Tales from Elsewhere: Dragonwrath Ep.3 - Daggerheart TTRPG Actual Play - EoE Live!

Episode 3 January 26, 2025 01:33:02
Tales from Elsewhere: Dragonwrath Ep.3 -  Daggerheart TTRPG Actual Play - EoE Live!
Explorers of Elsewhere
Tales from Elsewhere: Dragonwrath Ep.3 - Daggerheart TTRPG Actual Play - EoE Live!

Jan 26 2025 | 01:33:02


Show Notes

Continuing their journey through Merethisos, the Explorers find the stronghold of the enemy - a ruined temple of Naravid, the Doomsayer.


Welcome to Tales from Elsewhere: Dragonwrath! In this exciting episode of our Daggerheart TTRPG Actual Play series, join the Explorers as they delve into a world of intrigue, danger, and epic storytelling. Hosted live, this session showcases thrilling gameplay, dynamic roleplaying, and immersive narratives perfect for fans of tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), Critical Role, and Dungeons & Dragons.


Explore the rich world of Daggerheart, the innovative TTRPG system designed for captivating campaigns and unique character progression. If you're a fan of intense fantasy battles, dramatic character arcs, and collaborative storytelling, this episode is for you.


Whether you’re new to TTRPGs or a seasoned player, this video offers something for everyone. Perfect for fans of Critical Role-style gameplay, epic fantasy adventures, and anyone looking to learn more about the Daggerheart system.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: Hi. I'm hoping this is better now I'm hoping I can heard by the world. Hello world. I am DM Dan, this is Explorers of Elsewhere live Tales from Elsewhere. We're gonna play some dagger heart. And by we I'm talking Nate. Hello. [00:00:25] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:26] Speaker A: Livy. Hello. [00:00:28] Speaker C: Hello. [00:00:29] Speaker A: Georgia. Hello. [00:00:30] Speaker C: Hello. [00:00:31] Speaker A: Theo. Hello. [00:00:33] Speaker D: Hiya. [00:00:34] Speaker A: And Dan. Hello. [00:00:36] Speaker E: Ahoy. [00:00:37] Speaker A: Hello. Hello. Hello. So yes, we are back. We were last live a fortnight ago to play the first chunk of tale four of Tales of Elsewhere which is very innocently dubbed Dragon Wrath. Who knows why he's called it that. But yeah, if you're in chat, it's good to see you. Hello Chris. How you doing? Yeah, last time we met we rejoined our five explorers in the capital city of Avmore. Our who were then obtained via courier to embark on another mission at the request of an arch Magister elect by the name of Ganis Morenz. Your exploits have been of peaked Archmagister Gallus's ears. And yeah, he has he had a. A dangerous mission for the five of you. To venture to the volcanic plane the volcanic devastated landscape of Merathesos to the a region somewhat infamous for a failed explorer expedition to set up a new settlement not too long ago in search for some magical artifacts from a stronghold of the forces of the Betrayer. The Betrayer being a khan and his brood during the war between dragons. Not. Not too long ago. Not too long ago at all. You've arrived in Marathisos. You decided to get some rest after traveling across the the volcanic. The strange moss covered volcanic plains. And wouldn't you know it, during the long rest you were attacked by two large draconic predator like creatures who you saw off in a blaze of glory. Van Year at the very least created a new culinary art which is to char your meat with floating lava orb. It was all very good. And that's where we pretty much left it as you were picking yourselves up after the. After the surprise attack. So did I miss anything off or. I think. I think that's pretty much it. Yeah. Beautiful. Beautiful. We have our hope and fear from the last episode. If this is your first time joining us. Hello, welcome. If you're watching us on YouTube by all means hit the subscribe button and then you can chat to us in chat or if you're on Twitch, you can just chat in the chat. Anyway, if you are excited for Daggerheart, make sure to hit the subscribe button or the the follow button. And yeah, we'll have loads of content like this coming out soon. Who wants to jump in let's go. [00:03:51] Speaker C: Let's go. [00:03:52] Speaker A: Intro time. All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes ever onwards to find the lands people lost. All thanks to our brave explorers. [00:04:09] Speaker E: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanir the Wolfkin warrior. [00:04:13] Speaker C: Hey, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Riri the sprite ranger. [00:04:17] Speaker D: Hi, my name's Theo and I'm playing Cal, the Sangvar guardian. [00:04:21] Speaker F: I'm Georgia and I will be playing Alfric Stormhall, a dragon scent bard. [00:04:26] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azakar on the Jani Seraph. [00:04:30] Speaker A: And my name is DM Dan, the gm. In these adventures, the further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere. And so we rejoin the five of you plus Archmage Ganis in the plains of Merathesos. Let's turn on some Merethesi music, shall we? And in the aftermath. Well in the immediate aftermath of the attack, the floating lava orb that kind of visited your tents drifting off into the distance, the. The acrid smell of the dragon spawn horned hunter having just sort of like melting down and blowing away in divine or profane smoke. You're illuminated by the two burning tents that were a bit too close to the lava orb and Alfric and Cal. You watch as your tents and presumably any items within it within them reduced to ash by the lava. The lava spawn created fires. Who. Who. Who's bunking with who? Fundamentally. [00:06:32] Speaker D: I think Calville and I think without any sort of like God, I can't forget the words today without any sort of hesitation. Must be like as cars. Their room just doesn't ask anyone else. Let's go straight over to Azika. [00:06:51] Speaker B: Yes, there is room please. [00:06:54] Speaker D: Thanks. [00:06:56] Speaker A: Okay. And who's taking pity on Alfric who's kind of like Alfric. You're able to save your. Your day clothes so you don't have to continue this adventure in your Jim jams. But yeah, who's true. I do this with style. Yeah. Who's. Who's bunking with Alfric or who's Alfred bunking with? [00:07:23] Speaker E: I should say Vanya will offer the tent because he's wants to take a shift in watching the. The camp. [00:07:34] Speaker A: Sure. [00:07:36] Speaker E: So yeah Van, you're like just take my tent. It is fine. [00:07:43] Speaker F: Are you sure? [00:07:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:45] Speaker E: Not the way I. I feel a bit restless so I'll take the next watch. [00:07:52] Speaker A: Okay. [00:07:53] Speaker F: Right. Thank you. [00:07:55] Speaker A: So in which case. Yeah as well a bit. It's. It's not too much of. It's not as much of an issue as it could be, given that at least one of you is going to be awake throughout the night keeping watch for any further intruders before you all kind of retire back to. To sleep. Archmage Gannis kind of apologizes for not reacting sooner. He didn't realize what was happening. And you. I must admit, you. You. You'd all dealt with it so quickly and efficient. Efficiently, I dare say. I didn't have enough time to even begin to help. He says, looking somewhat kind of bashful, whilst also a little bit. There's a little cheeky glint in his eyes. He. You know, he praises your efforts. But as the remaining three of you who are due to take watch, take watch. The hours scroll by, much like cow was able to. You watch as these kind of cooled blobs of floating kind of magma drifting lazily overhead like low altitude hot air balloons. You kind of watch those as they kind of mingle. They almost seem to mingle between. Mingle in front of the stars. And sure enough, the deep navy blue starlit sky begins to change hues to a pinkish and then an orangish as the sun begins to breach over the horizon, inviting dawn and the warmth of the sun kind of washing over you to replace the ambient warmth of the kind of cord lava fields that you find yourselves sat on. And with all that said, a new day starts and the five of you are able to. Well, I mean, there's less of it now to pack down, but you're able to pack down your camps quicker and Ganis leads the way on your next day of adventuring. [00:10:12] Speaker B: Could I request something before we start packing up? [00:10:15] Speaker A: Oh, I suppose so. [00:10:19] Speaker B: Before both Azakar and Cal leave the tent to. To. To start packing up, Azakar is going to say. While I have you in private, may I speak freely with you? [00:10:37] Speaker D: Of course. What. What's wrong? [00:10:41] Speaker B: Before we slept last night, I had a vision. A vision of where we're going. A vision of this temple that we're visiting. I saw the same sort of mana crystals that we. When we first adventured together. Yes, but they looked more deadly. More. Well, one was dripping with blood. There was. My vision became fuzzy after a while, but I saw a humanoid. A humanoid figure reaching for this crystal. I. I am not skeptical of our group, but I am skeptical of Ganis. I feel like we should keep an eye on him. We are not aware of his motives quite yet. And I feel like we should keep close inspection. He is after all, an arcane user. [00:12:07] Speaker D: Right? I agree. I am. He seems very quick. To make excuses. We'll see how the day goes. But thank you for telling me. [00:12:25] Speaker B: Of course. As much as I trust everyone else, I. I trust you the most. [00:12:33] Speaker D: And there's a sense then Cal kind of not, I wouldn't say quite raises his eyebrows, but ever so slightly, his expression is a bit more. Bit softer because I think even he has noticed in the past that these two haven't always been able to gel on different. On different opinions they've had or because of his eye change, he's never been quite sure how Azkar feels about him anymore. So he just kind of nods. I trust you as well. And I trust your visions. [00:13:09] Speaker B: Thank you. I appreciate that. [00:13:13] Speaker D: You should help with the tents. [00:13:15] Speaker A: Yes. [00:13:15] Speaker E: You both just immediately are given both like a, like it's like a thick sandwich, like thick bread with like sort of scrambled egg and radigator meat. We just see that end of the tent. It just two of them just slide in. [00:13:39] Speaker C: Doesn't want to disturb. [00:13:40] Speaker B: Just in between us as we're talking. [00:13:46] Speaker A: Oh, thank you. Okay. So yeah, as your, as your hand has delivered your, your breakfast meals. [00:13:55] Speaker E: I mean breakfast. [00:13:56] Speaker A: Your breakfast bats. Yeah. As you pack down, you can see like everyone else kind of busying themselves kind of packing up. Ganis is attempting to help Alfred with his tent. Or is it the other way around? It's not entirely clear, but suit. Yeah. Soon enough the camp is packed down and you're on your way. Who of the five of you is leading this troop across, across the plains of Marathis? Also to paint you a picture, the sky overhead is clear and it is a. A gentle like base or sky blue like a baby blue. With very few. [00:14:48] Speaker D: The. [00:14:48] Speaker A: The few clouds that are overhead are very wispy in nature, but it stands in stark contrast to these. Yeah, they're almost like rolling fields. The terrain isn't flat. In fact it seems to. It's clear when you know what you're looking at that you can see the sort of like the bulbous lava flows from presume from what you assume was the eschaton at the end of the war having you know, spread out across this land cooled and is now carpeted with this vibrant orange moss. There are a few kind of rock like structures jutting from the. The volcanic fields. But yeah, the, the hot and the. The rock like structures are made of a dark stone almost. They look volcanic as well, that dark porous material, but of the otherwise big with the relatively featureless kind of planes. Who is it that's leading the troop? Who's at the forefront. [00:16:01] Speaker E: Vanya will offer, unless anyone else wants to take lead. But I do have abilities that help. But I know that Rari's also got good capabilities as well. So it depends what really wants go at the front. [00:16:18] Speaker D: I second that. Maybe both of you lead and then Asgard and I can be at the back with Avric in between us. So he's safe as houses in the middle. [00:16:28] Speaker E: Sure, I know that. Rayri, you got Ridgeborn background, haven't you? So we, no matter who goes, we both get advantage on our role for survival. So, yeah, either or. Unless obviously, Dan, if you want to make a call. No roll. [00:16:49] Speaker A: No, that's fine. Well, starting with Vanier, then. What. What obstacle that stands in the way, in the, you know, stands in the way of the group? What obstacle is it that you kind of help with the most for all extensive purposes? So it's either a geographical obstacle or. Or not, as the case may be. But what was it? What's the one obstacle that you helped the party overcome? [00:17:21] Speaker E: So just repaint me that picture. We're going along this harsh landscape with these hot, you know, these floating balls. [00:17:31] Speaker A: Yes. Oh, yes, that's a good point. Sorry. Yeah. Overhead, the lava orbs that were crusted over in the night. Now with the higher ambient, like the higher temperature with the. The sun out, the crusts, the orbs have heated up that the crusts have melted into the magma. So these are just. They look like floating, small, very small floating suns, but their heat has caused them to rise up. So they're about. About 100ft overhead. [00:18:01] Speaker E: Yeah. So I'm imagining with this landscape, although it's quite barren in the sense of, you know, it's not like traversing the mountain or anything like that. You're going over lots of fairly flattish part, like landscape pieces before we reach like the cliffs and whatnot. But I imagine there's a. A Vanya is using a lot of his senses, his like, sense of smell and his latent awareness as he steps through testing where it's safe to stand. Because there might be some softer pieces of ground that might just crumble into these little like gas geysers or like lava, like, you know, more molten areas that might not have a thick crust. So it's a lot of almost like traversing through a minefield. But in this scenario, all these molten steps and it's just making sure he provides the. A party with a safe path through this harsh environment. [00:19:16] Speaker A: Okay, so if you're. So if it's. I mean, this sounds quite instincty. [00:19:23] Speaker E: Yeah, I was Playing planning to go with instinct. I was. Because I've got the hope to burn. I've got heightened senses. I'm gonna spend a hope with to. And because I'm Ridgeborn, I have advantage on traversing harsh environments, cliffs, ledges, things like that. So, yeah, I'm gonna make this instinct roll with advantage plus an extra three on top of this roll. [00:19:50] Speaker A: Sure. So bear in mind, when you click instinct now, it will automatically roll your three in with the result. [00:19:59] Speaker E: Okay, so let me. Yeah, let me click. I'm gonna click the advantage button, and then I get plus three on top of that. 20. Yeah. So 23. 23 with hope with that instinct roll. And that was rolled with hope. Hope. [00:20:22] Speaker A: Cool. [00:20:22] Speaker E: Okay, so I get. I just get the hope. Oh, no. I'm gonna put it onto a slayer die. Okay, so I'm gonna go down to five Hope. [00:20:28] Speaker A: Yep. [00:20:29] Speaker E: I'm just gonna mend that. [00:20:30] Speaker A: Daisy is extremely excited for you. Cool. Fantastic. So, yeah, with your eagle eyes, you. You managed to kind of put. You notice that there are a few spots where the crust is perhaps worryingly, the crust is weak enough that there is. There's still some kind of magma flow. You can sense it from the smell from the. The. The heat from the ground. But, yeah, you're able to avoid your steps. And Chris is right. Daisy is absolutely loving the. The extra slayer die. Yes. You managed to steer the group clear of all of those. Rayri, in the second kind of part of the journey, what's the obstacle that presents itself that you help the group overcome? [00:21:18] Speaker C: I think as we get further and, like, closer and closer, the terrain becomes sort of more rocky. Maybe there's been some sort of larger sort of pieces of ground that are more jutting out, and we've got to go sort of up, up and over some things. And Rayri and Vinnie are testing out the rocks to see if they will move before anyone else goes on them. So just hopping around like a little mountain goat. Just. [00:21:53] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. So in which case, yeah, as you're heading towards every step you take, you're heading towards. Towards a sort of like the mountain range that was originally off in the distance, but it's now looming larger and larger. Which. Which ability are you using to help scout? [00:22:12] Speaker C: Agility? [00:22:14] Speaker A: Yeah. For the skips and jumps. [00:22:17] Speaker C: For the hops and the skips and the jumps. [00:22:19] Speaker A: Okay. Please. Oh, yeah. [00:22:24] Speaker C: I could use a hope because Vinnie is my trusted mount. So together. [00:22:29] Speaker A: Yes. [00:22:30] Speaker C: He is a secure boy on these things, and I'm rich born, so I get advantage. [00:22:37] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. Roll them bones with advantage. [00:22:45] Speaker C: Plus two. So that's 22. 23. [00:22:51] Speaker A: Sorry, 23 as well with fear. Okay. So you're able to as you kind of scale the, the ridges kind of get to higher ground on the back of Vinnie who this, you know, oversized Chihuahua, like he's like what, three and a half foot tall kind of thing. Right. [00:23:14] Speaker C: You know, it's like Shetland like large mountain goat pony. [00:23:17] Speaker A: The Shetland pony sized Chihuahua who's scampering up the sides of this mountain range like a goat. You are able to kind of pick out the route as the terrain becomes a bit more rocky and mountainous as you get closer to the mountain like warp face itself. But as and yeah, you're able to direct the party through. However, even as you do it, the closer you get to your destination, you can't help but shake this sense of sort of like inevitable trouble that's brewing. It's like an invisible storm on the horizon that's getting closer and closer. So I will take a fear go up to three cool. And between the two of you, Rayri, as you kind of help guide the party through, you eventually find yourselves pretty much almost at the foot at the base of this near vertical mountain wall. And you can't like there are. You notice as you look up that there are sort of like lava cooled lava flows that are pouring over seemingly over the edge of something from up above and sort of like coming down like cascading down the side of this sheer vertical wall. But behind all of the porous volcanic rock, like the black volcanic rock, you do spy evidence of mortal made structures. You can see that jutting out from one of these kind of volcanic flows, like water lava flows almost is the carving of a pillar. And it takes Gannis a little while but then he kind of excitedly points there. I think that's it. I think that's it. I think we found it. He says. And as he scurries into this like almost like valley of sorts at the far end you can see a glance, it might look a bit like a cave mouth until you get close enough to notice that peering out from the like over the, the end the cave mouth if you will, is a carving of a dragon's head. It's quite, it's quite a thin and narrow dragon's head. Half of its face is obscured by lava flow. But as you get close enough you realize that the wings of this dragon form the, the kind of the door arch that the lava's kind of flowed around almost as if the dragon was doing its best to protect the entrance beneath the moss, you suddenly feel what, what appears to be broken and worn flagstones in lieu of the porous rock. And as you approach, who's got a knowledge score of at least one? Is it just Alfric? [00:27:07] Speaker C: Okay, we all. Stupid. [00:27:13] Speaker A: Alfric. As you approach and you kind of see, you know, the half of this God's face carved in, you know, carved in stone, the half not covered over by the volcanic advance, what catches your attention is you can see its left or the dragon's left eye and on its forehead that its right eye is covered, but on its forehead you can just about make out the left hand half of a third eye mounted in its forehead. And from your books and your stories that you've read, you immediately know that this God depicted is Naravid, now known as the Doomsayer. And Ganis is sort of like excited, almost excitedly clapping. I. We've done it. We've, we've, we've found it. And I, I don't want to chance it, but I don't want to tempt fate. But it looked, looks empty. He says as he looks around. And he's not wrong, Azakar. How? I mean, you have a particular distaste for the forces of the Betrayer, but you are stood in front of one of their temples, a temple to one of the Betrayer gods. And there are no worshipers, there are no signs of life. There were those dragons, the dragon spawn from last night. But yeah, Ganis is right, it just seems abandoned. How does that make you feel? [00:29:12] Speaker B: He feels like that's a good thing, like there is a reason why there's no more, why there's no one here and it should be left abandoned. And that unless there is something that we need to retrieve here to make sure that it's in safe hands, then we should probably see if we can make sure that it's never entered. [00:29:36] Speaker A: Okay, well, as you, as you like. Gannis seems to already be kind of heading towards the entrance like a, like a, like a, an exciting. [00:29:51] Speaker B: Is there a role I can do to, to stop him? I don't stop him. [00:29:57] Speaker A: I don't think it's even a role. If you want to, if you want to body him. Cuz he is approaching this temple. Body him? Well, you can sort like get in front of him, shout for him. Yeah, he is approaching this like in typical wizard manner, he is approaching this temple with the excited giddiness of a child at a sweet shop. [00:30:20] Speaker B: I just want to class my hand on his shoulder firmly and just not say really anything but Give him the impression that he's not to go far from the group. [00:30:32] Speaker A: He. He jumps slightly as you grab him. Almost like he's been kind of shocked by lightning, almost. And then he sort of like turns to you. And acknowledging what your stern face is saying, he. My apologies. I'm just. I. I will do my best to contain myself, Master Rylith. And he sort of like takes a deep breath and he turns to the rest of you. Beg my pardon? Shall we? He says, gesturing inside. [00:31:12] Speaker D: Let's stick together. [00:31:15] Speaker A: He nods. Cal, please, if you would be so kind. Roll me a reactionary instinct or knowledge? Your call. [00:31:47] Speaker D: I think they're both the same, actually. Okay, there we go. [00:31:52] Speaker A: In which case you're. [00:31:53] Speaker D: Oh, no, instinct. I'll do instinct. [00:31:55] Speaker A: Okay. [00:32:00] Speaker D: The one I didn't add to my one second. [00:32:04] Speaker A: The one is. [00:32:06] Speaker D: There you go. Roll normal. [00:32:10] Speaker A: Okay. [00:32:11] Speaker D: Not too hot. [00:32:14] Speaker A: You. You will get, you won't get the hopeless big mom. It's reactionary. In which case, as you enter into the, that into the temple under this sort of like archway of this dragon Alic, have you, in your excited insight excitedness, have you kind of said who the, the God is? [00:32:39] Speaker F: I think he's been a bit of a sad sack on this, this walk to the. Having lost his tent and everything in it. I think he's feeling a bit sorry for himself. But he probably does perk up a little bit at the sight of this. And also it's a dragon and he feels a certain affinity to dragons, even though of course it's not a well regarded dragon. [00:33:06] Speaker A: In which case, yeah, Cal, perhaps you're a little distracted by kind of Alfric's like a southern. This ever so slight kind of uplift in pep. Yeah. You glance at this narrow, this narrow face of the, of the God as you walk under the arch and I guess it's a weird. Everyone's in a weird position because gods are depicted in many ways. But less than two years ago, the vast majority of elsewhere would have had firsthand accounts of what the gods actually look like. So while you notice that this dragon, this sculpture is clearly a bit more kind of stylized, a bit more artistic than what the truth may have been. But there is a. If there is a deeper thought to be had, it's lost as you're kind of distracted by Alfric's pep. And with that, the six of you enter question. [00:34:31] Speaker E: Yes, but because Vanya's not very intelligent and seeing the look on Alfric's face like Alfric, can you tell how old this thing is? [00:34:49] Speaker F: I mean, I don't really know rocks and things. Is there a way that he could us big age. [00:35:03] Speaker A: I. Yeah. [00:35:05] Speaker E: I mean ancient Rubens here. [00:35:07] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean if you can think of like an argument for it then we'll. We'll go for that. So effect fundamentally pick your. If I pick your poison. [00:35:19] Speaker F: Well read. [00:35:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:21] Speaker F: His experience and since his parents library was of course quite full of things, I imagine somewhere there would be at least some reference book filled with illustrations of previous temples and previous areas regarding the gods. I think especially his mother would be very interested in that. Having given birth to a dragon scent. I think it would be a bit of an obsession of hers especially the early days of his birth. [00:35:55] Speaker A: Okay. Which ability score do you think that ties in with? [00:36:01] Speaker F: I would say I've lost his page. I mean I suppose it would be knowledge. [00:36:11] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, I'll agree with that. So this is to fundamentally kind of see if you've. It'd be like us going oh this is a Tudor building. Because I learned that in a book. Yeah. [00:36:25] Speaker E: Yes. [00:36:29] Speaker F: For some reason I've been kicked out of here. [00:36:34] Speaker A: Ah problem. I can rare. Would you like me to. Do you trust me with the role? [00:36:46] Speaker F: Yes, yes, I trust. [00:36:48] Speaker B: Unless it's bad. [00:36:49] Speaker E: Unless it's bad. [00:36:50] Speaker A: In which case have you got any experiences you want to stack onto this? [00:36:54] Speaker C: I think it's well read, isn't it? [00:36:56] Speaker F: Which is well read. Yes. Which is plus three. [00:36:59] Speaker A: Plus three. Okay. So you have rolled a 19322 with fear. You. So you do recognize that this temple is incredibly kind of old. It is. I mean it's. It's literally carved from the mountainside by the. By the looks of it. And it's. It's mainly falling into such severe disrepair because I mean either the war or definitely a volcano. But you notice that some of the the sort like the draconic runes that inscribe the sides are sort of like. It would be like us reading like ancient Latin kind of like it's old. Old. So you know at some point this temple, the worship happening within this temple would have been celebrated amongst the people of elsewhere. Whereas now not so much. You rolled high enough is you. You. I'll let you ask me a question and then I'll answer it. [00:38:32] Speaker F: Yes, I suppose. How old does it look? [00:38:38] Speaker A: You. You would wager it's at least 6 or 700 years old. I mean you know dragons have been the gods of elsewhere as long as anyone can remember. But yeah, this is this building, this structure, this car, this carved temple has stood the test of time pretty well, it's, it is banged up, but, you know, we'll cut it some slack of a reality ending war rolled through. [00:39:14] Speaker F: So that'll do it. [00:39:17] Speaker A: I'll do it. I'll relay this to Vanyu and also I will say that, yeah, as part of Alfric's explanations, it would be made clear that the dragon, that you're the dragon above the entrance to the cave to the temple is Naravid the doomsayer. [00:39:42] Speaker E: What does he do? [00:39:49] Speaker A: George, if you like, flap your lips, I'll do Alfred's speech in response. No. So Naravid is, was always considered a, like a prophesizer, a fortune teller of the gods. Naravid had intense, an intense fascination with the stars and like astral bodies and their movements and you know, he gleaned events of the future seemingly before they would happen. But was that a product of his like, astrology and cosmology, or was it a product of his divinity? Naravid would never give a straight answer, even to his fellow that, you know, brothers and sisters within the pantheon. But, you know, during the war, forces aligned with Naravid always, eerily seem to be 1, 2, 3 steps ahead of everyone else. Naravid became a schema almost because of this foresight that he was granted. But yeah, certainly not as warlike of as some of his other betrayer brothers and sisters like, you know, Zarathane. But yeah, still handy in a, in a conflict, if not a fight. [00:41:39] Speaker E: Well, Lafric, you know quite a lot about this, don't you? [00:41:45] Speaker F: I mean, I've had a lot of time to look things up, not, not being involved much in the conflict, as it were. [00:41:56] Speaker E: Well, I'll leave all that stuff to you and. Wait a minute, does that mean this thing knows we're here? [00:42:05] Speaker F: I. I hope it wouldn't work like that. [00:42:12] Speaker E: Vanier starts like looking around and then starts like doing some weird movements to try and seem a bit erratic and like, like unknowable. [00:42:25] Speaker A: Every third or fourth step is a little skip just to see if the God of prophecy knew it was going to happen. [00:42:32] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [00:42:35] Speaker C: He's a clever boy, our Vanya. [00:42:40] Speaker B: While Azikar is overhearing this conversation, Alfric and Vanya saying, he's just going to sort of mumble, just small prayers of ire underneath his breath. And I'm going to roll my prayer dice because I forgot again. [00:42:55] Speaker C: Nice. Okay, nice little segue into that. [00:43:00] Speaker A: Was there something you were going to say for you? [00:43:02] Speaker D: No, no, I'm just. He's just. Cal is just listening and absorbing all the information as it probably Reminds him of the wall. As most things to do with betray gods to you. [00:43:14] Speaker A: Okay, well, as the. As the stragglers drag their feet, eventually everyone manages to make their way inside the temple. And in the pitch black, you find yourselves having to produce lanterns or torches. So I will very quickly ask who is carrying a light source? [00:43:52] Speaker C: Does my head count? [00:43:53] Speaker A: No. [00:43:57] Speaker F: I'm carrying a torch. [00:43:59] Speaker A: Okay, so Alfred's. [00:44:00] Speaker B: I'll be carrying a lantern. [00:44:01] Speaker D: I've got a torch. [00:44:02] Speaker A: Yeah. Vanya. [00:44:07] Speaker E: If there's enough light sources, then he won't. But. Oh, actually, do you know what? He can just drop it. So. Yeah, he'll carry a light source if need be. Just so then he could just drop it on the ground. If he gets in combat, we'll turn. [00:44:20] Speaker A: That back on Rayri. [00:44:22] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:44:23] Speaker B: Has been. He got one in his mouth. [00:44:25] Speaker C: Yeah, because they can. Vinnie have one. He just told it. [00:44:29] Speaker A: Okay, well, the five of you have light. Chris, you're absolutely right. It is very bright. Because there's five light sources bunched in the same place. Yeah. As you enter in through this, like this entrance hall, you immediately find yourselves in a hall that widens out to. Let's say it's about 30 foot wide. Immediately in front of you, there are two kind of pillars that rise up to this. This kind of curved ceiling about probably about 30, 40ft above your heads. And you can see. Well, you can see what once would have been very beautiful, like reliefs and carvings of draconic figures. So presumably sculptures of Naravid and the Naravid spawn, like the. The various dragon spawn that would have operated under Naravid. But the beauty is irrecoverably like destroyed and tarnished by the. The sheer devastation of the place. Rubble lies all around you, built up to surprising heights. You can see chunks missing from the ceiling and the walls. [00:46:01] Speaker E: GM question again. [00:46:03] Speaker A: Yes. [00:46:07] Speaker E: I know that disregarding dragon scent, but maybe some draconic creatures might. Or like dragon like Brood might take on slight appearances of their. Like inline dragon. Right. Like if there's a certain dragon they follow, they might have features that might look similar to. [00:46:30] Speaker A: Correct. [00:46:31] Speaker E: So those. Those draconic creatures we fought in the night, did they look anything similar to this particular dragon in the pictures? [00:46:44] Speaker A: You know what, Vanier, it's funny you should ask. [00:46:49] Speaker C: He is a smart boy. [00:46:52] Speaker A: Those bleed because the one thing that Alfrix impressed upon you and what you're seeing from some of the carvings on. On like the pillars and the walls around you, is that one of the defining features of the Brood of Naravid are the third eye and the two draconic beasts you fought last night were decidedly dual eyed. It's not a concrete color coded for your convenience kind of scenario. But the, the sheer kind of. You can't help but shake the. Like the horns look different. The. The whole mo just feels a bit different. You can't help but shake the feeling that the dragon spawn you fought last night were not of the brood of Naravid. [00:47:54] Speaker E: So potential, potentially another. Like obviously brood of another. Yeah, yeah. Deity that might be. Have some sort of interest in this side. [00:48:07] Speaker A: Yes, Correct. [00:48:11] Speaker E: Yeah. In much less prettier words, Vanier mutters these, um, out loud. [00:48:19] Speaker A: What do you. Eyes. [00:48:21] Speaker C: This guy. Three eyes. Not same. [00:48:24] Speaker E: Yeah. Missing eye. What the. The lizards from last night then. I'm human. They're not of this draconic entity. [00:48:41] Speaker A: In. [00:48:41] Speaker E: Terms of brood or whatever. A lot of these draconic figures tend to have similar features to the deities they come from. [00:48:52] Speaker C: I didn't really look at it. I was just looking at his big teeth more than I was looking at his eyeballs, to be honest. [00:48:58] Speaker F: So was that. [00:48:59] Speaker E: Well, hunter's instincts. [00:49:03] Speaker C: All about. Hunter's instincts not to get bitten. [00:49:09] Speaker E: Maybe. I was thinking about how my mate cook it. But here, yeah. [00:49:14] Speaker C: One less eyeball kebab. [00:49:20] Speaker A: As you. As the two of you say this, like, as Ray and Vanier say this, Cal and Azakar, you can see that like past the rubble that lies immediately in front of you. This corridor, like this hall, extends for about 60ish feet. Before it ends, there are a number of kind of pathways off, like on the left and right, two on, you know, two on each side. But you notice that there's a doorway about 60ft in front of you. And through it you can make out a soft or like a wall. Warm orange glow emanating from whatever lies further, further beyond. I will invite the five of you to move your models, move your tokens through the temple within. Within reason. But as you pick your way through the temple over the rubble, you can see that a great deal of devastation has been wrought on this place. And Cal, as you pass through the doorway before being accompanied by the others, you find yourself in what appears to be a very, very large amphitheater of sorts. Large enough that your torch light doesn't reach or like, it just fades into darkness. But as you like, as you glance around, you also notice that chunks of the floor seem to have broken away and fallen into the earth, giving way to what you. What you would expect is lava given, which is illuminating the room slightly. And Azakar, you were the last to enter the room. And as you step between the two kind of carved pillars into this large room in the like this large amphitheater, you get this sudden shudder of deja vu as if you've seen this place before, albeit slightly more intact than it currently. There are a number of kind of pillars broken and falling down. Your light like your lamps don't only just reach up to illuminate the surface overhead and there's a large domed ceiling pocked with bits of kind of missing rubble. But yeah, this whole place just looks a bit devastated. I will allow invite you to all to move your tokens once again. [00:52:50] Speaker E: So is there something in this middle bit here? [00:52:54] Speaker A: If you would like to investigate, plonk your token near and we'll. [00:53:00] Speaker E: What's this? [00:53:06] Speaker A: So as you enter, as you get a bit closer on the floor, the, the floor itself is made of this, what would have been like a smooth maybe polished stone but over like time has eroded it with dust and devastation. But in the center of this large hall there's what appears to be two cons, like two rings of a gold like material. The gold is bent and buckled and kind of sheared where the ground is given way. But, but Rayri, as you kind of investigate you notice that to your right is a large, you know, 10 foot diameter golden orb of sorts, like a large brass gold like orb which has kind of seemingly toppled into this fissure in the ground and got them wedged. And you know the underside of it is slightly deformed from the heat of the, the magma reservoir underfoot. You can also see or Cal and Alfric. You notice that there are a number of wrecked cogs of some sort kind of interlinking with the gold rings. And there is another smaller gold orb kind of lying amongst them which curiously has what appears to be an L shaped bar jutting from it. And the, the L shaped bar ends in a sh. Like as if it's snapped from something. But you can't help but get the feel, feeling that this is all part of some sort of large contraption. And in actual fact cow. Glancing around you also spy that there's another piece of this contraption just a bit further on. And you recognize as you get closer that this also, you know, a brass or gold orb. It's got these, it's got the metal bars coming off the bottom of it, but there are smaller spheres attached and it reminds you of one of those planetary astrolabes. And this one, whilst more intact, the arms are bent and buckled. The, the, the orbs are dented from the. The what seems to have been the pillar that's collapsed on top of it. But it makes you wonder if this whole thing was some sort of large and extravagant planetarium like constellation cosmological path tracker. Fascinating, says Gannis as he sort of like steps round past you. Vanier and he starts like inspecting everything around and Rayri perhaps you and he both see it at the same time but you notice a large, it's a relatively large large cris like carved crystal. It's. I'm not quite sure what the name of it would be like what the name of the shape is but it's sort of cylindrical but made of sides but then on the flat ends they taper into a point and it's got. It's the. The around the. The round bit of the cylinder that is made up of 20 sides and where the crystal tapers in at the top and bottom there are meta metallic bands that seem to be of the same construction, the same material as that of the ring embedded in the floor. But you do notice that it looks cracked and heavily damaged and you see Ganis's face visibly drop at the sight of it. [00:58:01] Speaker C: How big are we? Are we talking like it's probably about like. [00:58:09] Speaker D: Maybe the size of a human head or smaller. [00:58:11] Speaker C: About this big size of a baby. [00:58:16] Speaker A: So what two, three? Like it's quite relatively narrow. Like the circumference of it is relatively small but it's about two, two and a half, three foot in length or height whatever you want to call it. [00:58:31] Speaker C: Is it attached? [00:58:33] Speaker A: It looks like it. Well it's just kind of tucked under some of the bent and buckled like machinery of this contraption. I mean it's a. Yeah. You can't help but shake the feeling you suspect that is part of it but it looks like it has suffered a pretty rough fate. [00:58:59] Speaker C: Is this one of the bits you were looking for? Looking at Gannis, looking sad. [00:59:04] Speaker A: Yeah. Ganis nods and like kneels down to get a slightly closer look. It would be difficult to say exactly what it was but this looks like a power source, perhaps a focus maybe of whatever this contraption wants was. I. I suspect that there would have been a. An incredible amount of power contained within this. This crystal. Perhaps. Perhaps we should split up to see if there's anything else there. There is more to this temple. [00:59:50] Speaker C: Yeah. Cuz splitting up's always a good idea in an evil. [00:59:56] Speaker A: Well perhaps we go in pairs then. There's six of us by my reckoning he says as he stands up and has a little look, perhaps one of you go left, one of you carry on, one of us go right. [01:00:16] Speaker C: I think Reiri looks to Azakar and Kao, who are much more the distinction decision makers of the group. What do you think? [01:00:25] Speaker A: Should we. [01:00:27] Speaker C: Are we allowed. [01:00:34] Speaker D: Above board? I think I am just concerned that whoever gets left with Ganis, that's the issue. I'm like, not me. [01:00:45] Speaker C: I guess leave f with him. [01:00:47] Speaker D: Genuinely, it might be a good idea because Vanya will, you know, beat him up. We need him to. [01:00:54] Speaker E: I just found him dead. I don't know why I gave him. [01:00:59] Speaker C: Cuddle around the neck. [01:01:01] Speaker D: Yeah, I think. I think pal having like leadership experience in this situation will. He'll. He'll glance at Azukar a moment, consider, and then he'll be like. He will ask if Vanya can pair up with Ganis as a car. Go with Rayri and I'll take Alfric and we should have a signal if things go wrong. [01:01:29] Speaker A: Okay, so who. Which of those pairs is going left? [01:01:38] Speaker D: You guys can choose. [01:01:39] Speaker A: Go. [01:01:39] Speaker D: By the way, which. [01:01:43] Speaker C: Let's go left. [01:01:44] Speaker A: So Ray re a car go left. [01:01:46] Speaker C: Yep. [01:01:47] Speaker A: And we'll go right. Alfric and Cal will go right, which leaves Vanier and Ganis to go straight ahead. [01:01:56] Speaker F: I mean Alfric can do the tele telepathy thing that he has. He can only link with one person, but it does mean we're at least connected to one pair. [01:02:09] Speaker A: Well, as you suggest, this Ganis looks over to you and that's a fantastic idea. Master Stormhall, would it be wise if we I can link our minds so we can telepathically talk to all of us. A conference room of sorts. Who. It would allow us to speak silently over distances elsewhere teams. Yes. Are we. Are you in favor of. Of mind linking to one another? [01:02:47] Speaker E: You what? [01:02:49] Speaker A: You what? Perhaps it might not be as necessary for the two of us to communicate, Vanier, but if you wanted to be able to communicate with the others, you could do it with your mind. [01:03:05] Speaker D: I'm sorry, Kazakh. Fine. [01:03:12] Speaker E: That's great. [01:03:13] Speaker A: So is Ev. Is. Is anyone objecting to the mind link? [01:03:19] Speaker C: Can we do it with Vinnie as well? [01:03:22] Speaker A: I fear the results may vary. So Ganis with. With your collective approval. You see him sort of like the. The crystal of top atop his staff begins to glow as he encants and runes and like emerge from it and begin orbiting around. And as he casts the mind link, your heads are filled with this high pitched whining like a screaming, and you will flinch for a few moments before it very quickly kind of dies. Down and suddenly it sounds like you're in a crowded room. And eventually the noises begin to almost kind of coalesce to walk into one another until you are able to hear six independent, well, five independent voices in each of your minds. [01:04:21] Speaker D: So question, yes, above board. Are we able to have private DMS with the people we have now linked to or is it always a group chat? [01:04:32] Speaker A: This is unfortunately an. And Microsoft elsewhere teams call. [01:04:37] Speaker C: So yeah, yeah, no slipping in into anything. [01:04:41] Speaker E: It might, you might all just like start just hearing initially like, wonder why I'm gonna cook everyone later. [01:04:50] Speaker C: Yeah. Is it like, is it into our, like, do we have to like think about talking or is it just linked to our brain consciousness? Because I think Ray Ree's mind as she's like adhd. [01:05:08] Speaker A: Gannis informs you that you can communicate, but you can choose to not communicate. Yeah. So yeah, if you think about what you want to say, then that will, that will broadcast. [01:05:22] Speaker E: Sorry, sorry. [01:05:24] Speaker A: So, yeah, no, no, smutty, not safe for work thoughts. Accidentally. Well, maybe they accidentally slipped about day dreaming, but yes, we'll start with Azakar and Rayri. As you head left out of the amphitheater, you find what like, as you step between two kind of cracks in the floor, it create almost like a bridge over the lava. You find yourselves approaching a ramp of rubble. And as you head up it, you are met with a somewhat, somewhat chilling sight of what appears to be a camp of sorts littered with old skeletons. There are, there's an overturned table. You can see that there are by your count, four tents. But yeah, presumably the inhabitants of this tent met us quite a sudden end. [01:06:39] Speaker B: Is there anything, is there anything around that we can kind of tell off the bat what might have happened to these people? [01:06:50] Speaker A: You study the skeleton that's next to you wearing some robes and, or if. If this person was wearing any kind of valuables or jewelry of sorts, they seem to have been stripped from the body. But Azakar, you notice from the vestments, the, the design of the robes would imply that this person was once a worshipper of one of the betrayer gods, perhaps a Khan, maybe Naravid. The cloth is too discolored and kind of age worn to know which team this person used to fight for. But looking around, you wonder, are these remnants of. Are these all that's left of the betrayer forces that stopped the expedition from sticking when that explorer expedition rolled through? Have you got any questions or. [01:08:09] Speaker C: Yeah, can I take a little look in the tents and see if there's anything like left in them? Like supplies or things they may have left behind or clues. You know a dead man's journal. That would be fabulous. [01:08:28] Speaker A: Sure. Roll me me a instinct perceive sense. Yeah or say instinct. [01:08:59] Speaker C: 13 with fear. [01:09:04] Speaker A: You do find a journal. I won't take a fear but I will introduce the complication of the journal is patchy with its notes but it is you quickly find out that this camp was so after the kind of retaliary retaliatory attacks by the explorers like it's dated about 9ish months ago the remaining kind of betrayal forces fell back to this temple and they received instruction that help would arrive like reinforcements would be coming. But from the bloodstains that blot the rest of the journal it would seem that their ends arrived much sooner than the reinforcements. If the reinforcements ever arrived. And given the somewhat recency of it all the fact that these four you can see have been stripped to bone. It wasn't a natural decomposition. Perhaps scavenging animals have picked them clean. [01:10:38] Speaker C: Good night Tell if they were scavenging animals picked clean as a ranger. [01:10:44] Speaker A: Yeah. In fact I. [01:10:46] Speaker C: They look got like little nibble marks in the bones. Things have been. [01:10:52] Speaker A: There are. It is definitely a creature of sorts. Perhaps the teeth marks don't. There aren't teeth like teeth marks per se. It looks more like something with a. A circular mouth like. Like a. A big circular mouth almost like a squid or an octopus. Something like that. Like a circle of teeth. [01:11:31] Speaker C: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Like a sand worm. [01:11:35] Speaker A: Something like that. [01:11:39] Speaker C: Great. [01:11:40] Speaker A: That's what you. [01:11:41] Speaker C: Sounds lovely. [01:11:41] Speaker A: That's what you find as you kind of scavenge through this tent over here. We will skip on to Cal and Alfric. You're going right I believe. [01:11:53] Speaker C: Yes, sure. [01:11:55] Speaker A: Yes. Step in the lava up up here. [01:12:00] Speaker D: The stairs. [01:12:01] Speaker A: Well so if you're. If you're going that way. So yeah is you. Well it's up to you. [01:12:08] Speaker F: I can't. [01:12:09] Speaker A: So you can either go up these stairs here in front of you or you feel like if you're careful there might be some. There might be a route between over the. The lava bridges in this direction. [01:12:22] Speaker F: I mean let's. Let's head in that direction. [01:12:25] Speaker D: I will hold it. That sounds good. [01:12:31] Speaker A: In which case as you carefully pick your. Pick your way through you also climb a. A ramp of rubble into another. Like the wall is. There's a hole in the wall of this room that you've just stepped into and you notice that there are more mechanical contraptions similar to the one in the central antith chamber. Albeit smaller. It Seems to have been all but destroyed by rubble that has landed on top of it. But Cal, to your kind of left, you notice that what you would assume to be the standard entrance to this room has been blocked in, like caved in. But yeah, this one, this room looks quite empty. You can't help but wonder if maybe whatever contraption is under this rubble was perhaps the, you know, the. The point of interest within this room. Interesting. [01:13:47] Speaker D: Is there anything that we can do to get into the rebel? How? How? Like, how bad is the rebel? Is it. [01:13:55] Speaker A: I mean, it. [01:13:56] Speaker D: You could probably sift has levitate and we know how much the Afric. Levitate. [01:14:03] Speaker F: Here's one good, good spell. [01:14:06] Speaker A: I mean, in. In which case. Yeah, if you want to roll me a spell cast, check for levitate. [01:14:16] Speaker F: I don't know if there's like an item limit on. I can just load levitate. A rocket. [01:14:22] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll say that if you want to cast levitate, it will just kind of hoof up. Hoof up enough to have a little rummage. [01:14:32] Speaker F: Cool. Yes. It's a spell cast roll. So plus three. [01:14:41] Speaker A: Oh, or spicy roll. [01:14:43] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:14:44] Speaker D: And hope. [01:14:47] Speaker F: 18 with hope. So that's a 21 with hope. [01:14:50] Speaker A: 21 with hope. Cool. So you manage to lift enough of the rubble out of the way that your suspicions are confirmed. Whilst the thing is, you know, bent and buckled out of any real sense of shape, you do get the impression that this was also some sort of like large ornate and elaborate astrolabe of sorts. There's a central sphere which is then kind of orbited by other, you know, planets, bodies which each in themselves have things orbiting around those. But what you do notice as you pull this all away is that on a. A name plate on the central dis. On the central orb in draconic text. So it's like celestial. We were talking D and D. Well, Alfred, do you suppose that you know how to speak Draconic? Celestial. [01:15:56] Speaker F: Probably. I. He can get by with like the basics. He wouldn't be able to speak it fluently, but it's fine. You can order a croissant. [01:16:07] Speaker A: I mean, the basics is all you need because you realize that this central orbit depicts elsewhere. You're not entirely sure what these other orbiting bodies are, but maybe there are other worlds like elsewhere out in the void. Perhaps you, you know, perhaps maybe these are. Are. Well, Cal, you have heard these stories that some of the stars. Well, these aren't. These aren't stories at all. Cal, your world traveled, so you would kind of know that in the night sky there were 20 stars that burned brighter than others. But Shaun broke brighter than others. And you were told that these 20 gleaming stars in the night sky were the homes of the 20 dragons. And you would also know that since the war, eight of those stars have gone dark. And at a glance you count 20 warps. So you wonder perhaps, are these the homes of the dragons orbiting around elsewhere? [01:17:39] Speaker D: I share this with Alric as well, so he knows what I'm thinking. [01:17:49] Speaker A: We'll jump to the last two. So Vanier and Gannis. So as you step up, as you begin walking up, Gannis following in behind you. Vanya, as you head up the stairs, you step around the large kind of boulder and you find that you can just about see through a gap in the rubble that's kind of collapsed in that there is. You kind of get the impression there's an important room behind this wall of debris. But it is completely like you're really all but impossible to get in. It's just too, too much to move. [01:18:34] Speaker E: Oh, I was gonna say, yeah. Is it. Would it have been a case where there was a way or means with my sheer strength that I could find a means to get through but if it's too much rubble then yeah, it. [01:18:46] Speaker A: Would be like a whole slabs of the ceiling. [01:18:48] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:18:49] Speaker A: Kind of collapsed in. [01:18:50] Speaker E: So I get the sense that this is definitely a, a dead end. [01:18:54] Speaker A: Yeah. And as you, as you do that Vanier, are there any kind of quick snippet conversations that are happening over the mind link. [01:19:09] Speaker E: Here? [01:19:11] Speaker C: Like we found some more tents. Draw a tent. Alfred, you're a tent. [01:19:18] Speaker F: Yes, please. [01:19:19] Speaker D: Let's get Alfred. Kids, tent. I, I, I. If there's more than one tent. Sure. But make sure Alfred gets a tent. I'll be fine. [01:19:26] Speaker F: Otherwise we could share a tent. [01:19:31] Speaker C: I'll try and sort of dust the skeleton off it. [01:19:33] Speaker A: Yes lady. [01:19:34] Speaker B: I was going to say is it more important we tell the that we found bodies? [01:19:38] Speaker C: Oh, oh yeah. And then there's a load of dead people. [01:19:41] Speaker A: Ray. [01:19:42] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:19:43] Speaker E: Is there any treasure? [01:19:45] Speaker C: No, just an old journal load of tosh really just said oh, people are going to come help us. And then they're not. And they're all oh, we're all going to die. [01:19:58] Speaker B: Ray has identified some mis, mysterious marks on these skeletons. I would recommend that people keep a vigil eyed look out for anybody. [01:20:08] Speaker A: Big squids. [01:20:11] Speaker E: Squids. [01:20:12] Speaker C: Yeah, it looks like sucked right by a squid. [01:20:15] Speaker E: I made you start looking up on the ceilings. [01:20:20] Speaker D: We found, we found a mechanic mechanism that shows the, the homes of the dragons or that's what it appears to. [01:20:28] Speaker C: Look like that sounds nicer than what we. What we found. [01:20:32] Speaker D: It was under a load of rubble. Alfre he was able to help get it out. [01:20:38] Speaker C: Yes sir. [01:20:41] Speaker A: Who's. I think it might be Azakar. Given. Given the. The steps you've already taken on this path. You notice that there is one voice that is decidedly more quiet than the rest of yours. Yeah. I wonder. [01:21:08] Speaker C: Billy. [01:21:11] Speaker A: And Vanier, where's Janet? You. As you turn around to look, to look to see where Gannis is, you notice that he's sort of like he stopped just outside of the ring of. Of gold inlaid on the floor. And he's crouching down and he is clear that he's kind of looking at something. And he's kind of muttering and murmuring to himself and then hearing you. Your footsteps kind of ring out over the. The sound of the magma bubbling down below. He looks up to you with this like somewhat like not crazed look, but he just looks a bit like skittish. And he. I. I think there's some power still left in this Vanu, he says. And you realize he's holding the 20 sided crystal. [01:22:12] Speaker E: I guess Vanya would just be like, is this what we've came for? [01:22:19] Speaker A: Gannis, like holding this thing. He's like turning it over in his hands. He's peering through it. It's reflecting the light from the ambient glow of the lava. And his head dips slightly. And then he looks back up to you. Yes, I think it is. And you watch as this mage, while looking at you, turns the bottom. A click. And Vanier. You feel like the floor underneath you has just dropped out from under your feet. And the other four of you, you can hear Vanir and Ganis's voice slightly kind of echoing through to your respective rooms. And you also feel your stomachs lurch as if you've just begun falling through the earth. And you hear Ganis's voice echoing. I think this is exactly what we were looking for. And when you come to oh, you find yourselves in rooms similar to where you were. But the surfaces are jagged and reflective like they're made of a rough crystal. And for four of you, you immediately. It immediately evokes memories of being in the Crystal Tower and al freaking cal. As you look up, you can see that where there were broken pieces of mechanism and machinery, there is now this, I guess you would call it a reflection of this contraption that gently rotates in front of you, the room. There is no hole in the wall like the one that you entered in. Instead the room looks well kept and ordered, but you hear some gasps of surprise from behind you, and you turn to see see people. But they look as if as you peer at them, their outlines shift as if you're looking at them through a kaleidoscope, the light around you constantly shifting through all the hues that comprise light. Azakar and Rayri, in place of a graveyard, of a campsite, you find yourself, Ravi. You find yourself between a 15ish foot long table and some bookshelves. The ground underneath your feet reflects all of the imperfections that would indicate a almost like a gem encrusted floor, perhaps like a marble type floor underneath. As a car, you turn to see two humanoids, Larovar, you suspect, turn and look at you with surprise as you seemingly appear out of thin air. And Rayri, you turn to see a Laroval woman in robes, her face somewhat distorted by the shifting crystalline nature of it all, look to you and say hello. She peers at you, looking at you as if you're some sort of specter or apparition as a car. As you glance around this place, it looks like the world, your vision. It looks the same as how your vision turned during your divine, your divination meeting Vanier. You land on your feet, seemingly, despite the factual feet, never seemingly left the floor. But instead of the kneeling form of Ganis, you see a huge mechanism in the center of the room. You can now see the vaulted ceiling overhead. It's impossibly high up. And this thing, just this large kind of planetary astrolabe, just turns. And there's a sound of heavy clonking gears as it moves, step on step. It stands proudly between eight pillars that rise up from a ring of precious stone that circles this machine. And as you complete your inspection of your surroundings, you peer back up the stairs to watch what was a dead end. And you see a woman a lot and a wolf kin woman looking at you with a surprised look. She doesn't look as crystalline as everyone else, but you do. You note that her skin is darker than yours. But in place of her left eye there is what appears to be a blue gem. The headpiece she wears prominently displays another gem similar to it on her forehead. And you kind. Your mind kind of goes to the depictions of Naravid that you've seen through this place. She wields a staff of silver of a marble type construction with silver decoration. The staff topper looks like a spread fan, but upside down. And as she looks at you curiously from this, from under this three horned headpiece, she bids you welcome. Hello, stranger. [01:29:39] Speaker E: Hello. [01:29:43] Speaker A: As she welcomes you, you see a shape moving behind her. [01:29:51] Speaker E: I could smell it first. [01:29:54] Speaker A: And this long winding neck twists and lifts to reveal a head undeniably draconic in nature. And as this dragon spawn looks at you, you notice that unlike the deep blue robes of the priestess, the scales of this dragon are a brilliant emerald green. And the priest. You hear a rumbling emit from the dragon. And the priestess turns and says, lord, I encourage drift. We appear to have visitors. And you. As this dragon peers at you through bright yellow eyes, the horns similar, undeniably similar to the horns of the hunters you fought at the camp. The dragon growls as it eyes you warily. And it dawns on all of you that you are now in a reflection of the temple of Naravid at some point before its destruction. And as the enormity of this dawns on you, grab a quick break. [01:31:43] Speaker E: There is a dragon. There is a dragon. [01:31:47] Speaker A: So if you enjoyed that, make sure to hit the like button and subscribe if you're on YouTube or follow if you're over on Twitch. We gonna continue this in about sort of like 10 to 15ish minutes. So I reckon let's say 15 minutes, which will mean we're back at 10 to 10, give or take. Yeah. Comment or type in chat with your theories about what is happening to these, to our poor, poor adventurers. And after the break, we'll see if you are in fact crazy, Correct or not. But with all that said, thank you for watching so far, thank you for playing. We'll see you in a short while. Sa.

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