabric of reality that transports you from the volcanic blasted wastes of Merithesis to the carefully constructed and well maintained streets of Avermoor.
Following behind the arch, the silver haired Lorevar Archmagister Meridius.
You feel like you feel the. The temperature of the air immediately change the moment you step through this arch magical barrier from one place to another.
And whilst like for. For some of you who perhaps aren't a bit who. Who acclimatize a bit too much in Merathesos, the. The sudden chill or the con. The comparative chill in the air sends a shiver down your spine.
But as you kind of climb well, as you get your bearings, as you take in your surroundings, you notice that the Archmagister hasn't kind of paused for ceremony and is already kind of walking like walking with purpose. And he turns to you over his shoulder and I need you to tell me everything that happened. He says as he beckons you to follow him.
[00:06:09] Speaker C: Are we out in public?
[00:06:12] Speaker A: Currently, yes. So you are.
You are in the Crown. You. Well you're looking around, you notice that you are in the Crown district.
So in the north east ish corner of Ava Moore, near where the kind of mages reside, near the concourse. Fundamentally like where the start of all of your adventures begin.
Actually, you know what?
We'll reckon that you emerge into what appears to be like a large circular tower. I say large. It's about 20 to 30ft in diameter.
And strangely it looks as if you just have a clear line of sight across the rooftops of the city.
But as a car, as you sort of like step from one foot to another, you see the kind of the illusory shimmer which is concealing the stonework of the sides of this tower and you realize it's just an illusion to make it invisible to give a better, more aesthetic panorama of the city. But yeah, as you glance down you notice that you're in one of the sort of like invert commas, private spires of the Concourse in the Crown District.
So yeah, you can see that there are people kind of buzzing to and fro. There's a relatively steady stream of citizens coming out of the Concourse grounds. As you can see what appears to be the morning sun beginning to rise over the horizon.
So you would imagine that these are like traders from the various established expedition towns coming into Avam to begin their day of trade.
Yes. So as. So Mary kind of stepped away from the portal and then you know, with his hands clasped but the small of his back, he peers over his shoulder at you. Tell me everything that happened.
[00:08:32] Speaker C: We. Well, it appears that our mission was to lead Ganis to this temple. But he, He. He was. He fooled us.
It was not his plans were to deceive us.
There was some sort of arcane mana crystal apparatus that it was obvious that he wanted to obtain.
And he pulled us into what we can only tell as a. As a.
A mirage of the past.
And he.
To. I'm. I'm guessing to power this crystal.
[00:09:33] Speaker A: Meridius.
You see him sort of like pursing his lips. What, what looks. What expressions are the five of you wearing in your faces? As Azakar retails it like recants the tale of what happened in the temple of Naravid.
What expression is etched on your faces?
Starting with Cal.
[00:09:59] Speaker B: I think Cal's wearing his usual face, but there's a lot more intense. I think he's like not nodding with a very stern kind of ready to continue sorting Gallus out kind of face.
[00:10:16] Speaker A: Okay, Vanya.
[00:10:21] Speaker F: And I think Vanier, he doesn't. He's not super affected by this conversation. If anything there might be a slight hang of general guilt for being the one who was with Ganis at the time. But he's also very quick to just press on and he is mulling out. There is a sense that he might be mulling over something, but what that something is I'll later reveal. But yeah, it looks like he's thinking about something, but it doesn't look like he's pained by this conversation too much or especially cons concerned because he's just. He is part of being an explorer who gotta continue.
[00:11:17] Speaker A: What about Alfric?
[00:11:19] Speaker E: I think Alfric is kind of a mixture of shame faced and that kind of expression. A child gets when they've just been told off by someone. Sort of like the beginnings of slight belligerence.
But mostly he looks ashamed of how badly that went.
[00:11:39] Speaker D: Rayri, are we walking and talking?
[00:11:44] Speaker A: No, no. Meridius is, for all excellent purposes, very Star Trek captain on the bridge just stood like he's turned his head back from looking at you over his shoulder as he's. And he just seems to be sort of like taking in the vista of the city of Avermore.
[00:12:04] Speaker D: Yeah, I think Rha's kind of like, she. She wants to like, put in what she thinks are important details. Like, it was hot, it was big. There was things Vinnie gave her as a car, a ride. But every time she just sort of is looking at Azakar's face and he's just so serious that she's. Ah.
So, yeah, just kind of just.
It's not the time for her to do what she wants to. I think she's aware that it's quite serious and Azakar's quite angry about the whole situation. So.
[00:12:50] Speaker A: Okay. And finally, yeah, Azakar, what's. What's on your face again, as you tell what expressions on your face?
[00:12:59] Speaker C: I think he's.
He's gone back into sort of a very composed state. He. It's almost more comfortable that he is now being given orders and being told what to do rather than the very chaotic situation of what we've just been through.
So I think he is now feeling almost like a comfort in the fact that he has been given an order to tell what's happened and he's trying to recall it as best as he can.
[00:13:30] Speaker A: Okay, so in which case, like these. These expressions on your faces as like Meridius turns to face, like turns his body to. To face you. He still adopting this kind of very authoritative, like, personal position of power, a posture of power.
But you watch as his like, silver eyes just kind of glance across each of your faces in turn just for a split moment. And seeing some of the. The colors of guilt or kind of regret or shame or whatnot, he.
He sort of like he closes his eyes and there's a look of frustration on his own face.
I implore you, please, to not take this turn of events to heart. You were not the only ones deceived by the actions of Archmage Gannis. Clearly we have. He says, and you get the impression he means like the royal. We.
We underestimated him.
This. This past. This that you. That you mentioned, you venture to this. This mirage. He says, turning back to you. Azakar What. What was happening in it?
Why. Why all of this?
There must be some rhyme or reason to the smoke of mirrors of dragging five explorers to the. To the ends of elsewhere to this specific place. What. What happened there?
[00:15:15] Speaker C: We.
What was the. It was Naravid. Was it the temple.
Temple to Naravid?
The. The temple to Naravid.
It was.
We were taken back to obviously a period where the divine soldiers came and. And took over the temple. Took over? Took. Took control of the portrayer's actions.
[00:15:51] Speaker A: The mirage was of the war.
[00:15:54] Speaker C: Yes.
From what I could tell from the brief time, maybe even very close to the eschaton.
[00:16:07] Speaker A: And you mentioned that you. You were tasked with empowering some sort of crystal that he then escaped with. He says, and he turns to you, Vanir, you. You say that this. This crystal was charged when he left?
[00:16:32] Speaker F: Yes, I think so.
Don't really understand magic too much, but in this dreamscape, we spoke to a priestess who explained that we weren't really physically there, but in order to return to our original place, we had to charge up the crystal. And that's when we saw the events unfold between the two sides within this church temple place.
[00:17:13] Speaker A: Meridius, like his brow furrows as he kind of pinches his bottom lip in thought. And then you. You hear him sort of like mumbling and muttering to himself. Those more as suit of. You hear him like here snippets of what he's. He's kind of saying.
The. The snippets being. You know, it sounds like he's saying the Layton Arcane Manor transported through.
Through the. Through this memory, through time. And then he. He looks back up to you and.
And this mirage, was it identical to where you were? It seems sensitive to your location.
[00:18:00] Speaker D: And they could see us.
We could interact with the people in there.
[00:18:06] Speaker A: It would seem then that these adherents of Naravid, perhaps they were toying with the transference of mana through Arcane leylines. But on a temporal level, perhaps this is worrying to say the least.
Did you get any indication of if Ganis was. Had any help or was he operating alone?
[00:18:39] Speaker C: What was the.
What was the God that. The dragon spawn. What was the dragon spawn's name again?
[00:18:47] Speaker B: Iron.
[00:18:49] Speaker A: So I think it was Fanyear or Cal correctly identified the. The Dragonspawn in the temple as one of the brood of Wendahai the Beguiler.
[00:19:07] Speaker C: We believe that Ganis had influence from Wenderheide and that either this Dragonspawn that was there is either in control or of Gannis or working alongside him.
[00:19:31] Speaker A: Did I Any of you manage to catch the name of this Dragonspawn? He said as he looks to all of you in turn?
[00:19:43] Speaker D: No, but he was really long.
Had a really long. Oh, thank you. Really long body just like this.
[00:19:52] Speaker F: Anya was in company with the dragonsborne in the memory. But me as a character, me as a player, I can't remember of the dragon.
[00:20:06] Speaker A: I would suggest that the eagle eyed Arch Magistrate, as he looks from face to face his like he looks to you all in turn. And then there's something that makes him return his attention to you. Alfric.
There's something about your. Your face that says. Perhaps you might know the name of this individual, this Dragonspawn that you saw.
[00:20:33] Speaker E: Alfric probably does.
Georgia can't.
[00:20:38] Speaker A: No, that is both.
Yeah, Alfric, you like in. In the face of Meridius's question.
Because you and seemingly this draconic entity had quite a. Quite a little chat.
[00:20:55] Speaker E: We had a tita tet.
[00:20:57] Speaker A: You did.
And you know that the dragon, as per. In. As in the chat there, is called Indrith.
Specifically you. Yeah. So Eindri, the dragon spawn that you. Well, the. The spirit of the dragon spawn that was sealed in that black circlet in Arch Mage Ulic's mansion in your hometown of Sod.
Yeah. Mary's looking at you because there's just something. Something in your. There's a twinkle in your eye.
[00:21:35] Speaker E: Dodgy look in that dragon boy's eye.
[00:21:39] Speaker A: You're shuffling a bit too much.
[00:21:41] Speaker E: He definitely is. He can't keep a secret to save his life.
I think he. Under this stare, he sort of. He kind of melts.
It's Indrith, I think.
[00:22:01] Speaker A: Meridius.
Like there's a. There's a flash of surprise and shock on the Archmage's face.
Sorry, did you say Eindri?
[00:22:12] Speaker E: Yes.
[00:22:15] Speaker A: He.
He. He looks to you for a moment. And what Eindrith was.
I never personally met the. The entity known as Eindrith. But I know that one of our number, whom you. The five of you are partially familiar with, had. Had dealings with him during the war.
There were. I remember Archmage Ulic regaling us with tales of how he managed to defeat Eindrith at the height of his power.
[00:22:52] Speaker F: Oh yeah, we saw him in the dream too.
[00:22:55] Speaker A: You saw Archmage Ulic?
[00:22:57] Speaker F: Yeah, and Eindrith. Because I kind of like half spoke, funnily enough. Now you'll say that when we came out of this dream and then Ganus did, ah, disappear and then we were just lost in the wilderness.
I did hear this. I think it was Eindreth Eindreth's voice in my head, trying to like mess with my mind. But he wouldn't be around at this period, would he?
Nysiganis is Aydreth. Ganis. Are they both the same thing?
[00:23:45] Speaker C: Did anyone else hear voices besides from our own?
[00:23:56] Speaker B: I heard something.
[00:23:58] Speaker D: A little voice to thank goodness.
[00:24:01] Speaker F: I thought I was the only one.
[00:24:04] Speaker A: He's gonna.
[00:24:05] Speaker C: Azakar's gonna turn back to the Archmage and say.
Before we split up in the temple, before we entered the mirage, Ganis used his magic to have a sort of communicative chat between the five of us, between the six of us. It may be very much that Ganis may still be in our heads.
[00:24:39] Speaker A: As you like. As you say this like you've been watching the color draining from Meridius's face as you. As it becomes apparent that you've all been sort of like whispered to by this. This dragon spawn called Eindrith.
And then as you kind of mention, oh yeah, we did like a mind link like. Meridius looks at you wide eyed and then he reaches a hand out and the staff materializes from thin air and kind of lands in his palm and he aims the. The. The crystal like end towards the five of you. And there's a flash of white light that ah, like dazzles and blinds you and like it feels like the. There are little sparks of lightning kind of rippling across your. Your cheekbones and sort of like down. Across your. Down your neck and across your collarbones and into your body.
And like after this, after these moments of discomfort, everything kind of returns to normal. But you notice that your minds sound quieter.
Like someone's closed the door to a windy exterior.
And Meridius takes a breath. And if Gannis was listening, he no longer has the opportunity. But if this. This voice that you were hearing, was it Ganes's?
[00:26:28] Speaker D: No, it didn't sound like Ganis's sounded draconic.
[00:26:32] Speaker F: Like Eindrif's voice from. From my memory of him in the. In the dreamscape.
[00:26:40] Speaker A: Okay, if we are to assume that Ganis and Eindriff are working together. If Ganis were to were able to communicate with you via mind link, which then allowed your. Your minds to be infiltrated by Eindrif, then it would stand to reason that Ganis and Eindrith are perhaps sharing the same consciousness, the same body.
Perhaps the spirit of Eindrith was not defeated by Archmage. Ulic.
How for whatever reason that may be, this. This spirit has lingered.
How it has been freed.
Meridius pauses Perhaps with the death of Archmage Ulic not that many weeks ago, perhaps that has freed, broken the prison, broken the holes that was keeping Eindrith contained.
Gannis and Eindrifth now have an artifact, a charged magical artifact, they seem to be.
They drew you to a location with a prominent memory, one of a confrontation between Ulic and Eindrith.
The question now is where we think they're going next.
Meridius sort of like goes quiet and he lifts his fingers to his forehead, closes his eyes. And those of you versed in like Magecraft know that he's probably sending a. Like a. A psychic message of sorts, like ascending to. To someone else.
And he put like. There's a. There's a silence for a few seconds.
[00:28:40] Speaker F: Are you right? If you got a headache?
[00:28:43] Speaker A: And then he lifts a finger to shush you.
And then he's. His hand slowly lows away from his face. And he looks, you notice, directly at Alfric.
Ganis was seen heading into the Concourse portal towards Seldivan.
Seldivan was the location of the final confrontation between Archmage Ulic and the Dragonspawn.
Whatever their plans are, I suspect it has something to do with that battle.
We need to hurry, he says, and Meridius, like, begins walking back towards you before veering off to the sort of like rounded staircase that leads down from this observation platform.
Alfric, what's going through your head? Knowing that this mage is heading to your hometown.
[00:30:04] Speaker E: Sort of various very panicked swear words I just give.
[00:30:19] Speaker A: So are you following the Archmagister?
[00:30:25] Speaker F: Yes, yes, yes. But quickly, briefly.
Vanier turns to Azakar. Quick moment. Sorry.
Are we good? Azakar?
I know we had a little help there, but I need to know going forward that you got my back. And as I all have yours.
[00:30:58] Speaker C: You. You have my blade.
We are good.
[00:31:04] Speaker F: And he lifts up a hand for the old locking arms.
[00:31:10] Speaker C: As a combination.
[00:31:10] Speaker A: You are my core friends.
[00:31:14] Speaker C: He sort of looks at your hand and goes.
And kind of.
[00:31:18] Speaker F: We are explorers.
[00:31:20] Speaker C: He figures it out.
[00:31:21] Speaker A: He kisses at the back of it.
[00:31:22] Speaker C: Grasp his hands with you.
[00:31:24] Speaker F: We did this down in the caves.
[00:31:28] Speaker C: Did we?
[00:31:30] Speaker F: Yeah.
[00:31:31] Speaker C: Okay. He bows. He bows to you.
[00:31:35] Speaker A: So as.
As the two of you sort of like reconcile and then hurry to catch up. You notice that there is significantly more urgency in Meridius's walk as he kind of winds down this. This Mage tower out onto sort of like the public street in. Or the public square in front of the Concourse building.
And to paint you a picture, the. So the Concourse Building in itself is this Large circular building with a sort of like a domed. Domed roof.
The center of the dome is a very elaborate like glass ceiling. Those you've. Well, those who've kind of looked into it will have found out that this, the, the building that the Concourse now occupies used to belong to one of the a Safari high Houses.
One of the ones who were still. Who still pledged loyalty to Aya during the war and in the establishment of. Of the explorers. And Avore is sort of like the home capital. The building has been commandeered for the construction of all of these portals to the various expedition towns.
Yeah. Merry sort of like walks with you through the large kind of fairway into the Concourse. So you know that the Concourse where say it's this round building, it's got these mage towers stuck on the outside. The building is fundamentally sort of like ring shaped and there's a large kind of common area in the middle underneath the glass ceiling.
And you can see that there I say there are a number of like traders and like citizens just kind of milling about and so like exiting from the Concourse in the morning traffic.
But yeah, sort of like Meridius is fundamentally driving a wedge through the crowds as he leads you in.
We need to get you to Seldom to find out to. To find out what Gannis is doing. We have to. We have. Whatever he's planning cannot be good for. For Seldom. For Ava. More for anyone.
Eindrith was a master manipulator.
Part of his. Part of Ulic's bragging was how he. How his stoic steely mind protected him from the. The dragon's whispers.
But I have a horrible feeling that if he is being drawn to such an important location, if Eindrith is being drawn to an important location within his own history with this artifact that you've charged up from an impossible place in the past.
The. The plan is POS will positively be diabolical.
And as you kind of walk across the circular common area towards the north eastern section of the ring where the portals are kept.
1, 2, 3, 4. For let's pop down your tokens.
Yeah. Meridius fundamentally effectively walks you to the door of the. The Concourse ring where the portals are.
And yeah, with a look of determination on his face.
Go to Seldivan, find Gannis. Do whatever you need to do but stop him. Do not let Aindrith reincarnate.
He says, I need to speak to the other archmagisters. This may run far, far deeper. If Gannis. Gannis may only be. May only have been the first of Many.
I expect good news from you next time I see you, he says, and his face softens momentarily.
Good luck, explorers, he says, and he turns and hurries away.
As you enter in to the concourse ring, you know, you see that there are a couple of sort of like civilians loitering around the. You know that the concourse is still somewhat.
Well, the concourse itself is for all extensive purposes only a couple like five months old at most.
But you can see that the. Immediately in front of you is the large kind of circular DS with the arched portal that's. That's on. Flanked by two concourse portal guards in their kind of telltale, um, uniforms.
You've, they don't look, um, any, you know, particularly special to you given that you've used these portals very, very many times. Um, but yeah, they sort of like, they nod at you as, as you enter.
In front of you, there are two kind of chattering goblin like older goblin women.
And one of them says, h. What's taken so long?
These, it's only been open a few months and these portals are awful. She's, she's kind of whinging and then she turns and goes, I bet you're gonna get in front of us at all. She says. She looks at the five explorers that have just turned up.
[00:37:37] Speaker C: Yes, yes, we are.
[00:37:42] Speaker A: And one of the sort of like one of the portal guards, also a goblin woman, she sort of like steps over seeing this sort of like discontent.
And now, now dears, she says she's kind of like waving these large kind of golden gauntlet. Magical golden gauntlets.
There's just a few issues with the portal. We're just making sure it's safe before we let you through. We wouldn't want you to appear 300ft above ground, now would we? She says. And the. The two goblin women, you know, start scribbling and grumbling.
Yeah, this goblin woman sort of like smiles to you as she. She nods and cal. I think it's probably you that notice that the, the azure kind of shimmer of the portal, which would normally show you the location by looking through it almost like an open doorway. It's currently opaque. It's sparkling like a, A drape covered in sapphires.
And you notice you see this sort of like ripple across the middle of the portal.
And as this. As the two goblin women, they simmer down for a moment. And then that guy over there has stolen all the benches and the portal guard comes over and attempts to calm the. Calm the two elderly goblins down.
When you notice that the Laura Ofar man stood by the portal is noticed and turns to look.
And seemingly from the edges of the arch where the portal meets the stonework, you see what appears to be rivulet of a red liquid seeping in, creeping towards the center, almost like something's bleeding in.
And as the portal guard looks at it and what on earth, what on elsewhere is that? He says, the portal snaps and turns a sprite sanguine red.
And the the mage steps back a few steps wondering what's happened. And you watch as the portal ripples and five individuals burst through its surface into the concourse waiting area.
And the portal guard, like stunned as he is, is unable to do anything as a waved dagger arcs down and plunges into his collar. And he collapses to the ground.
As these five robed, like green robed cultists you would expect them to be, begin pouring out of the the portal. The gathered crowds start like screaming in panic.
You, you can see the portal guards from the next portal over kind of looking over in confusion.
But yeah, as these, as these cultists begin pouring out, let's step into combat.
Okie dokie.
Right. So the cultists have got the element of surprise arguably, but they used it to stab a portal guard.
So I'm then passing over initiative who want, who is the first to react to these, these cultists that just appeared.
[00:41:58] Speaker B: I think I'd argue as you said, I noticed the red verse that I should go first.
[00:42:03] Speaker F: Okay, definitely.
[00:42:06] Speaker B: Yeah. I think Cal immediately gets into a soldier mode and he, I think he like yells to it for attention to make sure that everyone has seen exactly what's happened.
Everyone get out, he like calls and then he shoots forward, swords out ready to take on these traps. So yeah. So yeah you get as close as he can to them and sweep with both his sword and spell render.
[00:42:44] Speaker A: Okay. So yeah, the you see this gathering of crazed looking Loravar and Acevar that have poured out of the the portal and they're sort of like looking around getting a bearing of their or getting a sense of their bearings.
Yeah, cool.
[00:43:05] Speaker B: So yes, I get as close as I can.
Yeah. And I'm gonna make a attack roll.
Which was the one that stabbed the portal guard? Have you decided which one it was?
[00:43:23] Speaker A: Let's say it was this, this, this, this crazed looking lass here.
[00:43:29] Speaker B: Sure. She's well, she's getting it first co.
So yeah I roll for that. So that's my mouse going to be if you roll agility, roll agility to.
[00:43:46] Speaker A: Make your attack roll.
So plus one cuz you're using your broad sword. So 14 to hit. Is that.
[00:43:58] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:43:59] Speaker A: Okay, that hits great.
[00:44:04] Speaker B: Okay, so then I get to roll my damage and I'm going to use spell render as well. So that's going to be 19 points of damage.
[00:44:16] Speaker A: Okay, 19. Okay. So as you like, you're immediately off the mark.
Like your alert sensors kind of. Well, you're. You're noticing of the portal bleeding red, giving you the advantage. And as you sprint towards the broadsword and spell render in a flurry of blows, not only do you.
Well, tell me what happens to the one that you. You're targeting.
[00:44:49] Speaker B: I mean, how. How damaged are they? Because if it's. If they're dead, then he was literally going.
[00:44:55] Speaker A: He's.
[00:44:56] Speaker B: He's basically repeating the same move back.
[00:44:58] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:44:59] Speaker B: Like it's almost like a, an. An identical mirroring image to what they did to the portal guard, as if also like calling out their behavior.
[00:45:09] Speaker A: Okay, that makes sense. In which case, then as you return the favor by plunging spell spell render into her, sort of like into her sternum, the two cultists behind her spring forward to sort of attack you whilst you're off balance. But you're quick enough that you then are able to dislodge the magic dagger. And with a flurry of the broadsword and the dagger again, you cut all three of them down.
[00:45:40] Speaker B: Oh, nice.
[00:45:44] Speaker A: They are did.
And they. Yeah, they collapse to the ground, lifeblood spurting from their wounds.
Who's going next?
[00:45:58] Speaker C: I'm just going to roll my prayer dice real quick.
[00:46:00] Speaker A: Oh yeah.
Two, four, and.
[00:46:09] Speaker C: Oh, nice, nice, nice, nice.
[00:46:11] Speaker B: Miss. Mr. DM.
[00:46:13] Speaker A: Yes?
[00:46:13] Speaker B: Question.
[00:46:14] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:46:15] Speaker B: Are any of them kind of not dead, but very badly injured?
[00:46:20] Speaker A: So that, I mean, I'll let you decide if they're. If they're dead or.
[00:46:24] Speaker B: Yeah, I think this is if one of them's like alive enough that if we need to, we can interrogate him after that.
[00:46:31] Speaker F: I was thinking about doing that to one of the remaining ones, depending on who was going next.
[00:46:36] Speaker B: Yeah. Like, as long as one of the good enough to have a conversation with us, that would be great.
[00:46:41] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:46:42] Speaker B: Quite useful going forward.
[00:46:45] Speaker A: Oh yeah. Who's. So who's going? Who. Who wants to go after Cal?
[00:46:52] Speaker D: I'm happy to go. I will say Rayri, popping on the back of Vinny, as I'm in close range of Azakar, I'm going to use him as a boost.
So we goat hop off of Azakar and as we do, we can get to melee range and have advantage.
[00:47:33] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:47:35] Speaker D: On the attack.
So ping.
And then I ping okay, so over.
[00:47:45] Speaker A: This ignorant sprite riding an overly large Chihuahua soars through the air.
[00:47:51] Speaker D: Yeah, I just like slam just into the back of Azakar just.
And then just as he sort of kills over we just kind of, well just kind of bends over from the shock. We just use that as a massive platform to over the top of everyone.
And Vinnie's gonna bite whoever he fancies.
[00:48:14] Speaker A: Okay so yeah, there are two cultists that are a bit were outside of arm's reach of Cal to avoid the murderous flurry. Yeah, they don't, they don't expect this to land in their midst.
[00:48:27] Speaker D: Let's. So I will roll dice. I have advantage with that move.
Say that is a 19 with fear.
[00:48:42] Speaker A: 19 with fear. Cal also throw a few you didn't already chuck on your hope that you gained.
[00:48:49] Speaker B: Oh yeah. Nice.
[00:48:51] Speaker A: 19 with it. 19 hits.
[00:48:54] Speaker D: Fabulous roll for jump roll.
Hey, There we go. Twitter's 25.
[00:49:09] Speaker A: Oh boy. Okay, so as Vinnie hurtles through the air, one of the cultists like steps to I don't know, catch you and she's just crumpled like wet paper as Vinny lands on her and sort of like she like her head cracks against the stonework of the portal. The momentum is enough that you're able to fundamentally like springboard off Vinnie's back into the final. The fifth cultist and between 25 times. Yeah. You shred the two of them as well.
[00:49:54] Speaker D: Yeah, I think Vinnie just gets one of them by the back then just ragdolls just.
[00:50:01] Speaker A: I'll leave the blood splatters there. But one of them, one of the blood splatters may still be alive.
So yeah, Rayri, you. You and Vinnie have landed.
The five kind of cultists are kind of dispatched with.
And you notice that Cal is looking at the portal with a furrow on his brow because as saying normally you can see through a portal to what's on the other side. But now it just looks like this surface of rippling blood.
And as you rolled fear. I'm going to step in and.
Huh. Dead.
[00:50:47] Speaker C: All dead.
[00:50:49] Speaker A: Well, I'm then going to peculiarly spender fear and I would like to roll only a four.
Cal, you noticed that the blood, well the two of you I should say both noticed that the blood the surface of the portal ripples violently and then emerging in a like a large globulus kind of splashes comes barreling through this four legged draconic centaur like creature.
And as it does come barreling through Callum Ravi, you dive out the way as it swings this two handed battle axe In a wide arc cow. You kind of jump back Ravy. You. You're able to duck under it with Vinnie as this dragon spawn like barrels between the two of you and then like comes to a halt.
It then it missed both of you. So then it sort of like looks around like it's gone past you. It now looks at the panicking civilians in front of it and it effectively kind of rises up to a. An upright position.
I'm then going to spend another fear as the portal ripples a second time and one of the cultists that was still alive.
The chest is crushed under the weight of this draconic, this draca tour's foot as it a second emerges wielding an equally savage looking battle axe.
And it's just gonna take a big swing at Azakar? No, as a car at Cal.
[00:53:10] Speaker C: I was gonna say that's a big swing.
[00:53:14] Speaker A: There's a 14 hit.
[00:53:16] Speaker B: It does indeed.
[00:53:18] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:53:20] Speaker B: That'S gonna hurt, isn't it? I feel it in my bones.
[00:53:25] Speaker D: It's a big boy swing.
[00:53:30] Speaker A: 2D6.
Okay. As this second one steps through, it sees you Cal and like with a raw. It sort of like it pushes off the poor cultist that is just crushed underfoot and effectively bodies into you for 24 physical damage.
And you have to spend two armor slots to reduce one level of damage.
[00:54:09] Speaker B: Okay, cool. I can do that.
[00:54:12] Speaker A: As it bodies you with its bulk.
[00:54:17] Speaker B: Okay, so two armor slots because it's. It's in my major damage. Luckily I have 26 severe damage now, which is a relief. So yeah, so I was able to get it down from major damage to minor. Okay, so they taken one HP damage.
[00:54:36] Speaker A: Okay, so as these two draws emerge, who wants to go next?
[00:54:47] Speaker C: Aaron going to. Upon seeing these creatures appear through the portal, he is going to rush up as far as he can and he is going to do B beacon at the one that's closest to him.
[00:55:07] Speaker A: Okay, so the one that's just charged Cal and Riri but sort of like both of them docked out the way off.
[00:55:15] Speaker F: Yeah.
[00:55:16] Speaker A: Okay.
Bolt me some beacons.
[00:55:22] Speaker C: Good one.
[00:55:24] Speaker A: It is with hope, however.
[00:55:26] Speaker C: Oh lovely.
[00:55:27] Speaker A: A five with hope.
[00:55:30] Speaker C: I'm guessing it that's not gonna do anything.
[00:55:32] Speaker A: Let me check Nana.
So in which case, yeah, as you rush forward and this bolt beacon arcs out, the draca tool sort of like turns its helmeted head to look at you and like it's lips like this. The lips of the snout. The snout. So I pull back in this snarl and it brings the battle ax up flat side forward and just kind of catches the bolt beacon. And you watch as the divine magic effectively absorbs it into this red gem at the center of the battle axe that then moves to look at you like an eye.
[00:56:16] Speaker D: Don't like that, brother.
[00:56:20] Speaker A: Okay, so Aar. Yeah. As distractor parries your. Your bolt. Who's going next? Oh no. I could go next. Me go next. Cuz you do a miss.
[00:56:29] Speaker D: You don't have to.
[00:56:30] Speaker C: You don't have to. Dan.
[00:56:31] Speaker A: The crystal eye looks to you and then the dracator rears up and he's going to bother you as well.
[00:56:42] Speaker C: Why?
[00:56:44] Speaker A: He just wants a hug for 13 to hit.
[00:56:49] Speaker C: Yeah, that will hit.
[00:56:50] Speaker A: That will hit for a grand total of 22 demage. And you must spend two armor slots to reduce the damage.
[00:57:04] Speaker C: Big old bums. Okay, I'll spend two and I will get that down to a.
A minor damage.
[00:57:12] Speaker A: Okay, so yes. The. The like the. The dracator, having just caught your bolt beacon then sort of like rears up on its rear legs. Its hands go to the end of the battle axe and there's this large swing that you're able to jump out the way. But it does kind of nick you as you dodge out the way.
That was his turn.
Alfred. Van, you're up next.
[00:57:46] Speaker F: That's something you want to do first. Alfric.
[00:57:51] Speaker E: I could go next. I think I know.
[00:57:54] Speaker F: Okay, Alfred.
[00:57:56] Speaker E: I think seeing this distrautor here about to try and attack this group of commoners or you know, very close to Alfric in a panic or cast mystic tether.
[00:58:10] Speaker A: The panic will cast fireball on the commoners to get them first.
[00:58:19] Speaker E: He'll cast a mystic tether on this. On the drucker.
[00:58:23] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:58:27] Speaker E: So I make a spell cast roll against a target within far range. On a success, they are temporarily restrained. 10 mark a stress.
[00:58:35] Speaker A: Okay, so please roll me a presence check.
[00:58:40] Speaker B: Presence check.
[00:58:41] Speaker A: Str.
[00:58:49] Speaker E: It's a nine. But I rolled with hope.
[00:58:52] Speaker A: At least. You rolled with hope.
Okay. In which case, what does. This is the first time you use it. What does your mystic tethers look like?
[00:59:03] Speaker E: I assume gets out is a violin strings. A couple of like very tight notes. And it's like the extensions of the violin strings shoot out like a blue light towards the creature.
[00:59:18] Speaker A: Amazing. In which case as these strings kind of arc out and like the. The draca tours in profile as it's kind of wailing on Azakar.
And this. The strings begin to wrap around the like the. The torso between the two leg. The four legs. Sorry.
But then the dracator turns to look at you and Then you watch as he like with this large scaly hand that looks significantly more brutish than your own hands, he almost kind of grabs these. These magical strings and that pulls on them and they snap with a.
That terrible noise of when your violin string breaks. It just rips them from around his midriff and they kind of disperse into.
Into mists of mana.
Anything else? Az, would you like to move?
[01:00:15] Speaker C: You mean Alric?
[01:00:16] Speaker A: Alfric. Sorry, Would you like to move Alfric?
[01:00:21] Speaker E: I think seeing this another small spell not work, Alfric in kind of a desperation will. I think he'll kind of hesitate.
[01:00:35] Speaker A: And.
[01:00:35] Speaker E: Then run sort of into the crowd of commoners and sort of try and in just sort of an attempt to like usher them towards the door. Like away, go away.
[01:00:49] Speaker D: I thought you're just hiding yourself in amongst the confidence.
[01:00:52] Speaker E: Yeah, a load of meat shields.
[01:00:55] Speaker A: Just say come on.
Right, I will interject after Alfric the dracator up near between Callum Rayri.
That's gonna have another turn. And this time so he's sort of like swan bodied into Cal and having just kind of knocked you back a little bit. Dracator turns because he can hear presumably Vinnie going doing the Chihuahua snow.
[01:01:29] Speaker D: He still got like cultist body in his mouth.
[01:01:34] Speaker A: And there is a.
There is a loud high pitch scraping as this battle axe carves a groove along the stonework floor as he brings it up in an upper, like an uppercuts type swing in your direction.
That's a 13 to hit.
[01:01:57] Speaker D: Wait, wait, it meets. Because I. This I saw but earlier I have to remember when I've got Vinnie with me. Yeah, it ups my invasion. So it's a 13. I. Mine is a 13, yours is a 13. So it meets. It beats.
[01:02:17] Speaker A: It beats. It beats it. Okay, so Vinnie tries to. Tries his best to get the two of you out the way. But you will take 24 damage for your troubles. And once again you would have to spend two armor slots to reduce it by one level.
[01:02:37] Speaker D: Okay, I will do two armor slots, which is it to major damage. I still mark two hit points. Okay. Yep. Yeah, yeah, yep.
[01:02:51] Speaker A: So yeah, this one's just sort of like belly barged into Cal, knocked Cal back a few steps and then spun round and brought the axe up to you.
He then turns the. The dracator turns to the second. Who amongst us do we reckon speaks Draconic?
That being like the holy language like Elfric wouldn't.
[01:03:18] Speaker D: I'm thinking, I think Azikar probably does.
[01:03:22] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Well at the very least he gets by. Yes, well, conversation you're certainly able to acknowledge what's being said as the. The dracator by the portal that's just attacked Rayri Bellows Indraconic call the Horde.
And the. The second that's fighting you as a car like nods as he. As it acknowledges the instruction to cull of the Horde.
That's my turn. Who's going next? Vanya, I assume.
[01:04:02] Speaker F: So what Vanya will do is go up, up into this space. Is that all right. Space there? Yeah. So essentially through people.
Yeah. Vanya kind of like uses them as almost like a very bad meat sort of like like cover to like be able to sneak up on this creature as. As Vanier is like sort of skirting these people.
Planning to go for like a powerful uppercut on this big draca tour.
I'm just gonna activate a couple of things and activate my deadly focus.
And just for fun, I'm gonna activate my signature move.
[01:04:59] Speaker D: You gotta name it.
[01:05:01] Speaker F: You gotta name it.
[01:05:03] Speaker D: That's the rules. You gotta name it, you gotta say it.
[01:05:07] Speaker A: It's. It's ten ton. Ms. Office.
No. Ten finger. The ten finger missile fist.
[01:05:15] Speaker D: Yeah.
It literally says the description of this new move is that you have to name it and describe it and include its description whilst you do it. So it's literally like an anime style. Like.
[01:05:29] Speaker A: Oh, yep, Yep.
[01:05:32] Speaker D: Dynamite Finger.
[01:05:37] Speaker A: 5 shenanigans. This is what I get from letting you level up.
[01:05:45] Speaker F: Yeah. So essentially what's have been happening as everyone's sort of already been like, like pressing forward. Vanius took that moment to build up the.
The wind and ice primal magic in his gauntlet as he sort of then takes this chance now to press the advantage, skirting around the people and coming in with a powerful uppercut.
And in this moment, there's just this almost like a mini tornado of wind and ice that's cutting and spinning as he goes for this uppercut.
And let me just see if I hit first before.
[01:06:30] Speaker A: So your hope die is now a D20 rather than D12.
[01:06:35] Speaker F: Yeah.
[01:06:35] Speaker D: Have you got the new macro?
[01:06:37] Speaker F: Yeah, I got the new macro. Yeah.
That's for the signature move. Macro. Is that for my to hit? Yeah, yeah, that's. Yeah. So let me just do that.
[01:06:52] Speaker A: And you get advantage as well, I believe.
[01:06:56] Speaker F: Do I?
[01:06:57] Speaker A: I thought. I don't know.
[01:06:59] Speaker F: No, no, I don't get advantage. I just. I just. What I've done is I've beefed up my proficiency bonus to a 4D weapon damage with my deadly focus and also my signature move. So there's a 17 hit.
[01:07:20] Speaker A: 17 does hit.
[01:07:24] Speaker F: And that was rolled with fear by looks of it.
[01:07:28] Speaker A: Y. I've actually still got it called the ten knuckle fist missile in the chat.
[01:07:32] Speaker C: That's.
[01:07:37] Speaker F: Oh my God. Yeah, so screen y, bro. So yeah, so yeah, F comes arcing up, bringing this whirling blizzard fist and shouts out in this moment of really cool cinematic stuff.
What was the name? Hold on. Yep, he's just like.
[01:08:20] Speaker D: I'm keeping assistance.
[01:08:22] Speaker F: He's like fang of the fang of the Wolf Queen.
And yeah, this arc of cold blizzardy wind just cuts into this creature, which now I get to roll.
Where is it?
[01:08:41] Speaker A: So roll normal damage and then cuz you've hit, you're going to clear a stress.
[01:08:46] Speaker F: Yes. And I also roll an extra D10 on top of this.
Let me just roll another D10. Hold on.
So that is a 3.32points of magical damage to this creature.
[01:09:10] Speaker A: Well, well, well, well. 32A. That is severe damage.
So as this.
As this sort of like supercharged punch, where on this. Where on the dracator are you striking?
[01:09:28] Speaker F: I'm going towards it.
Like jaw, where obviously I know it's gonna impact.
You know, trying to dodge most of this armor and trying to go for the squishy area of its like neck and jaw as I try almost.
[01:09:50] Speaker A: What's your.
Where does your extra D10 come from?
[01:09:54] Speaker F: Deadly focus, I get.
[01:09:56] Speaker A: Oh, you. Deadly focusing.
[01:09:58] Speaker F: Yeah. Okay, so I've got on this one creature for the moment.
4d10 plus 3.
[01:10:07] Speaker A: Okay, so it does severe damage. It takes three damage. The dracitor is rocked and then sort of like turns to regard you as you.
Yeah, as you. Sorry, what. What part of it are you punching?
[01:10:23] Speaker F: The sort of neck and jaw.
[01:10:25] Speaker A: Okay, so yeah, the. The horn on that side of the dracator's head, which you realize is its actual horn that's just kind of protruding from a gap on the helmet. And the horn snaps and the dracator roars in pain as it's rocked a couple of steps.
[01:10:43] Speaker F: And cuts on it's like bottom jaw, neck.
[01:10:48] Speaker A: Okay. In which case. Yeah, as it staggers away with the like the frost clinging to its bottom. Draw cow, you have to kind of dodge out the way a little bit as it comes barreling towards you. And then it just sort of like turns to regard you with this snarl. As you can see sort of like blood trickling from where the horn meets the skin under the helmet. It's like this black ichor. Anything else, Vanya?
[01:11:14] Speaker F: No, that is it.
[01:11:15] Speaker A: Okay, Alfred, as you are amongst the crowd, you're attempting to sort of like shepherd them away, right?
[01:11:24] Speaker D: Yes.
[01:11:25] Speaker A: Okay, please make me a reactive.
Well, you tell me what ability you're using to try and convince these civilians to get to safety.
[01:11:34] Speaker E: I suppose it's a presence.
[01:11:36] Speaker A: Yeah, presence role. Okay. Okay.
[01:11:40] Speaker E: Just a normal.
[01:11:41] Speaker A: Yes, please. Yeah, make me a standard. Standard thingy. Roll 22. So it's reactive so you won't worry. That is absolutely fine. You're able to convince these civilians to quickly depart and sort of like, in effect, calmed by your presence and your words, the civilians around you rush out of the door that you entered in along with like the portal guard. Leads out, though, like, leads those two goblin women out as well.
And because you were able to save the civilians, everyone can mark a hope.
So, yeah, make sure you mark that in foundry. So you remember start of the next round.
Yeah. Go, go, go.
[01:12:39] Speaker B: Play turn to fight the centaur. The dragon centaur. Okay, I am going to. So I'm gonna see what's happened around me. And before I attempt anything with me, I'm wondering if me and Mary want to tag team on Dracator. I'm not sure what.
And I'm suggesting maybe something like you. Like, maybe like you and Vinnie distract him and then I can. I can get him in the back or like I can get on top.
[01:13:10] Speaker A: And if Raven just stays around the legs with a rope.
[01:13:13] Speaker D: Yeah. And then I was thinking we could just run really fast and it's like.
[01:13:20] Speaker B: Yeah, something like that. So, yeah, I feel like a tag team would be good. I now have three hopes hope. So I can spend that. But I think you also have free hope.
[01:13:27] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:13:28] Speaker B: So I don't know.
[01:13:28] Speaker D: I have three hope.
[01:13:29] Speaker A: So it's. Well, it's Cal's turn. So, Ray, if you want to spend your three hope now, you can join the tag team.
[01:13:35] Speaker D: Yeah, let's go for it.
[01:13:36] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:13:36] Speaker D: Let's get rid of the bad boys.
[01:13:40] Speaker A: So cow, make your make your choices to what you want to roll to make your attack.
[01:13:48] Speaker B: It will be my agility roll. I think I'm double checking if I have anything else Cool. No, that's fine. I'm just going to keep. Keep this in mind in case. If I make an agility roll, which I'm about to, you can mark a stress to roll your hope die and then you take result. So let's see how badly the hope, right?
[01:14:15] Speaker A: Yep.
[01:14:16] Speaker B: Okay, so let's go with the address. He Cool.
[01:14:24] Speaker A: So you've rolled a five on your hope die.
[01:14:28] Speaker B: Do I risk it for a grand.
[01:14:30] Speaker A: Total of 16 of your broadsword yeah. Well, as an aside actually Rayri, if.
[01:14:35] Speaker D: You'Re tag teaming, we might as well.
[01:14:37] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah.
[01:14:42] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:14:44] Speaker D: No better. Might as well take yours.
[01:14:47] Speaker B: No. A 17 mix. We don't know if a 16 does.
[01:14:53] Speaker F: Would you.
[01:14:54] Speaker B: I would.
[01:14:54] Speaker C: Would you like a paradise to boost that up?
There you go. Have a. Have a tour. Have a tour paradise.
[01:15:02] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:15:02] Speaker B: Love you. Thank you.
[01:15:05] Speaker A: So that will take your 16 to an 18 with fear.
But the two of you hit amazing. So let me take that fear. That lovely, lovely fear.
[01:15:20] Speaker B: Cool. Cool. And then I would like to deal damage by marking a stress to take the maximum value of my damage dice instead of rolling it, please.
[01:15:31] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:15:32] Speaker B: Because that's helpful.
[01:15:33] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah.
[01:15:35] Speaker B: So that will be. I'm gonna use spell render and the broadsword, which is. Oh no, actually no, let's just do the Broadsword because that's plus three. So that's 3D8 plus.
[01:15:45] Speaker A: Well, I mean you might as well attack with spell render because it just gives you extra damage if you dual wield.
[01:15:53] Speaker B: Well, the spell render says it's 3D8.
[01:15:55] Speaker A: Plus 2 if you attack with just spell render.
[01:15:59] Speaker D: Spell rendering.
[01:16:03] Speaker B: Ignore me. All right, so. So we're not rolling. We're just getting the.
[01:16:09] Speaker A: And maybe if you rolled your damage.
[01:16:12] Speaker D: Yep.
[01:16:13] Speaker A: We'll add that to whatever fear rolls.
Whatever made up number Fear presents me.
[01:16:22] Speaker B: So yeah, so it's three times eight. So that's 24 plus three.
[01:16:34] Speaker A: It's just.
[01:16:34] Speaker B: It's 27.
[01:16:36] Speaker A: 27 plus 20 plus my 2047 damage in a surprise to absolutely no one. That is lethal. That is severe damage. Beg pardon.
Boom. Three points of damage. The dracator as.
Yeah, call as you go above and Rayri, you go beneath. This drakator is just sandwiched between your flurry of cuts. Between the. The three of you, I guess standing on it.
[01:17:05] Speaker B: I'm standing on the Dracuta.
[01:17:07] Speaker A: Is this a Legend of Zelda back of a lid or like just step.
[01:17:14] Speaker D: Just rodeoing. That boy.
[01:17:17] Speaker A: Amazing. Okay, so between. Yeah, between the two of you. 47 damage. Wah wah. We were very good. Cal, do you want to move or are you happy staying in melee be.
[01:17:27] Speaker B: On the back of this dragon.
[01:17:30] Speaker A: Tell you what, let's. Let's plonk you on the actual back of it. Who's going after Cal? It sounded like Azakar was there, wasn't it? Oh, it was. Oh, in which case.
In which case, cow, as you are clambering over it, an arm comes out and that arm may or may not be holding an ax.
20 to hit.
[01:18:01] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:18:02] Speaker A: Okay, so like an elbow comes back and catches you in the side. And as you're sort of like rocked from the back of the. Like rocked from the back of the thing, the battle ax comes around and like catches you in midair for a grand total of 2, 6, 21 damage. And you have to spend double armor to. To negate.
[01:18:36] Speaker B: That's okay. So yeah, so again, it's not in my severe damage. It's in my major, so I can reduce it again. So that's.
[01:18:45] Speaker A: Oh.
[01:18:49] Speaker B: Still got three hit points left. It's fine. Everything's fine. Oh, actually, actually before, because you. You did relay on me. I'm gonna be very good and remember all my effects this time.
So when you're hit by an enemy in melee, range number D6 equal to the amount of hit points you marked. So in this case it's one.
So yeah, so if I run 1D6, I can deal a point back to the enemy.
[01:19:15] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:19:16] Speaker B: Okay. So I just roll the D6 and see what happens.
No, I don't think that works.
[01:19:26] Speaker A: In which case you try to swing at the. The dracator is. You're sort of like hurtling through the air, but the blade of the axe catches you and swings you away and unceremoniously kind of deposits you back at the bottom. Back on the ground.
Okay. Yes. It sounds like Azakar was chomping at the bit.
[01:19:47] Speaker C: Nice. Nice, nice, nice. I'm gonna spend three hope.
[01:19:53] Speaker A: Why do I have this intense fear every time someone says I'm going to spend three Hope?
[01:19:57] Speaker B: It's because they're the coolest.
[01:20:00] Speaker D: I've got to spend all my money.
[01:20:02] Speaker C: I'm going to spend all my money to kill the man.
I'm going to spend three Hope to play my new card. Mouse, go over here. Smite.
Oh no.
[01:20:16] Speaker A: Oh no.
[01:20:17] Speaker C: So on my next successful attack with a weapon. Weapon. So it doesn't really matter if I don't get you this time because I might get you next time.
[01:20:24] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:20:25] Speaker C: Double the value of your damage roll. And this attack deals magic damage regardless of the weapon's damage.
[01:20:31] Speaker A: Sure. Okay, so the sword is glowing brightly.
[01:20:36] Speaker C: Yes.
[01:20:37] Speaker A: I'm imagining because it does that normally. There's also Divine runes circling it. Like orbiting the blade.
[01:20:44] Speaker D: Yeah, I like extra magic.
[01:20:47] Speaker F: Crit.
[01:20:49] Speaker C: Oh God, it be so funny.
[01:20:54] Speaker A: We saw it.
[01:20:55] Speaker D: We saw it.
[01:20:56] Speaker A: Close to crit 17 with hope is a hit. So mark your hope and roll your damage and double it.
[01:21:05] Speaker D: Oh, come on. Big money. Big money. Big money.
[01:21:10] Speaker C: So 42.
Also. Also.
I mean I'm hoping that it's like he's already dead. But I am also going to use my other new card which is Body Basher, which means I can add an extra three points because that's my strength trait to the total damage.
[01:21:30] Speaker A: That's added in already.
[01:21:32] Speaker C: Oh, it's added in.
[01:21:33] Speaker A: Yeah. Because you're normally 3d10 plus one. So I've added plus four plus three for you. So here's 21.
Okay. So 42. Damage is severe.
Tell me what this looks like as a car.
[01:21:49] Speaker C: Yeah. As. As he's felt the.
[01:21:53] Speaker B: The.
[01:21:54] Speaker C: The Battle Axe go sort of like across his chest.
Feeling a little bit more that this is a much more bigger opponent than what they anticipated actually seeing here.
Yeah, He. He started charging up his. His scimitar. You see the runes sort of start to glow brighter and start actually sort of sort of circling around his blade as he.
As he goes for a flourish to then sort of jab it just right into the chest.
[01:22:24] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:22:25] Speaker C: This creature.
[01:22:26] Speaker A: And you drive the same scimitar deep into the chest cavity of the Dra Tool, which roars as it's like it's just been rocked by this enormous blow from Van Year. And it's just been skewered through the chest by you.
And like you watch as its shoulders slump and then it lifts its head to look at you and utter this deep menacing growl as you realize it is still alive.
[01:22:55] Speaker C: What?
[01:22:57] Speaker A: What? What?
And you. What, bro? It looks like. And it goes to grab at your wrist that's currently holding the scimitar embedded in its chest.
That's a car's turn. Who's going next?
Alfric Vanu Ray.
[01:23:22] Speaker F: I mean.
[01:23:23] Speaker D: I mean I'm. I'm happy to do one last chomp on this. Record this almost.
Or should I go? Shall I try and finish off?
Track turn number the dragon. The saboteur.
Yeah. Okay.
[01:23:42] Speaker A: She's.
[01:23:42] Speaker D: She's running around. She's a bit dizzy because cow was just like run, run, run. And then she just like we're just like running around in circles and she's a bit like.
So as she kind of stops and then just slam straight into Drapatur number.
[01:24:02] Speaker A: The one grappling with the one that's.
[01:24:04] Speaker D: Currently holding the one that's holding onto as a car. She kind of sees it off as in like the glimmer and just goes. All right.
[01:24:11] Speaker A: Because you've just watched as the Battle Axe arms come up in a like a head executioner's position.
[01:24:20] Speaker D: And we're just going to just go straight in For a jump and chomp.
[01:24:24] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:24:25] Speaker D: And we're going to. We're close enough so we can just get straight up to him.
I'm going to roll my des.
Oh, it's a crip. I did the wrong one.
[01:24:44] Speaker A: Okay. It's maxed it. Well, roll your dice and then add your max damage.
So your max damage is 33,54 points of damage.
[01:25:01] Speaker D: Yeah.
[01:25:02] Speaker A: Cool. That is double its severe value.
So you say you just run in and do a little chomps.
[01:25:12] Speaker D: Running and just do a little chomp. I just wanted to take off, like, 10 hit points, but.
[01:25:18] Speaker A: Vinnie launches and grabs onto the throat of this dracator, which then roars in pain as this thing, like, weighs down on his neck. The arms flailing because it's. He can't bring his arm down because there's a giant chihuahua in the way. And then Ray's crawling over it like a little butt spider.
[01:25:38] Speaker D: Just. Just. Just got an arrow. Just, just.
[01:25:45] Speaker A: And as a car. And Vanier, you have to duck out the way as this thing, like, rears up onto its rear legs to try and sort of, like, shake Vinnie from the. The death grip around its throat.
Like alfric. It's let go of your hand and your. Your scimitar is kind of pulled free.
And then there's like a final crunch from the. From the sort like the diet Chihuahua's jaws. And then the draca tool slowly collapses to the ground, flattening this sort of like, rope barrier and box, just crushing it under its massive bulk.
Anything else, Raimi?
[01:26:30] Speaker D: Yeah, I think she's just kind of them all fall down. They just both kind of just, like, look up. Just kind of crazed look. Her and Vinnie both splattered with blood. And just, like, looking at Attachar, like, did we do such a good job?
[01:26:45] Speaker A: That's the cost.
Theo, was there something you want?
[01:26:52] Speaker B: Was that the dracul that said C The horde, or is it the one that I.
[01:26:56] Speaker A: The. That's the. The C. The hoarder is your one. The one that's still alive. Cool.
[01:27:02] Speaker B: Another thing.
Now, that was amazing. Just, like, shouts that over from where he is.
Yeah, because that means, you know, get three hope. And so do I. Because I complimented you on something.
[01:27:18] Speaker A: Ray. Remember that? You also get one hope for rolling. Who's going after Riri? There's one draw left.
[01:27:25] Speaker D: Who's going to top that?
[01:27:30] Speaker A: I mean, that sounds like a challenge. Vanier, come on.
[01:27:33] Speaker F: Van Vanir sees this display. It's, like, nice and feeling inspired. Inspired and almost like a surreal and like a surge of like blood boiling blood pumping from the like the challenge. He almost on all force just leaps towards the other one like flying through the air like gonna do the same.
[01:27:54] Speaker D: Thing as Vinnie just onto his neck.
[01:27:58] Speaker F: So yeah I gotta. I don't. Because I've lost now that creature's dead. I've lost my focus on deadly famous. I can, I can't do that anymore. So yes, done that. So yeah, I am, I'm. Do you know what?
Because of this, of that moment I almost, I almost thought this is prime time to use my thrill of the hunt experience from that challenge. Sorry, I'm gonna spend my one just cuz I'm pumped and I'm gonna add plus three to this roll.
[01:28:42] Speaker D: Come on.
[01:28:52] Speaker F: It's done with fear but it's plus three on top of that. Wait, hold on. No, plus four plus three. So that's plus seven on top. So 1, 2. So that's 25 to hit.
[01:29:04] Speaker A: That's a hit.
[01:29:06] Speaker F: In which case I am going to roll damage.
25 points of damage as I leap onto this creature and socket one.
[01:29:22] Speaker A: So 25 points.
Yeah. As you leap towards and sort of like. Yes. Sucker punch this dracator in the side of the helmet as it's tussling with cal.
That is major damage.
So it loses two hit points again. It rocks from the blow and then sort of like turned where it turns to you as you leap towards it and as you rolled with fear it's going to immediately like it rocks and then sort of like leans forward and with an arc brings the the battle ax down in a heavy swing for.
So that's its turn.
Swings at you four. 19 to hit.
[01:30:13] Speaker F: Yep.
[01:30:15] Speaker A: For 18 damage.
[01:30:27] Speaker F: Oh that's. That's not as much as I was expecting.
I'm not even going to use that feature. I was going to use. Never mind. So yeah, no, I take the hit and obviously I was. Is this one that I have to spend the armor slots or not?
[01:30:47] Speaker A: No. So if you. Well if you want to spend armor you have to do you have to spend double.
[01:30:53] Speaker F: To reduce it by one.
[01:30:55] Speaker D: Yeah.
[01:31:00] Speaker C: These are big boys.
[01:31:01] Speaker D: These are big heavy hitter boys.
[01:31:03] Speaker F: I mean I've got eight armor slots so yeah, why not? Okay, I'm going to spend 2. Two armor slots to bring it down to a minor and because of my thick skin trait of my ancestry, I'm going to roll D6 and on a five plus and I don't take damage. Okay, where's my D6? There we go. Roll baby. Oh one. Yep. I take the damage.
[01:31:29] Speaker A: You Take the damage. Okay. So yeah, it swings the battle axe down the. The blade like embeds into stonework, but you're able to dodge out the way of the vast majority of it.
Okay. As it wrenches the axe free, we pan to Alfric.
[01:31:48] Speaker F: You can do better than that.
[01:31:50] Speaker D: Oh, and Alfric.
[01:31:51] Speaker A: Go on, Alfred.
[01:31:51] Speaker D: Go finish him. Finish him, finish him.
[01:31:59] Speaker E: Has lost many of his long range spells. He got rid of them in favor of the big one that he's not going to use.
[01:32:06] Speaker F: Go on, Dewey.
[01:32:13] Speaker E: So I think for the first time in this adventure, he's going to remember that he has a sword he can use and he's going to draw it. He's going to leap the.
[01:32:26] Speaker A: The body of the other torso Dracator.
[01:32:31] Speaker E: Yeah.
And he, he's gonna attack this one.
[01:32:38] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:32:38] Speaker E: So I think, I think after all.
[01:32:41] Speaker A: Presents for your rapier will be agility. Agility, I believe.
[01:32:50] Speaker E: I think it's. It says presence.
Well, I've got it here anyway, so.
[01:32:58] Speaker A: Well, you've done 21 damage if you hit, but let's have a look at you.
[01:33:01] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, sorry, that was the wrong one to hit.
Sorry, that was me clicking randomly. There we go.
[01:33:07] Speaker C: Yes.
[01:33:08] Speaker E: It says I roll presents for my rapier.
[01:33:10] Speaker A: Amazing. Okay.
[01:33:13] Speaker E: Yeah.
[01:33:18] Speaker B: So good.
[01:33:19] Speaker A: 26 with hope. So I'll mark your hope and you. So you're up to 2 hope and you did 21 damage. I've got a sneaking suspicion you did 21 damage.
[01:33:33] Speaker E: I might have done 21 damage. Premonition of the future.
[01:33:38] Speaker A: So, Alfric, talk me through how this happens.
[01:33:45] Speaker E: I think from behind you, you hear, as has become customary, a slightly panicked yell as Alfric leaps the barrier of the sort of the holding area.
Sword drawn in a way that tells you he hasn't drawn it since he and Cal were learning when he first joined the gang.
Barrels past and he plunges him with not much grace into the head of this, this trek at all.
[01:34:20] Speaker A: Well, I. Okay, so I'm imagining if you're, if you're dashing in, it's just swung the, the battle axe down. Vanier's dodged out the way of being bisected vertically.
[01:34:30] Speaker E: Imagine it's gone, it's gone up. It's gone up through its chin.
[01:34:33] Speaker F: Yeah.
[01:34:33] Speaker D: So he's, he's.
[01:34:35] Speaker A: You've pierced. You've effectively found the soft spot. And it's gone up from through the, the squishy bottom jaw. And then you hear. You feel a little.
As the rapier seemingly hits the inside of the helmet somewhere and the dracor like one eye twitches as the. The rapier lodges in. And as you pull it free, the drator sort of like roars like flails a bit and like this large clawed hand reaches out for you and then it kind of collides and slips down the steps. Slips down the step as it's reaching for you. And then its body just kind of sags into a death slump and the dracator is defeated.
[01:35:29] Speaker F: Is the. Does the dracator like melt away again like the other dragons did you?
[01:35:35] Speaker A: As it slumps, you then watch as the two of them effectively putrefy and sort of like this, like crumble into this black mist similar to the horned hunters that you fought in the merithesis planes.
But as they do, you notice that the portal, like clear begins clearing and it returns to its azure blue state.
And then the like the opaque blue begins to like details begin to emerge and it soon becomes this trans. Like this see through clear portal to Alfric. You recognize it as the road into Seldivan, where the portal, well, at the point that the five of you, well, four of you arrived at some weeks ago.
But the route to Seldom is now open.
I reckon we take a chance to have a quick, quick break.
Congratulations everyone on completing my portal room mystery.
[01:36:55] Speaker D: Was it a mystery?
[01:36:59] Speaker A: So we kill these big things. I don't know.
As the. As the path. As the route to Gannis and Eindrith and whatever machinations they have is laid bare to you. Yeah, we will take a quick break.
We will be. Let's say we'll be back in like 10 minutes, give or take. So just before 10 to 10, where we'll steam through into the second half of this episode. If you are watching this and enjoying it, make sure to hit the like button. Hit the. Follow us on Twitch, subscribe to us on YouTube. We've got loads of other TTRPG kind of live plays and actual plays all the time. So you. I don't want you to miss out. That would be a shame.
I will see you all in a little bit.