The Honoured Dead - Elysia Rising Ep9 Pt2 - Blades in the Dark Actual Play

Episode 9 June 23, 2024 01:58:35
The Honoured Dead - Elysia Rising Ep9 Pt2 - Blades in the Dark Actual Play
Explorers of Elsewhere
The Honoured Dead - Elysia Rising Ep9 Pt2 - Blades in the Dark Actual Play

Jun 23 2024 | 01:58:35


Show Notes

The Crew prepare for the Ocerus Mausoleum score, and come face-to-face with some startling discoveries and unexpected complications.


Played using the Blades in the Dark ruleset, by John Harper -


EoE -

DM DAN - |


JC - |


NATE - |



Intro Voiceover by Georgia Cook - @georgiacooked

Dark Beginning by Yevhenii Kovalenko -

Tabletop Audio

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Previously on Alicia Rising. [00:00:04] Speaker B: We spoke a little while ago about our good lady Tovarien. Maybe there's still a chance to visit the mausoleum. I'm slightly concerned about our mysterious bedfellows in that old bakery, the nutters. [00:00:21] Speaker C: I think you'll find they're called the Hollow. [00:00:23] Speaker B: Obviously, they're no friends of ours, but I'd rather avoid an all out conflict. [00:00:27] Speaker D: What are you suggesting? [00:00:29] Speaker B: The hollow obviously have technology to capture ghosts. Perhaps we could twist their arm to get in their favor a little bit, and maybe they can help us out. [00:00:39] Speaker A: If you can provide us with ghosts, that will aid in our experimentation towards attaining the evolution. We need more. We need more test subjects. You've been given these orbs, which you can use to do that side hustle for the hollow. And then the planning for the mausoleum heist begins. Okay. [00:01:07] Speaker C: Welcome to Elysia, the jewel of the north. On our gilded streets, fortune and fame can be found by anyone. I'm Julia, and I'm playing Magpie, an ace of our lurk. [00:01:23] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Nate, and I'm playing cavern, a dragon sent slide. [00:01:29] Speaker C: Hi, I'm Meg. I'm playing Frieda, a wolfkin cutter. [00:01:34] Speaker B: Hi, I'm JC, and I'll be playing Algernon, an ace of our spider. [00:01:39] Speaker E: Hello, I'm Erol. I am playing Atta, a goblin whisper. [00:01:44] Speaker A: And my name is DM Dan. I will be the games master on this adventure. [00:01:49] Speaker C: So come on in. Marvel at our wonders. Make sure you see the beautiful views we have to offer. And don't mind the ghosts. They're friendly, really. Grab yourselves a seat and make yourselves welcome in the city of Elysia. [00:02:12] Speaker A: Hello, and welcome back to explorers Veltaire's Aletia rising. Hi, I'm DM Dan, and these are our beautiful player characters. Hello, gang. How are you? You all good? [00:02:25] Speaker C: Hello there. [00:02:26] Speaker A: Hello. So, we rejoin you in the aftermath of a very genteel meeting with the hollow. And they have issued you with a side hustle during your mausoleum heist in the hopes that you'll kind of carry some favor with them. And they have requested that you provide them with six premium ghost like specimens in some ghost catching orbs that they've. They've given you. And that's on top of your main objective. You're kind of jumping into the mausoleum to see if you can discover the fate or the ghost of our late tavare. So with this, like, side objective from the hollow kind of locked in, there are a number of questions that you ought to answer before you start the score itself. So what information. Is it your gathering? Who's. Who's going first? [00:03:41] Speaker B: I would like to find out exactly what the deal is with the mausoleum, who runs it. [00:03:49] Speaker A: Sure. How. How are you going about doing that? [00:03:53] Speaker B: I think I'm just gonna study my big old faction map and keep my head to the ground and have a. Have a listen to what's happening over in that district. [00:04:06] Speaker A: Okay. Um, in which case, yeah, roll me out a study. Um. Oh, yeah, you don't need the risk. Six. [00:04:17] Speaker E: Very good. [00:04:18] Speaker C: So you rolling them tonight? [00:04:21] Speaker A: It's, it's one of those questions that, um, the. You feel like the answer should be pretty straightforward, but the more you think about it, you kind of have a. Who actually would look after it? Because you could argue that a lot of the factions within the city would have a vested interest in the Osiris mausoleum. And, yeah, through your studying, you find yourself kind of going back through record books almost to sort of like the creation of it, and sort of like trying to piece together the missing. The missing puzzle pieces. You discover that the oceress mausoleum was originally constructed and is in the ownership of the pillars. Specifically, it has been passed down generation to generation through the Oran family. And it would seem its current owner is one ojomers, a leader of the train bearers. And you know that your information is good, because it is. You found it. It must be good. Yes. [00:05:49] Speaker B: And the mausoleum itself, is it like, just one big building? [00:05:54] Speaker A: Yes. So if we take so on the map of Elisa itself, there's like a, like, just so the canal that separates Spire park and Dustry Hill, there's a canal that runs through Dustry Hill. South of that, like on the corner where the two canals meet, there's a walled off area. And that whole kind of complex is the mausoleum. It's this huge, like, over it. You know, the original purpose for it was to be a kind of a communal catacombs crypt mausoleum for, like, the rich, the noble, the nobles of house Antillea once upon a time, and so on and so forth. But, yeah, it's a, it's a sprawling site. Um, it's all kind of walled off from the rest of dustry hill. Um, yeah, you, you take note of the fact that it is, um, on the canal edge, that is canal side. Um, and yeah, it's theoretically not as used, not as busy as it used to be, because there's less, um, visitors heading into the mausoleum nowadays. But yes, you do know that this, this might rub mister Iran up the wrong way slightly if news gets out. Any other info. [00:07:42] Speaker D: I guess the next one is that we want to know what security is around the mausoleum, what's who's around, how busy is it? [00:07:50] Speaker A: Sure. Who's stepping up to the plate? Who's. Who's going to be looking for that info. [00:07:57] Speaker D: Probably want to join Catherine for a little prowl. For a little look around. [00:08:03] Speaker A: Cute little prowl. [00:08:05] Speaker C: Is that just katherine? [00:08:07] Speaker D: Yeah. Well, Atta can join if she wants to as well. [00:08:11] Speaker E: Unless Magpie wants to. Well, Atta's got a little bit of prowl, but also a little bit of hunt. [00:08:17] Speaker D: Hunt might be a good one. [00:08:19] Speaker E: Only like a little bit of hunt, but, Magpie, what are you. What's your. What's the vibes? [00:08:28] Speaker C: I'm happy to help with that. I'm also happy to do a bit of figuring out the bit. Best method of injury. But I would also want to prowl about. In order to do that. [00:08:43] Speaker A: Do you. [00:08:43] Speaker D: Want me to just go up to the front gate and see what's happening while Magpie just has a little look around? Causes a little bit of distraction, if. [00:08:52] Speaker E: It'S a distraction that you want. And it includes wreck. [00:08:55] Speaker B: This went so well last time. [00:08:59] Speaker E: Just some really tiny explosions. Maybe, like, Ata's been working on, like, tiny little explosive backpacks for rats. And I feel like there would be a lot of, like, dance space. Like. Yes, you can. You have that. And you don't have to roll. Yeah, yeah. Set some little. Just like, little. Little explosions. Like, the tiniest ones, if you want some rat. [00:09:26] Speaker C: Rat. [00:09:26] Speaker A: Little ratty explosions. [00:09:29] Speaker C: Are the rats okay or it's just a little explosion. [00:09:35] Speaker D: They just get a bit bald on the back. [00:09:38] Speaker E: They just kind of pop around, you know, like popping candy. It's just. [00:09:43] Speaker A: Okay. [00:09:44] Speaker C: I hate this. [00:09:45] Speaker A: Right? So this sounds to me like a. Another, like, setup role. So I'm gonna guess, like, tinker or wreck or something. I mean, yeah, if you're. If you're looking to do a somewhat explosive, ratty distraction that might kind of drum up the security of the facility. So to allow you, Catherine, to see what's what. Like, what is the response kind of thing to a perceived threat. Yeah, that work. That makes sense. [00:10:25] Speaker E: Oh, maybe cavern. Maybe it's about, like, oh, I've heard that some weird. Whoever we don't like, name a faction. I've been doing some weird stuff with rats. I've come to bring you intel. Like, I don't know. Is that a way to get in with the guard? [00:10:44] Speaker D: Well, it's. I mean, it's not the. It's not the guard. We just need to know what kind of security is out there because obviously they're going to be working with the pillars. Tell you what I mean. I guess, I guess if anything, if anything goes to poo, we can then just blame the kindling for it. They're the ones that do fire stuff. [00:11:08] Speaker A: Sure, sure. Okay, well, first things first. Atta, how are you, what are you rolling for your ratty bombs? Ratibum bombs. [00:11:18] Speaker E: Just like a little tiny bit of rack maybe just, just a little bit of rack. [00:11:25] Speaker A: Okay, roll me, roll me. A diddy bit of wreck. [00:11:30] Speaker E: A risky standard. What's that? [00:11:32] Speaker A: Yeah, at this point, yeah, just risky standard. Okay, brilliant. So I'm assuming, I'm picturing that like Cavern and atta, you're stood industry hill and like rata, rata. Oh my gosh. Atta has a backpack of bomb rats. Like rat bombs. And then just like a mother ushering her children on to school, these rats just like skitter off into the streets and like, how do you feel about this, Cameron? [00:12:27] Speaker D: It's just sort of just rubbing his eyes going like if this works, oh my God. [00:12:35] Speaker A: Is it, is it alchemical explosive or are they just strapped to like unstable mana crystals or something? Like they just got little fuses maybe. [00:12:45] Speaker E: Like fragments of, because you said that there's like the dimension door orbs, maybe I like hammer smashed one of those at one point and I've just like fixed, or maybe they've got like little suppositories or, no, I still like backpacks. Little, little dimension door fragment backpacks. They're just like. [00:13:09] Speaker A: Teleporting rattles. Okay, so cavern, yeah. As you watch, aghast as these rats, these backpacks, rats just skitter off into the streets around the mausoleum. Before long you start to hear sort of like alarms going off in the mausoleum. And like it seems like the security of the place is mobilizing. How are you building upon this, Kevin? [00:13:46] Speaker D: Um, what, sorry again? Sort of like, what are the rats actually like? How are they sort of exploding? [00:13:55] Speaker E: They're, they're kind of zipping about, so they'll like, but they, yeah, there's also some firecrackers in there as well, like just for a bit of extra pizzazz. So yeah, they're kind of gently fizzing one's on fire. No, just a little bit of fire. [00:14:15] Speaker C: Just a little bit on fire. Well, a rat is only little to start with, so this is not good news. [00:14:21] Speaker A: Proportionately a little bit of fire. [00:14:23] Speaker C: We do not condone animal cruelty on this channel. [00:14:29] Speaker E: Is animal like. [00:14:36] Speaker A: They've been dipped fire retardant gel and off. [00:14:39] Speaker E: They. [00:14:39] Speaker C: I can handle it. If they've been dipped, that's fine. [00:14:42] Speaker A: So they're wet, slimy, teleporting exploding rats is what we're saying. Okay. [00:14:51] Speaker C: I mean, I would be distracted. [00:14:55] Speaker A: Because the thing is, they're covered in goo, right? So if you grab them just straight out. Okay. So, yeah, that's what you've got. Okay. That is your distraction. [00:15:08] Speaker D: I I like to think caverns actually quite wordless about what's happening at the moment. It's worked. So I'd like to use a prowl to just to sort of stay back in the shadows and just have a count of how much security is there. [00:15:27] Speaker A: Sure. [00:15:28] Speaker D: And what they look like. [00:15:30] Speaker A: So I'm gonna say that this is because you're kind of on, like, enemy turf, if you will. It'll be a. It'd be a risky, risky standard. But you, off the back of a successful setup, you can add either. You can change it to controlled standard or risky greater. [00:15:56] Speaker D: Mmm. Risky. Grater risky. Great. [00:16:03] Speaker C: I apologize if this goes wrong. [00:16:10] Speaker A: Okay? You. Okay? So you noticed that, like, loads of guards end up, like, coming out. There's klaxons throughout the facility, not throughout the mausoleum grounds. And the guards that come out seem to be, you notice, like, quite well equipped. There's some what look to be pretty good quality crossbows slung over the backs of some of, like, the shoulders of some of them. They're armed with what appear to be sort of like, short, easily maneuverable, like, short swords. Like, there's a part of you that thinks this is closer to, like, a military force, if you will. Like a mercenary military force of some sort. It's quite clear that they are like, hired guns of a sort. And the distraction works perfectly, like, it draws them all out. But as over the space of your kind of scouting, the vast majority of the rats are kind of, like, apprehended one way or another. But you notice that security seems to have been increased as a result of this very peculiar. Like, someone has released teleporting slimy. Some explode sometimes exploding rats in offices like that. That is. That is a list of adjectives long enough to raise suspicion. Um, yeah, so you notice that the. The guard. Yeah, the security around the place seems to have been tightened slightly. [00:18:06] Speaker C: But, you know, mission accomplished. You figured out what the security situation was. [00:18:13] Speaker A: There's just a slight few more of them now. [00:18:16] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:18:16] Speaker A: That's all. [00:18:17] Speaker C: That's all. [00:18:19] Speaker A: So that's. That's that. Are there any other questions? [00:18:24] Speaker C: The way in, best way in, especially given the security has now tightened, please, could Magpie have a prowl about and have a look and see if she reckons is the best way in? [00:18:35] Speaker A: Sure. Um, well, how. What is it you're. How are you framing your prowl? [00:18:41] Speaker C: How are you framing it? [00:18:42] Speaker A: Yeah. What is it you're. [00:18:45] Speaker C: We could do in a sneaky sneak around to have a good look at the building because you've got shadow. [00:18:50] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Roam your prowl. [00:18:53] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:18:56] Speaker E: He'S a six. [00:18:57] Speaker A: It's a six. [00:18:58] Speaker D: Okay, so everyone else is getting sexist. [00:19:01] Speaker C: I got three dice for that one. I've been looking for an excuse to. [00:19:07] Speaker E: Roll prowl all session. [00:19:09] Speaker C: Since last episode, I have been trying. [00:19:11] Speaker E: To roll a prowl. [00:19:14] Speaker A: Okay, so you off the back of a six. So there are a number of buildings within the Waldorf section. There's the large. The largest building is like the mausoleum itself. There seems to be, like, a secondary structure. From what you gather, that's probably. It seems to have some sort of spiritual or, like, religious importance. So perhaps, once upon a time, a chaplain or, like, a cleric of the faith would be kind of stationed there to give rights to those interred kind of thing. But you notice that a lot of the, like, the mercenary guards seem to be loitering around for that secondary building. So now you believe that it's probably more like barracks of a sort for them. [00:20:19] Speaker C: Okay. Right. [00:20:23] Speaker A: It is immediately next to the canal. And, like, it takes. Or you have to sort, like, circle all the way around into spire park to see this. But you notice there are, like, a number. You can spy just about a number of grates, like, at the bottoms of the wall where it connects, like, where the keep where the mausoleum kind of backs onto the canal. So you suspect that perhaps there's some sort of, like, excess water, like a water route. [00:21:00] Speaker C: Let's get Roth on it. Roth with a zeal suit. [00:21:04] Speaker A: That would involve kind of getting the grate off and kind of going in that way. The last thing you notice is that there are, like, apart from the, like, the mercenary guard. You notice the workers coming and going, and you notice having, like, spent a significant amount of time watching them, that they seem to be, like, relatively plain clothes, wearing very common clothes when they go in and out, but they all seem to kind of arrive at the same time. They all leave at the same time. [00:21:46] Speaker C: Okay. [00:21:47] Speaker A: But the mercenary guards largely leave them be. [00:21:51] Speaker C: Right. Interesting. So that would be another way. And potentially join the workers. [00:22:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:22:02] Speaker C: So. Oh, yeah. [00:22:03] Speaker A: Okay, so, um, with that in mind, uh, any more information, or do you think you've got enough to get this going. [00:22:13] Speaker C: Go for it. [00:22:14] Speaker E: I've got. Sorry. I've got two things. I'm so sorry. I know you wanted a quick gather information. The first one. The first one is an attune role, I think, which is, I would love to try and investigate in the workshop at the manor, in the hideout. [00:22:35] Speaker C: How. [00:22:36] Speaker E: To create, like, ghost bait. Like, what will encourage ghosts into a bottle. [00:22:43] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. [00:22:46] Speaker E: Maybe I find some recently dead rats for some reason, to experiment on. [00:22:53] Speaker A: Okay, sorry. Okay, tell you what. Roll me the attune, because I said you've got these six orbs that gave you. So roll me a. Yeah, Romeo and attune. [00:23:12] Speaker D: Again. We don't condone animal cruelty on this channel. [00:23:17] Speaker C: We definitely don't. [00:23:19] Speaker A: They died of natural causes. [00:23:22] Speaker D: Like, natural causes. [00:23:25] Speaker E: Rats for cooking. Like. [00:23:26] Speaker A: So she got rat coke, to be fair, but, yeah, ethically sourced, sure. I gotta say. I could say, like, well, theoretically, the risky control. The risky is a bit moot. It's the effect. So I'm gonna say this is, like, standard. So just go ahead and chuck us controlled. [00:23:58] Speaker E: Standard. [00:23:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:24:00] Speaker E: Okay. [00:24:03] Speaker C: Five. [00:24:04] Speaker A: Okay, so. Partial. So you get good details. Um, you're able to successfully tinker with the orbs enough that, um, you find. UMI is effectively packaged in some instructions that you're able to decipher from the relatively insane scribblings that she's giving you. So you're able to, um, read out the activation phrase, which makes the orb kind of light up. And you see this. So. So you wear, like, the soul sight goggles. You're just, like, looking around the room for dead rats. Okay, sure. You stand far enough away because you don't want to waste one of these on a rat. And you activate it, and you watch as, like, the tiny speck of light just gets, like, sucked towards the orb, and then you turn it off. And then the soul, the rat soul just. We, like, flips off. So, yeah, you. You know how to. Like. If you find a ghost, you can say the word, like, Luigi's mansion it into these orbs. [00:25:19] Speaker E: Nice. [00:25:22] Speaker A: If you wanted to do an overdramatic anime throw for dramatic effect, then we could also do that. [00:25:29] Speaker E: I mean, I like the idea of a hoover now because, like, a vacuum. Anyway, um, I don't know whether Ata's the best person to do, whether this is. This would be a study or a hunt. I think maybe as atta. But I think it might be better somebody who's good with people to maybe try and find out where different people are kept in the mausoleum. Like, try and mingle with the workers and see if there's, like, different sections of the mausoleum that different people go, like, get put. [00:25:58] Speaker D: Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same. Maybe. Maybe having a chat with the workers who are coming in and out. So find out, like, how they got the job, you know, when they go in, when they go out, when lunches, things like that. [00:26:15] Speaker A: Who's doing that? [00:26:17] Speaker D: I'm happy enough. I'll go and have a little chin wag. Gonna have a little. [00:26:23] Speaker A: Okay, so you off the back of magpies intel, you presume. Are you, like, tailing one of the workers after a shift? [00:26:32] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm sure they're going into a pub afterwards. [00:26:35] Speaker A: Sure. [00:26:35] Speaker D: Okay, I'll go in and else we'll chat with them. [00:26:38] Speaker A: So, sway, or is. I think it's. I think this is a consort, because they won't know you. [00:26:44] Speaker D: Fair enough. [00:26:45] Speaker A: So, yeah, two dice joby, and this is standard effect. Okay, so a four partial success. You get good details. So, getting chatting with this, it's kind of. Lorraine, man. He tells you that. What. What's your, kind of, like, leading question? The one that likes the knock? [00:27:21] Speaker D: I think I'm just going to pop in there and ask about jobs. Looking for a job and seeing what he does. Like, I'm gonna just pretend that I don't know what he does and just say, like, what do you do? Is there anything open? Is there anything going? [00:27:36] Speaker A: So, yeah, in which case he tells you that, oh, no, I woke up at the mausoleum, and quite morbidly, there are a number of, like, temporary vacancies opening up to deal with the influx of casualties from last week's riots. And, like, there were people who managed to escape the keep but weren't well enough in the aftermath of. Since kind of passed, you know, after the keep itself. So, yeah, there's a. There's a few spots. You note that there doesn't seem to be enough spots for the whole group, the whole gang. So you might have to be a bit selective. Uh, I'm gonna say two. There's two spots, like, two vacancies left. [00:28:29] Speaker D: Who wants to join me? [00:28:34] Speaker B: I think it would be good for maybe Cavern and atta attic. Atta can go with the ghost orbs. [00:28:42] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:28:43] Speaker A: Okay, so is the plan to kind of sneak in under the guys of an interview and then start the mission then, or. Yeah. [00:28:54] Speaker E: Okay, so carrying a load of bottles to an interview, though, really? Can I? [00:28:59] Speaker A: Of course you can. I mean, when I say orbs, they're like. Well, I mean, they're probably the size of at his head, but, yeah, they're about this. [00:29:10] Speaker E: I think I've maybe got a different flashback idea for how to get the orbs. The building. We'll see. [00:29:15] Speaker A: Is he teleporting rats? Errol. [00:29:20] Speaker E: What if we organized a shipment of rat traps to the. Like, a box that says rat traps, and in that box are some of the orc. [00:29:32] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, I mean, you can do. That's an option. So if you're going in as, like, an exterminator and they have had a recent rat problem. [00:29:42] Speaker B: I've heard. [00:29:43] Speaker A: And then Magpie could be the other new recruit. Yeah. Okay, so it's a. What is this a deception or a social how. What's gonna. What's your first. What's the tip of the spear? Is it the. You going in for the interview or after going in as pest control? [00:30:04] Speaker B: I think getting a couple of us in there as potential recruits is the engagement. [00:30:10] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, so I think that's a. I think that's a deception. Okay, so the vanguard then is cavern and magpie. So as you're, like, you're in the group that's leading up the, like, heading up the path towards the mausoleum. And when you're kind of surrounded by the workers of the nearby districts, like the spectacle, the scale of the mausoleum as it kind of begins to loom over you makes it seem much more imposing. And between the two of you noticed that, like, the faces on the people to your left and right are quite. Kind of quite dour, quite grim. Um, you notice as you're going through that, um, like, they're all in plains plain clothing, much like yourselves. Um, but you notice that sort of, like, there seems to be a lot of, like, calloused fingers, dirty fingernails, a lot of sort of, like, hard labor looks to them, and you begin queuing up, and, like, the mercenary guards are kind of, like, allowing them in in pairs, and they get to your. They got to the two of you, cavern and magpie, and I need someone to roll me an engagement role. Now, is the operation particularly bold or daring? I don't believe it's bold or daring, nor is it overly complex or contingent on other factors. So no extra dice there. Does the plans detail expose a vulnerability of the target? I'm gonna say yes, because you're going in as new potential recruits. So you get plus one dice. Can any of your friends or contacts provide aid or insight on the operation? None of them in approach. So no enemies or rivals? No. Are there any other elements you want to consider? Now, the security has been raised so I'm gonna do minus one dice, which returns you back to normal. So this is a one dice engagement roll. [00:32:42] Speaker D: I'll do it. [00:32:44] Speaker A: Cavern, please make me a one dice engagement roll. [00:32:49] Speaker D: Engagement, one dice. Let's go. [00:32:57] Speaker C: That's great. [00:33:00] Speaker A: Mix result. [00:33:01] Speaker C: You're in a position yet. We're in a risky position. This game is. [00:33:05] Speaker B: Yeah, you need a six to be fully in control. [00:33:09] Speaker A: So you, like the gods, stop. You. The two of you, they ask you, well, we've never seen you before, and as you explained that you're here for an interview, like, you're here for the job vacancies that you've heard about. The. The two mercenaries look each other and like, one of them nods like, yes, that's true, we have got some vacancies. And then says, oh, well, in which case, if you follow me, please. And the guard sort, like, gestures for you to leave the rest of the group of workers and walk into the mausoleum, like accompanied by him. So you're in, but you have a chaperone. So and so as you go, the. The guard does, you know, the mercenary does that thing of sort of like, oh, so how did you find out about it? And he seems quite chipper, but. And he's just kind of making small talk about you in this job role. Are you excited? Are you nervous? What have you been doing? You know, have you been doing any other much else work since the veil? Yes, you're. You're led into, like, you can see all the main group going in through what was effectively like the front door, and you're led in through, like, a side side entrance and the effectively into what looks like a clerical like office. It's not an office, it's a mausoleum. But this room seems to have been set up for kind of record keeping and the, like. And the guard come up, guide you in, offers you, the two of you, a seat, and I'll just. I'll go get the boss, he says, and he disappears and leaves you. Leaves the two of you alone. [00:35:21] Speaker D: Do you want her? And I can keep them busy? [00:35:27] Speaker C: What will you tell them? [00:35:29] Speaker D: Oh, make it up on the fly. [00:35:32] Speaker C: Right. [00:35:34] Speaker D: You had to go away. You had awful diarrhea. [00:35:39] Speaker C: No. Don't know. Absolutely not. Um, can I. Julia, just find out. How are the other two getting in? Remind me what? [00:35:48] Speaker A: So atta is pest control turning up with rat traps? That's a good point. Where is Algernon stationing? [00:35:57] Speaker B: I am gonna be on the canal. On the budge. [00:36:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:36:04] Speaker B: With Roth getting rid of the grapes. [00:36:07] Speaker C: So we can escape. [00:36:08] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, exactly. [00:36:11] Speaker C: Sounds good. [00:36:12] Speaker A: So Roth is busy at work, like, hacksaw. Sure. [00:36:18] Speaker B: And I'm gonna be honest, on the barge, in case any suspicious barge pilots happen to come past. [00:36:25] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Very, very good. Very good. Okay, so, in which case. Yeah, Magpie, if you're. You have the opportunity to disappear. If you are taking that opportunity, what is it your aim? Where are you kind of heading? Was it your aiming for. [00:36:43] Speaker C: I don't know if I would know where to meet up with Atta or where she's pitching up. [00:36:50] Speaker A: But you're planning on meeting up with Atta. Okay, cool. In which case, we'll switch to Atta. So you can only imagine, like, you're whistling with a wheelbarrow mustache. [00:37:05] Speaker E: Like a really excellent mustache fake. [00:37:08] Speaker A: Okay, you. As you make your way up to the front gates, like, you're tailing behind the group of workers, and you're stopped by. It's just one guard on his own. Like, he stops you and looks at you curiously as you've got this large crate with rat traps stamped across the side of it. I'm sorry, can I help you? [00:37:37] Speaker E: Here? To deliver rat traps. [00:37:41] Speaker A: And the guard, like, looks around, and he's got no one to sort of, like, confer with at this point. What skill are you using? [00:37:54] Speaker E: I think at this point, Atta is going to try the angle of one name dropping a little bit. Like, I'm from the top one, Odie mercy. And just kind of mispronounce Odal Mercer's name, but then go into detail about how these rats. You know, when a boring. A person that's really into, like, the boring details of something, like, really over explains. You see, what these traps do is they know the shape of the rat and the size of the rat, and they know the. The look of the rat, and they go, right, there's a rat. And it's got a mechanism. Anyway. Yeah, it's just overexplaining. So, the role, I would love to roll tinker for that, but if you want some kind of social role, I will also do that. [00:38:44] Speaker A: Yeah, I think we're trying to convince this trap, but all of your in depth information, I'm gonna suggest that it be start a risky greater. Okay, how's algorithm on helping? [00:39:03] Speaker B: I'm going to help something. In my foresight, visions instructed me to, like, set up this fake company that supplies rat traps and then dangle, like, a ridiculously low ball off in front of odor. Merce or ran. So he has no choice but to switch supplier. [00:39:31] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Right. I'm gonna say. I mean, that's a lot. So I'm gonna say that's one stress, but, yeah, one stress. Sure, sure. There's one stress. Right? So I'm gonna say that that's your one stress for an extra dice atta. [00:40:09] Speaker E: Okay. If I'm rolling sway, I have no pips in any social, which is not surprising for who atta is. [00:40:17] Speaker A: It's carrying you. [00:40:20] Speaker E: Yeah. I feel like the hat is sort of, like. Looks like a rat as well. Like it's a baseball cap. That's. Anyway, can I push? Can I push myself? [00:40:31] Speaker A: You can. Yeah. Yeah. [00:40:33] Speaker E: So that's two stress, right? [00:40:35] Speaker A: Yeah, two stress. So that will take you up to two dice. [00:40:41] Speaker E: Like risky, crater risky greater. So I'm gonna. [00:40:45] Speaker A: I'm gonna go one wise, controlled greater. [00:40:50] Speaker E: What would be the benefits of controlled? Again, I should know this. I'm so sorry. [00:40:54] Speaker A: Less severe outcomes. [00:40:59] Speaker E: So it would be rolling, because if you've got no pips, you don't roll any. [00:41:03] Speaker A: Or just you roll two and take the lowest. [00:41:06] Speaker C: All right. [00:41:07] Speaker E: Okay. [00:41:09] Speaker A: Algernon's quick sole trader business setup takes you to one dice. You pushing takes you to two dice. Yeah. So controlled, risky, or desperate is how bad the bad outcomes could be, and then greater risky, limited, is how good the good outcomes could be. [00:41:33] Speaker E: I feel like it's better to have more dice on a roll where you're. You're not good at a thing. So if I just do the plus two dice, risky. Right? Should that be the correct. Okay, cool, cool, cool. Oh, okay, cool. [00:41:49] Speaker A: So you do it, but there's a consequence. You suffer harm, a complication occurs, you have reduced effect, or you end up in a desperate position. So your. You're kind of spieling all of this spiel out, and you're like, you've handed your documentation that Algernon's provided you that kind of backs up this company. And the guard sort of, like, looking through it. And, like, you. You were butchering his name earlier, like Odomurdu. But then when the guard sees Odomus name on the documentation, he goes, oh, oh, fantastic. Um, yes, uh, please. Uh, any sort of, like, whistles to one of the other mercenaries and sort of gestures them over. Um, yeah, if you follow. Follow this, uh, this lady here. Um, like, she'll take you to, like, Odomus is on site. You can. You can ask him directly where he wants these dropped off. [00:42:45] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [00:42:47] Speaker A: Right. [00:42:47] Speaker E: You are rat. You are. Anyway, it's a bit of a rat joke. [00:42:56] Speaker A: But, yeah. Atta, you are accompanied by a third guard who leads you towards mausoleum. But, you know, with every step you take, you're getting that much closer to Odal merce, who has definitely met you. [00:43:14] Speaker E: So. Okay, we'll figure that out. [00:43:20] Speaker A: Okay, so you're, like. As you're heading up to war, like, into the mausoleum grounds, it seems like you're being led into, like, in through sort. Like, for the main entrance. What is it? You're like, are you just kind of going with the flow and crossing all your digits, or you. Have you got a plan in mind? [00:43:44] Speaker E: Not yet. Would you. Is there something. Can I have some thinky time? Can I have a little thinky time? [00:43:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Bear in mind you've also got flashbacks if you want to change the narrative. [00:43:57] Speaker E: Oh, how about flashback? One of the crates has some exploding rats. Wait, come back to me. Come back. [00:44:07] Speaker A: Okay, so, Cavern, you what, Cameron and Magpie? Who wants to jump in? Or, like, algorithm? If you want to jump in, let me know. Like, perhaps I would argue the. So, Magpie, if you. You probably would have had a specific rendezvous point with Atta. And as you approach that rendezvous point, you notice that atta is not fair. [00:44:45] Speaker C: Right. [00:44:47] Speaker A: Okay, so you. You find, effectively, you make your way through the mausoleum proper, and there's. It's, like, a lot. So you're heading down these kind of, like, long corridors with doors, like, gated metal gated areas either side. It seems to be like you're skirting around the main, um, like, the main hall of the mausoleum itself. Um, but you do know that sort of, like, on the outside walls, there are windows high up that let you see outside. Like, old. What? You know, what are once old stained glass windows. [00:45:28] Speaker C: So far from outside looking in, you mean? Or. [00:45:33] Speaker A: No. Well, so you're. You're inside, but you could. You could look outside through. [00:45:37] Speaker C: Oh, I could look outside. Okay, sure. [00:45:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Um, and in which case, yeah, you very quickly spy assa. And yes, she is wearing that mustache, but she said she would. But she just. [00:45:52] Speaker C: Do I see atta? Do I. I. Like, I just see a small male goblin with a big box. [00:46:03] Speaker A: Yeah, you see, so, like, as you're. Like, as you're peering through the window, you just see atom with this wheelbarrow with a crate that says rat traps. Like, being led off by a guard. And there's, I can only assume, just, like, frantic looks up to the window that you're peering through, because that's. That's the rendezvous point. [00:46:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:46:21] Speaker A: And. Yeah, you realize that atta's being escorted away. [00:46:27] Speaker C: Great. Okay, we need those orbs, right? We need. But we also need to know where all the bodies are. Like, have I seen any bodies yet? [00:46:41] Speaker A: Not. Not yet. So, well, as you've been walking down, sort of, like, through these, um. Like, the. The doorways off of this corridor, um, have just been sort of, like, open doorways with, like, metal iron fence type, like, embellished almost like garden gates, but internal, um, and, like, peering in. You've noticed that a lot of them have, um. There seem to be sort of, like, sarcophagi or, um, like, these are our own individuals, individual, like little crips. But it's quite clear that a lot of these places are quite old. So you suspect that these just haven't been disturbed kind of thing. In terms of, like, newer bodies. You haven't found that yet. But let's say you do know from your kind of scouting that you seem to be doing, like, going around the perimeter. Like. So you've got the large building. There's a big space in the center of it, and then there's effectively, like, a ring of corridors around it. You seem to be going around the ring. If you make it through to the front door, you then have access to, like, the main hall. [00:47:57] Speaker C: Presumably. I'm dressed in workers garb. [00:48:01] Speaker A: Sure. [00:48:02] Speaker C: So I. [00:48:03] Speaker A: Real quick. Sorry, what load is everyone taking? [00:48:06] Speaker C: Oh, gosh. [00:48:08] Speaker A: Light. Medium or heavy? [00:48:10] Speaker C: Light, usually at all. [00:48:15] Speaker A: I mean, I'm assuming light for the three of you, given what you're doing. [00:48:19] Speaker E: Yeah, light. If. Light. If it's possible with however many bottles are in a crate. [00:48:29] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, that'll be like, two. So let's call it. It's not armor, but we'll call it armor. That's two. Cavern. Are you going in light? [00:48:44] Speaker D: Yeah, going in light. [00:48:46] Speaker A: Algernon, are you just prepared for. For war? Okay. You're going on. Right, sorry. Back to. Back to magpies. So, yeah, you. You have a feeling that, like, the main. Like, the main hall is likely where people are now interred, and you can get that effectively via the front door. [00:49:11] Speaker C: Okay. [00:49:11] Speaker A: Like, the vestibule. [00:49:12] Speaker C: Do I really. Do I really want to just leave? Cavern, though, is the thing. [00:49:17] Speaker D: Be fine. [00:49:18] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. So Atta's being led away. Cavern is stuck having the entrance interview, and I'm just like, okay, we need all of these elements together to do the plan. [00:49:37] Speaker B: If Cavern could find out from the interviewer where Tavarean is, he could communicate to you via the earrings. [00:49:48] Speaker A: Yeah. You both got a gossip zaring. [00:49:51] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess so, yeah. [00:49:54] Speaker A: Okay. [00:49:55] Speaker C: Does that count as something from our load out? [00:49:57] Speaker A: Uh, it does, yeah. [00:49:58] Speaker B: But it's free. [00:49:59] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, I'll tell you if the two of you select gossip zero. Yeah, okay. Um, what, in which case, Magpie, are you gonna, like, hole fire for Cavern to try and get some answers, or are you gonna try and apprehend at all? [00:50:16] Speaker C: Yeah, I think. I think probably let Cavern this thing for a bit. [00:50:20] Speaker A: Sure. For sure. In which case, Cavern, a few more like a minute or so after Magpie leaves, the door that she left through kind of opens and a relatively, like, old looking lady comes kind of shuffling in and she takes a look at you and, like, around the room and. Oh, I thought there was two of you. [00:50:52] Speaker D: Oh, I do apologize, my friend. She found she didn't realize, she didn't quite have the stomach for working in this line of work. So one of the guards led her. [00:51:05] Speaker A: Out and the old woman nods. This is a. This can make one quite queasy, she says. And she, like, shuffles behind the desk that's been set up in the middle of the room, and she. She takes a seat and she, like, opens this big tome. Sorry. She looks at her notes. She's got some spectacles balanced on the end of her nose. Are you. Are you. What name did you give for the interview? Maggie. Is it? Maggie? [00:51:39] Speaker C: Maggie, yeah. [00:51:41] Speaker A: She looks down at Cavern and Maggie on the paper and she looks up at you and she looks down and Cavern. [00:51:49] Speaker D: I guess that's me. [00:51:51] Speaker A: Ah, wow. Hello. My name is. My name. My name is. If anyone wants to throw a name out, I'd be grand. Why. Why? My. My name is. These are rubbish names, Lulu. [00:52:21] Speaker E: It needs to be a good, like, Mortician's name. [00:52:27] Speaker C: Morticia is a pretty good name. [00:52:34] Speaker A: My name is Lortisha, but you can call me Lulu. [00:52:41] Speaker D: Well, it's lovely to meet you, Lulu. [00:52:44] Speaker A: And she. She nods. She nods. So I. I understand that you were advised of these vacancies by one of our current volunteers. I understand you, but I presume you understand the nature of the work that you'll be performing. [00:53:08] Speaker D: Oh, yes, definitely. And the awful situation that's arised over the last couple of weeks. I'm. I'm. I want to be there. I want. I want to help. I want to help the people. [00:53:20] Speaker A: You're a good soul, Catherine, dear. You're a good soul, she says, and she sort of like, pushes herself up and I best show you around. Just so with these kinds of job, with this particular job, we do things slightly differently around here. If you. You seem like you're interested in working, but I do need you to understand that you need to decide whether or not you're going to work here before we kind of give you the tour, so to speak. So I mean with that in mind, and she like slides what is effectively a contract across the desk. If you are willing and happy to work here, then please sign on this on the dotted line here and then I'll show you around. But bear in mind that once you've signed, signed on the line then you're, you're stuck with us for a little, for a little while at least. But the work is regular. [00:54:39] Speaker D: Can I read the contract? I don't have study. Can I read the contract? [00:54:45] Speaker A: Real speed reading it. You notice that there's no payment in like financial terms. Instead you and your, and your like family slash loved ones will be provided with sufficient food to keep, keep you going. You're paid in food, basically. [00:55:11] Speaker D: Okay, I sign it then. [00:55:15] Speaker A: Okay. [00:55:17] Speaker C: Is there like a length of term on it? [00:55:22] Speaker A: Yes. One pre eschaton calendar year. [00:55:33] Speaker C: You gave your real name. [00:55:37] Speaker D: To be fair, I didn't, Dan. Just assumed I was giving my real name. Let's say sergeant Leach. [00:55:51] Speaker C: I fancied a change. [00:55:53] Speaker D: Yeah, let's go with um. Yeah, can we put, can I put Sergeant Leach's name on that? [00:56:00] Speaker C: What's his first name again? It is maybe leave the sergeant bit off. [00:56:06] Speaker A: So yes, you've done Elmar, you've done some digging and you know it's El Mar Leach. [00:56:12] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:56:13] Speaker A: Okay, so you sign it Elmar Leach. Okay, wonderful. Um, and she, she looks even wonderful. Elmar, you are a good soul, she says, and very well, I'll give you the tour, she says. And she leads you out through a different door to the one that she entered. Fire. And you notice that like as you follow her, she heads up a flight of stairs like aspiring sets stairs up until you're on like the second or third floor. It's difficult to tell. Ever since the Eschaton deer, things obviously have been very difficult. And um, on, on that day, uh, quite a few um, beloved souls, uh, were lost in, in the turmoil oil and that the memory of that day reminds us why we must do everything we can to ensure the safety of Alicia. I mean this, there's worrying stories about ghosts and you're getting in and I think that's all posh, to be honest with you dear. I think, I think we're all going to be fine as long as we keep carrying on, you know. But one of the things, I mean, I suspect you've become a bit of a mushroom connoisseur, Mister Leach. [00:57:48] Speaker D: I mean, haven't we all. [00:57:51] Speaker A: Yes. Yes, well we will. We all make do with. With what we have. And originally, you know, the, the mausoleum hell holds or a lot of the. The noble dead of the. And sometimes some ignoble dead, if you know what I mean. She says as you pass an antelope that seems to have been emptied. [00:58:20] Speaker D: Is there anything on, on the antelir crypt to sort of mark it? [00:58:25] Speaker A: You notice that the Antilles Sigil has been struck through, right. And like the inside teams of. Yeah, the Sarkoff guy are empty. [00:58:36] Speaker D: But is. Is there anyone, is anyone else besides from nobles sort of kept here? The, like general. General folk? [00:58:47] Speaker A: Well, yes, yes, anyone who meets, who comes to the end of their life is. Is taken, is brought here regardless of who it is that they. They were in life. So there were a lot of poor individuals who perished during the riots last week. But even before that we had a bit of a celebrity. [00:59:12] Speaker D: Oh, do I. Do I dare ask? [00:59:16] Speaker A: Well you didn't hear it from me, but Tavareen is still within these halls. No, you don't say she's been interred? We were instructed by the, the late Marshall to just kind of keep her safe, keep her cooped up. But yes, we, we don't really know what to do with her now that um, now that he's part of our, our humbled guests. Our honored guests mean. [00:59:50] Speaker D: Is he. I heard that he was still sort of under the rubble. [00:59:57] Speaker A: She looks at you a bit, sort of like. Oh. And she realizes that she's been rumbled and well, this. Consider this your first experience. Experience of keeping hush hush, she says, tapping on the side of her nose. Obviously we wouldn't want bodies within Alicia not being interred here for when the, when the ghosts are released, she says, and she looks over like left or right to itself, an empty corridor and then gives you a wink. Anyway, this way. Um, tell you what, if you, if you want I can, I can show you to dear old Tavareen. [01:00:54] Speaker D: I mean I would love to pay my respects if I could. I understand that I probably can't go close, but even just being in the vicinity. [01:01:03] Speaker A: Of course, of course. You'll have to speak up though, dear. She's a bit hard of hearing nowadays. [01:01:08] Speaker D: Oh, I see what you did there, Lulu. I'm gonna have to watch out for you. [01:01:14] Speaker A: And like this woman just carries on shuffling down the, down the corridor. So Magpie, you're hearing all of this atta, whilst this is all happening you are led to the, the front, like the fricking the front door of the muslim. So there's like a large stair. There's a shallow, sorry, staircase heading up, like flight stairs heading up columns either side of this kind of arched roof. And you, you notice that talking to a number of the mercenaries is an Auron sprite with, like, he's talking like you're seeing him in profile and he's turning his head as he's talking to these mercenaries, the mon like odomus monocle glistening in the purple, the purple light overhead. And you're, you're no more than like 10 meters away. [01:02:31] Speaker E: So I've got some ideas, but if anyone wants to help, would love that. [01:02:37] Speaker C: I would love, I would love to help. [01:02:40] Speaker E: Okay. Please. Because I don't think my ideas are good. [01:02:44] Speaker C: Okay. I think probably Magpie clocked at her being led away and thought, this isn't good. And I think she probably would have followed out of the building towards where Atta was being led. And as Atta is approaching Odal Mercen is about to get rumbled. She's going to run up going, oh, thank goodness. The rat catcher is here. Quick. I just found a huge infestation in the main building. Please quickly follow me. [01:03:24] Speaker E: God, that would be terrible for somebody's boss to find out that rats were still here. [01:03:29] Speaker C: Right, I won. [01:03:30] Speaker E: Great that I'm here now. Right, quick, take me to those leaves. Quick. [01:03:34] Speaker C: Thank goodness. Come on. [01:03:36] Speaker E: I hand a load of paperwork to the guard as I sort of rush up. And here, here's the plan of where all the traps are going. Get Odal Morse's or older Michael George Michael's signature before I leave and we'll make sure that there's good report. Got to catch those rats and. [01:04:02] Speaker A: Okay, who this sounds. That sounds very swayish. [01:04:08] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay, I really need help with this sway now. [01:04:12] Speaker A: Who's helping? Who is at a helping? [01:04:17] Speaker C: I've got one pip in sway. Do you have any. [01:04:22] Speaker E: I have zero pips in sway, but I'm happy to help you. [01:04:27] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:04:28] Speaker D: Is there any possible way I can help in a flashback or just to kind of say, if this happens, you. [01:04:34] Speaker C: Should do this, you could help through the earring if you're able, if you're in a position to say words out loud that will not arouse the suspicion of the lady. Or you could sort of suggest some things for Magpie to say so she's a bit more convincing. [01:04:54] Speaker D: Maybe I can just pop into the toilet very quickly. I just need to. [01:04:59] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe that's a good one. [01:05:03] Speaker A: Okay, Catherine, if you. So only one, but one of you can, like, help with the. If it's a sway only one of you can. [01:05:10] Speaker C: Yeah, I will. I will do this way. [01:05:12] Speaker A: Okay. [01:05:13] Speaker C: And with Nate, with caverns help, please. [01:05:15] Speaker A: Yeah. Are you happy to do the help, Kevin? [01:05:18] Speaker D: Yep. [01:05:19] Speaker A: One stress for you. Hey, is Magpie pushing or wanting a dead gonna push? [01:05:26] Speaker C: Well, I'd love it to hear what the devils could be from anyone. Like. [01:05:37] Speaker A: Maybe no matter what happens. Odal Merce is here. [01:05:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:05:46] Speaker A: On a full site inspection. [01:05:50] Speaker C: Yes. Excellent. Love that. [01:05:58] Speaker A: Taking the dragon. [01:05:59] Speaker C: I'll take it. Does that mean we've got two. I've got two extra dice. Because I've got. I've got caverns help and doubles bargain. [01:06:07] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [01:06:09] Speaker C: And so what is it? What, what. What type of roller? [01:06:13] Speaker A: This is a risky standard, so you can boost that up how you wish. [01:06:19] Speaker C: Sure. I would prefer just to have the extra dice. [01:06:25] Speaker A: Okay, so a three dice risky standard. [01:06:28] Speaker C: It's a 3d standard. It's a six. [01:06:34] Speaker A: Okay. [01:06:35] Speaker C: Rolling them tonight. [01:06:36] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, like, you're so between, like, Magpie, you're just, like, saying words out there loud as, like, captain saying you're at her, you're just like, huh. Like, not a good log and just, like, being, like, a really bad rap backup artist where you just, like, say words, just, like, trying to guess what magpies about to say is, if you're talking in green light, you both know what you're saying. But between the two of you, or three of you, I should say, like, magpie, you're kind of glancing down and, you know, noticed that Odomus, like, turns to look at this, like, Loraval woman that's seemingly just always stood in front of this goblin. Like the goblin rat catcher. But yes, like, Odomus kind of turns back to the mercenaries and carries on with what he was saying. And I say, you highlighting how bad it would be for an active rat amputation during the work site invent inspection. Like, you're ushered inside to be allowed to, like, get on with it. Get on with it, they say, as I show you in. So the two of you are, like, free agents, give or take. [01:07:52] Speaker C: Beautiful. Let's get to work. [01:07:57] Speaker A: Is there anything you want to jump in with, Algernon, or are you waiting? Okay, cool. In which case, Magpie and Atta, as you head up into, like, through the front, the main doors, the main entrance of the mausoleum. Um, yeah, you find yourself in this sort of, like, entrance area. The corridor that you came, the door to, the corridors that you came down to, or on your left. Uh, Magpie on the opposite side, on the right hand side wall that presumably there's a door that. Well, there's a door that presumably leads to the corridor that carries on round the ring around the main mausoleum area. And in front of you is this vastly ornate reliefd like stone reliefdoor with beautiful carvings of the realize 20 dragons, so included. It's old enough. Includes the dragons from before the arcane. The arcane dragon as well. Before. Before they were found out to be. [01:09:06] Speaker C: Baden's naughty dragon, Rollins. [01:09:10] Speaker A: So, yeah, like, aya and a calm are displayed prominently, like on opposite. Opposite. Like one another surrounded by Veritin brood. And there's a part of you that finds it quite odd to see that, like, all 20 arrayed rather than just the twelve that is. It's like you're allowed to worship nowadays. Yeah, yeah. Effectively four. Four doors. The one you just came through, the two to the corridors and then the large central doors to the main hall. The door is slightly ajar and you can see sort of like. You watch as a worker wanders in. [01:10:03] Speaker C: So. Sorry. Which, if we wanted to get to the fresh bodies, do we know which direction we would? [01:10:11] Speaker A: I mean, from what you've seen of the corridors that you came down, that just seemed to be the old, like, crips for, like, noble. So you suspect that this central hall is like general admission. [01:10:28] Speaker E: Right, as we walk along, can I hand magpie another rat hat and mustache? [01:10:41] Speaker C: I think. I won't do the moustache, but I'll put on the hat. [01:10:45] Speaker E: Put the second one on. [01:10:50] Speaker A: Okay. So the two of you heading in? [01:10:53] Speaker C: Yep. [01:10:55] Speaker A: So as. Yeah, megawatt. As you don your disguise, which constitutes a hat that looks vaguely like a rat. As you, like, make your way into the large hall, you notice that you're clearly in this large hall. There are large columns that rise from floor to ceiling and they must stretch up a good 60 to 80ft up. The roof of this place, impressively high, is vaulted. You can see kind of decorations and gargoyles at the tops, sort of around the ceiling. But curiously, directly in front of you is a very large, like. It's effective. Like a drape curtain. It's fluttering slightly clearly as that work has just passed through and your. You're assaulted, but your senses are dulled because there's only. There's nothing really but, like, candle light. And you can see that to the left, there's a table with a number of, sort of, like, candelabra type, like, candle holder candles. And they're a really strong, kind of, like, earthy, musty smell. [01:12:22] Speaker C: Shall we look behind the curtain? [01:12:25] Speaker E: Go for a little peek? Yeah, if we can. If we can find an area where there's, like, multiple bodies for the six, maybe one of the things in that we've packed in these crates is like a little pop up exterminator tent and we can kind of. [01:12:45] Speaker C: I love it. [01:12:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. In which case, as you. Well, as you peek behind the curtain, who's peeking first? Or are you both peeking the same time? Totem. [01:12:57] Speaker C: Just totem pole. Yes. [01:13:00] Speaker A: As you totem pole through this curtain, the smell seemingly like you notice that the curtain is scented, heavily scented, perfumed almost. And as you put your head past it, you're hit with a smell of, like, decay. And as your eyes adjust to the gloom, you see the workers scatter through this hall. But you're expecting, like, stonework, echoey noises, footsteps, sounds of, like, coffins or whatnot, like scraping open, closing. But what you hear is a slow, slightly damp, mulching sound of the footsteps of all these workers trudging through the largest mushroom patch you've ever seen. And you notice that there's a depression in the floor, like a slightly lowered section. And that seems to have been completely filled with sort of like a composty, peaty mixture. And there is all sorts of fungi growing from this large strip that runs the length of the great hall and off to the sides where pews. And, you know, note, well, like seating areas and kind of small, there's different types of sort of like mushroom plant growers. And all the workers are just tending to them. And you notice in a number you see off, just off to the right, there are a stack of what appear to be very crude, rudimentary, unornamented coffins. And one of them is open and has an arm hanging out. And nearby, you see what can only be described as a mincemeater. [01:15:23] Speaker C: No, thank you. [01:15:24] Speaker A: And, atta, as you glance across this scene, you realize that that rumor that you've heard is clearly true. And as you glance, as you glance around, you realize the mushrooms being grown here are being fertilized by the dead. [01:15:50] Speaker E: There's got to be a lot of ghost in here, though, right? That's what I was thinking. [01:15:53] Speaker C: Like, Magpie's pale. She's gone pale as anything that opens a fisherman's friend. And Magpie just takes it as you. [01:16:07] Speaker A: Come to grips with what you're seeing. Catherine, what are you doing? [01:16:14] Speaker D: I'm guessing I'm still. I'm still walking around with Lulu, I guess. [01:16:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:16:21] Speaker D: Unless she's taking me somewhere to where I'm gonna be. [01:16:24] Speaker A: No, no, in which case, yeah, you or you come back from. You've excused yourself from the bathroom, so you come back and Lulu's waiting for you. And. Right this way, Mister Leach, she says. And she leads you into what appears to be one of the crypts. Like one of these crypts off the corridor. And this particular space only has room. Like, only has room for one sarcophagus. It's a smaller compared to the others. The sarcophagus itself is quite plain, quite still quite kind of noble in, in design, but plain in comparison to some of the other ones that you've seen. But curiously, it is that, like, the sarcophagus lid is off. And as you approach, you see the slightly mulchy body of Tavarian. It is a body that has clearly been laid here for approximately ten days. Um, she's in fun, you notice she's in funerary garb, um, with her hands kind of placed on top of one another over her collarbone. Um, and in this moment, you realize that she, her face holds that same kind of peaceful serenity that she seemed to have when you found her in that armchair in old Town. Terrible, terrible affair. She said. Lulu says, I'll, I'll give you a moment, dear. [01:18:22] Speaker D: She says, that's very kind of you, thank you. And he's gonna pretend to choke up a little bit. [01:18:27] Speaker A: Sure. [01:18:30] Speaker D: Um, can we do a flashback to where potentially, I've been given a spirit bottle? [01:18:38] Speaker B: Yes, I was going to suggest that too. [01:18:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:18:41] Speaker C: Okay. [01:18:43] Speaker A: Um, in which case, yeah, as Lulu kind of steps outside, you kind of listen to a shuffling footsteps and you wait until she's far enough away and then you're able to produce this spirit bottle from your pocket. And I'm imagining it's almost like a large kind of a lot. Relatively large ish bottle, probably. [01:19:06] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:19:07] Speaker A: Six inches in diameter. Twelve inches tall. Cool. And are you going ahead and using it? [01:19:17] Speaker D: I'm gonna go ahead and use it. I I don't have any attune. I'm guessing that's. You don't have to think. No, I don't. [01:19:26] Speaker A: Okay, so knowing that you've got relatively little time, if you're trying to, like, suck up, like attempting to siphon in any kind of tavarean ghost. Yeah, I'm gonna need nutrient. [01:19:43] Speaker D: I can push myself. [01:19:45] Speaker A: Push yourself. No matter what happens, odor Merce passes during his inspection. [01:20:00] Speaker D: What do we think, gang? [01:20:03] Speaker E: I can help with a flashback of like an extra easy pokeball version. [01:20:09] Speaker C: Yes, I like that. I prefer that to the thing. [01:20:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:20:17] Speaker E: Like, I. Maybe with some some tinkering. Just try. Or summer tuning. Just try to kind of like. [01:20:27] Speaker A: Yeah, okay, I'm gonna. I'm gonna say if you're trying to make a, like a ghost pokeball for dummies, roll me a controlled standard tinker. I've got an alternative. Devil's bargain. [01:20:55] Speaker E: For calf. [01:20:56] Speaker A: Yeah. No matter what happens, the spirits are angered. [01:21:10] Speaker D: Shall I go for that guy? [01:21:12] Speaker E: Do it. [01:21:13] Speaker C: Anger the spirit. [01:21:15] Speaker A: Okay. What add ons? What bonuses are you taking? [01:21:20] Speaker D: So I'm guessing it's gonna be in a tune I've pushed myself, which I'm guessing is giving me me an extra dice. [01:21:28] Speaker A: Yep. Okay. The upgrade has worked. The minor complication is it's not as quiet as it normally is. For all extensive purposes, there is increased suction on the ghost hoover. So Lulu will hear something peculiar from inside the crypt. But you get plus one, get a plus one. [01:22:03] Speaker D: So that's another plus one. And devil's bargain. [01:22:06] Speaker A: So devil's bargain. Angrid, angered. Angrid, angered spirits or Odinwurst wanders past and O'Donnell, either. All the two bargains. [01:22:20] Speaker D: Let's go with angering the spirits a bit. [01:22:24] Speaker C: Okay. [01:22:27] Speaker D: So that can I can. So I can increase the effect. [01:22:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:22:31] Speaker D: Of that. So two dice. Increase the effect. So that would go from a standard grate to a great or just to a standard. [01:22:39] Speaker A: So your risky standard to begin with. So you could go. Yeah, risky. Great. Yeah, risky. Great. And then two extra dice. Dice to make it a two dice whiskey. Great. [01:22:54] Speaker D: Let me have a six tonight. That'd be nice. Let's go. [01:23:00] Speaker A: Oh, what? [01:23:06] Speaker C: Double one. [01:23:07] Speaker E: Resist. Resist. [01:23:09] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm gonna have to resist. I'm gonna have to resist. [01:23:12] Speaker C: You gotta hear what the result is first, and then you can resist. This is why we play this game, because it's a thrill from start to finish. [01:23:28] Speaker A: Like, take the lid off of this spirit bottle and, like, there's this loud, like, sucking noise as, like the increased velocity, like, as has kind of overtuned it. So it just does the job quicker. So it makes this really loud noise and it reverberates off the bare stone walls of this narrow crypt. The complication is that this is coupled with a hideous scream. Tavarean's soul begin, like, becomes audible as it's getting siphoned into this vial. I'm also going to move you to a desperate position so you can resist the complication, the desperate position. You can. You can resist them separately. You can resist either of them. You can resist both. And resisting either of them basically negates them. [01:24:33] Speaker D: Right? So it's either resisting the. The noise that it's making. [01:24:38] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:24:39] Speaker D: Or it's either risking going into desperate or both. [01:24:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, everyone will. Going into desperate. [01:24:47] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll try. I'll try and negate both if I can. [01:24:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:24:53] Speaker C: That's a lot of potential stress cavern. [01:24:56] Speaker A: So resolve resist. You have two dice on your resolve rolls. [01:25:02] Speaker C: One thing I would argue is, in a way, being in a desperate position can be good because we get XP. [01:25:13] Speaker A: Farm that XP. [01:25:15] Speaker C: Yeah, farm the XP. So if you just try to resist the noise, Will. [01:25:23] Speaker D: I will just try and resist the noise. Then. [01:25:29] Speaker A: Please roll me a resolve resist. [01:25:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:25:39] Speaker A: You'Ve got two in your resolve. So it's a two dice, as if you click on resolve in your character sheet, that will roll it for you. [01:25:53] Speaker C: Oh, five. Very good. Okay, not bad, not bad. [01:26:00] Speaker A: So you open the spirit bottle. There's a loud kind of vacuum sound. You start to hear the scream, and you in a. And you put the lid back on the spirit bottle, stopping the sound of the suction and the screaming wail. Um, is everything all right in there? You hear from outside, but you realize you've, like, Tavareen's spirit is clearly here, which is not in the bottle. [01:26:35] Speaker D: Right. I'm just gonna, like, kind of wail back. Like, I'm in such distress over everything. Just, like, it's fine. I'm sorry. [01:26:45] Speaker A: It's just. Just so heartbreaking. In the main hall, Magpie and atta, you notice you hear this, like, reverberant wail, like, rip through the halls. And, like, all the workers stop and look up, and you watch as, like, you can see where this whale is because all of the candle lights, all the flickering candle flames extinguish, and it sweeps down the hall towards you until the room is plunged into darkness, like, absolute pitch black. And, like, you hear cries of panic and sort of, like, commotion as people stumble around in the. The mossy peat underfoot, like, frantically scrabbling for flints to, like, reignite these candles. And the atmosphere in the room deteriorates very quickly as a lot of these presumably superstitious workers are now working in the dark in a people mushroom farm. [01:27:55] Speaker E: But that's dark. [01:27:57] Speaker A: But it's dark. What do you do? [01:27:59] Speaker E: Shall we. [01:28:00] Speaker C: Can we get do our work in the dark? [01:28:02] Speaker A: Do you think it is pitch black? [01:28:04] Speaker C: Ah. Do we have a lantern on us? Is that in your loadout anywhere? [01:28:10] Speaker E: It could be. [01:28:12] Speaker B: Anyone can have one. [01:28:13] Speaker C: Anyone can have a lantern. [01:28:14] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:28:14] Speaker C: Okay. [01:28:17] Speaker A: Someone want to add a lantern? So there I produce my lantern. [01:28:21] Speaker C: Hang on. [01:28:23] Speaker E: Yeah, I don't mind having a lantern. [01:28:24] Speaker C: With me, but lantern is one, isn't it? Yeah, one in the lay down. I don't mind either. I could. Yeah. What do you think? Do you want it? Yeah. [01:28:33] Speaker E: Yeah, I got it. [01:28:35] Speaker C: Okay. [01:28:35] Speaker A: Okay, so after you kind of. [01:28:39] Speaker E: I do kind of feel like if we. If one of us goes to another, like, to the other end of the room and lights the lantern as distraction, maybe. Maybe the other can open the bottles and try and gather some ghosts in this darkness. [01:28:55] Speaker C: I would like to suggest that whoever does that takes my silence potion vial so in case there are any screams, any further spirit screams, that if you drink the liquid, you. You have a silence bobble around you for a few moments. So it might just be long enough to get the spirits in there if you're quick. [01:29:21] Speaker E: Okay. [01:29:23] Speaker C: So if you want to do that, I can hand you my vial of silence potion. [01:29:29] Speaker E: Okay. [01:29:32] Speaker C: And I can go and do the lantern thing all the other way around. [01:29:37] Speaker B: Sure. [01:29:37] Speaker C: You're probably going to be better addict than me. You're the spookster. No pressure at it. [01:29:48] Speaker A: So who's doing what? Who's going where? [01:29:50] Speaker C: Well, we could both have a lantern, because you'll probably need to do. You'll need some light to work by. So I'll take my lantern and run to the other end of the room, put. Turn it on and start calling to people. Don't panic. Everybody come to me. Come to me. There's. There's been an incident, but we can all. If we all work together, we'll be fine. [01:30:11] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. So, Magpie, as you kind of lead, the workers and the workers became kind of gathering towards you, like, as you're stomping through the peak, you can feel like mushrooms being squelched under foot. [01:30:26] Speaker C: What? [01:30:27] Speaker A: You just feel like this ever so soft resistance under your souls as you go. But, yeah. Atta magpie. Leads everyone away. What's your part of the plan? Sorry. [01:30:42] Speaker E: I feel like if anything spooky was gonna happen, now would be the time that something spooky could happen and not be super suspicious. Maybe. I think so. I think I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try and get the. If I feel that there are ghost presences here, I'm gonna try and fill as many bottles as I can. [01:31:11] Speaker A: Yeah, the tune. [01:31:13] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:31:14] Speaker A: Okay. Roll me in the tune. I'm gonna say that this is a desperate standard. [01:31:24] Speaker E: Desperate standard. [01:31:26] Speaker A: You can push yourself. [01:31:28] Speaker C: Farm that XP. [01:31:32] Speaker E: Where'd I put my pencil? I really need to pee as well. This has been such a stressful episode. I'll roll. I'll roll my dice, and then I'll not look at them and go pee. [01:31:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:31:45] Speaker E: So that I can pee in peace. Pushing self is too stressed. Right. [01:31:53] Speaker A: So desperate standard. So you can go up to desperate greater or four dice. Desperate standard. [01:32:03] Speaker C: Four dice sounds pretty sweet. [01:32:05] Speaker A: So you're at three dice. [01:32:06] Speaker E: Dice sound. [01:32:07] Speaker A: Yeah, you're at three dice. Desperate standard. [01:32:10] Speaker E: Okay, add another dice. Even though I feel, like, a little bit tempted by the grater, the grater is pretty. [01:32:20] Speaker C: Pretty good as well. Pretty tasty. [01:32:21] Speaker E: Grater is great. [01:32:23] Speaker C: You've already got three dice. [01:32:26] Speaker E: I know, but I. [01:32:27] Speaker C: For some reason, Magpie. Does Magpie need to roll anything to make this a help? What she's doing at the other end of the room, giving atta a bit of space to do what she's doing? [01:32:38] Speaker A: If you. Well, if you're leading everyone away, that would sound like a command. [01:32:43] Speaker C: You're everyone to know. No pips in command whatsoever. [01:32:50] Speaker A: If you're. You're calling, you're forcing all eyes on you, then. [01:32:53] Speaker C: Yeah, I am. I am a bit, aren't I? Yeah. What happens if I fail this? Does that take anything away from Atta's role? [01:33:05] Speaker A: Uh, it depends. [01:33:10] Speaker E: Anything you don't feel comfy with? Don't worry. [01:33:13] Speaker C: A desperate standard. Um, you might push yourself. My infallible is only for effect, isn't it? [01:33:23] Speaker A: I mean, I could take. [01:33:24] Speaker C: I will definitely. Oh, wait. Wait a minute. So I'm gonna push myself for two stress, and then I'm gonna give. Do a stress for helping? Yeah. [01:33:32] Speaker A: No, if you're doing a setup, it's just a roll. [01:33:35] Speaker C: Oh, okay, then I'll do a setup too stress to push myself. Command one, die extra. [01:33:42] Speaker A: So this is using infallible. [01:33:45] Speaker C: What, for a greater effect? Yeah, why not? E roll. It's a two. [01:33:57] Speaker A: Okay, so, Magpie, you sort of, like, stomp up, and you're, like, gesturing for everyone to come, and, like, a lot of people have just kind of stood looking around, a bit confused. There is a complication. Yeah, but it's not in the keep. [01:34:14] Speaker E: Is it? [01:34:15] Speaker C: Odal Merce comes in at that moment. [01:34:18] Speaker A: You. So magpies kind of. Magpie is unable to shake everyone from there. Sort of like, superstitious fear as they're now in a dark room filled with bodies. So, yeah, it's still just what. What you were rolling before. [01:34:36] Speaker E: Okay. Thank you for trying. I appreciate that. [01:34:41] Speaker C: Okay. I'm sorry. [01:34:46] Speaker E: It happens. So I'm gonna grab an extra dice just because I'm not gonna go for a greater. [01:34:54] Speaker A: Okay. [01:34:55] Speaker E: I think I'm. I think that's what I want to do. For some reason, I don't feel good about these dice. Okay. And then we'll roll and I won't look and I'm gonna go do p. Go DP. [01:35:09] Speaker A: Okay, that's absolutely fine. While you're doing that, Algernon, you. You're on the barge outside wondering, like, you're keeping tabs on Roth, when you hear this, like, sonorous, like, emerge from the mausoleum. So as it's ripped through the great hall, it's then kind of burst out through the front, the front doors, and, like, it sound you in that moment, it unlocks. Like it taps into a memory from just about two years ago when, like, before the veil, like those hours before the veil came up. It's a sound of a mournful, undead whale. And as you kind of look around, slightly panicked, you also notice that coming down the canal towards you is another barge. Notice the flag is flying denotes it as part of the Spire park city watch. It's coming anti clock, anti clockwise around Spire park, and we'll pass you. [01:36:29] Speaker B: Okay, I have a quick check on Roth, see how he's doing under there. [01:36:38] Speaker A: He's got his finger files desperately trying to get through the metal grates. [01:36:44] Speaker B: He's having a lovely time there. [01:36:45] Speaker A: Yes. I think realistically, Rose, probably just. Is he filing or is he just hammering, chiseling the brackets holding this grate in? I imagine him just chipping away at the stonework is probably a quicker use of his time. Okay, so, yeah, he's like, he's tuckered. Yeah. You notice that there's a patrol boat heading your way. What do you do? [01:37:14] Speaker B: Cool. I'm just gonna act cash and wait for it to pass by. [01:37:22] Speaker A: The patrol boat slows as it approaches you and you see a couple of the city watch, like, peering at you, like roath sees it coming and dips onto the water surface, fundamentally leaving you just sort of like one arm on the steering wheel of the barge. Morning. And the. The watch, just like they've come to a stop, they inspect this kind of peering at you and. You. Alright there, sir? [01:38:02] Speaker B: Okay, I'm gonna flash back. I'm gonna find out who is the person in charge of this barge and I'm gonna get some filthy dirt on them. [01:38:13] Speaker A: Okay, how are you getting the dirt? [01:38:16] Speaker B: Earlier on in the campaign, I, um. I was chatting to this private called Henson, and I got him in trouble for drinking on the job. [01:38:25] Speaker A: Yes, yes, yes. [01:38:28] Speaker B: I'm gonna try. And in my flashback, I'm gonna try and find him, see what he's up to, and see if he can give me any goss on the other people in Spire park. [01:38:36] Speaker A: Okay, that sounds like a consortium. [01:38:39] Speaker B: Sure. [01:38:40] Speaker A: Uh, risky. Yeah. Risky standard. [01:38:43] Speaker B: Damn it. [01:38:44] Speaker A: Cool. Henson, in that meeting, um, the dirt that you. Did he give it freely, or did you have to, like, coerce it out of him? [01:39:00] Speaker B: I think I sort of silver tongue information out him. It probably doesn't like me that much. Yeah, but I want to. [01:39:12] Speaker A: Okay. In which case. Yeah, after that initial sort of, like, distaste in Henson's voices, he realized, like, he recognizes you after a few drinks. He let slip that he's really pissed off about that whole disciplining because the sergeant in question is himself a raging drunkard who's frequently drinking on the job. So he's a hypocrite, if nothing else. And, like, heaven, like, wishes that, like, he knows that he can't go high enough. He can't report high enough past his sergeant. Like, he can't get past the sergeant to report him kind of thing. The whistleblowing would go to the sergeant. So Henson is just kind of stuck with this information and has no means of acting upon it. But, yes, you also know that this sergeant is just as guilty as the. Like, the linesman that he chastised. Are you punished? [01:40:24] Speaker B: Um, okay, so, back in the present, the barge is approaching, um, and I have in my loadout a bottle of fine liquor that I take a swig from, and I hand out to the approaching guard patrol. [01:40:44] Speaker A: Yeah. And I'm going to. To imagine that the city watch that's looking at you as you hold out the fine liquor is, in fact, the sergeant. Is this a bribe? Is it a bribe, or is it a straight blackmail? [01:41:03] Speaker B: We'll try a bribe. [01:41:05] Speaker A: Okay? In which case, off the back of a partial success, the. The. So, like, the guards. The guard. Sorry. The guard is initially looking at you, is one of the, like, the privates. Then the sergeant kind of steps up, recognizes it's you, and so, like, tells the private to stand down. He then approaches, and, oh, very, very generous of you, he says, as he takes the. The liquor off you, but, like, he does, he. He grabs the bottle but doesn't quite move away. And, um, like, he's. He's got both hands out, and one of his hands turns up, as if to say, I'm gonna need slightly more to look the other way. [01:41:56] Speaker B: Okay. I'm gonna take a risk, and I'm gonna say to her jolly boating weather, old boy, just to see if he is an old boy from Moreton College. [01:42:06] Speaker A: Okay, I'm going to. Unfortunately, he is not. He is not a. An old. He's not one of your old classmates, unfortunately. And he, like, his eyebrows raise as if to impress. No, I definitely need. Need more convincing. [01:42:35] Speaker B: Okay, I'm gonna slip him the one coin from my personal wallet. [01:42:41] Speaker A: Sure. Okay. In which case, as you palm him off the coin, he kind of nods, pulls back, and you notice that quite. Quite seamlessly, the, like, the coin goes into, like, a pocket as he sort of, like, holds this bottle of liqueur, like, this. Mushroom. Mushroom liqueur. And what are you waiting for? As you were, he says. And then the patrol boat carries on past you. Okay, Catherine, you are like Lulu's pokedex everything, all right? And you're, like, holding this spirit bottle, like, wondering what on earth you just did. [01:43:32] Speaker D: Um, is. Is Lulu looking at me at the moment? Is she. Has she got her head poked around? [01:43:38] Speaker A: She. She's ducked back out the way. [01:43:40] Speaker D: She's ducked back out again. Unless someone can do some sort of help I, like, there's not a lot else I can do because I don't really have any attune. If I push myself again, I'm going. Going into trauma. [01:43:54] Speaker C: I mean, it may. Maybe I gave Katherine the silence potion, so it doesn't. Even if you do slightly flub it, it doesn't matter. You can because you can. Now that you know it's going to make a lot of noise, you can just neck that and have some silence while you do it. [01:44:13] Speaker D: But is that just me or. [01:44:15] Speaker C: It's. It's an aura around. [01:44:17] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. [01:44:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:44:19] Speaker C: It's not just makes you. So you can't speak. Creates. It's like a magical potion that creates. Yeah. [01:44:24] Speaker A: The gates all sound within ten paces of you for a span of several moments. [01:44:30] Speaker C: So it would be long enough to get. To get Tavarian's ghost in the bottle, I suspect. So do you want me to do that as a flashback, Dan? Yeah, I gave. So what. What is. What does that cost me? [01:44:43] Speaker A: Me. So, are there two silence potions in play? [01:44:50] Speaker C: I think I want to call a flashback that I actually gave, because I don't think. I don't think Ata took silence potion I talked about before. So I'd like to. So I'd like to flash back and say I gave it to cavern. Okay, because that is a lot more solid at a tune than. [01:45:09] Speaker A: In which case, I'm gonna say it's because the original plan was, like, Catherine was gonna distract, like, the interviewer, and you were gonna scoop around and find things. I'm gonna say it's one stress, because that is a kind of a chunky change of plan. [01:45:28] Speaker C: Yeah. So one stress. [01:45:31] Speaker A: Okay, so, yes, Kevin, you have this bottle of silence potion. It's, like, an extra one that magpie took efforts to tame before the job. [01:45:40] Speaker D: I'm gonna. I'm gonna down that then to sort. [01:45:43] Speaker A: Of create a moon. [01:45:46] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:45:47] Speaker A: Okay. Devil's bargain. I'm rolling it back. Okay, Odomus passes by. [01:46:04] Speaker D: Go on, then. Let's do it. [01:46:07] Speaker A: Okay. [01:46:07] Speaker C: I don't like it. [01:46:09] Speaker A: Okay. [01:46:10] Speaker C: I don't see any way out of it. [01:46:11] Speaker A: This is a desperate. I'm gonna say a desperate greater. Because of the silence, you're now kind of cancelling out the loud suck suction noise from the spirit bottle, which leaves you just the benefits of Atta's, uh, spirit bottle for dummies modifications. [01:46:34] Speaker D: Right? [01:46:35] Speaker A: So it's a one dice, one dice desperate grater. And odor Mers turns up. [01:46:43] Speaker D: Okay. [01:46:53] Speaker C: For the benefit of the listeners at home, that was a three. [01:46:57] Speaker A: Okay? It's the worst outcome. Oh, God. [01:47:03] Speaker C: Okay, don't lose the opportunity for action, please. [01:47:07] Speaker E: Can you resist? Wait, no. You. You're super stressed, aren't you, Kat, you are so stressed. [01:47:11] Speaker C: Do not resist a thing. Just. You could go to prison. It's fine. We'll get you out. [01:47:17] Speaker A: You. Okay, so if you wanted to resist, it's gonna be a two dice. I'm gonna say the complication, the severe complication, is the odor. Merce arrives as you open the vial. As you open the spirit bottle, so he sees you trying to silently hoover up a ghost. Like he watches you. [01:47:49] Speaker D: I'm gonna resist. [01:47:51] Speaker A: Oof. [01:47:51] Speaker C: No. [01:47:54] Speaker E: Trauma. [01:47:56] Speaker C: Well, maybe that's okay if I get. [01:47:59] Speaker D: What would it be like? Would it be a five and over for just, like, one stress? [01:48:05] Speaker A: You would need a five or a six to not get trauma. [01:48:11] Speaker C: I mean, we've got this far without any trauma. He only went and did it. [01:48:20] Speaker D: Now I gotta say, no trauma, right? [01:48:25] Speaker A: So, cavern, you drink the potion and then get the spirit bottle. You open it, and what you see, like, the air rushing into the vial looks like milky white. And, like, you're like, yes. And then there's just. You feel this, like, twinge on the back of your, like, ear fins. And, like, you turn and look to see stood, like, in profile in the doorway, clearly looking at Lulu. You see a small orange bright, and you can't hear him because of the silence potion. And so the only thing you can do to react is go and, like, put the lid back on the vial a second time and you're like, no, you're in the silence and there's a. And as you turn around, like, Odomus looks into the crypton. Oh, my apologies. I didn't realize anyone was in here. Sorry, I don't think I've had the pleasure. He holds a hand up to you. Odomus. [01:49:46] Speaker D: Can I not hear him? [01:49:47] Speaker A: You can now. Yeah, it's only. He says, and like you're, you've got this vial under your arm. This little sprite's holding his hand up to shake. [01:50:01] Speaker D: I feel like from just sort of silently screaming like that that I do have tears in my eyes and that I just sort of just, just shakily just sort of shake his hand. [01:50:13] Speaker A: Okay. Um. And Odomus nods. And Tavarean was always very good with she. She invoked extreme emotions. She was a good soul. [01:50:35] Speaker C: Yes. [01:50:37] Speaker A: You must be one of the new recruits. I'm primarily here on a site inspection, but I. Lulu, if you don't mind, I would absolutely love to sit in on the interview and. Lulu. Oh yeah, of course, of course. And like, Odomus nods in appreciation to the two of you and sort of like, takes a step back. Kevin. To allow you to step out of the crypt. And Errol's back. [01:51:10] Speaker E: Hi. [01:51:11] Speaker A: Hi. [01:51:11] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:51:12] Speaker A: You did it. Sorry, lord of six. [01:51:14] Speaker E: I did roll a six. Hooray. [01:51:18] Speaker A: So I've never had such a nervous. [01:51:20] Speaker E: Pee. [01:51:23] Speaker A: Off the back of your six. You've just like magpies led everyone away and you've just kind of gone. Right, she's, she's doing the shouting. It started to go. And as you, like, unopened, one of the, one of the spirit catches, you feel this tremendous surge of energy towards you. And like, the orb that's in your hand just like, slams shut almost immediately and it radiates with an extremely bright bluish glow, much brighter than the orb than you saw in the, the basement in Rookridge. And as you look down, you realize that pressed up against the inside of the glass orb is not one but six, seven, eight faces crammed in to a small place, all looking utterly terrified. But then as you look, you notice that there seem to be faces almost kind of like smushed on the outside of the five other empty orbs that you've got in the crate. And at that moment, as you look down, you realize that these are supposed to absorb, like, one spirit at a time. And as you look up and glance around, you realize it's like that. You think of your science books and of osmosis and how stuff from an extreme, from a high density, moves to a lower. And you realize the force of which these spirits are throwing themselves at the spirit catchers. You glance around and wonder how many. How many ghosts are here? You're not near a body. You notice that they must just be around you. And as you kind of glance around and you look at the. The the coffin stacked up over there with the arm hanging out next to the, like the mincemeater, and you look at the. The eight, nine faces smushed into this orb, and you see them smearing across the empty orbs, and it makes you realize, like, this is the place where ghosts are supposed to be destroyed. And as you dwell on that thought, as you realize just how many spirits there are around you. I think we call it that mojo. [01:54:29] Speaker E: Verse is a bad person. [01:54:32] Speaker A: Elsewhere in Alicia, the sound of two chainmail gauntleted fists landing on a table ring out, and there's a deep exhalation of breath. Are you sure that these reports are correct? Says the old Loravar, the red and white tabard depicting the commander of the shield of Alicia. And he looks up to the shield bearers in front of him. Yeah. Yes. Yes, my lord. We we've been. We've been following up on all of the clues that we could have ever since the incident, and we now believe we know the culprits who summoned those ghosts through. Through the veil. We, uh, we we've been speaking with high priestess lucrative. It turns out that there was an artifact of a magical nature that was donated to them. We've been informed that it's some sort of lightning lure. And from the shield bearers that were up at the Ammeringer warehouse, we believe it to be the same one. It does mean that it would seem the pillars were responsible for that attack. There's a long, drawn out silence before Zarn Martok, commander of the shield of Elysia. Where. Where is Odormas? And the other shield bearer? We've heard that he's doing a site inspection at the mausoleum. I think it's time we go pay the dead our respects. The old Aurovar says, congratulations, everyone, on completing episode nine. [01:57:01] Speaker C: We've just done a mission, and next session, we're meant to doing downtime, not getting raided by the shield of Elysium. [01:57:09] Speaker A: Well, we'll see. [01:57:11] Speaker D: Might be a blessing in disguise. Cause a whole lot of distraction. Why we can, can. [01:57:19] Speaker C: Try and finally get to. [01:57:22] Speaker A: So if you enjoyed those twists and turns and that little, little kind of spice in the mix right at the end there. Make sure to hit the like button and comment down below on how well you think that this is going. How, on a scale of one to ten, how much do you think this is going to affect the outcome of the score? And to find out how the score is affected, make sure to hit the subscribe button and the bell icon for notifications when we release new content, because it happens very regularly. We want you to miss it. Make us very sad. And Karen's already sad because, oh, boy, that's a lot of ones. Twos and threes, Nate. So that's it. Thank you for watching. Thank you lot for playing. [01:58:08] Speaker C: Sure. Bye.

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