The Daughters of Islebridge - Tales From Elsewhere - Tale 3 Ep.1- Daggerheart Actual Play

Episode 14 January 03, 2025 01:36:30
The Daughters of Islebridge - Tales From Elsewhere - Tale 3 Ep.1- Daggerheart Actual Play
Explorers of Elsewhere
The Daughters of Islebridge - Tales From Elsewhere - Tale 3 Ep.1- Daggerheart Actual Play

Jan 03 2025 | 01:36:30


Show Notes

The Explorers arrive in the homely town of Islebridge to investigate a suspected kidnapping, but the townsfolk prove to be quite a handful.


Check out The Holm Foundation, a Found Footage Horror-Fiction Podcast created by Fio Trethewey (Big Finish: Gallifrey War Room, 18th Wall Productions) and Georgia Cook (Big Finish: The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles, Gallifrey War Room, BBC Books, The Dracula Daily Sketch Collection). It is a modern day sequel to the gothic novel Dracula -



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign. Welcome, everybody, to Explorers of Elsewhere's Tales from Elsewhere. Hi. We are live in your ear holes and your eye balls. You don't want eye holes. You want eyeballs. That's much better. Hi, I'm DM Dan. Welcome. I am joined today by six creatures of unfathomable beauty, which is more than we normally normally joined by. Hi, Nate. [00:00:40] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:41] Speaker A: Hi. Hi, Livy. [00:00:43] Speaker C: Hello. [00:00:44] Speaker A: Hi. Hi, Georgia. [00:00:46] Speaker D: Hello. [00:00:47] Speaker A: Hello. Hello. Hi, Theo. [00:00:50] Speaker E: Hello. [00:00:50] Speaker A: Hello. Hi, Dan. [00:00:53] Speaker F: Ahoy. [00:00:54] Speaker A: Ahoy. And you need to get in camera, dear. Hello, Daisy. There she is. She's bringing in the views. Oh, yeah. Daisy is the most excited of all of us, but we're all still quite excited to play some Dagger Heart for y'all. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And yeah, normally we play Dagger Heart before players, but today, because we're. We're just mad like that, we're gonna do it. Five players. How's about. Oh, okay. No, we're down. We've. We're down. We've lost Daisy. Okay, never mind. Yes, we're gonna. We're gonna play some Dagger Heart. It's the start of a new tale. I really. You know, we're coming towards the end of the year. This is going to be the last Dagger Heart session. Like, was campaign, not campaign adventure of the year. But we're looking forward to 2025, where we can have lots of new stuff on the way. Before I go on any further, because I know I'm waffling a little bit, I would just like to do a little shout out because we're gonna do some happy, laughy larks. But if you like your larks a bit more scary and gruesome, then you should 100 check out Georgia and Theo's project, the Homewood foundation, which managed to smash through its Kickstarter. It's fully funded. The Coleman foundation is a go. Congratulations. [00:02:25] Speaker D: Oh, thank you. [00:02:26] Speaker A: Yes. [00:02:28] Speaker C: What? [00:02:28] Speaker A: What is it? For anyone who doesn't know Danny. [00:02:35] Speaker E: Okay, let's do this. So the Homewood foundation is a found footage horror fiction podcast that's designed as a sequel to Dracula. We released the pilot earlier this year with the Kickstarter crowdfund, which we succeeded, which means we're going to be making six more episodes. It stars Rebecca Root as Madeline Townsend and Sean Carlson as Jeremy Larkin, and they both also play the ghosts of Mina and Jonathan Harker. It's a fun romp across the Yorkshire moors being chased by monsters with kind of strange, kind of intrigue. You're dealing with, like, codependency with ghosts and kind of like it's great. Seven heads, you've got a seven headed Dracula to deal with. So there's lots, there's lots going on. So if that sounds something of interest, do check out the podcast, you can listen to it wherever you get your podcasts and obviously that's where we'll also be updating production notes wise and you can also find us on our socials and our website which is anything else you'd like to add Georgia, in case I missed anything? [00:03:52] Speaker D: That was perfect. [00:03:53] Speaker E: Fantastic. [00:03:55] Speaker A: I hope I've spelled that right in the chat. Yes, certainly after we finished because home was. Home was not going anywhere, you complete your Kickstarter. So yeah, we can go check that out. So, five players, one new story. Who would like to get started? Okay, let's go. [00:04:19] Speaker G: All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes. [00:04:24] Speaker A: Ever onwards to find the lands and people lost. All thanks to our brave explorers. [00:04:34] Speaker F: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanya the wolf king warrior. [00:04:37] Speaker C: Hey, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Ray Re, the sprite ranger. [00:04:42] Speaker E: Hi, my name is Theo and I'm playing Cal A Sang of our Guardian. [00:04:45] Speaker D: I'm Georgia and I will be playing Alfric Stormhall, a dragon scent bard. [00:04:50] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azakar on the Johnny Serif. [00:04:54] Speaker A: And my name is DM Dan, the gm. In these adventures, the further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere. And so with a flash of light, a now more familiar lurching of stomachs, five individuals emerge from a pre constructed portal. To the sounds of water gently lapping underfoot, the sound of town bustle kind of gently rolling through the air either side of you. And five explorers find themselves on a rather large kind of wide old certainly stone bridge in the middle of what appears to be a quaint little town that's somewhat bigger than some of the ex woods, some of the other explorer expedition settlements that have been created in the past 20 odd months. And this bridge spans over a kind of wide but gently rolling river. Explorers, you have arrived in the town of Isle Bridge. As you look around, the first thing that perhaps strikes your notice Rayri to you all of the buildings seem normal, more normal than other buildings that you've seen. But for everyone else you notice that more of the buildings seem to be a bit on the smaller side than you were expecting. And as you kind of take it like kind of orientate yourselves and take in what you see, you Hear the sounds of chattering as a group of sprites kind of wander past and they're kind of nattering to one another. Oh yeah, we went fishing and I caught a fish this big, that. And they're having kind of a conversation there. Oh, excuse me. As they kind of pick their way past you and Ravi. Perhaps it's not. Perhaps it's something, you know, there's a joy that swells in your chest because it's not very often that you find yourself in a settlement with a lot more sprites than usual as. But actually let's, let's start for between, between the five of you. What two landmarks pique your interest the most? Standing on this bridge, you can see that the town is in effect kind of split over both sides of this river. The river which you've been led to, you've been told, is the, the river island that kind of, you know, rolls through here. So the town is built on both sides apart from the building behind you. We'll come back to that in a sec. What other landmarks pique your interest as you kind of look left and then look right. What's on the left? The, the eastern half of the city. [00:09:11] Speaker B: As a car can see. [00:09:13] Speaker E: There's. [00:09:13] Speaker B: There's like a, almost like a town square, but it's almost not like a town square. It's like a town rectangle, almost like a square that's been cut in half. And sort of in the middle of that is sort of like a beautifully carved statue of like a quite heroic, let's say, heron sprite standing sort of like upon like a big rock and lifting up a sword. [00:09:49] Speaker A: Okay, so when you, so it's, it is effectively like a town square. Does it kind of bump up onto the river? [00:09:58] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:59] Speaker A: Okay, cool. Okay, so yeah, you notice this rather heroic looking Terran sprite statue to your left on the eastern coast. Someone else. What do you. What grabs your notice when you look right onto the west? Sure. [00:10:23] Speaker C: Rayri notices a shop that has a very, very large sign in the shape of a boot. And it specializes in tiny boots and tiny people. [00:10:42] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:43] Speaker C: And Ray's very excited. They don't normally get to see tiny. [00:10:47] Speaker A: Boots, so sprite sized boots. Okay, very good. Well, as Azakar and Rayri, as the two of you kind of pick up a, pick up on these kind of landmarks, you turn to see that behind you pretty much halfway along this bridge. And when I say the bridge is wide, we're talking a good probably, you know, 20 odd meters in width. Like it's a very It's a very spacious, it would be a very spacious bridge if it weren't for what appears to be a tavern of sorts that is constructed on the middle. Some of it juts out, you can see there are some support structures going down into the river. But the vast majority of the tavern kind of footprint lies on this bridge, almost equidistant between the two halves of Isle Bridge. And you notice that, well, for everyone else you notice that this building, this tavern has what you would consider normal proportions. Perhaps a bit too big for a sprite, perhaps a bit too small for a keeper. But it looks, it doesn't look, it looks old. It looks like it's been here for quite some time. But you notice that the swinging sign over the door looks relatively new. And it is called the Horse's Head. And from your missives that you picked up while from Ava Moore that have led you to this place, you know that your contact that you're to speak to is the proprietor of the Horse's Head. As you kind of enter in the, the building like the, the interior kind of radiates through this kind of welcoming warmth despite being, you know, Larovar, ace of our, you know, wolfkin sized. It's got a num. You've noticed there's quite a few sort of like corridors, almost as if they, they remind you, almost as like rat runs that seem to be more appropriately sized for sprites. You can see that on one side of the bar there is a kind of a wooden, you could almost call it like wooden shelving, but it's like a half level upon which there is another set of kind of sprite sized tables. So you know, they're being very efficient with, with the space in here. But there's a coziness. You hear the crackling of a fire in the fireplace and the smell of good quality drink and food behind the bar. You notice as you sit down is a somewhat portly Lorava with kind of big graying mutton chop type facial hair arrangements, hair combed back and like eyes that look a bit too small for his head. But as he sees the five of you enter and take a seat, he kind of blusters over to you and. [00:14:29] Speaker G: Well, if I am not mistaken, you have the look of some adventurers about you. [00:14:37] Speaker C: Really? [00:14:38] Speaker G: Yes. Yeah, you especially, he says, pointing at you. [00:14:41] Speaker D: Alfrack Afric radiates excitement. [00:14:48] Speaker A: He, the, the, the barkeep sort of like smiles and then like bows ever so slightly at the waist and, and he says. [00:15:02] Speaker G: Allow me to introduce myself. My Name is Varon Verizon, proprietor of this here establishment. And I welcome you to enjoy our hospitalities. [00:15:17] Speaker A: And you know that Varen here is the one that put in the job order for you. I'll pass back to you for a moment. How's Rayri as a car and Vanier feeling being joined once again by the enigmatic cow and the starry eyed Alfric? It's been a few months. [00:15:50] Speaker F: It feels good. [00:15:52] Speaker C: It feels correct. [00:15:54] Speaker F: It feels correct. [00:15:56] Speaker B: As a car's wondering who is this child? [00:15:59] Speaker C: Oh yeah, Azakar hasn't. Hasn't met Alfric yet. I think Rayri's just kind of looking between Azakar and Alfric, just like we've got Freiri already. [00:16:14] Speaker B: Why do we need another child? [00:16:17] Speaker D: It's a slightly larger child. [00:16:21] Speaker A: Alfric, what series of events have led you to be here on official explorers business since we last saw you at Ulic Manor in your hometown? Yeah, what. What twists of fate have led you down this path? [00:16:41] Speaker D: Many a twist of fate. Oh, he's so excited. I think as soon as he got home from witnessing many a murder, he immediately asked his parents, informed his parents that he was going to become an adventurer, and was immediately told absolutely not. So in secret he wrote to the Guild and requested some kind of help, some way to convince his parents of the mighty need of him to become an adventurer. And that's when California showed up at the door. [00:17:22] Speaker E: Yeah, Cal turned up. I feel like Cal kind of. [00:17:32] Speaker A: I. [00:17:32] Speaker E: Want to say appeased, I think the wrong word. But turning up and telling Cal's pet, Cal's parents, Al's parents, that he will be trained properly and that he would make it his major concern that Alfred understands how to defend himself and that he will never do anything too dangerous that he cannot handle without him around. He regrets all this, but Alfric was probably like big puppy dog eyes right in front of him. And Cal was just like, I can't be bothered to disagree. So that's. So I think whilst you guys were having a spooky time, Cal was doing some training with Alfric so that he understands what it is to fight something and how to defend himself and to listen to people when they tell you what to do. [00:18:34] Speaker D: He absolutely has not learned any of these lessons. [00:18:36] Speaker E: He better have learned these lessons because Cal will be very angry. Yes. [00:18:43] Speaker D: And now they are joined by a friendship bracelet made of Alfric's love and adoration for his new papa. [00:18:54] Speaker A: Well, so Cal, where it sounds like you've, you know, fundamentally kind of taken Alfric under your Wing in the relatively short amount of time that you've kind of been together away from my Alfred's hometown. So perhaps through the streets of Avonmore, perhaps on like a small little kind of starter job that the two of you picked up. What, what has been the most egregiously notable interaction that somewhat you've witnessed someone have with Alfrek due to Alfric's. Due to the fact that Alfric is a dragon Simp. [00:19:43] Speaker E: Oh, I think absolutely. Someone has literally got down on their knees in front of Alfric and treated him like a deity. [00:19:51] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:19:52] Speaker E: And Cal is just kind of like trying to just try and relax and just be like, please move on sir. He is a working dragon. He is not a deity. [00:20:04] Speaker C: He is working. Please do not distract him. [00:20:08] Speaker E: Please do not distract the child in training. He is an explorer. He is an explorer business probably by just giving the man who got on his knees a very cow gaze. And yes. So Cal has all like. I feel like those interactions might happen quite not, I wouldn't say say frequently, but occasionally enough that people are like, ooh, ooh, a dragon scent. And cow's like, no, okay, stop. Control yourself to these people. [00:20:47] Speaker A: Okay. So Alfric, in, in your time with Cal. Yeah. You've been subjected to quite a few. Very least, at least one person has dropped to their knees in supplication. But what, what is the one thing you've kind of discovered that you've noticed being an explorer that you kind of weren't counting on? What was the most kind of eye eyebrow raising insight? [00:21:21] Speaker D: He's definitely one of the most sheltered people, man or dragon, that you will ever meet. I think just stepping out of his home where he was so certain that the outside world would be exactly like his books and everything would be fine and fun and you know, being hungry and cold and a bit tired were never really like things you'd have to deal with because he's never had to deal with that before. And now he's. He's been on the road and he's had to deal with circumstances that aren't the same as his own. He's had to deal with people who haven't dealt well during the catastrophe. And I think it sort of opened his eyes just a little bit to the fact that people aren't storybook characters and people aren't doing very well and there is a thing called poverty. And I think it's slowly starting to dawn on him that perhaps the world is a little bit different to him. How we you pictured it for sure? [00:22:17] Speaker A: For sure. For sure. Okay. Very good. Thank you. In which case we. Yeah, we. We return to the present. Von Verason has kind of welcomed you and yeah, he. He. This kind of portly lore of our man looks. Looks to you all with his slightly too small eyes and yeah, he looks at you expectantly. As I say he see he is the one who get put out the job. The job in particular being what. What was framed. What is framed as a rescue. Miss. The. The larvar looks you and I. I assume that you. [00:23:13] Speaker G: You understood the. The. The particulars of the missive that I. That I posted up to Ava Moore. But just. Just in case. It's. It's a terrible state of affairs. It truly is. There you see. I. I don't know if any of you have been visited this beautiful. The beautiful town of Isle Bridge before, but there are two families. I suppose you could say that they don't run things around here, but they are the pillars of the community. I hope you understand. You see, you've got. You've got the firearms and you've got the Fisbees. Now the firearms and the Fisbees, their clans are quite widespread. Okay. Wide stretching. And the. You know, the. The matriarch and the patriarch of the Fireuns and the Frisbees, they're getting on a bit and they were going to be handing down their responsibilities and ownership of the. The clan such as they were to their daughters. But in a twist of ill fate, the. The daughters have gone missing. Now the two young girls, they're. They're ever so sweet. They are. They're ever so sweeter. Capulin and Montana. They. They. The two families believe that the other is responsible for the disappearance of their daughter. But they're pointing fingers at one another. And there's one thing I've discovered about sprites. Beg my pardon, miss, he says to you, Rayri, but they can be imaginative little buggers. So there's all of this hearsay and there's all of this speculation about what's happened to these daughters and the two families pointing the fingers at one another and shouting some very mean things. But I have a horrible, horrible feeling that there is something a bit more. A bit more troublesome. The floor is underneath this. I believe that the girls aren't. Haven't. Haven't gone missing. I believe the girls have been kidnapped. [00:25:38] Speaker F: First. We still not got a drink yet, so we need a round of drinks. [00:25:48] Speaker G: The law of our man kind of. [00:25:49] Speaker A: Shouts over his shoulder and you see there's a. Some kind of crashing and Banging kind of behind the bar area. And soon this. This like lady goblin kind of skirts out and. Oh, sorry, sorry. She says she kind of scooters on past with. With some. Some drinks. [00:26:10] Speaker G: I apologize. I didn't even ask for your order. But I assure you that this, this mead, we. We freshly uncorked it this morning. It's gonna be some of the best stuff that you've ever tasted. [00:26:21] Speaker A: He says. [00:26:25] Speaker D: You mentioned a kidnapping. [00:26:27] Speaker G: Oh, why, why, yes, yes, yes. Distribute the drinks, if you please. Yes, the kidnapper. I believe they've been kidnapped. There is. There is something. Just doesn't quite add up. It just smells a bit fishy. And it's not the river. No, no, no, no. I think there is something. There's something more clandestine going on here. But capable individuals of yours, like yourselves, we don't have much to give you in the way of clues. But I'm sure that between the five of you, you will be able to sniff out the. Whoever it was that is wishing such ill fortune on these two beautiful families. You can find their daughters and you can bring them right back. [00:27:14] Speaker C: Which one's the Capulene and which one's the Montana? [00:27:18] Speaker G: Capulin, Fisbee and Montana? Fyram Babes. [00:27:27] Speaker C: She looks around. Sprite, Please, a chance. [00:27:31] Speaker G: Oh, yes, yes. Capulin's one of them. One of you. Aquin Aquin Sprites. And Montana, she's. She's one of them. Airy sprite? No, Auron Auran Sprites. [00:27:46] Speaker A: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Not, not, Not a fiery little go. [00:27:50] Speaker G: Getter like you, but yeah, they're, they're. [00:27:53] Speaker A: They'Re, you know, they, they, they keep. [00:27:54] Speaker G: Themselves out of trouble for the most part. Apart from now, huh? [00:27:59] Speaker C: They're head in the clouds most of the time. [00:28:03] Speaker G: I think I get that. Yes, yes. How does that. Well, you're here, so I assume that you feel that the five of you are up to the job of finding these. Finding these two wayward souls. [00:28:16] Speaker C: Yeah. Kidnapping. That sounds easy. We just did like a triple homicide. [00:28:22] Speaker A: Oh. [00:28:23] Speaker G: Oh, my. [00:28:26] Speaker C: So, you know, if only two of them are dead, then that's even better than last time. I think we had more than that. We had more than last time. [00:28:33] Speaker G: Well, I mean, I don't mean to speak for the Fizbees and the firearms, but I would suspect that neither of them would want either of the daughters to have shuffled off this mortal coil. And I suspect they will both want them returned safe and sound. [00:28:53] Speaker F: Hold up a minute. F takes a swig of his pint. He's like, right, you See, this is kidnapping. But do. Does anyone know what the relationship is like between the two daughters? [00:29:11] Speaker G: Well, I mean, yeah, they're. They're quite. [00:29:14] Speaker A: Mmm. [00:29:15] Speaker G: They're quite close. They. They seem to spend quite a lot of time together. I think they're just really, really, really, really, really good friends. [00:29:24] Speaker C: Like housemates? [00:29:26] Speaker G: Yes. [00:29:27] Speaker A: Yeah, I. [00:29:29] Speaker G: They get on well enough that I could imagine that between the two of them, they. They might, you know, they'd be happy spending the rest of their lives together. They just. [00:29:39] Speaker C: That's really nice. [00:29:40] Speaker G: They just fit together like perfect pieces. [00:29:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:29:43] Speaker F: Or. What evidence do we have that this is potentially malicious kidnapping or whatever? [00:29:53] Speaker G: Well, it's the timing, you see. It's the timing. There was a big announcement not too long ago that. That Tiber Fisbee and Ben Vulfyrum, they're the. That's the matriarch of the Fizzbees and the patriarch of the firearms. They've only recently, you know, said, oh, we're about to step down and we're gonna. We're gonna rest on our laurels and that they, you know, pretty much on the same day and then they put forward Capulin and Montana to be taken over kind of command of the two families. Say they're pillars of the community. They do quite a lot for. For the town of Islebridge. But yeah, only days after this announcement, the end, these two girls found themselves being some of the most important people in the town that then they. They just go missing. There's a part of me that thinks that it's just a bit too convenient, you know, and then for both of the families to be kind of pointing. Waggling the finger at each other. No, no, I think this say. I think there's something. Something going on here between the. [00:31:09] Speaker B: Between the two fam. Who would benefit. Who would benefit from kidnapping them? [00:31:16] Speaker A: The. The larvar shrugs and. [00:31:19] Speaker G: Well, I mean that. That bit, I just. I just don't understand. [00:31:24] Speaker A: I mean. [00:31:27] Speaker G: The thing is, the reason why they're so important is that from what I understand, I mean, the. The sprites have. Have been here since. Well, no one knows how long they've been here. And whenever you ask any of them, they just say, oh, I've been here my whole life. The Fisbees, you see, they. They tend to look after, well, sorry, the firearms. [00:31:53] Speaker A: They. They kind of stick to the. [00:31:55] Speaker G: The outskirts of the town. They. They. They look after. [00:31:59] Speaker A: They're like the cultivators. [00:32:01] Speaker G: They grow the wheat, they farm. They farm the lumber, they mine the stone. They do the farming. And then the Fisbees historically they've always been the like the creators on the artisans of the town. They turn the raw product into delicious foods. They make the clothes, they build the buildings and everything. It's been quite a synonymous relationship between the two of them. But yeah, now they're just gonna. Now that they're at each other's throats. [00:32:30] Speaker A: The whole thing's just gonna fall apart. [00:32:31] Speaker G: And I'm worried. I'm worried that the town of Arbridge is just gonna fall apart as a result of it. [00:32:39] Speaker C: Where can we find the heads of. Or ex. Heads would be heads of the two families? [00:32:49] Speaker G: Well, as I say, you. You can find. You can find the firearms on the outskirts. The. [00:32:55] Speaker A: The. The. The house. Their house tends to is. [00:32:59] Speaker G: But you. You'll likely find them in the. At their lodgings in the southwest. [00:33:04] Speaker A: And the, The Fisbies, you can find them on the like within town on the eas. [00:33:16] Speaker F: And is there like someone who is outside of these families that know these two daughters well, that we might speak to as well? That's not so biased with one of these families? [00:33:31] Speaker G: Well, I mean, I mean they got friends and whatnot. But I mean a lot, A lot of the sprites here, their. Their histories are so intertwined. It's like one town sized family primarily. But I mean you could speak to. You could speak to the mayor, Mayra Scala. She's. She's been here a while, but she's. She's. She's. She's a sprite as well. But she's made a pledge to try and kind of keep separate from the. The Fisbees and the. [00:34:03] Speaker A: The fire. [00:34:03] Speaker G: And she doesn't want to seem like she's being biased one way or the other. [00:34:07] Speaker A: There's Sheriff Parrin. He's. [00:34:09] Speaker G: He's. He's an explorer that came along and kind of stayed put. But yeah, they've got a. They've got a few more friends you can speak to. Mercule or Folio. If you ask for either of them, they'll. [00:34:22] Speaker A: Yeah, they might be able to help. [00:34:23] Speaker G: Help you out finally. I suppose there's. I mean she's a. He's a bit of a, you know, a spiritual leader, but the cleric. You've got a cleric of Selenith in town. Lorais. You. You could speak to him, I suppose. [00:34:46] Speaker F: Good to know. [00:34:49] Speaker E: Thank you for your information. That's very helpful. [00:34:53] Speaker G: You are more than welcome. I. I'm just hoping. Hoping with all the hope in my heart that you can find these two girls and bring them home. I just. I just. It would Break my heart to see these families kind of lose everything that they build up. Let me just, in the chat, write down the names of those NPCs that I've just mentioned. So we've got a Scala, we've got Baron, we've got Mercule and Volio. Vole. Oh, spelled like that. And then there's Cleric, Laurace. Boom. There we go in the chat there for you. [00:35:38] Speaker B: Who are Mercule and Folio again. [00:35:40] Speaker G: So Mercury and Verlio, they are friends of Montana. Mercule is the. The son of Mayor Escala. [00:36:01] Speaker A: Cool. So I. Yes. So I don't have to keep on doing that voice anymore. Who. As you tuck into your drinks, Vanya. [00:36:13] Speaker E: You. [00:36:14] Speaker A: It very. The. The drink. It is. It's quite a thick. It's. It's a me. It's definitely. Mead is thick. It's treacly. It's got a slight hint of bitterness, which isn't unpleasant in any way, but, yeah, it is. He's not wrong. It is pretty good. It doesn't taste like it's. It certainly hasn't been brewed for a long time. Like, it hasn't you had time to sit and develop for a long time, but it's. It's tasty nonetheless. You suspect that if it were given another few, you know, months, years, or however long good me takes to brew, it would be better still. [00:36:55] Speaker F: Probably not good enough for a pie or something. [00:37:02] Speaker A: So between the five of you, what have you got? Any initial kind of thoughts or feelings? Anything that comes is coming springing to mind screwing? [00:37:16] Speaker B: No, they're roommates. [00:37:21] Speaker F: Personally, I think that maybe the pressure got too much, you know, they're like, nope, left. [00:37:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I get that. Yeah. Just no. [00:37:37] Speaker E: Possible. [00:37:39] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:37:39] Speaker C: I mean, what could be. They could go off to get. We still got to find them, though, because it's not very nice, even if, you know, they're shirking their responsibilities to just run away from their families and cause all this rift. [00:37:51] Speaker D: And they would have told someone. Anyone. [00:37:55] Speaker C: Their friends, hopefully. I think we should start with their friends, to be honest. [00:38:02] Speaker B: Tell them how long they've been missing. [00:38:06] Speaker A: So it's been a couple. Like a couple of days. [00:38:09] Speaker B: Okay. They could not have gone far. [00:38:11] Speaker C: They could be down a well. [00:38:13] Speaker B: They could be down a well. Yes. [00:38:15] Speaker A: Wells. Mortal enemies of sprites. [00:38:18] Speaker C: Yeah. All the time I've got stuck in it all. I've got Scott, you know. Does it take much? Does it? [00:38:26] Speaker B: No, it doesn't. [00:38:27] Speaker C: Not in a Maddo. Had that before, didn't I? [00:38:31] Speaker B: Yeah, he did. [00:38:32] Speaker C: There's a Time I climbed a tree and I could get down here. [00:38:34] Speaker B: Time you climbed the tree? [00:38:35] Speaker C: Yes, I could get down again. [00:38:37] Speaker A: It must be tough to live in a world where you're the only ones that truly acknowledge the dangers of puddles. [00:38:45] Speaker C: Once I just walked into a puddle. I thought he was like this deep. He died. Cow had to pull me out. I know. [00:38:58] Speaker D: We shall keep an eye on you if that happens again. [00:39:01] Speaker C: This place looks brilliant. Looks like it's all set up for little guys. You guys better watch out. You gotta get your nuggets rocked in getting all the posts. [00:39:11] Speaker E: Looking forward to that. [00:39:14] Speaker F: Just a quick question, Raymond. If we. If we find like an item for Vinnie to sniff. [00:39:25] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought you were good at sniffing. [00:39:28] Speaker F: I mean, I. I'm. [00:39:30] Speaker C: I mean you can have a race if you want. [00:39:36] Speaker F: I'm up for that. [00:39:38] Speaker C: He's pretty good though. He is good. Especially if it's sprite smell. We'll probably be able to find a sprite. [00:39:45] Speaker F: Well, I think it's a good idea. [00:39:50] Speaker C: What? Should we. Should we. I reckon we talk to Folio. [00:39:57] Speaker A: Okay. [00:40:01] Speaker C: So I want to say the real names. [00:40:03] Speaker F: Mercure. [00:40:04] Speaker A: Mercule. Yeah. [00:40:08] Speaker G: So. [00:40:09] Speaker A: So Mercule is the son of Mayor Escala. So you would presume also a sprite. Volio. You're not sure of, but yeah. They both seem to be friends of Montana. [00:40:29] Speaker C: Should we start with that? Should we start to the outskirts or do you want to start the inside of the town and start with the fizz Fizz bees? [00:40:36] Speaker F: I think it's better not to go to the families directly. Let's get some un dirtied information that. [00:40:46] Speaker C: What if it is? Wow. That could be love. Could just be sex. [00:40:58] Speaker D: I suppose that's. That's just as heartwarming. [00:41:05] Speaker A: Oh, good. Sorry. Where. Where's your. [00:41:10] Speaker F: Deny the animal instinct. [00:41:14] Speaker A: Where's your first port of call? [00:41:18] Speaker C: Let's go. Well, let's go find Folio or police chief son. Let's find. If you find the police chief. We have to find his son. [00:41:29] Speaker A: Madden. [00:41:30] Speaker B: Where can we find the friends? So saying it so you can do the accent again, Dan. [00:41:38] Speaker G: Thank you very much. You can. Volio works in this quaint little. Little cobblers just on the. [00:41:55] Speaker A: On the. [00:41:56] Speaker G: On the west side of town. It uh. [00:41:58] Speaker A: You. [00:41:58] Speaker G: You got me. It's right near the bridge actually. You can see it from the bridge. So it's the one with the big sign, the shaped black boot. But yeah, you can find Folio there. Mercule you'll probably find getting under the feet of. Of the mayor, you know. So that's that's on the other side of town. [00:42:23] Speaker E: Look for the big townhouse question regarding the mayor. Does. Does he. Does the mayor get on with their son or like you say, under the feet? Is it a. [00:42:38] Speaker C: It's the sheriff relationship? [00:42:40] Speaker A: No. [00:42:41] Speaker G: No. [00:42:41] Speaker A: Yeah. So the mayor. The mayor's Mayor Escala. Her son is Mercule. [00:42:49] Speaker G: Well, yeah, I mean, as far as I understand, the two of them get on fine. It's just. Yeah, Milkul's a bit. Bit needy. But you do know that from me. [00:43:03] Speaker E: We'll keep that under our hats then. [00:43:06] Speaker G: Very good, very good. And tell you what, don't worry about this is on the house and say I rather. I'd rather keep you fed and watered. So make sure that these two families get, you know, everything that they need. [00:43:25] Speaker C: Why do you have such a vested interest? [00:43:29] Speaker G: Mean? Well, I'm. I'm relatively new around here, but I've. I've very quickly become enamored with the. The community spirit that the two families have, you know, permeated through the town. It's. [00:43:46] Speaker A: It warms. [00:43:47] Speaker G: It warms my cockles. It really does. It really does. And I just. I just don't want to see a good thing go to waste. [00:44:01] Speaker A: So. [00:44:02] Speaker F: Have you got any pastries to go. [00:44:07] Speaker G: Myrtle? [00:44:08] Speaker A: HE shouts yeah, Myrtle goes to fetch you some pastries. So heading to Volio? Yes, Volio. At the shoe shop. Okay. [00:44:23] Speaker F: On the way. [00:44:25] Speaker A: Yes. [00:44:25] Speaker F: A quick note. I sidled up. I think considering the circumstances for a guna. I'll saddle up next to Rari and so say, how are you feeling in this town? Eh? You feeling like more to or something or. [00:44:48] Speaker C: Really? Cuz I. I didn't grow up in a town of sprites, but it's nice to see so many all together. I didn't even know that there was this many all. All together. Like what are they all doing here? You know, we just get a couple. [00:45:04] Speaker A: Rayri is notable that as you kind of look around, it's almost fundamentally as if, you know, almost like the roles of reversed. I mean there are. There are a lot of lore of art in the. In the town. But I mean from what you're seeing like the snapshot of the. The population that you're seeing, you would wager that there are just as many sprites as there are Lorevar. And that's taking into consideration that you can fit more sprites into like a square foot. Yeah, there are other, you know, that you. As you're kind of wandering around, you see like at a Savar, you see a Majorani. But yeah, fundamentally this Town seems to be dominated by sprites and lorafar. [00:46:02] Speaker F: And yeah, Vanu is just like, well, if you ever feel uncomfortable or anything, you, you let me know. I'll sort that out. [00:46:16] Speaker C: Just don't lose me because, you know, you could just pick up the wrong one. Couldn't you take the wrong one home? [00:46:23] Speaker F: Your buns. Unmistakable. Not the buns. [00:46:28] Speaker E: Buns. [00:46:29] Speaker C: I think, I think, you know, just look for the one that's got biddy because I don't. There's not any more of those around. Just this. [00:46:36] Speaker F: I could smell you from a mile away. Don't worry. Oh, have you tried this pastry? It's great. And as he passes your pastry, you probably notice that there's like a sprinkling of something extra on top that wasn't probably there previously. Like almost like an icing sugar. As he passes your pastry, maybe do I. I eat it and you get free hope. [00:47:06] Speaker A: Thanks. You get high as balls. [00:47:14] Speaker C: It's chloroform. [00:47:15] Speaker F: Seriously, Soldiers bond. You and me both get free hope. [00:47:21] Speaker A: Just. Okay, so whilst you're looking at that. So Van Year is up to 5 hope and Ray is up to 5 hope. Very good, everyone. I'm going to say everyone, please roll me. Just roll me. Just roll some dice. Everyone just do a normal, a normal roll. [00:47:49] Speaker G: Normal roll. [00:47:50] Speaker A: Just gonna see. I just want to see, just want to see what you roll. You know, someone got a crit, so Alfred got a crit. Okay, so we got a crit for Al. We got a 12 with hope for Rari. We've got 19 with fear for us. I car. We got a 5 for fear with fear for Vanier. We got an 11 with fear for Cal. In which case as, as you're, as you're walking along Vanier Riri, you're having this conversation to give. So Chris in the chat has asked. So Sprites are about, you know, three, two fifths to a third of the size of the, of the majority of the other races. They tend to be sort of like three to three and a half foot tall. So they are quite petite compared to the, you know, roughly five and a half to six foot ish for the other, the other heritage's keepers then stomping around, you know, 7 to 8ft tall. So the size difference is, you know, quite, quite noticeable. And whilst noticeable and I say this, this is a sprite settlement, it would seem to Rayri, you don't really notice it because it's just kind of normal to you. But as a car Al freaking cow, you see this before it's about to happen. But as Vanya and Rayri are talking there is a loud as Vanier. You walk head first into a street side sign that for you is at head height but for Riri is. And there's a proper bonk as you come off the end of the bridge and just yeah, clock straight into it. [00:49:39] Speaker F: I should probably look where I'm going. [00:49:43] Speaker A: It's. [00:49:44] Speaker F: It's too nice. [00:49:45] Speaker A: Between the, the four. The four like standard sized folk. You realize that. Yeah, all of the like the lamp, the, the hanging lantern posts, the street signs, they are all potential health hazards for you because they're that much lower to the ground. Yes. So the five of you make it to this cobblers. Ray Ree is absolutely right. There is a large sign above the door that is boot shaped and in gold kind of gold flake writing. The sign says that the shop is called Tippy Taps. That's gorgeous. I think Livy's about to explode. [00:50:40] Speaker D: Beautiful. [00:50:42] Speaker A: Tippy Taps. You also notice that. So Tippy Taps is a peculiar building because you know sometimes when you see this kind of like rustic cottage like buildings and they have these like, they'll have a, an arch kind of roof but then randomly on sort like one side there'll be like. It's almost like a shrunk down version of it. So it's, the roof is a bit kind of lower down so it looks a bit like that. But, but Ray. Well all of you recognize that there is a, you know a door for Sprites. So a just over half size door on this kind of reduced size bit. And then there's a standard size door, like standard 6ish foot door on the, like on the section next to it. So fundamentally an entrance for sprites and for the other folk of elsewhere. But as you make your way in the smell of like leather washes over you, which isn't a particularly pleasant smell. But there's just a flurry of activity inside as this relatively large group of. I say my medium sized group of sprites are just busy, very, very busy ferreting away at like boots, like walking boots, farmers boots. You, you know they're hiking. But like the boots of all of literally of all shapes and sizes. You see a display rack of boots designed to fit the hooves of keepers. You see small, small, small shoes and you know the shoes for smaller, smaller. It literally says smaller folk on the sign above them and not so small folk for the standard sized ones. [00:52:45] Speaker C: Others. [00:52:46] Speaker A: Others. Yes. Yeah. But yeah you, you notice that all of the like Walter Sprites are Sort of like happily ch. Chattering to one another and you know, seeming quite like flitty in their attentions as they. They also seem to be like Mummel muscle memorying through their jobs. How are you feeling right now, Cal? [00:53:12] Speaker E: Very, very big. I don't think Cal necessarily thinks about his height. And with Rayri, it's like she's. She's kind of unique to the group because she's the smallest one. But to be the odd ones out is kind of interesting. And I think, I think Cal is rather tall. So he is. His expression is just very much like eyebrow rays. Looking around a bit intrigued. Peak at the whole thing, I guess. [00:53:51] Speaker A: I guess to paint the scene a bit more. It's just like Santa's workshop in here. [00:53:57] Speaker E: Like, it's just choose. [00:54:01] Speaker C: Just as you're looking around, like Ravi's just constantly coming up to me, like cool ones, green ones. [00:54:13] Speaker A: As Riri excitedly says that Alfric, you hear. You hear a voice kind of. You hear a throat clearing and can I help you? And you turn to see a little Terran sprite. He's got. He. He's. He's got a relative. It. You would. To look at his. His hairstyle would insinuate that his hair that's almost kind of been like waxed back into shape, but it looks a bit more kind of firm and sturdy and like there's clearly an attempt to grow some form of facial hair. But to look at almost looks like tiny, tiny little stalactites just kind of like jutting out his chin like a. You know, like if you mix something between like a porcupine and stubble, just like little spikes just kind of poking out the chin and just like just behind the chin on the bottom of the, the top of the neck bit. Can I help you? Says this sprite. [00:55:40] Speaker C: Size and a size one. [00:55:44] Speaker A: The. The sprite turns and oh, like is shocked by the interruption. And yes, if you, if you take a seat over in the. The fitting area, we'll, we'll have a look. And then he turns back to Alfre. Apologies. How can I help? [00:56:00] Speaker D: Yes, we hear about the kidnapping. [00:56:10] Speaker A: The. The sprite like just draw mouth drops and the. The what now? [00:56:21] Speaker D: Afric looks so earnest. [00:56:27] Speaker E: I feel like Cal just like puts an arm on her shoulder. It's like my apologies. We're referring to the, the girls who have gone missing. Montana and Cappy Lean. [00:56:47] Speaker A: The sprite like looks at you. It's somewhere between a ghast shock and confusion. Looking at you, Alfric. And then as you clarify Cal, he looks up to you. And kidnapped. But I. I thought Monty just done a runner. My. My apologies. [00:57:22] Speaker F: What makes you think that? [00:57:23] Speaker A: Well. Well, he stutters and stumbles for a moment. What? Monty and I. Montana and I, we're really good friends, you see. My name's Rolio. We're. We're, well, best friends really. And I thought that she just done a run. Kidnapped? [00:57:52] Speaker F: Did you talk to her before she went missing? [00:57:57] Speaker A: Well, no, that's why it was. We just assumed that, you know, her and Capulet are just, you know, just decided to get away from it or. Why. Why do you think they've been kid? Who. What makes you think they've been kidnapped? [00:58:17] Speaker B: The concerned parties who believe they have been kidnapped. [00:58:25] Speaker A: The. [00:58:26] Speaker B: We know of the now fighting between two families and. But. And one blaming other. But they concerned parties are believing that both girls were kidnapped. [00:58:45] Speaker A: Well. Well, yes. [00:58:48] Speaker F: I still think they're having a little bit of a. You know what. [00:58:50] Speaker C: But I. I really. [00:58:52] Speaker F: How do I know? [00:58:55] Speaker A: Well, I mean, that's what we all thought, really. [00:59:01] Speaker G: But. But. [00:59:06] Speaker A: Excuse if. If I could just hold you for a moment. And I need to make sure that this young lady's got her shoes. [00:59:14] Speaker E: She is with us. Do help her with her shoes. [00:59:22] Speaker A: He. So Folio, sort of like gestures to all of you to follow him. And there are a number of. Sort of like stall of various size kind of scattered around. And he. He gestures for you to. To take seats on them. So you. What's. What color were you after, my dear? [00:59:42] Speaker C: Purple. [00:59:43] Speaker A: Purple, okay. And he like, he produces a tape measure from. From his sort like apron and he starts like measuring your feet, dot dimensions. [00:59:56] Speaker G: And. [00:59:57] Speaker C: And then it's an extra service. [00:59:59] Speaker A: Well, as he measured before. And while he's doing it, he's sort of like looking over his shoulder at all, all five of you and so. Sorry, these. Yes. We. We thought that the two of them had raised because. Well, you know. You know, and their roommate. [01:00:27] Speaker B: I don't know why. [01:00:29] Speaker A: Well, they're really good friends. [01:00:35] Speaker B: So we keep on hearing. So why would they run away? [01:00:40] Speaker A: No, I mean, they're really good friends. He says, like squinting at you with a. [01:00:45] Speaker F: With a. [01:00:46] Speaker B: Yes, we know, but why. Yeah, I'm not getting this staring at me. [01:00:54] Speaker D: We're deeply in love. [01:00:57] Speaker B: Oh, as friends? [01:00:59] Speaker F: No, as lovers. [01:01:02] Speaker B: Oh. Oh. [01:01:03] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Folio blushes as well, and it's one of the worst kept secrets in Isle Bridge. But yes, they're. Well, they. They've. You know, when. When people surmise they were. The two of them were inseparable. I just don't think anyone ever truly considered just how inseparable they were going to be. But now there's all this talk about, you know, handing down power to, to the two of them and perhaps they've just assumed that taking over for the firearms and the Fizbees is just gonna put a dampener on things. Perhaps they just don't want to, you know, they, they say that you should never work with your, work with your spouses. It. Mixing, mixing kind of love and business. But yeah, perhaps they just thought that it would all just be a bit too much and they, they just run away. But, but if you are saying they're kid and Ray, you notice that he, he's now on like the fourth repetition of measuring the, like the diameter of your feet. [01:02:19] Speaker C: But he haven't changed the last two seconds. [01:02:26] Speaker A: He. Oh, oh yes. Oh yes. Nine inch. Okay, but if you're saying that they've been kidnapped. Oh no, not. Yeah, yeah, yeah, nine inches. Yeah, sounds about right. If you're saying they've been kidnapped, well, well then you, you've got to get them back. I mean you, you look like explorers to me. [01:02:47] Speaker E: Who would benefit from them not being able to take. [01:02:55] Speaker A: Sort of like. He doesn't really. Well, I don't really know at all. But I mean Isle Bridge is pretty, Isle Bridge is quite boring. It's a bit dormant. Nothing ever really happens here. I mean, the most exciting thing recently is when, when Varan turned up and, and you know, sorted out the, the tavern on the center of the bridge. That was the most exciting thing that's happened within the past. Well, I mean, apart from the war, that's been the most exciting thing that's happened since. [01:03:38] Speaker D: But if they, if they are in love, where, where might they have gone? [01:03:49] Speaker F: Did they have any hiding spots or places they let get away from everything? [01:03:57] Speaker A: Well, I mean, they had hiding spots all over the city. It's where they'd go to meet one another and kind of when they, when they didn't want to be doing whatever it was that their mother or father was telling them to. I, I, the thing is, everyone knows who Capulin and Montana are in the town, so it's very difficult for them to keep a low profile. [01:04:31] Speaker B: Was there, was there anyone particular who didn't want them to be together? [01:04:40] Speaker A: I mean, I don't even think so though. [01:04:41] Speaker E: No. [01:04:42] Speaker A: I mean they're, you know, they're, as I say, I think their relationship is one of the worst kept secrets in Isle Bridge and Tiber and Benville. The mother and father They're. They're more than happy. They haven't made any noises that they disapprove. I mean, it would be quite archaic of them if they did did. But no, I mean, everyone. We just assumed that they were unhappy about something, which is why they left without telling anyone. But no, I can't think of anyone who would want to see them. Why would you kidnap them? That's awful. [01:05:26] Speaker F: Look, look, look, let's. Let's change the. The approach here. [01:05:30] Speaker A: Hey. [01:05:33] Speaker F: Do you know of any unsavory types that live in this town that like a. Like a third party that people are a bit wary of, that they don't want to have any connections with or might stir a little trouble now and then? [01:06:01] Speaker A: I do remember so recently at the. At the nearby we. We were having drinks at the. The Horse's Head and the Sheriff Perrin had, was bemoaning that some ruffians had turned up there a little way away from town. But you know, he was keeping an eye on them just to make sure that they didn't try to roll into the. Roll into this roll in here and try to start trouble. By the by, it seems like they mostly kept themselves to themselves. But yeah, a gang of. A gang of Laura Var just kind of marauding across the. The countryside being nuisances. I mean, the firearms were a bit worried that the. You know, given that they're on the outskirts of the town, but they've. They've not actually been in any trouble. But perhaps that's a lead. [01:07:02] Speaker F: I do think we probably should speak to the sheriff about that. [01:07:06] Speaker B: Where can we find him at this time of day? [01:07:10] Speaker A: You. You should be able to. Well, you. You'll find him over at the. The sheriff's office. That's just on the. It's just down the road and you take the third left and he gives you directions. [01:07:23] Speaker F: And one other question. Do you have an item of. There's a possession, something that might have their scent? [01:07:41] Speaker A: Folio with a dog, of course. Oh, yes, of course. Oh my. Is. Is this so. Oh, what a. What a cute. A cute beast, he says because he scritches Vinnie on the underside of the chin. Well, as a matter of fact, I do. Yes. Bear with me. And having just finished the sort of like sixth round of measuring your right foot, Ray Revolio kind of gets off, scampers off to. Gets up, scampers off to like out of sight and then returns with a flat cap. Like a flat cap hat. Yes, this was. This was Montana's. She used to wear it all the Time. Because she's. She. She always struggles keeping her hair in one place. [01:08:41] Speaker F: Take the hat. Well, I'll return it to either you or them if we can find where they are. [01:08:51] Speaker A: Very good. Very good. That's. Yes. Please make sure that they come back safely. [01:08:59] Speaker F: Yeah. Don't worry. We're on the case. As explorers of erswear have our heads screwed on. You'll be fine. [01:09:09] Speaker A: Yeah. The folio. Volio nods. Are you staying around for the product, for the appearance of perfectly fitted shoes for Rayri? [01:09:24] Speaker B: How long are they gonna take? 12 hours? [01:09:29] Speaker A: Well, yeah, it. In the time it takes like Volio to kind of give you the directions to the sheriff's. Sheriff's office and the like. Yeah. Another sprite appears like another. Like an ignorance. Right. Much like yourself, Rayri. And she kind of. She looks to you and her. You notice that her hair is. Which is quite short. Stands almost like on end and like flickers at the tips like candlelight. And I've got a lovely pair of purple shoes here for you. And fitting them on. They fit perfectly. Perfectly. They fit perfectly. They've got little. Little gold buckles on the outsides on the, you know, the outer sides. An ever so slight heel. Not egregious, but just enough to give you a little bit of height, but still enough. Not high enough that you wouldn't be able to like, run in them. The price is the. The price takes your breath away somewhat because it's. [01:10:51] Speaker E: I would like to pay for it if you can. [01:10:55] Speaker A: Oh, very good. In which. In which case, yeah, money. Money is transferred. We're not really kind of doing wealth for these, but money is transferred. And you know what? For that act of charity, let's give Carl a hope. Yeah. Very good. Okay, so baby gives him a hug. So equipped with these boots, are you heading to the sheriff's office? [01:11:31] Speaker C: She puts them on straight away. She's literally just wearing them. [01:11:34] Speaker D: Walking down the street like. [01:11:35] Speaker G: Yeah. [01:11:36] Speaker B: As we're heading out of the. Out of Tippy toes. [01:11:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:11:46] Speaker B: Azakah is gonna pull Cal aside and say a word to the wise. Control your apprentice. [01:12:01] Speaker C: They're gonna be like, stop spoiling the child. [01:12:06] Speaker E: I thought that was gonna be as well. [01:12:10] Speaker F: You say this as in the background. And in the background, you just see Vanier just patting Alfreck on the back is like, it's good to have you back in the team. I knew we could make you an explorer. [01:12:29] Speaker A: As the five of you arrive at the sheriff's office, you see a bit of a commotion out the front, like in front of it you see a rather like a relatively kind of well built, well toned but harried looking Larovar hair kind of combed back under your hair hair kind of combed back and it spills over like a metal gorget that he wears over a. Over a tabard. And it. You know, it's clear for all to see that this must be Sheriff Perrin. He is currently surrounded by a veritable flock of sprites who are all kind of angrily grumpily grumbling at him like it's. It's not. They're not shouting per se, but they're certainly not letting this poor law of our man kind of go anywhere. And like at the center of the gaggle of sprites is a relatively elderly looking Ignan sprite who's sort of like waggling a walking stick, not in an aggressive way, but in a frustrated old man kind of way at. At the sheriff. And you can see Sheriff Paron just sort of like please want one at a time. I cannot. I can't. I can't hear what you're all saying. [01:14:09] Speaker E: Oh. [01:14:10] Speaker A: Oh my God. Oh by the God. Jesus. As he's around him. [01:14:20] Speaker F: Yeah. If we're just coming up to this group of people, I think unless anyone intervenes, Vanya's just be like move it. Official business with the Sheriff Vanier. [01:14:34] Speaker A: As you shout that the streets around the sheriff's office go silent. And slowly a good dozen sprite heads turn to regard you, including that of the old. The elderly Ignan sprite, the center. And they all in unison kind of squint slightly as if sigh. And they. They physically size you up like with their heads just going up and down. And then the. You hear one of them go huh? And they all turn around and they begin grumbling and shouting at the. The sheriff. But the sheriff just. Excuse me. And like very indelicately steps over some of the sprites to kind of get out of the. The ring of angry small people. They're quite fired up. But it's good you should use that language. They riled up sticky situation. [01:15:51] Speaker F: What can we go somewhere private without all this ruckus? [01:15:57] Speaker A: Well, perhaps not. The. The. The firearms here are quite, quite insistent. Is it something quick that I can help you with? [01:16:10] Speaker C: Go on Alfred, tell him. It's. [01:16:13] Speaker D: It's about the kidnapping. Possible eloping. I'm hoping it's the second and as. [01:16:22] Speaker A: As you say that Alfric like the. The sprites have just kind of like swarmed after the sheriff. They all stop again and then like the Old Ignan sprite in the middle like leans around and. [01:16:36] Speaker D: Kidnapping or elopement? [01:16:42] Speaker A: The old England sprite looks up to the sheriff who's just. Oh no, like covered his face. What's this about a kidnapping? The. The old. The old boy says. And the sheriff turns and. Benville, that's just something that the stranger has just said. [01:17:05] Speaker G: My daughter's been kidnapped. [01:17:10] Speaker B: No one said anything about your daughter. [01:17:13] Speaker A: The. The sprites all kind of look towards you as a car. It's like a flock of seagulls just like looking at things in unison. And this Ignan sprite just sort of like puffs up slightly and if my. [01:17:32] Speaker G: If someone's kidnapped my daughter, then, then, then it should be what everyone's talking about. You never said that they've been kidnapped, Sheriff. [01:17:42] Speaker A: He says. He snaps and I. I told you. [01:17:49] Speaker G: Those frisbees were up to no good. They're going around kidnapping my chair. They just lure her away. No, no, no. These. These lot of saying that they kidnapped them. [01:17:59] Speaker A: And he starts as he like shakes enraged the color of his skin like which is kind of a dark ruddy red. He. He almost begins to like light up like a heating coal as he gets more and more kind of irate. And the sheriff is now just kind of looking at you. Alfred Brick, wide eyed. [01:18:25] Speaker F: Dm. Is it possible to do something at this point? [01:18:28] Speaker A: Yes. [01:18:29] Speaker F: I use my. Our primal gauntlets and smash the ground to make a loud noise. Stop all this grumbling. [01:18:39] Speaker A: Okay. That sounds quite. [01:18:46] Speaker D: A loader. [01:18:48] Speaker F: It's more of a. [01:18:50] Speaker C: Just an inconvenience to you, aren't we? Oh, just the little people getting mad. He's just joined all of the ignorance. That's it. Tell all the little people to shut up. [01:19:08] Speaker A: Than you make me a strength trick. Cool. [01:19:13] Speaker F: Cool. So strength. It's just a plus three on this with the strength. Let me just get the roll. [01:19:20] Speaker A: Just. Just to. Just to clarify, I do not have the sound of a bowling ball knocking over a load of skittles as a sound bite preloaded. [01:19:29] Speaker F: So I mean I'm not attacking anyone. [01:19:31] Speaker A: No, no, no. Just in case this escalates fight a lot of. [01:19:41] Speaker C: No. [01:19:42] Speaker F: I mean I rolled a. A 18. But it's with fear. [01:19:48] Speaker A: Is with fear. Okay. [01:19:50] Speaker F: An 18 with fear. [01:19:52] Speaker A: An 18 with fear. You know what? [01:19:57] Speaker F: Trying to get people's attention. [01:20:01] Speaker A: You do successfully get paid everyone's attention. And like the firearms stop for a moment like because they've been shouting quite loud like what? My child? My daughter. And then the sound of this like the. The thunderous as you kind of punch the ground like the streets once again go quiet. Even Rayri, oh like, has to pause for a moment. And then Vanya, as you stand up, feeling quite triumphant, you hear from behind you, what's this about us kidnapping your daughter? And you turn and there's another gaggle of sprites equaling the size of the first. But they are led by an old looking Aquan sprite who you. In this moment, like, you just get this suspicion that this must be Tiber Fisbe. And I. If I know Benville, he's the one who's kidnapped my daughter. And suddenly the two. These two kind of camps of. Of sprites just start shouting and screaming. Screaming like. And luckily you like the sheriff, who's. [01:21:32] Speaker G: Just wedged in the middle of them. [01:21:33] Speaker A: The two kind of groups with the five of you, like, they're busy enough that he manages to kind of slide himself out with. With you. And they will keep going for a good while. I. I would appreciate if you allow us to. To keep tabs on public decorum, but my name is Mayor Sheriff Perrin. How can I help? Just. [01:22:07] Speaker C: Riri's in the thick of it. She's not in the hell. He's just there. [01:22:11] Speaker F: We are trying to help in this situation. We just need to ask some questions. Questions to figure out some information or clues as to where these two may have eloped or have gone missing. And we have heard that you, Sheriff, have been having a little problem with some hooligans outside the radius of your town. [01:22:44] Speaker A: Well, yes, he says, and like. Like a sprite has broken away from the crowd and is just like. Is at the sheriff's leg just shouting up. And he's just like, yes, yes. And he's almost just sort of like trying to push the sprite away slightly. He's like, yes, there were reports of some like traveling bandits nearby, but they. They've not really interacted with the town. They've. They've kept their distance, so they're not that high priority. But why do you think they're. They're involved somehow? [01:23:20] Speaker F: Well, when did they appear? [01:23:24] Speaker A: Well, about a week ago or so. [01:23:26] Speaker G: I don't know. [01:23:27] Speaker A: We. That's when we got the first reports, but. [01:23:29] Speaker F: And when did you get the first report of these daughters apparently going missing? [01:23:33] Speaker G: Well, a few days ago. [01:23:35] Speaker A: A few days ago? [01:23:37] Speaker F: Suspicious. [01:23:39] Speaker A: But the town has a lot of eyes. And none of them saw the bandits coming in. The. The firearms. They've been scrabbling up my legs to try and get me to do something about them. But the bandits aren't really posing any problem. But the firearms would have noticed if they came close to the town. If. Look, as far as I know, we don't. The. The bandits are of no concern to the town. But if you want to go and investigate for yourselves, which by the looks of who your explorers and you're more than capable of doing, you'll find them in the like along the. In the hills to the north. [01:24:22] Speaker F: Right. And is there any other unsavory types of. Not talking about typical civilians or these two families I'm talking about. Is there like an underground force at play within this town who might have unsavory motives? Thieves, guilt or something? I don't know. [01:24:47] Speaker A: The. The sheriff kind of looks. Looks a bit shocked and then he gestures in a wide sweeping motion to the 30 to 40 sprites that are like the wall of deathing in. In front of the sheriff's office. And they're all sort like this. They stood a good like 4 foot apart, but they're all like leaning forward and sort of pointing and shouting at one another. And do you think a Thieves Guild would survive this? He says with a sweep of his arm. If. If you. If you want to help, by all means go and interrogate the bandits. But please, I now have a bit of a public crisis to deal with. [01:25:34] Speaker F: Well, have you even talking to these people properly yet? [01:25:39] Speaker A: He as you say that like some sprites start climbing up his leg and sort of pulling on his trousers to try and get his attention. And the sheriff kind of closes his eyes, puts his hands up and says I'm afraid I'm busy. Good day. He says and he turns to the firearms and the fizzbees and please, please, one at a time. He says as he walks away from you with sprites hanging off him. [01:26:11] Speaker B: Vanya, can you do that punching thing again? I'm getting Vanya to shut them all up again. [01:26:25] Speaker A: Okay. The 40 heads all stop chattering and then turn to look at you. The sheriff looks very upset as a. [01:26:37] Speaker B: Car is going to point at the head of the. Is the. Is the old chap the head of the firearms. [01:26:43] Speaker A: So yeah, it looks like in the center of their respective gangs at the front of this. This sort of like opposing wall of death. You assume that must be Benville Firam. And opposite him is Tyber Fisby, the patriarch and matriarch respectively. The fires you. [01:27:05] Speaker B: He's going to point at them with his. With his scabbard and it's going to be glowing slightly with Divine just basically trying to make sure that he is shutting up basically and ready to answer questions. [01:27:22] Speaker A: Okay. Do. [01:27:27] Speaker B: Do you believe that you're. That these Fisbees. Do you solemnly believe that they have kidnapped your daughter? [01:27:42] Speaker G: There can't be any other reason, says the ignon sprite. [01:27:47] Speaker B: But why? [01:27:50] Speaker A: He. He turns and like his brow furrows and like he's got a lot of wrinkles across his forehead and like his bottom lip kind of smacks against his top lip a little. [01:28:02] Speaker G: These lot, they've got schemes on schemes. They have. [01:28:06] Speaker B: I thought you worked together. [01:28:11] Speaker G: Well, I mean they. [01:28:12] Speaker A: They only because it. [01:28:15] Speaker G: It suits us. [01:28:16] Speaker A: He says. And like Tyba suits you. Wait. The only reason we carry on making things is because you're cutting it down or farming it too quickly. She says. [01:28:34] Speaker B: We have in good information that your daughters are together. Friends? Lovers? I'm not sure. I'm confused. [01:28:47] Speaker A: You hear one person in the crowd go, I thought they were roommates. [01:28:52] Speaker B: Roommates. Heard that as well. You will find your daughters quicker if you work together like you have with your. With building this town. [01:29:07] Speaker A: Azakar. I require. [01:29:12] Speaker B: This sounds like a probably a presence. A presence check which I've got a minus one in. [01:29:21] Speaker F: Oh boy. [01:29:22] Speaker E: Can I help in any way? I feel like. I feel like cow's very kind of because Cal hasn't really reacted apart from his initial hand and face at the kidnapping comment and just like let this all play out and kind of kept back and out of the way. But I feel like him coming up behind Azakar as a kind of more intimidating presence. Can I use that as a way of supporting Ascar's role To be like, listen, listen to this man. But saying it all with his face. [01:29:59] Speaker A: So yeah, you can spend a hope. If you want to spend a hope. Then Azakar will get advantage. [01:30:06] Speaker E: Yes. [01:30:08] Speaker B: What does advantage mean again? [01:30:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:30:12] Speaker B: Nice. [01:30:13] Speaker A: So Cal goes down to two hope. Bloop. [01:30:30] Speaker B: Just wondering if this is worth it. [01:30:32] Speaker A: Oh, you haven't rolled your prayer dice as an aside. [01:30:36] Speaker B: No, I haven't. [01:30:39] Speaker A: Please. [01:30:40] Speaker G: I make them stop. [01:30:42] Speaker B: Make them shut up, please. I got a two and I've got a two. [01:30:53] Speaker A: So if you're a minus one, I believe you're currently on nine. Nine with fear. Nine. [01:31:01] Speaker B: Nine with fear. I will use one of my prayer dice to bump that up to 11. I'm also going to use fearless. So when I roll with fear, I can mark two stress and turn that into a hope instead. [01:31:21] Speaker A: Okay, so 11 with hope. All and told. [01:31:25] Speaker B: 11 with hope. Yeah. [01:31:27] Speaker A: In which case as the. As you and Carol both try to reason with these matriarch and patriarchs cal you. Perhaps it's your time as a soldier like in a war that was much more horrific than anyone really kind of acknowledged it would be. But there's like this sea of vacant looks staring back at you. And you can hear like murmurs ripple through the. The gathered crowds of sprites. And the two leaders sort of like look to you as a car and almost simultaneously huff until. Until my daughter comes back. Until my daughter comes back. The two of them start. We won't be helping them out. One scotch. Come on, gang, says Benzil. Come on folks, says Lady Fisby. We're going home. The the two groups like declare. And then with the murmurs of consternation, the two groups of sprites begin to separate and filter back to their respective parts of the city. So the hope at least they're not here anymore. But they don't seem to have it doesn't seem to have got through to them. [01:33:17] Speaker C: Ray starting to follow the other ignorance. [01:33:23] Speaker D: I fear I might have said something untoward. [01:33:26] Speaker E: You may need to stop calling it a kidnapping. [01:33:30] Speaker A: Right. Kidnapping. [01:33:32] Speaker E: Stop calling it. Stop calling it that, please. [01:33:39] Speaker D: Right. [01:33:40] Speaker A: Right. So the. The sheriff is the only one left in the. In the street with you. And yeah, he looks very unimpressed. If you've. If you're done, I will bid you good day, he says and like, with a huffy sort of like turns and begins walking back to his office, pulling his trousers back up that have been pulled down slightly by the sprites. But at the very least you have the location of the bandit hideout. Is that where you're heading next? [01:34:25] Speaker B: Yeah, why not? Unless anyone wants to go and talk to someone else first. [01:34:30] Speaker C: I don't think it's anything to do with it. I think it's all to do with the Fizzbies. I have a thing up to all sorts. Shady dealings. They get all the. All the hard work. All the hard work done by the Fire Sprites. [01:34:47] Speaker E: All of it. [01:34:49] Speaker C: They just go around doing their little. [01:34:51] Speaker A: Paintings, doing the little art. Really. [01:34:54] Speaker B: Look at your shoes again. Look at your little shoes. Yes, they're very nice, aren't they? Come on, let's go. [01:35:01] Speaker C: Have you seen them? [01:35:02] Speaker B: Yes, I have seen them. They're very nice. [01:35:07] Speaker A: As you defuse Rayri by getting her to look at her colorful shoes. Yeah. As the five of you begin, like making your way out of town to the north to the hills where the bandits were last reported having been seen. Let's grab a quick break. If you are enjoying this, make sure to hit the like button and hit the subscribe button as well while you're at it. If you're watching this live, you'll be able to chat to us if you are subscribed, but otherwise you can subscribe because we've got loads of other tabletop RPG stuff happening. We don't want you to miss out because, yeah, we. We've got Blaze in the Dark campaign that is very due to conclude very, very soon. So now's a fantastic start to start watching it. A chance to start watching it, if you haven't already. We will be back in about 15 minutes, so 10 to 10, we'll see. [01:36:07] Speaker C: That.

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