Episode Transcript
[00:00:04] Speaker A: Hello and welcome world. I should probably turn me up. Hello and welcome world. Hi. Hello, welcome. I am DM Dan, this is Taos from elsewhere Are regular live streamed Dagger Heart actual play wasn't meant to be a campaign, but became one. Hello, welcome. If you're watching us live, I am joined tonight by Nate, Livy, Georgia, Theo and Dan. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.
[00:00:37] Speaker B: Hello.
[00:00:38] Speaker A: How are you?
How are you all doing? You're good?
[00:00:45] Speaker B: What?
[00:00:46] Speaker A: Why is it. Is it like the finale or something?
[00:00:49] Speaker C: It's almost. Yeah, finally.
[00:00:51] Speaker B: Something like that.
[00:00:52] Speaker A: Something like that.
Well, yes, absolutely. I've just realized I've left my notes on screen. Hold. Bear with me one moment while I delete those.
[00:01:02] Speaker C: Let me look.
[00:01:03] Speaker A: Don't delete the chat. He says in chat. Cool.
Yes, we are here. We're at the finale of our regular live streamed Dagger Heart sort of campaign. That is a campaign we've. We've been playing together as a group playing Dagger Heart for quite some time.
So it's. Yeah, I'm quite excited to bring it all together in this episode. A real super quick recap. You have journeyed to the blasted wastes of Merathesos alongside a the arch Magister Elect Gannis, to a ruined temple of Naravid, the. The deity sometimes known as the Doomsayer.
Within that temple, you were thrown into a bizarre crystal like mana, crystalline memory of the past of that particular loc.
And you were horrified to find that within that temple was a dragonspawn of Wendahai known as Eindrith, who some of you have met in the past, some more intimately than others.
Looking at you, Alfric. And yeah, you've. You managed to escape that mana memory. You managed to escape the ruined temple that happens to be built on top of a volcanic caldera. How careless of them. You've made it back to Avam in pursuit of Ganis, who turns out to be a bad guy. Who would have thunk it? And you have followed him to none other than Alfred's hometown of Seldovan, a sleepy little town that survived the Eschaton at the end of the cataclysmic war Approximately just over 18 months ago.
And also somewhere that you visited in the past. In the sound center of Sodovon. You have found Ganis, along with some additional kind of acolytes and initiates of Wendahe the Beguiler.
And combat has begun.
You've discovered that the arcane artifact that Ganis had you kind of tricked you into charging for him, has created another crystalline mana memory rift of Seldivan. And those of you who've jumped in have discovered that the memory that has been conjured is none other than Indrith's fight against the Archmage Ulic. Which you believe. Which, well, some of you believe Sl know is the final conflict between the Dragon Spawn and the Archmage of Seldon.
And that's. That's pretty much it really. I think that's a whistle stop tour. Yeah. Combat has been joined. We paused it on a bit of a cliffhanger. Who would like to watch the intro video and then jump straight back into it?
[00:04:00] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, let's do it.
[00:04:02] Speaker A: Amazing. Before, before we do. If you're excited or intrigued by this and you're watching this, make sure to hit the like button and the subscribe button if you're over on YouTube or follow us if you're over on Twitch. Whilst this is the finale, this is certainly not going to be the last thing that we do. So you. I wouldn't want you to miss out. You should definitely stick around, get your notifications up so you know when we're going. But with all that said, lets begin the finale.
All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes ever onwards to find the lands and people lost.
All thanks to our brave explorers.
[00:04:45] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanya the Wolfkin warrior.
[00:04:49] Speaker C: Hey, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Rayri the Sprite Ranger.
[00:04:53] Speaker B: Hi, my name's Theo and I'm playing Cal A Sang of our Guardian.
[00:04:56] Speaker E: I'm Georgia and I will be be playing Alfric Stormhall, a dragon scent bard.
[00:05:01] Speaker F: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azakar and the Jani Serith.
[00:05:06] Speaker A: And my name is DM Dan, the gm. In these adventures, the further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere.
And so we rejoin the five of you theoretically in one location, but perhaps split, separated by a. A veil of a crystalline veil across reality.
Very specifically, we return to Cow Van Year and Rayri as the three of you have just brought your arms up to shield yourself from what you would expect to be a devastating torrent of breath from the Dragonspawn Eindrith. This coiled green scaled serpentine dragon that's kind of seemingly floats above the ground. Two large curved horns, very ram like, protruding from his forehead.
And as this kind of.
As this blast of kind of gaseous breath flies towards you, stood in between you and the Dragonspawn is the purple robe wearing elderly Lorevar who's currently stood with one wand up in Defiance of the breath weapon and staff crackling with lightning in his right hand as. Yeah. Ulick prepares himself for the next kind of assault from the dragon spawn.
But first things first. I need Van, Year, Cal and Rayri to make me instinct. Reaction rolls.
Okay, we have a 9, a 15, and a 9.
So as the breath. Oh, and I'll also roll for the Archmage 13. Okay, 15.
Okay. As you go to shield yourself, the you. You almost expect this kind of this burning pain or this chilling cold to kind of arc across your. Your bodies. But instead, as the breath, like as the fumes kind of waft over you, you fit. You suddenly feel your body feels light whilst your mind starts to feel heavy.
And your minds are racked with kind of. With devastatingly fearful hallucinations that as. As your mind is. Doesn't know, can't pet, or can't tell foe from friend.
You can't tell if the shapes around you are people or threats or what.
All three of you need to deduct to hope if you can.
And you all take an unreducible 19 damage.
[00:08:59] Speaker E: Yikes.
[00:09:09] Speaker A: As does Ulic.
Okay, so Ulic kind of recoils much the same as the. The rest of you. And as Ein drifts, sort of like as the breath, as a torrent finishes expelling from his mouth, his long face kind of twists into this kind of rictus grin.
And you hear his booming voice say, all of this might of yours to fight this war, but your undoing will be your own as you're kind of assaulted by this kind of a mental, mental attack.
Cool. That is. That's Eindrifth's term.
Who wants to go next?
So, Rayri, it was your turn, but who wants to take over from Eindriff? So the. The three of you, obviously, in this sort of like mana memory version of the town square of Seldivan, will quickly switch to show that Azakar is stuck in a shadowy alcove in the town center of Seldivan. As is.
As is Alfric, who's currently stood in a circle of runic power that has blasted away this seeming sort of like mage assassin of Wender High. Yeah, who wants to go next?
[00:11:02] Speaker D: I mean, if no one's jumping in. I'm gonna jump in.
[00:11:04] Speaker A: Jump in, jump in. Go.
[00:11:07] Speaker D: I would like to move Vanier to the little Hindris.
[00:11:12] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:11:13] Speaker D: The. The mini Idris.
[00:11:15] Speaker A: Okay. So in which case, yeah, as you. As your mind sort of like clears and the shouting and the screaming, your head kind of fades away, you notice that to the dragon Spawns. Right. Is this smaller, seemingly smaller, almost like ethereal like crystalline version of Vine Drift that's kind of glowing and emanating the same rainbow hues as the rest of this conjuration of sorts.
But yeah, this smaller Eindriff is kind of a little floating up in the air and is watching you intent, like watching you with interest.
[00:11:57] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll move myself up to him and let's see if he can be hit or not.
[00:12:05] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:12:08] Speaker D: So let's see. Where's the character?
I. I've got no hope. So then I've got nothing juicy to use on the ability wise.
So yeah, let's just go for a hit.
[00:12:22] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:12:24] Speaker D: So yeah, you see as we've all been washed over with this, um, breath weapon attack. Um, Vanya takes the initiative to push forward through the mist and charge towards this ghostly form. And coming in with a icy windy punch attack.
Let's see if I hit.
No, I have to roll the dice roller first, don't I? To do the. And then it's the gauntlet button.
[00:12:55] Speaker A: So roll your strength button.
[00:13:00] Speaker D: I rolled 13. Oh, did that. Oh, wait, no, I need to add something to it.
[00:13:07] Speaker A: Yeah, you haven't four.
[00:13:09] Speaker D: So that is a.
A 17 to hit.
[00:13:16] Speaker A: 17 to hit with hope.
As you go to swing at this small crystalline Eindri, the Dragonspawn like sees you coming. And whilst your blow seems true, the Dragonspawn just sort of like wafts away out of reach and your fist like swings at air that was previously occupied by the dragon scent.
You do get the hope though.
[00:13:46] Speaker D: So did you do. Does it look like I felt like I missed with the attack?
[00:13:51] Speaker A: Yes, it was a miss or.
[00:13:53] Speaker D: Yeah, okay, got you.
So we know we need to get more in a 17, which is good to know. I'm trying to select my token, but I keep selecting Eindriff. I'm trying to select my own token. There we go.
Sorry, just gonna edit the hoop on that.
Right? Yeah. So yeah, unfortunately my hit didn't seem to connect. And I look at back at the Evers is like. Is everyone okay?
[00:14:27] Speaker A: Cal gives a thumbs up.
[00:14:30] Speaker B: Like a bit disorientated, but definitely seems okay for now.
[00:14:38] Speaker D: Yeah, we've taken a quick glance back to make sure that. That you two aren't on the ground.
He will try and keep engaged with this with Andrea.
[00:14:50] Speaker A: Okay. Okay.
[00:14:52] Speaker D: In immediate range.
[00:14:54] Speaker A: Who wants to go after Vanya?
[00:14:58] Speaker B: I would like to propose a tag team with.
[00:15:05] Speaker C: If you got hope.
[00:15:07] Speaker B: I have hope. I have four hope. Might as well spend it now because, well, it might get Taken away. So I'm. I'm suggesting you. You use me as a propeller with Vinny as you have done before.
And whilst you attack from on high, I attack from low as a kind of double attack thing.
[00:15:31] Speaker C: I go for the heads, you go for the toes.
[00:15:34] Speaker B: Exactly. Exactly that.
[00:15:36] Speaker A: Okay, so does the Ravi want to take what is effectively a second activation in this round and.
Yeah, yeah, but that's fine. I. I think, I think realistically we can do two activations per round, so I've just added those in for everyone. But. Okay, we'll switch over to Ri.
Yeah. As you, as you sort of like.
Yeah. In the aftermath of you being buffeted by this breath attack.
[00:16:05] Speaker C: I think, I think Reiri seeing that feeling, this kind of sort of horrible sense of dread is sort of swallows it down and just takes it as an opportunity to just go out all guns blazing.
And she looks at California and Cal knows what's gonna happen as Vinnie takes two steps back, three steps back, five steps back to get a running jump and boost off of Cal in Ray Reed's new signature move. Signature move, the jump and chomp.
So I'm gonna boost off of cow.
[00:16:58] Speaker A: Uhhuh.
[00:17:00] Speaker C: And use my signature move so I can roll a D20 instead of a D12.
[00:17:04] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:17:08] Speaker C: And yeah, I would like to roll for that please, sir. So I can. If I use with boost, I can go. I have advantage.
[00:17:21] Speaker A: Okay. As well as. So if you're doing that, Cal, how are you tag teaming?
[00:17:27] Speaker B: So I feel like as. As that's happening. I feel like it's happening as we're running.
[00:17:32] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:17:33] Speaker B: So we have to actually work in synchronized. So as I'm running, you're running behind me with the stepping back as well as you leap and as. As Ray leaps with Denny, I like come by Vanya and I just take a massive swing with the dagger and the broadsword. So I'm also a distraction for Iron Drift whilst this is happening. So that is my plan.
[00:18:00] Speaker A: Just double check. Are you going for the. The large Iron Drift?
[00:18:04] Speaker B: Little one? Little one, Little Iron Drift.
[00:18:06] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:18:06] Speaker B: Yeah, we're going to take our chances with the lion Drift for now because big Big guy is going to kill us if we keep standing near him. Okay, cool.
With my attack, I would like to activate a few things first. However, before I roll anything, first of all, I'd like to activate my unstoppable feet.
So I now have a die. That means I gain resistance, physical damage, increase my armor score, cannot be restrained or vulnerable. So that's happening. Okay, that's first thing. Second thing is, where's it gone? Where's it gone? So I've been a fool this entire time and haven't used one of my abilities. So we're going to use that today because why not? Let's do it. So one of my abilities is dedicated. So since the very beginning of this campaign, as an orderborn, I have three sayings or values that I can use to change one of my roles into a D20. Now, Cal hasn't been using those.
[00:19:13] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:19:13] Speaker B: Because he's not been feeding it because he's been not really feeling into his. His oath, but his oath's been reawakened because of everything that has happened recently with his gang.
So he is trying to uphold the weak, you know, defend the weak, which is one of his principles. So now my hope die is now a D20 die.
[00:19:35] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:19:36] Speaker B: When I roll this next attack.
[00:19:37] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:19:38] Speaker B: And also I'm adding my experience with my last one hope. Yeah. Of the blade.
So that's a plus one on my roll as well. With a D20.
[00:19:51] Speaker A: Is this like beat him up like Donkey Kong smash where you just stood there winding up old.
[00:19:59] Speaker C: Yeah, we're going for the put forward button Smash.
[00:20:04] Speaker B: Basically. Yes. So, yeah, so I'm going to be rolling my usual, which is my agility plus.
[00:20:14] Speaker A: So if you do. If you just do it straight in foundry. Yeah. D20 plus D12. And then I'll look at the results manually to let you know if it's hopeful.
[00:20:22] Speaker B: Cool. I will do that.
[00:20:24] Speaker A: Rayri, you. You've got a button to do your D20 roll.
[00:20:30] Speaker C: Oh, do I?
[00:20:32] Speaker A: You've got a got a signature ability button.
[00:20:38] Speaker C: I do.
[00:20:40] Speaker A: And I have advantage as a D12 for you.
[00:20:43] Speaker B: Yeah, I know, I know.
[00:20:45] Speaker A: Oh, that was. Yeah, yeah, that's right. That's right. Okay.
[00:20:48] Speaker B: And then that's a plus one, plus three. So that's plus four.
[00:20:54] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:20:55] Speaker B: With.
[00:20:56] Speaker A: So Cal rolled 25, 29 with hope.
[00:21:03] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:21:04] Speaker C: I 17 with fear. So let's go with cows, bro.
[00:21:08] Speaker A: Okay. So 29 with hope.
So as the two of you like, you move in synchronicity as you. This was both sprint cow with your just like superior speed. Vinnie being fast as heck. I imagine there's a moment where you kind of cup your hands together like just below your waist to give Vinnie and Riri the like the foothold to then launch them towards this coiled kind of ephemeral crystal like version of Indrith.
I'll move the two of you kind of close enough Rayri, as you go kind of soaring past or Soaring through the air and Cal. You attack from the bottom. Funnily enough, a 29 with hope will hit.
[00:22:02] Speaker B: Oh, good.
And with that, I'm gonna mark a stress.
[00:22:08] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:22:09] Speaker B: So that we can have. When dealing damage, you mark stress to take the maximum value of your damage die instead of rolling it.
[00:22:15] Speaker A: Holy moly.
[00:22:17] Speaker B: Okay. Which. Yeah.
Which has that whole thing about spell render and broadswords together. It's a thing. I always forget how that works. So. Yeah. So damage die.
It does. I. So Iron Death. Is this Iron Drift count as an arcane magic user or is he a creature?
[00:22:41] Speaker A: I mean, just.
[00:22:42] Speaker B: Just check.
[00:22:42] Speaker A: It would be very cheeky of me to say that he doesn't count as one of those.
[00:22:47] Speaker B: Ah, good. Okay, cool. That's fine. So, yeah. So it's. Yeah. So it does it. Do I combine then the damage on the broadsword and the spell render together? Because they're being done together together. There a 3D 8 plus 5.
[00:23:05] Speaker A: Yeah. So if you click the dual wheel button, that factors in attacking with both weapons and then you.
[00:23:11] Speaker B: I'm getting 3 off it, which I would normally do, but it's not because it's. I've added a stress. So now it is just.
[00:23:19] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
[00:23:19] Speaker B: The max of 3D8 plus 5. So a 1612.
[00:23:25] Speaker A: I think it's plus 5. Plus another 5. 3 on top of that again.
[00:23:29] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:23:30] Speaker A: So 3D8 plus 8, which is 24. 32.
So 32 damage.
[00:23:40] Speaker B: Indeed.
[00:23:40] Speaker A: 32 damage from Cal. Okay. And RiRi has done 27. So 32. 27. 59. 59 damage.
Good as the two.
While I look things up. Tell me how this looks.
[00:24:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, in terms of Cal, I think very much. If iron. If it's focused more on the incoming missile that is Cal sweeps with his broadsword and brings it up underneath. And I. I guess we know he's kind of spectral. Is that right? So. Or crystalline?
[00:24:23] Speaker A: So yeah. Even though it's almost this. So it's odd. It's this almost smoky version of the. The huge dragonspawn to your right.
Like. Like he's this incomplete form of the dragon spawn.
[00:24:43] Speaker B: Well, in that case, he just brings up and I think he slices at one of his legs as he like kind of slides in.
Slices at one of his legs, like trying to chomp like a big gash right into it and then slams as well in the knee with spell render.
[00:25:02] Speaker A: So in which case let's. Yeah, let's just say as. As Eindriff is sort of like wafted away from Vanier to Get out of sort of like fist range. Cal and Ray, you've then kind of bolted in where he's kind of elongated to give himself the momentum to kind of way almost jellyfish like.
The two of you have then collided like meteors into both ends of the dragon scent. And this small, kind of the smaller version of Eindrift is rocked by the attack.
And as you plunge spell render into like a drift's leg, he roars with an intensity much louder than you would expect expect it to be. And you wonder if it's the. The magical properties of the dagger that, you know, affecting more 9057 damage, unsurprisingly, is severe damage. So he takes three hit points.
And as the two of you sort of like land flanking Vanier, looking up at this dragon scent, which is sort of like spiral, like it's kind of wafted away and is spiraling to kind of regain control. As Eindrifth kind of throws his arms back to steady himself, there's this burning intensity in his eyes.
And as he looks down at you, ravery, very specifically, you rolled with fear. We didn't use your roll. We didn't use it. You didn't use it, but you did roll it.
So first things.
Oh, no, that's the.
No, never mind that. That's not that one. It is. Don't look at that. Don't look at that. Don't look at that. I'm reading it.
Yes, sorry, Ray Re.
[00:26:59] Speaker F: I know you were.
[00:27:00] Speaker A: Oh, is it. Is it.
Same thing. It's the same thing. It's just popped up. Rayri. I'll just read it out. I'll just read it out.
As you stare up at Eindrith, your mind still feels slightly clouded, maybe from that breath weapon attack.
Describe the memory of the fearful memory that has risen to the surface of your mind and describe it to me like, what. What fundamental deep sea of fear has bubbled to the surface that has not bubbled to the surface before?
[00:27:39] Speaker C: I think she is sort of planted back to being in her, like, hometown, and her dad is, like, looking at her with mass disappointment after she has caused a large sort of wreckage in the town square. And it's that kind of massive fear of disappointing her dad and wanting to be like this amazing adventurer, and she's just sort of fudged it all up and everyone's just kind of looking at her and she just feels like a massive disappointment. And I think that's her greatest fear.
[00:28:35] Speaker A: So as that fear rises, like you, you almost feel it bubbling up like bile in your throat. And as this memory, this memory suddenly seems slightly too real, too vivid. And then within the memory, almost shadow, like you spy the form of Eindriff amongst the crowd. And in your mind you hear Delicious.
He learns this memory. He learns of your fear and Rayri you as you land alongside Van Year you are. Then you vanish from the mana mana realm and are redeposited in the town center, the. The town square, along with the other. The other mages.
And that is the end of your collective turns.
Who wants to.
[00:29:37] Speaker B: Who wants to go next quick question.
[00:29:40] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:29:41] Speaker B: Where is. Where's Cal gone in foundry. He's just disappeared.
[00:29:45] Speaker A: No, he's here.
[00:29:47] Speaker B: Oh, I can't see him.
[00:29:51] Speaker A: Okay, we'll sort that out.
[00:29:53] Speaker B: I couldn't see him.
It's like, what happened to my boy? Where did he go?
[00:29:59] Speaker A: Yeah, who. Who wants to jump in next? Azakar. Azakar.
[00:30:04] Speaker F: Yeah, I'll jump in next.
[00:30:05] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:30:07] Speaker F: Sorry, I just rearranged myself as a car scene himself.
Just him and this is it like an assassin or.
[00:30:16] Speaker A: Yeah, so he moves. Well, you're. You're an Iron Soldier, so you know that in front of you is.
Is an operative that was, you know, an operative that you would have seen during the war.
These individuals are known as the Fangs of Wendahei. And they use kind of arcane magic to teleport around. They kind of pull people through shadows.
Their. Their main role was sowing kind of discourse and confusion in the enemy ranks.
But they also very much.
They use their abilities to pull into important individuals away from their defenses and then attack them whilst isolated.
[00:31:01] Speaker F: Right. I. I guess then seeing that and being very aware of what kind of, you know, what kind of operative this person is, Azakar is going to go into Iron Soldier mode.
[00:31:14] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:31:15] Speaker F: And use that his Eye as soldier experience to add a plus three.
[00:31:20] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:31:21] Speaker F: I'll take a hope off and I am just going to give him a good old whack with my scimitar.
[00:31:27] Speaker A: Whacking, whacking.
[00:31:30] Speaker C: Give him a whack.
[00:31:32] Speaker F: Give him a whack.
Okay, so that's got a plus. That's got a plus three to it. So that is.
[00:31:45] Speaker A: I think you've rolled the normal roller rather than the. The strength one. So add your strength on as well.
[00:31:51] Speaker B: Yep.
[00:31:54] Speaker F: My strength will be a plus three. So that will be 27. 17. So, yeah, 20 altogether.
[00:32:01] Speaker A: 20 is a hit.
[00:32:06] Speaker F: Let me just check one little thing just to make sure that I can still do this. Yes. I would like to mark two stress to turn that into a hope Roll as well, please.
[00:32:16] Speaker A: Oh, okay. So yeah, you go back up, I hope.
Cool. Yeah. Roll for dimage.
[00:32:27] Speaker F: Okay, that's 27.
[00:32:29] Speaker A: 27. Okay, so as this fang has just sort of like tell like dragged you up through the shadows in the floor in this sort of like little nook has just sort of like vaulted off you to get some distance.
But yeah, before he. That this fang has a chance to react, you're in. And as you drive the scimitar through that is severe damage. The. The fang like takes an extremely heavy blow and yeah, severe damage. He looks in a terrible, terrible state.
I should also then say as you're stood. As you're stood there, you've got this kind of magical sensitivity innately from the. From your kind of Majorani physiology.
And like you feel that kind of head rush.
The same you felt that head rush when this portal to like the. The memory realm open that everyone's kind of. You saw Ray Re and Cowell and the light jump through. But you feel this new surge of energy that you. You pick up on and peering sort of like alongside the building and up like northwards towards the other side of the town hall, the town square. You watch as Rayri reappears through a crack in reality and then the crack that she appears through in large like largens and also turns into a magical vortex above what appears to be the town criers stage on the north side of the town square.
[00:34:25] Speaker F: Just before we carry on and because it happens every session, I need to re. Roll my prayer dice. But I just want to double check whether or not Alfric still has those four prayer dice from last session.
[00:34:38] Speaker E: I think he used them.
[00:34:40] Speaker F: Did you use them?
[00:34:40] Speaker E: Am I wrong? I think he used them, yes. I think you use them to. To mix a.
[00:34:49] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:34:50] Speaker C: I think.
[00:34:50] Speaker A: Okay now. Yeah. Azakar, are you staying put with V Fang or are you running off?
[00:34:57] Speaker F: I would like to run off if he.
So if I can move, how far can I go?
[00:35:04] Speaker A: So up while the squares are green, basically.
[00:35:07] Speaker F: Okay, yeah, I'm going to run as far as I can up to. Oh, it's because that's in the way.
Bloody walls.
[00:35:19] Speaker A: And as you run through there are sort of like panicking commoners that are like kind of fleeing the. The town center, the town square. Because it would appear that rifts to another dimension are tearing themselves open. Cool. That's it for Azakar. Who's next?
[00:35:36] Speaker E: I think it's me.
[00:35:37] Speaker A: Go, Alfred, go.
[00:35:39] Speaker E: So the screen has gone black for me, so I can't actually see Anything on. On Foundry, but I will make do.
[00:35:49] Speaker A: Okay, I'll. If you do a quick refresh, I'll describe the scene. You're currently stood in the middle of your runic circle.
Yes. Immediately kind of south of you is the Fang of Wendahide that dragged you through shadows. There are a couple of. There's a Mojani commoner, there's a Aesavar commoner. They're sort of like reeling away from your runic circle. And this assassin, they appear to be sort of like scrambling for. For cover.
You've just like, I guess you might have heard Ray Re's sudden high pitched voice as she comes tumbling through a rift.
And yeah, this almost what sounds like glass breaking, but you're not entirely sure why you've. I mean, it could be legitimately glass breaking.
[00:36:41] Speaker E: Also not great. I think Africa wants to get this situation over with as quickly as possible. Let's go see what's happened. So he's gonna, he's gonna unsheath his rapier.
[00:36:52] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:36:53] Speaker E: He's gonna stab at this assassin.
[00:36:56] Speaker A: Okay. As you step forward within your runic circle, if you do a presence roll, because that was a damage roll.
[00:37:18] Speaker E: Sorry, everything's moving very slowly on my end. There we go. That looked like dice.
[00:37:21] Speaker A: Okay, that's it. 18 with Hope is a hit and you've rolled 11 damage, which I can comfortably tell you is enough to.
Yeah. So this fang has just been sort of like blasted back by your runic circle. Looks utterly singed and kind of frazzled by the. The sudden kind of defensive magic that sprung up around you. And before the fang gets a chance to ready themselves, you've lunged forward and the rapier sinks into like through thin cloth and squishy flesh.
And the fang kind of looks up to you from behind a face mask with a shocked look and then slumps like goes to put a hand on you and the hand's blasted back by your shield as he slumps to the ground.
[00:38:20] Speaker E: He'll. I'll take my rapier out of this body and just sort of sprint in the direction of where I think Rari is.
[00:38:30] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:38:30] Speaker E: Whichever I can see.
[00:38:33] Speaker A: So as you come around the corner, you see Rayri and Vinnie stood next to what, you know, the, the town criers stage on the north end of the town square. But the, the, the area that the town, like the stage occupies is warping and seemingly kind of folding in on itself into this shattered rainbow stained glass, like vortex rift that's just materialized.
Just real quick, can you see In Foundry now.
[00:39:15] Speaker E: Yes, but it's. It's so slow, it's basically unusable. But I can.
Yes, I can sort of see.
[00:39:23] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:39:24] Speaker E: I can make two.
[00:39:25] Speaker A: We can make do. And Theo, can you see?
[00:39:29] Speaker B: I can. I can see fine.
[00:39:31] Speaker A: Okay.
In which case, after Alfric, you also roll with hope. Who's going after Alf?
You guys are just bossing it.
[00:39:45] Speaker D: So I know R, you did a tag team with Fear. So if you wanted to jump in now, R might be seen. You haven't really had a go.
I. You want to jump in, it's up to you.
[00:39:59] Speaker A: Well, riri was the.
[00:40:01] Speaker C: I've had two. Two activations. Yeah.
[00:40:03] Speaker D: Oh, if you had two. Okay. Sorry, my bad. Oh, yeah, Cu.
[00:40:08] Speaker C: I got one at the start of last session, so I like.
[00:40:12] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:40:14] Speaker A: So Vanier as a car again.
[00:40:16] Speaker D: Okay.
Yeah. So, yeah, I'm happy to jump in again if to go.
So, yeah, I'm gonna use this chance to go for another hit. Okay. On the. On the spectral being. Um, now, Vanir, knowing the importance of being in this. In front of this enemy right now, and having missed his first hit, there's that adrenaline. Adrenaline pumping in him again and almost that sort of like predator versus prey mentality taken over and I'm gonna spend my one hope to add my.
My experience. Thrill of the hunt.
[00:41:04] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:41:04] Speaker D: To add plus three to this roll.
So that particular.
Just take away the hoop on this.
Cool. So let me roll.
This will be made with a plus four plus another three. So this is going to be a plus seven on top of this roll.
[00:41:26] Speaker A: Okay.
So if you. Yeah. If you click strength. Feel like your ability modding.
[00:41:33] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, I keep. I keep. Yeah, so I'll do the strength and then I'll plus three for my experience. Yeah, sorry, I keep again. There's that one.
Oh, no.
I know.
[00:41:53] Speaker A: Doesn't it a 16 with fear. Have you got anything, Anything to juju?
[00:42:01] Speaker D: Let me think.
No, I used an experience, and I don't think I've got anything else that can add to it. I've got no advantages or anything like that.
[00:42:13] Speaker A: In which case, how much do you.
[00:42:16] Speaker F: Think you're gonna need to hit him?
[00:42:19] Speaker D: Well, I've got 16 I need. I know 17 doesn't. Doesn't hit, but so it's probably going to be at least 18 or more.
[00:42:25] Speaker A: I will be the party pooper and say that for all excessive purposes, you're not in the same place.
In which case, yeah, Eindrift is sort of like arms, arms out by his. By his side, his tail swishing in an like, like an agitated cat almost.
And Vanier as you sort of like hung like bring your arms up and go in for a second strike. As you, as your fist kind of flies forward. Eindrith holds a clawed hand up and cal. You watch as Vanier disappears through almost seemingly like the. The air in front of Vanya seemingly breaks as if he's just punched through a pane of glass. And you watch as Vanier tumbles through this rift back into real space.
And Rayri, you hear like you. You've just seen Alfred kind of come around the corner. And then you watch as Vanier sort of like materializes and like punches the leg out from the the the town criers stage and like the wood just splinters under the Wolfkins assault.
Yes, that was, that was a miss and you've rolled with fear. So I will go ahead and add one to my pool.
Vanya, you're back in the real world. Quote unquote very next to you. There is a rift in front of you.
There is also a rift behind you. I would also what I'm also going to do. And as the as as most of you are here now, I'm gonna go ahead and choose a target.
So let's.
Oh, none of you are close enough, I don't think.
No. Okay, so Van Gannis seeing you like well sensing that a rift has just broken open, he's going to run round this statue, this gaudy statue of Archmage Ulic in the center of the town. Seeing the the three of you and he's going to.
Yeah, seeing the three of you ally like a raid in a row.
He then sort of like shouts to the other culture, stop them. As he conjures three sort of like motes of energy and then fires them forwards towards you.
I need the three of you to make agility action rolls. Reaction rolls please. So Van Year, Rayri and Afric.
So 17, 20 and 22.
Cool. So you take. You managed to dive out the way of the majority of the explosion. So you're only going to take half damage and that is plus 10.
So half of this which is a 13 damage to the three of you.
[00:46:01] Speaker B: Boo Boo.
[00:46:04] Speaker D: I'm gonna spend an armor slot to bring it down to minor and I'm gonna make my roll as part of my wolfkin ability to see if I can take no damage instead.
[00:46:19] Speaker A: Okay. As you do that the commoners.
Okay, so that is. That is Gallus going after Vanier. I'm then going to.
I'm on a roll so I'm Going to spend one of my fear to switch back to Eindrith and Cal, it dawns on you that you are now all alone with a dragon spawn.
And curiously, like you've just let you know, laid into this smaller version of the. Of the dragons scent.
So this. This one here. And as you've, like, in the commotion, you've just seen Vanier and Rayri kind of disappear from sight when the large dragon sent to your right seemingly looks in your direction.
And there's this noise of confusion that emits from Indrith as he sees this smaller mimicry of himself.
What is this? He says.
The smaller Eindriff. You wonder if perhaps the smaller one is the real one. It's not part of this memory. You wouldn't have thought panic slightly and Claw, first of all, attacks you. Cal. 4 rolls a 16 to hit.
16 against your evasion.
[00:48:18] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. 16 hits. Yeah.
[00:48:20] Speaker A: Okay.
And you take 31 damage.
[00:48:33] Speaker B: No, I don't. I'm using my armor stats, okay. The ones I have left.
[00:48:38] Speaker A: That's good because if you do not take. If you do not reduce it, you take stress.
So, yeah, this crystalline kind of memory tears into you and sort of like knocks you away before sort of like reeling round to his larger form and.
And sort of like in. In the. In the least kind of convince. When I say in an attempt to be convincing Archmage, Ulic is the key. Kill him. Tear him down. And the two dragon spawns are just sort of like looking at one another and. Yeah, there's. There's a lot of confusion.
[00:49:24] Speaker E: You hear that Spider man meme?
[00:49:26] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Fundamentally, it's two. Two dragons born, like, looking at each other curiously as. Yeah. As he swats you backwards. Cal.
How. How was Cal doing?
[00:49:42] Speaker B: What? Emotionally, mentally, physically? Sure, those banned.
[00:49:46] Speaker A: Sure. Okay.
[00:49:48] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:49:50] Speaker A: In which case, like as you. Yeah. As he kind of knocks you down the. And Eindrift has told Eindriff it's like the men in Black 3 movie. I. Drift has told Eindris what the. What the. What the deal is.
His relentlessness kicks in. The two of them circle round to you lick and just gonna. I'm just gonna go Ham, boys and girls.
Ulick takes a 14, which is a miss. So the. The smaller Crystalline, the smaller Eindrith comes along and Ulic blocks him with a shield. The larger one, the. The memory one, rolls a 26. That's a hit. And Ulick yells out in pain as Eindrith like, clamps on his arm. And you hear like this. The arm holding the staff. And Cal, you Hear the sickening crunch of bone as Eindrift's jaws clamp shut on the mage's right arm. Like right forearm.
Yeah, you takes 33 damage, which is severe. Ulic is like. Collapses to the ground like hold holding his limp, hanging right like torn shredded right arm. As the staff clatters to the ground.
You do get this cow. You get the feeling that, yeah, they're really. They're really targeting this Archmage.
I'm. I'm done with that. Who wants to go next? I think it's Cal. Cal's the last one before we move to a new round.
[00:51:44] Speaker B: First of all, if this. Processing this and trying to figure out what he's going to do, he's. He's going to.
Because he got pushed back, but I assume he's still close enough that he could probably reach out to Eulik. Can. Can you look? Because obviously the dragon spawns can now see each other. Can you look now see cow? Like, is it obvious? Because obviously if the dragons can see each other, I'm assuming that you can see me.
[00:52:15] Speaker A: So the. The Archma, the Archmage is on the floor. You're holding his shredded arm and he's like looking up at what seems to be identical dragon spawn. Just ones glowing in sort of like smoky rainbow hues.
But yeah, there's a moment where he does like, he looks over at you and Cal in the like the time almost freezes for a moment as the two of you lock eyes and there's this flash of confusion on his face, almost as if he recognizes you.
[00:52:50] Speaker B: Okay, just trying.
I have a play here, but it's quite risky if it's not useful.
[00:53:05] Speaker F: Okay.
[00:53:05] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So I'm going to rush forward towards this.
And as he does, he shouts at Ulic, look, you're good at this. You win this, this, you win this, you're going to win this. You have to win this.
And I'm going to use that as soldiers bond, which means that I can get three hope from that. Technically so does Ulick. So hopefully that's useful for him.
[00:53:47] Speaker A: Sure, sure.
[00:53:51] Speaker B: And then I'm going to attack the little dragon again because I. There's nothing else for me to do, okay?
Because this man does not back down from a fight. And there's no one else here. He's just going to keep on fighting.
[00:54:05] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:54:06] Speaker B: So yeah, he's going to attack the little one.
With that in mind, he's going to use his experience. Now he has gained three hope to add a plus three to his role so yeah. So again, spell render broadsword slamming into the little one.
That's 21 with fear. Okay, hang on, hang on. Have I got anything that I can change there? I'm just checking. Just checking.
Because I know how horrible it is to roll a fear in this.
I don't. But no, you know what? I won't. I'll save that. That might be useful.
Cool. Okay. Yeah, so I. I hope that's it. So yeah, that'd be a 21 plus plus three. Three.
[00:55:14] Speaker A: Okay. So that is 24. 24 does in fact hit.
Oh, good roll for dimage. Add your bonus damage for spell render into a magic user.
[00:55:27] Speaker B: Yeah, hang on. So yeah, there's 20. And also I can add my unstoppable die, which that's. That becomes 22.
[00:55:40] Speaker A: 22 plus another three for yours, your dagger. So 25 damage all and told. Yes.
[00:55:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Yep, yep.
[00:55:49] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, as you run forward like yelling to Ulic, like giving him, giving him a pep talk while as he's being assailed by two powerful dragon sent. As you plunge of two blades into like real eindris back, you hear the dragon spawn like roar again.
That is major damage.
Iron Drift loses another two hit points.
And like as you sort of like wrestle with this dragon scent as it this dragon spawn, as he thrashes with these two blaze lodging his back, you carol. You feel your vision begin to start crystallizing.
And as you're as this r. As I'm just like elbow swings around and connects with you, kind of dislodging you from his back. You are thrown backwards seemingly through this pane of glass. And as you watch like the two dragons, as you watch this. This crystalline memory world fading away and being replaced with real. The real world.
You watch as the two.
Well, as you go, I'm gonna re interject spend another hope, spend another fear to drop me to zero.
Yeah. As you're flung backwards, you watch as the large memory version of Iron Drift rears up.
And with the a seemingly triumphant roar, he flies up 180s to ARC directly to the ground. And you watch as you lick disappears into the dragon sense more.
And as you hear the as you lick is will be crushed. Because I've got three attacks, but I won't bother rolling it.
You are tossed unceremoniously back into the real world.
I do not do a teleport. So you're going there slowly. Yes.
[00:58:11] Speaker D: Did you look have a turn during our last round?
[00:58:16] Speaker A: He did he when Ravi first turned up.
Yes. Yeah.
So Cal, you are thrown back into the lit, back into the real world. As you land on the cobblestone streets, you look up to see the statue of Ulic in. In the town, like, in the town square.
But you notice that in your, like, where you effectively were jettisoned from the rift, like, from the memory, another rift has opened.
You know what? This poor commoner is a bit too close for comfort. So he disappears into the rift.
[00:59:05] Speaker C: He can fight for us.
[00:59:08] Speaker A: And that's the end of Cal's turn. I think I'm just gonna move to round three.
And you, the five of you, find yourselves all back in Seldivan town square. The majors are still present. There are now three riffs.
And the sky overhead begins to darken as I will add a new combatant to the initiative tracker.
[00:59:46] Speaker C: We've got enough.
[00:59:48] Speaker A: Have you, though?
[00:59:49] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:59:52] Speaker E: Thank you, guy.
[00:59:53] Speaker C: We got a little guy from these.
[00:59:56] Speaker A: Other guys from the rift that you just fell out of, Cal.
A shadowy, crystalline, like a shadowy chroma, smoky form emerges.
Oh, and Eindriff, like, appears in front of you. His shadow casting out in all directions from the light emanating from this rift.
And it would seem that having defeated Ulic, Eindrith is reborn.
So with that in mind, who wants to take the first turn?
[01:00:43] Speaker B: Just. Just as a heads up, Cal looks like shit. Yes.
[01:00:49] Speaker C: Rari also looks pretty bad.
[01:00:51] Speaker E: Before anyone does any attacking things, I think Alfric would have started to do this before the massive dragon thing appeared in the sky. Okay, so as it comes out of this portal, you hear the strains of this very relaxing violin tune playing very quite frantically on his violin, and everyone gains a hit point.
[01:01:15] Speaker A: Okay, so. Well, we'll start. We'll start Alfric Africa round off. So as you play this rousing song, yeah, everyone can gain a hit point.
[01:01:25] Speaker F: Is that. Is that in like a certain range? Because obviously I'm not very close.
[01:01:30] Speaker E: Any close allies? It says.
[01:01:33] Speaker A: Okay, so everyone but Alfred Azakar gotta.
[01:01:38] Speaker E: Gotta run into the area of effect and get there.
[01:01:43] Speaker A: As you. As you're playing that song, like some of the commoners that are around you that are just absolutely losing their minds with panic, they seem slightly heartened. So they're leaving an apartment slightly more orderly fashion, but yeah, they are extricating themselves from the combat arena.
Alfric, you've played this tune. Is there anything else you. Is that your action or is there.
[01:02:08] Speaker E: Anything else you can do that is his one action that he can do?
[01:02:13] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:02:14] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:02:15] Speaker A: Would you like to move?
[01:02:18] Speaker E: I cannot see where we are. I think he'll move. To stand by everyone else.
I think that's what I just done.
[01:02:30] Speaker A: Sure, yeah. No, perfect. So you're stood next to Rayrin Vanu. I will say that now that Eindrift has re. Emerged, we'll get rid of these portals. That will just confuse things.
[01:02:42] Speaker C: Otherwise I want to go back in a pool.
I don't want to be here.
[01:02:49] Speaker F: That random commoner is just gone.
[01:02:52] Speaker A: You know what? You know what? Fine, fine. I reckon let's. Let's make it a bit more appropriate. Not only has Eindriff emerged into real space having been reborn, but he's done it over the port, over the statue, like the statue of Ulic in the middle of the town that should been sucked into this vortex. And that is what Eindrith is currently floating above.
[01:03:23] Speaker F: So rude.
[01:03:24] Speaker A: Very rude. Very rude of him. So, yes, Alfric, you've joined your companions.
Who's going next?
[01:03:35] Speaker D: Just want to make a quick note. Remember, everyone, I don't remember. Throughout this whole adventure, anyone using their healing potions or stamina potions that you got from character creation.
[01:03:47] Speaker A: That's true.
[01:03:48] Speaker D: Double check your equipment.
Some of you might have healing potions on you.
[01:03:54] Speaker E: You've got an energy drink on you.
[01:03:56] Speaker B: Yes, yes, I do.
[01:04:01] Speaker D: Just. Just un. Also, it's a. Yeah. Does it take an action to consume a potion?
[01:04:10] Speaker A: I mean, you would expect so.
[01:04:15] Speaker C: Well in new D and D.
[01:04:21] Speaker A: Well, is there anyone who doesn't want to drink a potion? Because I can search while you do your test.
[01:04:29] Speaker F: I know what to drink.
[01:04:30] Speaker A: Okay, what's.
[01:04:31] Speaker B: I absolutely do.
[01:04:34] Speaker A: Okay, we'll switch to Azakar. What's Azakar doing?
[01:04:40] Speaker F: Azakar has just seen obviously, like Ganis do this. Do this attack at sort of three of his team. So he's just running up to try and make an attack at him, but then obviously seeing Eindriff appear, he is then going to kind of go like, okay, we got bigger dragons to fry.
[01:05:02] Speaker A: I mean, as. As you approach, as you make it into the town square proper, sort of like, you know, commoners running in your, like, past you away from the town square, you've just seen this thin, serpentine figure emerge from this.
From this rift, Ganis has turned round and for all extents and purposes fall into his knees and looking up as my lord, he shouts like. He cries up his hands in sort of like subjugation to Indrith. And yeah, there's this.
As Eindri looks around, there is this kind of resonant. I am returned. HE BELLOWS with that.
[01:05:53] Speaker F: I'm going to do a I'm gonna do a bolt beacon at him. At him. I'm gonna spend three hope to make that into or to also add smite to that.
Along with that, I'm also going to use my community ability that Theo also has. So my orderborn dedication to.
To use my three words of eye as light to hopefully let my blade strike true. So I'm going to roll with the D20 for Hope.
[01:06:29] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:06:30] Speaker F: Instead of a D12.
[01:06:31] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:06:32] Speaker F: And what else can I do to really mess him up? Let's have a look.
I'm just gonna do that. So I'm gonna roll with a D12 first for my fear.
[01:06:53] Speaker A: Real quick question for Dan. Do these potions say use an action?
[01:07:01] Speaker D: It doesn't specify. It's just in equipment.
It's consumable.
And it just says immediately clear 1d4 hit points.
[01:07:11] Speaker A: In which case, because it does not specify users in action, you can drink, like, a potion for free.
[01:07:19] Speaker D: Really?
[01:07:24] Speaker A: One potion? So I'm not gonna let you.
[01:07:29] Speaker D: We're all just there chugging around you.
[01:07:37] Speaker A: This is gonna look like that final Pokemon, like the final Elite 4 Pokemon battle, where you're just frantically stimming your Pokemon with potions while you have the absolute snot kicked out of you.
Okay, sorry, Sorry. Azakar. We. We've upset the. The mood.
Right. You're doing the bolt beacon.
[01:07:58] Speaker F: Yes. So I've rolled it. I've rolled a two for my fear.
[01:08:01] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:08:02] Speaker F: And I'm rolling my D27. So that's just trying to sort of think at the moment. That's a nine.
[01:08:10] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:08:11] Speaker F: Plus three. Yeah, that will make it 12.
[01:08:17] Speaker A: Finn, is that the end of. End of the.
[01:08:20] Speaker D: No, no, no, no.
[01:08:22] Speaker B: You got paradise, right.
[01:08:23] Speaker F: I know. I'm going to whack all of my prayer dice onto that, which is an extra eight onto that.
[01:08:32] Speaker A: So you're on 12. So you're up to 20.
[01:08:34] Speaker F: So.
And plus my.
[01:08:40] Speaker A: With.
[01:08:40] Speaker F: With. Plus the. Plus three for the spell casting. So that adds it up to 23.
[01:08:44] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:08:48] Speaker F: I'm guessing that will be enough.
[01:08:50] Speaker A: Maybe.
[01:08:52] Speaker C: I think so.
[01:08:53] Speaker A: That is a hit.
[01:08:58] Speaker F: So I am going to. So I rolled okay with my hope. That's okay. At least I rolled higher with my hope. That's all right.
[01:09:08] Speaker A: Yes. Yes. Chris. Asgard is just throwing religious tomes at this dragon. Dragon spawn.
[01:09:13] Speaker F: He deserves it. He deserves it.
I'm also gonna cast my second wind with that as well. Which means because I. I rolled a successful strike, it means I get to clear one hit point or three stress. Okay, I'm gonna clear one hit Point.
[01:09:33] Speaker A: Okay. Okay.
[01:09:35] Speaker F: And now I'm good. Now I'm gonna do my. Now I'm gonna do.
So that's a 15. That's doubled. So that's a 30.
[01:09:45] Speaker A: 30 damage. Okay.
As you fire off this beam of like, eyes with light towards Eindriff, the beam strikes the dragon spawn in the back and sort of like it splits over his emerald scales, but the force of it.
[01:10:09] Speaker D: Oh.
[01:10:09] Speaker A: Still rocks him. 30 damage is major damage. So he loses two hit points.
[01:10:16] Speaker F: Nice.
[01:10:18] Speaker A: And he is temporarily vulnerable.
So you rolled with hope, so make sure you've tacked that on. And who wants to go next?
Me, me, me.
[01:10:34] Speaker D: I got an idea.
[01:10:40] Speaker B: Please, sir.
[01:10:45] Speaker D: Yeah. Unless anyone has something person they want to go, I would like to take the turn.
[01:10:53] Speaker C: Go for it.
[01:10:55] Speaker D: So here's the turn of order.
Vanya quickly looks at Alfric and Rayri and it's like, keep a safe distance, meet cowl, try and get him down somehow. And he lunges forward as he chugs a potion for free.
So that's a 1D4 of hit points. Come on, give me a good roll.
I'm back to full hit. Winks.
[01:11:24] Speaker A: Ah, the start of the campaign. A fine vintage.
[01:11:31] Speaker C: It's been in your bag for a very long time.
[01:11:33] Speaker A: That was a good year.
[01:11:35] Speaker D: It was a good year.
And as I move up next to.
[01:11:42] Speaker A: Cal.
[01:11:45] Speaker D: And towards Eth, I look at California and I say, we got to protect everyone else.
And I don't. I think it's up to us.
[01:11:58] Speaker C: Powell's Ben, like, bleeding out of his face.
[01:12:03] Speaker F: Yeah.
[01:12:05] Speaker B: I don't think I can think of.
[01:12:06] Speaker D: Anyone better to join in this moment. And I'm trying to use my soldier's bond to give both of us three hope to begin with.
And I would like to suggest a tag team.
[01:12:24] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:12:27] Speaker D: Should Carol fancy it?
Where's my. What's my hope?
Yeah. So now Carol's Scott's hair.
Would you be up for a tag team, Carol, by any chance?
[01:12:48] Speaker B: Absolutely.
[01:12:50] Speaker D: What's the plan if you spend free hope to join on with me and we just beat this?
[01:13:00] Speaker A: The plan is fighting as long as.
[01:13:02] Speaker B: I'm allowed to drink my potion at the same time.
We need a beast. One more hit point. Yeah, but. Well, that sounds good.
[01:13:12] Speaker A: I mean, if you're tag teaming with Vanier, then, like, it wouldn't be your turn. But you, you can make. You can make your roles and then you could immediately, as long as.
[01:13:20] Speaker D: Yeah, take your turn because I can't interrupt.
So, yeah, I'm going to spend. And as we gain the free hope, I'm going to spend a hope to use my experience again to.
As the blood boils down, and I'm going to say let's do our rolls and then we'll describe what happens.
[01:13:52] Speaker B: First of all, can I just point out that if Orendrif is vulnerable, that means that everything that target targets him has. We have advantage.
[01:14:01] Speaker A: Yes.
[01:14:01] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[01:14:02] Speaker D: We got plus D6 on top of our rules. Correct, buddy? Yep. Right, let's do it.
[01:14:07] Speaker B: So just, just, just, just so that it's also clear that we get advantage. So, okay, I would.
Yeah, I just hit him then with my two. So it's.
[01:14:21] Speaker D: I got a 31 to hit it with hope.
[01:14:24] Speaker A: Where's the plot? Is that. Oh, is that from your experience as well?
[01:14:28] Speaker D: Yeah, I use the experience. So I've gone back to. So I used one to gain one, but I'm gonna add it to my slayer die.
[01:14:35] Speaker F: Sure.
[01:14:36] Speaker A: Okay. So 31 with Hope.
[01:14:39] Speaker B: Yeah, I also rolled with Hope, but we're gonna go with Daniel's, obviously.
[01:14:43] Speaker A: Yeah, it was a middling 19 with hope.
Okay, 31 with hope.
That's a hit.
[01:14:54] Speaker D: 31 with hope.
Yeah. And I've got. I gained a slayer die. So I'm gonna add a slayer die to this attack.
So, yeah, let's do our damage and then I'll describe how it all plays out.
[01:15:13] Speaker B: Cool.
[01:15:16] Speaker D: Do I have any? Yes.
[01:15:20] Speaker A: I feel like this is the most scrutiny your character sheets have had since we started playing.
[01:15:25] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely.
[01:15:28] Speaker D: Like, oh, I do this.
[01:15:33] Speaker B: Also. I'm gonna use my versatile fighter to mark a stress. So it's maximum value of my damage dice. Again, it doesn't say I can't use it more than once. So I'm. I'm. I'm saying that I can do it more than once.
[01:15:46] Speaker A: Sure.
[01:15:46] Speaker B: If that's okay with you, Dan?
[01:15:48] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:15:48] Speaker B: If it said per long rest, I'd be like, yeah, sure. But it doesn't. So.
[01:15:52] Speaker A: No, no, that's fine.
So we got 16 from Banya.
[01:15:57] Speaker D: Yeah. Magical damage.
[01:16:05] Speaker B: Yes.
[01:16:06] Speaker D: Again.
Oh, yeah, I was. Oh, forgot my slayer died. That was it. I knew I was forgetting something. I need to add a D6 to the damage.
Oh, 17.
[01:16:19] Speaker F: Oh, no.
[01:16:21] Speaker A: Okay, 17 damage for that year.
[01:16:24] Speaker B: Cool. So mine would be 24 as the base standard because I'm using top level of my damage dice plus my unstoppable, which is now at plus three.
That's great. And. And then it's plus five for my spell render and broadsword. Is that right?
[01:16:42] Speaker A: So for. So what. What's the normal damage? It's 3D 8 plus 3D.
[01:16:48] Speaker B: It's 3D 8 plus.
Well, it's 3D 8 plus 3 and then plus.
[01:16:54] Speaker A: So 27 plus 3. Yeah, so 30. So 30.
[01:16:59] Speaker B: Yeah, we'll say 30. That sounds good to me.
[01:17:01] Speaker A: Sure.
[01:17:02] Speaker B: Okay, plus plus another 3 because of the unstoppable dice.
[01:17:05] Speaker A: 33. Okay, so 33 is 50 damage. Only 50 damage. What are you lot doing? Oh, okay, yeah, describe that severe damage. Talk me through it. He's still up, but talk me through it.
[01:17:25] Speaker D: So, yeah, I give this, I give this little mini speech to a cow and we just click on it.
And I can imagine Vanier goes from like a leap to like punch the tail down, pin to give a chance and freeze it and like free some of the tail ready for cow strike to shatter part of its tail.
[01:17:59] Speaker B: Okay, yep, that sounds good to me.
[01:18:02] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, yeah, as. As we slide into a Final Fantasy style cinematic of the two of you just laying into this dragon spawn, Eindrith reels back from the final blow.
And like, his wing is one of his wing. Well, so he's not got wings. Like, some of his scales have been sort of like carved off.
His clothes that, that he's wearing a tattered and shredded and like one of the ends of his horns has snapped off.
But he sort of like, as he reels back, he looks to the two of you and. Enough.
HE roars. And the two of you are launched backwards by this sort of like magical concussive force as he puts you in your place as he rises up. Right. I will not be denied. HE BELLOWS that was Vanya's turn. Who wants to go next? And is it Alfric?
[01:19:08] Speaker D: Oh, I thought Cal wanted to do the potion thing.
[01:19:12] Speaker B: I. I will do the potion whenever it's convenient. It'll be the next thing I do. But I don't need to go next. I don't think.
[01:19:21] Speaker C: I can do something that might help you, Alfric.
Yes, you would like.
So I've never done this before.
I've never kissed a dragon before. No.
[01:19:41] Speaker A: There was this fleeting moment when I thought, is that a ranger ability?
[01:19:51] Speaker C: I would like to make a spell cast roll to see if I can cast Wild Fortress, please.
[01:20:01] Speaker A: Okay, what does Wild Fortress?
[01:20:03] Speaker C: I'll tell you what.
It grows a natural barricade in the shape of a dome between above me and one ally. You immediately become hidden within it and you can reseal, reveal yourself at the top to make attacks. But you are technically from a hidden position and the dome has its own damage threshold, so it takes all damage okay. That me and Alfric would take because we're inside it.
[01:20:28] Speaker A: You can create a bunker. Okay, I see, I see.
[01:20:32] Speaker C: Okay, it's a wild fortress, but, yeah, technically, I can make a bunker.
[01:20:38] Speaker A: Is it only. Is it for one person or is it for, like.
[01:20:41] Speaker C: It's for two people.
[01:20:42] Speaker A: Two people. Okay.
By all means, please roll me a spell cast to see if you can bunker up.
[01:20:49] Speaker C: My spell cast is of solitude.
One of these plus three.
[01:20:59] Speaker B: It's a.
[01:21:00] Speaker C: 15, 16, 17.
Yes, it works.
[01:21:04] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:21:06] Speaker C: Yeah.
[01:21:06] Speaker A: So a natural barricade in the shape of a dome for you and one ally to hide within. Okay, so the two of you are. Are hidden from view.
Let me draw a little thing around you.
Cool. There you are. That's your little fortress. A little green fortress.
[01:21:30] Speaker C: Fabulous. Okay, so, yeah, it essentially has its own damage threshold, so it will take hits instead of us.
[01:21:41] Speaker A: Okay.
Thankfully. Is there anything else? Are you moving? Are you staying in your hut?
[01:21:49] Speaker C: No, I'm gonna stay in my little hut, thank you very much.
[01:21:53] Speaker A: I will take the fear that you've just rolled.
I will activate Eindrith, because the four of you, you can't see us.
[01:22:13] Speaker C: We're hidden.
[01:22:15] Speaker A: This is true.
[01:22:16] Speaker C: We're just a little hut.
[01:22:17] Speaker A: Just a little hut.
In which case he's just bellowed enough and he's going to look at Cal and Vanier and.
And it will clip the hut as well. But you. You probably be protected by it.
Cow. Van Year. And does the hut have an instinct, stat?
No damage threshold.
[01:22:50] Speaker C: It can't have fearful hallucinations either.
[01:22:53] Speaker A: Sure, that's fine.
[01:22:55] Speaker E: Cut hallucinations.
[01:22:58] Speaker C: But it was a twig.
[01:23:00] Speaker A: Okay, well, Calum, Vanier, if I can, please have instincts, reaction rolls. Please.
I don't believe he's learned any of your fears, so all Vanya's fine.
[01:23:14] Speaker D: Not mine. You haven't had any of my fears yet.
[01:23:17] Speaker A: Haven't had any of your fears. And Cal.
[01:23:24] Speaker B: That'S. That's. It's a roll with hope. But it's a 17, which means that it's. It's fear time, baby.
[01:23:31] Speaker A: Well, the two of you take. And the hut, for this matter, 17 unreducible damage.
[01:23:41] Speaker D: Is it halved? If we saved.
[01:23:47] Speaker A: Beg, my note is completely negated. So. Yeah, big one. Daniel, you may. You're able to jump out the way. Cal, you will take 17 damage. The hut cannot move, so it will also take 17 damage.
[01:23:59] Speaker C: No worries.
[01:24:00] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:24:01] Speaker C: It's still standing.
[01:24:03] Speaker A: Still standing. How's Cal looking?
[01:24:06] Speaker B: He's about to drink a potion, though, so maybe I'm glad that I waited to Roll. The potion.
[01:24:17] Speaker A: Sort of like. Yeah. Buffets you with his. With his breath attack. And looking around, he looks to the the gathered mages and deal with these words. He shouts. And he begins flying directly up away from the five of you.
So he's now 30ft up in the air.
[01:24:39] Speaker D: Wait, no. Attack of opportunity, sir.
[01:24:43] Speaker A: Okay, if you may.
[01:24:45] Speaker D: If. But I mean, my agility isn't great. I have to make an agility roll. If I somehow hit though, this is going to be great.
[01:24:54] Speaker A: Huh?
[01:24:58] Speaker D: I. I don't want to cheese the experiences too much, so.
Attack of opportunity, make an agility reaction roll. This is so this is a reaction roll. This won't. So the hope of it won't come into play here.
Right, let's do that.
Does it. Does the advantage still happen on.
[01:25:21] Speaker B: Yeah. I was going to ask how is it still going?
[01:25:24] Speaker F: We haven't cleared the vulnerable yet. Dan.
[01:25:26] Speaker A: Vulnerable lasts until next turn. So advantage.
[01:25:31] Speaker D: Yes. Still got advantage.
[01:25:34] Speaker A: So vulnerable. While you're vulnerable roles targeting, you have advantage. So given that it's an opportunity attack against Eindrick, I would say yes.
[01:25:45] Speaker D: Yeah. So, okay, so this is a minute. Let me. Agility roll normal roll D6.
[01:25:55] Speaker A: Oh, come on.
[01:25:58] Speaker D: Only 13. It's not gonna hit.
[01:26:01] Speaker A: So 13.
Eindrith. Oh, I forgot to turn them on. Eindriff sort of like swats you away as he begins flying upwards.
Who would like to go next? He's 30 foot up in the air.
[01:26:20] Speaker E: Can I ask if that means that anyone is now in close range of him?
[01:26:26] Speaker A: Tell you what, he's within the boundary of close range, so he's within 30.
[01:26:32] Speaker E: So if I were to fireball him now.
[01:26:35] Speaker A: Yes.
[01:26:37] Speaker E: That wouldn't affect anyone else?
[01:26:41] Speaker A: No.
[01:26:43] Speaker E: Okay.
And can I use. If I may, that'd be the next one to go. Can I use my experience, which is tempted by the darkness, which is. I really, really do not like this dragon because he's been very mean to me.
[01:27:03] Speaker A: Given that this experience was born of your interactions with Eindrif, I will. I will say that narratively makes sense for you to use it in this instance. So that'll drop you down to two hope.
[01:27:16] Speaker E: Yes.
[01:27:18] Speaker A: So it'll be a presence check.
Plus with advantage. Because he's still vulnerable.
[01:27:29] Speaker B: Experience.
[01:27:30] Speaker A: Your experience.
[01:27:35] Speaker C: Come on.
[01:27:41] Speaker A: So that's plus. Another three. I'm guessing your experience.
[01:27:46] Speaker E: Yes, I think so. Let me just check. Plus two.
[01:27:49] Speaker A: Plus two, 23 to hit.
Alfric, please roll me some damage.
[01:27:56] Speaker E: Yeah.
Is a 3D8. Plus 5 is damage with fireball. So that is. Oh, there is.
Has that rolled?
[01:28:17] Speaker F: Yeah. That's right.
[01:28:20] Speaker A: That has rolled. Bear with me. Hold one moment, please.
15 damage. A.
[01:28:31] Speaker F: He's getting the death icon ready.
[01:28:35] Speaker A: As.
So Eindrifth has just been assaulted by Cal and Vanier. He's blown them away and then followed up with a.
The breath has. Like Vanya's had to dive for cover behind the crates. Cal has just taken the brunt from his breath attack the. The hut that you're in. Alfric. Like, you can see it almost like withering under the. The magical assault as Ray. Re's desperately trying to kind of keep it maintained.
And as you hear. You hear sort of like Eindrith ascending to the. Towards the clouds overhead, towards the now kind of night sky. It was dusk when we started.
And as he arcs away and what does. How. How do you fire your fireball? Is this the first time you've used it?
[01:29:31] Speaker E: This is the first time he's used it.
[01:29:33] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:29:33] Speaker E: Yeah.
[01:29:34] Speaker A: As you conjure this destructive magical. For like, how. How does it work? How are you creating it?
[01:29:40] Speaker E: I feel like this is the first thing he's created that kind of doesn't have anything to do with his violin. His violin is still sort of in his hand. He doesn't play it to conjure it. It just sort of conjures in front of him. And it's all of his. His desire to do good by his friends and to be an adventurer and his panic because his home is literally just in that direction and his parents are going to be very, very disappointed in him no matter what he does.
So it's this. This desire to prove the voice in his head and it just sort of fires up.
[01:30:17] Speaker A: So as this gravely wounded, recently reborn like Re conjured Dragonspawn makes his escape as this moat of fire that I maybe looks somewhat similar to the. The floating lava orbs of Merisos. As that arcs towards him, Eindrith turns his serpentine head to look down at you, and there's this look of triumph upon his face. But then he notices this arc of fire racing towards him.
Georgia, explain to me how this happens.
[01:31:02] Speaker E: I imagine when you explode a dragon, we're talking big firework, even a dragon of sort of darkness and bad dreams and all of those fun hallucinations. I imagine the impact just. It's like suddenly the night sky is daytime briefly.
[01:31:32] Speaker A: Okay, yeah. In which case this orb of fire burrows into the form, the freshly recreated form of Eindriff.
And as like as Eindrith looks to you, there's a flicker of confusion upon his face for a moment. And then Perhaps a. An emotion that Eindrith himself hasn't felt for quite some considerable time, which is ironic given that it's his chief weapon. But there is a flash of fear across the dragon spawn's face as they're like his torso. His midriff tears in two from the magical explosion and. And as he screams as he's bisected by the fireball, the scale from the, from the. The rip, the scales begin to peel away, burning, burning under the fiery assault of the fireball.
The. And the smoke and fumes then kind of dissipating into Arcane Manor as Eindrith is torn apart on a mannerly level.
And as he sort of like peels away and you see like his, the neck disappears and the, like his head begins to crisp away.
You hear this long echoing and then there is silence as the night sky illuminates as the core mana scent, like the, the mana core of Eindrith erupts and his ether is scattered across the the sky as the light from the explosion disappears. What looks like shooting star stars hurtling into the night sky are all that's left of the Dragonspawn of Seldivant.
And I think we all grab a quick break.
[01:34:01] Speaker D: Well done, Afric.
[01:34:02] Speaker A: So proud.
So proud.
I will not keep you long. We'll go on a little 10 minute break and then we'll be back to deal with what, what's happening after.
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We're going to break. We'll see you in 10 minutes. It's.