Episode Transcript
[00:00:05] Speaker A: All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes ever onwards to find the lands and people lost.
All thanks to our brave explorers.
[00:00:19] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanya the Wolfkin warrior.
[00:00:23] Speaker C: Hey, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Rayri the Sprite ranger.
[00:00:27] Speaker D: Hi, my name's Theo and I'm playing Cal A Sang of our Guardian.
[00:00:31] Speaker E: I'm Georgia and I will be playing Elfric Stormhall, a dragon scent bard.
[00:00:35] Speaker F: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azhakar and the Jani Seraph.
[00:00:40] Speaker A: And my name is DM Dan, the gm. In these adventures. The further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere.
Hi, welcome back to Explorers of Elsewhere's Tales from Elsewhere. Hi. Hello. DM Dan from the future here. Just a quick heads up that we were struck by the lank goblins in the second half of this episode, which I've done my best to kind of work around, but the video might look a bit odd in places. Please bear with us. Hopefully it's just a one off thing and we're making changes for future episodes to make sure it doesn't happen again. Okay, thanks.
I am DM Dan and I am joined tonight by Nate. Ray. Not Ray, Nate. Livy, Georgia, Theo and Dan. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.
[00:01:38] Speaker C: I'm just so in character that you are.
[00:01:45] Speaker A: We rejoin the five of you. You've in relatively. In a relatively quick series of events. You've been sought out. You've been propositioned with a mission to region of the rediscovered world called Merathesos.
The site or a region that played host to an unfortunately failed expedition to set up a new settlement in the area.
BS A A An arch Magister Elect has asked you to accompany him to the location in order to locate any kind of artifacts that may have been used by enemy forces once upon a time and return them to the city of Avermore to kind of live in the safe protection of presumably the mages.
And you have recently arrived in Marathisos via portal and you've been kind of walking along these strange like volcanic rock plains covered in a thick orange carpet. Like a carpet. Like thick orange moss.
And we snap back to the six of you. Gannis, the mate, the Archmage elect included Satan around a campfire.
I'm hoping you can all see the campfire.
Yes, beautiful.
In which case, why is that.
Sorry, there's. Was that selected?
Oh no, I'm gonna have to refresh. Hold, hold.
Just gonna quickly refresh that page.
Yeah. We find the Five of you sat. The six of you, sorry, sat around a campfire in front of your beautifully color coded 10 sky. Overhead is a deep.
A deep violet punctuated by starlight like the stars.
It's a beautifully clear night.
And in the distance, like enormously overgrown fireflies, there are these cord floating orbs of magma that are just kind of bobbing around now that the temperature has largely dropped and you're being kept warm by the campfire. There's a pot, a cooking pot held over the open flames.
The campfire is keeping you warm.
But yeah, the. These orbs have kind of. They're gently floating around 10 to 15ft off the ground.
And yeah, we find the five, the six of you kind of gathered around.
There's who. There's been a moment of sort of like reverence, of just kind of taking in the.
The natural beauty of what you see around you. But who is it that kind of breaks the thoughtful silence?
Yes, Vanya.
[00:05:49] Speaker B: Probably not in the real heartfelt talk way that this campfire work this kind of leads towards, but there's definitely like.
Vanya is definitely breaking the silence by almost doing a whole senji moment of like, where'd you cut the meat into slices?
Get the skewer stick. You put the meat. But you've got to separate the meat with this veg. And he's like talking through like how he's cooking up a meal of radigator skewers mixed with crystal tower fruit that we got from that adventure. Okay. And you'll probably tell some story as well about how fearsome this rajigatr was.
Like, so there's a, there's some background noise.
[00:06:52] Speaker E: I mean, Alfred wasn't there for the, the crystal adventure, so I imagine he's very excited to hear what you got up to.
[00:07:02] Speaker A: What? Well, Vanier, what was the most.
What was the most memorably impressive moment of that tower. Crystal Tower mission, The first mission that the five of you kind of. Well, it was the four of you kind of ventured out on.
[00:07:25] Speaker B: I think it would be the. I think.
Should I say this in character? I'll give it, I'll give it a go. In character as he's like been like talking about how he came across this strange, enlarged magical fruit within this tower that some of us had traversed in. As we gained.
Alfred, you probably mentioned, you know, you're probably asking questions and stuff. And I think at this moment it'll be Vanya be like as he's like putting the meat on to cook over the heat of the fire and Slowly turning them.
He's like.
Well, there's nothing quite like being in combat and being on the same level as one of your companions in the heat of. It's hard to explain.
Me and Azakar, we were trying to fight this dragon scent ghost. I know everyone was not having a great time with this fellow. He seemed quite powerful. But alas, it was glorious. You should have seen it. There was this moment where me and Azakar, we're there and we just. We were in sync.
And with this divine magic of his, in my primal gauntlets, we managed to strike a blow so powerful a con. I don't know what the word is, convergence or something like that. I don't know.
Mixture of primal and divine working together. There's something about that level connection within a fight. It just gets the blood boiling and it was great. I never felt like a true explorer until that point.
[00:09:49] Speaker A: How does Azakar's memory of that tie in, given the. What happened to Azakar Immediately prior to.
[00:10:03] Speaker F: Azakar is overhearing this and he's keeping very quiet.
He actually still feels quite ashamed how close he was to death that day and how coming from the brink of it, even though it was a. It was. It was quite a large blow that we. We made and. And was able to, you know, defeat Atrak.
He felt like he sort of lost himself a little bit in the.
In. In the. In the fight, in the. In the situation.
And he's not used to that. He's much more used to being composed. And he's.
He's been thinking a lot more recently how within this group, his composure does seem to slip from time to time.
[00:11:15] Speaker A: Okay.
As cars, you have these thoughts. Who do you notice has. Is sort of like watching you.
As Van Year boldly proclaims about this heroic tale.
Who's kind of watching you? For your reaction.
[00:11:41] Speaker F: I would say probably Cal.
And while Azakar is trying to sort of push this back to his mind, he then realizes that he's being watched by Cal. And he.
He sort of just straightens himself out and just sort of pretends that he's listening.
[00:12:11] Speaker A: Does Cal have anything to add to Vanya's story?
[00:12:17] Speaker D: I think trying to think now, I think.
I think necessarily, I don't think he's really engaging in the story that much. I think his brain is full of other things.
It's almost like happenstance. He's heard the name Azakar. He looks up because he's very used to Vanya telling stories. He's Very. Not that he's blocking him out, because that's not it. But he's very used to the captive audience. Yeah, Alfric is into it. He knows Vanier is a great storyteller. He would not take that from him. But it's more the case of he notices that Azuka gets funny about him looking that way.
So instead Cal just gives him a kind of polite nod and then just looks. Looks away.
He's probably more concerned about Rayri after her reaction to arriving, especially after her reaction to holding his coat. So I think really his mind is on that.
[00:13:30] Speaker A: Yeah, well, yeah, as you. In which case, as you turn your attentions from Azakar to Rayri, who's sat next to you, presumably kind of nestled in the prone form of Vinnie at the. Curled up Vinnie.
What's. What's going through Rayri's mind right now?
[00:13:56] Speaker C: I think maybe she's kind of sitting there just kind of staring at the fire and she just.
She looks to Cal as she notices that Cal is looking at her and she just.
She looks at him and she just. She just says.
Do you think.
Do you think the fire is intrinsically bad?
Do you think.
You know, all it does is take away.
[00:14:32] Speaker D: That's not true.
That's not true, Ray.
[00:14:38] Speaker C: Do you think it's.
But what does it give?
[00:14:43] Speaker D: What's it doing now? It's giving us a meal that's keeping us warm.
There is good and bad for all things. It's about how it's used.
[00:14:57] Speaker C: But everyone's scared of fire really, aren't they?
[00:15:04] Speaker D: Fire in the hands of people who misuse it can be bad, but that does not mean it is bad.
People can be scared of lots of different things.
Doesn't mean it's bad.
And I feel like Cal will offer his arm out for her if she wants a hug.
[00:15:30] Speaker C: She'll just like kind of take it and just kind of hold it. And you can feel like how warm her little hand is.
And she's just.
She just can't stop looking at the fire and just thinking about just everything that's happened and everything that fire means to her. And she's. She's just.
Yeah, she's just thinking. She's like.
Did I ever tell you what happened to my home?
[00:16:12] Speaker D: No. No, you didn't.
You can tell me if you want to, but you don't have to.
[00:16:19] Speaker C: Well, fire burnt it all down.
And that's just.
The whole. The whole place went.
And that's like part of me, isn't it? That's what I am Just burning everything up.
And all I do is just destroy everything.
[00:16:48] Speaker D: Oh, Rayri, that's not true. That is definitely not true.
You haven't burnt everything up. You are warm and kind and you've built things.
Tippy Taps was made because of you. That's not destruction, that's creation.
[00:17:10] Speaker C: Yeah, but I'll probably just mess that up as well.
[00:17:16] Speaker D: Riri, do you.
How, how much do you love that shop?
[00:17:26] Speaker C: Quite a lot.
[00:17:28] Speaker D: And it's something you really wanted to do.
[00:17:31] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:17:33] Speaker D: Then you're not gonna screw it up.
[00:17:36] Speaker C: But that's what happened to my, my home.
I love that very much.
[00:17:43] Speaker D: And bad things sometimes can happen.
But this time you.
But I'm not going anywhere.
[00:17:55] Speaker C: Okay.
She just kind of nuzzles down just like, just holding his hand like a little pillow, I guess.
I hope that fruit that he's cooking is still all right. He's had it in his bag for so long.
[00:18:17] Speaker B: Oh no, there's a special cool bag that keeps it, keeps you pressure. But no, he, yeah, at that point you hear Vanya's like, that should do it. And he picks up the various like skewers and he's like, oh, forgot something. And he um, takes this mysterious um, like salt type substance, sprinkles it on each of the skewers, like right, here you are everyone. And he starts passing them out, seeing this like, moment happen as well.
It's like, well, for starters, let's get some warm food in our bellies. That always makes us feel better.
And yeah, he's passing out these like skewers out to everyone. Rajigatir skewers with these like segmented on the skewer with this like fruit and that's been roasted a bit on the fire. And this, yeah, this special salt, mystery.
[00:19:27] Speaker A: Salt that's been sprinkled on as, as Vanier is handing out these, these little, this meal, this kebabi like meal.
Alfric, you've like, you've just kind of witnessed this kind of glorious, heroic, triumphant tale and then been privy to quite a vulnerable display from Ray, which seems argue, I would argue quite uncharacteristic from what you know of Raimi.
But hearing like, and also as you kind of glance to your right, out the corner of your eye, you can't help but your eyes linger for a moment on the Azukar has like burn marks down his left, left side. Right?
[00:20:33] Speaker F: Yeah.
[00:20:34] Speaker A: So you, you notice that there are these kind of burnt scars down as a car's left side, you know, under his, across his left cheek and kind of down, across, down his left arm.
And hearing this kind of tragic tale of Ray Rees and her, like, you know, the place where she grew up in, standing in stark contrast to your own story of upbringing.
How, like, what, what's going through your mind as you kind of hear these stories of like real world tragedy.
[00:21:19] Speaker E: I think it, it hasn't escaped Alfric's notice that the two adventures that kind of, you know, caught the eye of the powers that be and are the reason that we're here currently, are the two adventures that he was not a part of or, you know, the ones that were made a large deal of before we came here were the two that this group had before he came. And I think he's. Especially these past couple of weeks he's been nursing this, the beginnings of what one might call imposter syndrome, as he's begun to realize that sometimes bad things happen and they can't all be fixed just because you're heroic enough and brave enough.
They can just happen. And that is a horrible, existential thing to happen in the mind of Small Boy.
So I think it's. It's begun to sort of, yeah, dawn on him that maybe things can't be controlled in the way that he sort of always learned that they can and that he is much more sheltered than he previously was conscious of.
So I think in order to kind of distract himself and to try and help, he will get his violin out because he doesn't, he doesn't quite know how to broach those kind of subjects with people. They've not been things that he's ever had to talk to, you know, talk about or address in any way other than, you know, the horrors of war happened beyond his family's estate. He wasn't even involved in what happened all those years ago. Well, not all those years ago. Not even very long ago.
So he will play a. What song is it?
He will play a heartbreaking song and everyone will gain a hope.
[00:23:25] Speaker A: Everyone gains.
[00:23:27] Speaker E: That is the only way that he really knows how to express that, that apology.
In a way.
[00:23:35] Speaker C: Rabies. It's like lying down, eating a kebab, just, just sadly eating a kebab, listening to a sad song.
[00:23:50] Speaker B: Dm. Yes, I have a question.
[00:23:55] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:23:56] Speaker B: You know, my ability with. To give free hope and gain free hope.
[00:24:02] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:24:03] Speaker B: Could I, in this moment instead gaining three hope to give my. So as I'm passing the food out, hearing this, like really ripe moment between these two individuals of our team, really bringing like reality and home, you know, you know, the hardships of what we do. I'd rather forgo me gaining free hope and provide it to both Cal and Rayri as part of me give providing this food and sustenance to try and give them a little bit of hope.
[00:24:48] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:24:49] Speaker B: Would that be possible?
[00:24:50] Speaker D: I mean, I'll pause you because technically I did compliment Rari quite a bit, which means that.
[00:25:00] Speaker B: Yeah, would work.
You might as well. Yeah, that works.
[00:25:05] Speaker C: I could have so much hope I'll.
[00:25:07] Speaker F: Be busting with it.
[00:25:12] Speaker C: I should talk about my dead family more often.
[00:25:16] Speaker B: Well, no, no, that. That sounds more apt, I think, to be fair. So maybe in this case I'll just spend it with Alfrek instead, as I'd be regaining this heroic tale to Alfric.
[00:25:29] Speaker A: Sure.
Okay, so gains three.
[00:25:37] Speaker B: And me.
[00:25:38] Speaker E: So that takes out everyone gets one hope from the song fan.
[00:25:44] Speaker A: You get up to six and then.
[00:25:48] Speaker B: Sorry, Calumar, can I reduce one of them to put them into a slayer dice?
Yeah. Can I sacrifice a hope?
[00:26:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, cool.
[00:26:01] Speaker B: Go and slayer die.
[00:26:03] Speaker A: Down to. Down to three. What? So, sorry, what was Callum Ray Reed's interaction? What did that give you anything mechanically?
[00:26:11] Speaker D: Alan Ray get. Yes, they give. They get free hope each.
[00:26:16] Speaker A: I see. I see.
Hope's a rare resource. DM down. Laughed.
Right. Okay, so everyone. Everyone but me and Azakar or Max. Hope slash Fear.
I know. Venue's on five. Venue's on five. Okay, very good.
In which case the.
Yes. Chris in YouTube is Chris. You're very right.
Ganis is sort of like looking at the five of you and like he's just kind of taking in the stories. He turns to regard you as a car.
How long have you been a devotee of Aya?
[00:27:12] Speaker F: All my life.
It is what I was raised. I was born in the. I was born close to the temple. I was raised by the temple.
[00:27:28] Speaker A: And you've never.
Has your heart ever been gripped by another? Or have you found your faith to be ironclad? Ironclad?
[00:27:44] Speaker F: He looks at Gannis in a sort of like, what a What kind of question is that?
[00:27:59] Speaker A: Gannis smiles and sort of like, nods.
Sometimes I wonder how much life. How life would be different if we all had such a stalwart guiding light, guiding principle to direct us through life.
I am somewhat envious of you, Azakar.
[00:28:38] Speaker F: He ponders on this for a while, kind of thinking like, well, you could just do what I do and then you. But he. He nods, trying to sort of understand and.
And says there were times where my faith was very tested.
The war definitely was almost a large turning point for me.
But I had to trust that Aya was always by my side and always had my best interests at heart.
Like she does everyone here.
[00:29:36] Speaker A: Ganis is quiet for a moment.
[00:29:42] Speaker D: The war.
[00:29:45] Speaker A: Really.
The war really showed us what makes us us.
There are a great many tragedies and wrongs that came from that time, but I suppose it we could argue that it has provided us with clarity, with purpose.
And whilst I would never wish to return to such a destructive time, perhaps I can take some solace in knowing that we have survived such a trouble. Troublesome time.
[00:30:46] Speaker F: What about yourself?
What has led you down your path?
[00:30:53] Speaker A: I'm a wielder of the arcane.
I live my life looking over my shoulder, wielding the powers of the enemy.
As I say, the war gives us perspective, I feel.
And it has given me the the encouragement to do what needs must be done to ensure that life continues as it should elsewhere. Continues as it should.
There are some who say that we still live in a tumultuous time.
There are forces of loyal to Akhan and his brood still moving through the world. There are those who find themselves torn between the mandates of Arya's brood and the emergence of the world spirits.
So I find myself a wanderer in a world of split loyalties, doing everything I can to make sure that what I do is the right thing thing to do for the right powers that be.
[00:32:42] Speaker F: And what do you feel is the right thing to do?
And he sort of squints at him slightly, knowing full well that there's lots of people he's probably met who thought they all knew what was the right thing to do.
[00:33:08] Speaker A: He.
He holds your gaze for a while, for a few seconds and then breaks away.
Perhaps when I know for certain, I'll let you know, he says with us, like us, an apologetic smile.
[00:33:35] Speaker F: I'll hold you to that.
[00:33:38] Speaker A: Gannis nods and curiously thanks you.
Who Are there any other discussions that anyone would like to have with other members of the group?
Anyone who wants to hold someone down and give them a stern talking to?
Or are we all ready to retire? Full. Full of radigator, was it?
[00:34:21] Speaker B: Yeah, radigator, which is a creep. Which is a large crocodile like creature that has a electrical sack in it that you know, almost like an eel just electrocutes prey.
[00:34:37] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:34:38] Speaker B: As it snaps hard foe to slay.
[00:34:43] Speaker A: Okay, well.
[00:34:45] Speaker B: Bit of seafood, river food.
[00:34:49] Speaker A: Well actually, first things first, you know. You know what Chris? I think I will as a car.
Let's give you one. Let's give you one hope for talking to the npc.
Doing A campfire. Thanks. Campfire shot with the npc.
Who. So your. Your belly's full.
The embers of the campfire begin to kind of. Well, the campfire begins to burn down to embers, like softly glowing embers.
But despite the night sky being clear, the area is surprisingly warm.
Whether or not you know, the ground underneath you still feels warm.
Worryingly, perhaps that means there's some sort of kind of active magma underfoot.
But if nothing else, the. These cool kind of globes of floating kind of magma that are crusted over.
So there's just a soft kind of radiant glow peeking out through the cracks between the. The cooled surface. They seem to be radiating kind of a gentle heat through the area in general as you. As you retire to sleep. Who's taking the. We. We need 4 people to sit on watch for 3 hour. For 2 hour stints. Beg my pardon?
Who's going to be on first watch?
[00:36:33] Speaker D: I'm happy to go this count.
[00:36:35] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:36:36] Speaker E: Alfric Africa.
[00:36:38] Speaker A: Alfric second me after, then Vanier.
And who's taking last? Rarity or Azaka?
Oh, you're on me.
My. Okay, Ray, you look tired as a car. You should get some sleep. You get a full night's sleep. Okay, good.
[00:37:04] Speaker F: Could I ask something? As we're sort of preparing to.
[00:37:08] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:37:09] Speaker F: Settle down.
Azakar is gonna go after he's had this conversation and he's gonna dismiss himself from the rest of his colleagues and go into his tent. He's gonna go down into a. He's gonna sit down on his little bedspread, cross his legs, go into a meditative state and spend three Hope to do some divination.
[00:37:39] Speaker A: Ooh. Okay, so you're down to one hope.
[00:37:43] Speaker F: No hope. No hope. Oh yeah. One hope.
[00:37:47] Speaker A: Also while I'm here. Roll your paradise.
[00:37:52] Speaker F: Well, yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. What is it?
[00:37:57] Speaker A: 2D4?
[00:37:58] Speaker F: 3D4? I think in the last. Well, in the last session I rolled two D4s when actually it was meant to be three.
[00:38:04] Speaker A: Oh, I see. I'm just gonna put everyone to bed as an aside. There we are. Just put you in your little tense.
[00:38:11] Speaker F: We got a four, we've got a three and we got a one.
[00:38:16] Speaker A: Oh, awesome. Turned off the campfire.
[00:38:21] Speaker F: Sleepy night nights.
[00:38:23] Speaker A: Oh no, Someone turned off the campfire. Right. Turn the campfire back on and then we'll put Gannis to bed as well. Okay, so it's just cow out.
And so what did you roll? You rolled a four. Three and a one. Very good. Very good.
[00:38:42] Speaker F: Yes.
[00:38:43] Speaker A: Okay, so Cal, you take first watch.
[00:38:57] Speaker F: And hang on, Dan.
[00:38:59] Speaker A: What?
[00:39:01] Speaker F: I was doing some divination.
[00:39:02] Speaker A: Sorry. Yeah. Wants to talk to God.
[00:39:05] Speaker F: I want to talk to God.
[00:39:07] Speaker A: Talk to God. Okay. Talk to me. That. That's. That's how I respond. Talk to me.
[00:39:16] Speaker F: Hello.
So, yeah, you have to. I'm going to ask one question about an event, a person, place, or situation in the near future, your vision of the world will momentarily twist and shape around you to show the answer, though it may be cryptic, obscured, or part, partial.
Okay, so I'm going to ask a question about.
[00:39:43] Speaker A: You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna ramp up the ante slightly. I'm gonna ask that the other four of you deafen yourselves in discord, so you can hear neither the question nor the answer. And when I wave frantically, you can undefen yourselves. Remember to deafen, not mute.
So deafen yourselves. So it's the picture of the headphones, I think, in. Yeah. In discord. Click the. Actually, if you click on the discord icon on your taskbar, there's a little headphones.
Headphone icon.
That makes sense.
[00:40:21] Speaker D: Headphone icon. Or I'm gonna do that.
[00:40:25] Speaker A: Okay. And then give me a thumbs up. When you're deafened, can you hear us?
[00:40:33] Speaker F: Or just take your headphones off so.
[00:40:35] Speaker A: Dan can take his headphones off? Yeah. Yeah.
Is Livy deafened?
I mean, you responded, so I'm gonna argue not.
Are we all. We all. Good, good.
I think I will definitely. Cool. Ask a question.
[00:40:59] Speaker F: I would like to ask about this temple we're going to.
What. What can we expect?
[00:41:14] Speaker A: So I give you. Do you roll to see, or is it just. I give you a straight, like, straight and. Or.
[00:41:21] Speaker F: I just spent. I just spent three hope to make.
[00:41:24] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:41:24] Speaker F: Yeah.
[00:41:31] Speaker A: You are presented with visions.
A temple carved into the side of the mountains, the pillars and walls ravaged by the passing of time.
But there is a chroma glow from within, like a glow of shifting hues.
And as you're.
You have a vision of sort of like passing through the. The corridors of this kind of stone temple, and. And your vision lingers for a moment on a sigil that you know is the sigil of Naravid, the Doomsayer, a betrayer God who was a master of divination there.
And as you flow further into the. Into seemingly the heart of the temple, your vision starts to become blurry, almost as if your vision is beginning to crystallize and you're kind of peering out from inside a crystal prism.
And just before your vision becomes so opaque you can't make anything out.
You see a silhouette, a humanoid silhouette stood in front of this glowing crystal shard that juts from the temple floor but appears to be bleeding.
And at that point, your vision completely crusts over and you're back in your tent.
[00:44:22] Speaker F: Okay, good to know.
[00:44:25] Speaker A: All good.
[00:44:27] Speaker F: Good.
[00:44:33] Speaker A: Okay. Hello? Hello. Oh, I think Theo's muted.
[00:44:39] Speaker B: Hello? Hello?
[00:44:41] Speaker A: All right, Dan's back, George is back, Liv's back. Okay, so guys, we're all having a hot tub party.
[00:44:47] Speaker F: It's gonna be great.
[00:44:49] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:44:50] Speaker C: Did you ask what we're getting?
[00:44:51] Speaker A: Yeah.
Cal, you like, you take first watch.
You notice that it's as a car's tent lamp that goes out last.
And you know you've got a two hour stint.
The first hour you, like you're watching the campfire slowly kind of sputter out.
What's the most kind of engaging thought on your mind as you kind of pass the time as you kind of keep tabs on your surroundings?
[00:45:32] Speaker D: I think it is the conversation between Cal and Riri that continues to twist through his mind.
And it makes him think of home for the first time in a long time and his own past, which he's not really shared with anyone either.
And for the first time in a long time, it is.
It used to be a routine, but now not so much anymore. He finds himself playing with the necklace tucked in his shirt, the chain there, and thinking and then consistently reminds himself as. As what he said to Riri about, like, powerful things in the hands of bad people is bad, but powerful things in the hands of good people can do good. And I think that's what he continually tries to think about.
And it leads him to think about the war as well.
It just brings up a lot of stuff in his head that he hasn't really had to think about in a while.
But he's. Can he still retro content. He's not like distracted. It's more like these like, ongoing thoughts as he does his usual kind of watch rounds.
[00:47:18] Speaker A: Okay, roll me an instinct check.
A reactive instinct Instinct check.
Oh, no. And what is your instinct score?
[00:47:34] Speaker D: So it's a plus one.
So it's a 10. Sorry, 11 with Hope.
[00:47:44] Speaker A: Okay.
So as it's instinctive, you won't get the hope, nor would you have gotten the fear.
And as you like, as you find yourself kind of lost in the thought of like, power in the hands of good, you hear the.
You hear the snapping, but like the. The crunching of the moss a moment too late.
As with a.
Where's my dice?
I'm Gonna take advantage. Unfortunately.
A 27 to hit.
[00:48:59] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:48:59] Speaker D: That hits down.
[00:49:00] Speaker A: Okay.
You are.
You feel a. Like a heavy object swing round. And you feel three sharp burning, searing like points of pain as this claw reaches around you and yanks you backwards off the log that you're sitting on. And you're hurled a good 15ft, sliding to a. Like sliding next to a. A pile of rocks just out of the camp in the darkness.
And like in the low light, you can't make out what it is that just attacked you, but you can see from the silhouette of it from the dying camp light that it is this big quad pedal creature. And there's this thick tail that's swishing behind it. And you can see the outlines of these two large curved horns jutting from the back of its skull, reaching forward similar to that of a rams or a goat.
And as you're flung to the side, you're going to take.
You're going to take 13 damage.
So I should say that we are.
I'm gonna house rule until the rules officially release that we can use multiple armor slots to reduce damage down in chunks. It has been confirmed that you can only use one per attack. But I think a lot of numbers need to change for us to that to be a super good idea. But for now, that is 13 damage Cal as your. Yeah. Flung across the mossy ground.
[00:51:13] Speaker D: So I have nine armor. So that's within my major damage between 8 and 22. So if I remember rightly, I can just use an armor slot to bring that down to minor damage and then it's only one gp. Am I correct?
[00:51:31] Speaker A: Correct.
[00:51:31] Speaker D: Maybe I finally understand the system. Maybe that's where.
[00:51:34] Speaker A: No, that is absolutely spawned.
[00:51:37] Speaker C: Until they change it all.
[00:51:39] Speaker D: Until they change it again. Cool.
Okay. I have something I would like to do though, because I have. I keep forgetting to do it. So I'm going to do it now. So when I'm hit by an enemy in melee range, I can roll a number of 6d6 equal to the amount of hit points I marked. So 1D6. And for each result over 5 plus, I can deal that point back to the enemy.
[00:52:05] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:52:06] Speaker D: As part of my vengeance. Subass, which I've never used. So let's do that. So basically roll a D6. If it's above a 5, I give that back. Okay. So let's see if I do that, it's not above a five.
[00:52:22] Speaker A: So.
[00:52:22] Speaker D: Okay. It's worth a shot, but hey.
[00:52:24] Speaker A: Ho. Okay, that's annoying. I.
[00:52:28] Speaker D: Is there anything else I can do?
No, that's it.
[00:52:33] Speaker A: Okay, as I officially start combat, I'm gonna. And let me just add everyone into the combat tracker.
Oh, come on now.
Add you to the combat.
Adds you to the combat.
Add you to the combat.
Oh, okay. So as we start combat proper Cal, this thing, this beast, this creature that's just kind of flung you across the ground.
You. You smell this kind of hot rancid breath presumably emitting from its. Its maw. You can see these long like dagger like fangs glinting in the. The low light of the. Of the campfire. I'm going to spend a fear to activate again with its relentless ability.
It's going to like, you see a flash from its. You see a flash of yellow presumably from its eyes and there's like, there's a huff of.
There's a like a puff from its snout. You assume on a four plus, your evasion score is halved as it leaps on you and chomps down a second time. You won't have advantage this time. But it's a D20 plus three.
That's a 17 to hit. And your evasion is halved.
[00:54:45] Speaker D: Oh yeah, it certainly hit me. Yeah, yeah.
[00:54:49] Speaker A: In which case it rolls an 18 for damage.
[00:54:58] Speaker D: Okay, cool. So same again.
Another armor slot, another hp and it does say I can. I think I can do that vengeance thing again as long as I'm hit by an enemy in melee range. Yeah, I'll just. I'm just gonna do that again just in case it does. It does mean I can.
Okay. Yeah, it got a six. So. Yeah. So for each result of five plus deal a hit point back to the enemy. So is that two hit points or one hit point?
Just the five count.
[00:55:38] Speaker A: Yeah, five counts. So it takes one point of damage.
Okay. The creature lets out this like this bestial roar as you stab into it and it's sort of like as it kind of bites down into you and thrashes you around as you kind of spear it with. I'm gonna say maybe you spear it with the dagger like as it's up close.
[00:56:04] Speaker D: Yeah, sure.
[00:56:06] Speaker A: In which case you come loose from its more as you kind of rake it across the flank and it's now kind of stood fully silhouetted by the. The campfire.
I'm going to passover initiative and I will have to pass it to you, Cal, as you're the only one conscious right now.
Yeah, I will say actually, before I pass over everyone else, am I?
Well, just say everyone else can make an instinct check with disadvantage.
So what we got?
[00:56:53] Speaker E: That's a four.
[00:56:55] Speaker A: Oh, No, a four, an eight.
[00:56:59] Speaker F: That's a nine.
[00:57:01] Speaker A: A nine.
[00:57:01] Speaker F: I got plus one on instinct. But happening here.
[00:57:09] Speaker B: Wait, hold on, hold on. I. Oh, no, never mind.
[00:57:18] Speaker F: This bed rolls quite comfortable actually.
[00:57:20] Speaker D: This is such a comfy bed.
[00:57:22] Speaker B: Did we get the. The hope and fear on this or is this like a reaction?
[00:57:25] Speaker A: Reaction?
[00:57:28] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:57:28] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. Well, I think Cal will probably cry out a ten. A ten from Raven.
[00:57:37] Speaker A: Okay, what does that mean? Mean?
It means Riri is awake.
So I'll turn on Rs light.
Ra. Ray, you're kind of. You're woken up because Vinnie kind of shimmies around at the sound of this kind of roar.
And like you're not enti. At the moment. You're not sure what's happening. But yeah, something. Something has woken up Rayri. But Cal, you are, yeah, you. You are currently on the ground, like on one knee. This creature is. You can sense it's right in front of you, but you can't really or you. All you've got to go on is like a silhouette really.
Tell you what, let me turn up the brightness a little bit cuz I'm kind like that.
[00:58:34] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:58:35] Speaker A: Can't see.
[00:58:37] Speaker D: I'm going.
[00:58:41] Speaker A: By all means, as you're on watch, if you want to put away one of your weapons, you can draw a torch that you would have had on watch instead.
[00:58:57] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going. In that case, am I still able to like, as a free action, call out to the group to be like.
I'm trying to think of what. What I would say.
[00:59:11] Speaker A: I will argue.
I'll let you. I'll let you. Let everyone else make another reactive like instinct check. Perception check if you will for a stress.
[00:59:25] Speaker D: Sure, I can do that. Yeah.
[00:59:27] Speaker A: Done.
Right. In which case, as you shout out across your camp, everyone roll again with disadvantage.
With disadvantage. Riri, you automatically pass because you are awake, but you now know that Cal is calling for reasons.
[00:59:50] Speaker F: Oh, that's a little bit better.
[00:59:53] Speaker B: Is it? Disadvantage again.
[00:59:55] Speaker A: Disadvantage. Yeah.
[00:59:57] Speaker F: Yes.
[00:59:57] Speaker E: I rolled a six.
[01:00:01] Speaker B: I've got a plus instinct. That's a 12.
[01:00:04] Speaker A: 12. Okay. As a car and van year, you. You both kind of as a car, you snap up right when you hear cow. Cal, what is it? You're shouting just like help.
[01:00:20] Speaker D: I feel like I think he's calling out like for reinforcements. So I think. I think he wouldn't say help. I think that seems very Attack.
[01:00:29] Speaker A: Okay. Monster.
In which case, yeah, as a car, you like snap upright. Vanier, you. You're a bit more groggy as you kind of sit up in like some of your hairs sticking up as you are face down on the pillow. But you know, you wake up and realize that, yeah, the two of you are also now awake. So I'll turn your lights on and van. Yeah, yeah. You two are now eligible to join to the initiative.
[01:01:03] Speaker D: Cool.
[01:01:04] Speaker B: Gay.
[01:01:05] Speaker D: Can I have a tor ch and my broadsword out?
[01:01:08] Speaker A: Torch and the broadsword. So yeah. So you put your dagger. Yeah.
So the torch. Yeah, let's go.
Ten, five.
And as you spark the torch along the floor and hold it aloft in front of you, looming over you is a large four legged draconic beast. It's got these two, it's got this jagged spike, like large jagged lower jaw. And it's got a large fin that stems from the, the base of its neck or most of the way down its body. It's got these powerful legs.
It's got kind of ridges across its forehead and brow and it's about four, five foot wide.
But yeah, there's a powerful huff from its snout as it, as you spark your torch and illuminate it.
What do you do?
[01:02:33] Speaker D: Am I able to attack still or have I done too much?
[01:02:36] Speaker A: No, absolutely. Go for it.
[01:02:38] Speaker D: That's yes to attacking. Okay, cool, Cool.
I'm gonna hit him with my broadsword. Okay. Yes. I think that seems like the most sensible thing to do, so I'm going to use the roll.
And that's a 22 plus 4 to hit.
[01:03:00] Speaker A: Okay, 26 is a hit.
[01:03:04] Speaker D: Fantastic. Okay, so that is 2D8 plus 3 where so GP8.
[01:03:18] Speaker A: 13.
[01:03:19] Speaker D: 16. 16 damage.
[01:03:22] Speaker A: 16 damage.
So you slash at it and you manage to deal a grievous a major wound to it.
And it roars and sort of staggers back a few steps and then sort of like lets out a, like an almost gibbering raw in response to you.
Cool that. Do you want to move? It's right up in your grill.
[01:03:53] Speaker D: I, I Cal is not a person who gets out of the way of a monster. There's no point. He can't do like, he can't really do long range. It feels very much like Aragon fighting the ring wraiths. Like he with his torch and his sword. Yeah, like, like he's using the, the sword like that. And I feel like he's literally like facing this, this draconic creature down. It's like, come on then. He's already been bitten. He's pretty sure that he's going to be next to be munched on again.
So he's, he's all good.
[01:04:28] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, who wants to step in next? Rayri, Azakar or Vanya?
[01:04:37] Speaker B: Am I.
So I'm quite close, aren't I? In terms of people? Obviously I know Rayri was up before, so unless Ray wanted to act. Act quickly but sure.
In that case, yeah.
The sound of the word monster is music to his ears.
As the grogginess he's like monster.
[01:05:06] Speaker A: Yes.
[01:05:08] Speaker B: And he kind of like goes underneath like the. There is tent to see where this light is coming from and going along the shadows comes running up to this creature.
And yeah, I'm going to.
Because I can. I'm going to activate my deadly focus to give myself an extra proficiency as I focus down on this creature.
I the pure joy of having a monster to slain. I would like to use my experience thrill of the hunt. Okay. To. Yeah. So using a hope spend on an experience to gain plus 3 to this. So this will be made with plus 6 total to attack. Okay, so let me just roll plus 6 on this.
13 plus 619 to hit.
[01:06:22] Speaker A: That is a hit.
[01:06:27] Speaker B: So this is going to be 3d10 plus 3 points of damage as. And I'll describe it in a. In a second.
Where's my D10s? D12. 1, 2, 3, roll.
So that's 16 points of damage like primal magic damage in total.
[01:06:56] Speaker A: Okay, in which case did you sp. Well, yeah, describe it to me.
[01:07:04] Speaker B: So I. All I can imagine is from Cal's vision, the camera is behind Caroline holding up this torch in the dark and seeing this like, like shape coming into light trying to attack him. But then there's another shape that just comes out from behind the creature in the shadows. Like jumping, leaping on top of the creature, grabbing its horns to try and pull it back and crushing like the creature around the head. Like almost trying to pull the like on its skull.
[01:07:40] Speaker A: Okay. So. Well in which case, yeah, your thighs as you grab the. As you grab this.
[01:07:46] Speaker B: Yes.
[01:07:47] Speaker A: So this is clearly a dragon spawn of some sort.
But yeah, as you grab this, the curved horns at the back of its like neck, back of its head.
Like you. You're wrestling with the, with the creature and you can see these thick muscle like sinewy muscles tautling as it wrestles, wrestles with you. It like, it looks like a. You know, it's like Komodo dragon, like shaped but just quite a lot spikier. Quite a lot. It's got the big fin down its back. But that is major damage that you do to it is you leap onto it now that it's illuminated and grapple it with cal.
Anything else?
[01:08:33] Speaker B: Oh, I could. Oh, I forgot.
[01:08:35] Speaker A: I.
[01:08:35] Speaker B: You know, never mind. I'll save the Slayer die.
I don't think I can do anything else this term. But, yeah, I'm narratively, I'm trying to, like, wrestle with this creature.
It probably, like, shakes me off a moment or something to gain, like, get ready for another attack, but I'm like fresh meat.
[01:09:03] Speaker C: Yeah.
[01:09:03] Speaker B: There's this, like, really, like, disturbing smile with like, the. The light. Like, you know, when you get trying to light and like a torch underneath your face. You don't see this manic look on Vanier as he's wrestling with this creature.
[01:09:17] Speaker A: Okay, I'm going to jump back in. I'm going to spend another fear to activate again.
And as you jump on the creature's back, it. It's like thrashing you left and right. And cal, you can see the creature trying to turn its head to see what it is that's attacking it from behind.
And then it just stops. And then its eyes is like, you know, vertically slitted. Eyes widen and the pupils begin to glow.
I'm gonna spend a fear to drop me down to 2.
I need the two of you to make me instinct. Reaction rolls.
[01:10:14] Speaker B: Oh, just as a quick note from last, I did roll that attack with hope.
[01:10:23] Speaker A: Oh, did you? Okay. Yep.
And did. So did cow roll.
[01:10:29] Speaker B: So I gain a hope, adds to my slayer die. Yeah, I'm adding it to my slayer die rather than give myself an extra hope.
[01:10:39] Speaker A: All right. Okay, so back down to four.
[01:10:42] Speaker B: So I'm on four. How was it?
[01:10:43] Speaker D: I rolled with hope because I got 22 with Hope.
[01:10:46] Speaker A: Cargo's up to five.
[01:10:47] Speaker B: Okay, so unless you're you, I'm assuming you spent a resource to activate or.
[01:10:53] Speaker A: I've spent an action.
[01:10:54] Speaker D: Okay.
[01:10:54] Speaker A: Fear to activate instinctual them and then another to force a roll for you.
[01:11:04] Speaker D: That's a 10 from me.
[01:11:06] Speaker A: Okay. And Vanya, what was it?
[01:11:08] Speaker B: Sorry?
[01:11:09] Speaker A: Instinct.
[01:11:10] Speaker B: Yeah. What was the role? Just remind me. Instinct.
[01:11:14] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:11:14] Speaker B: Yeah. So plus two on this.
Oh, wrong thing, this. Oh, no, I got. I got a seven.
Seven with fear.
[01:11:30] Speaker A: A seven with fear. Fear. Okay.
As the creature. As the creature's eyes flash, I will on failure.
Oh, no, it uses old rules.
The next time you two go to activate, it will cost you an additional. If you don't skip a turn, it will.
Okay, tell you what. The next time the two of you want to activate, it will award me a fear.
So next time the two of you want to activate as it. You feel this sort of like, mental assault reverberate. Out of the creature and it muddles your. Your mind.
And unbeknownst to you, your kind of mental auras, your psychic auras, your magical auras begin to glow that much brighter, which acts as a beacon for the creature.
I'm going to go ahead and spend.
Actually, no I'm not because I'm going to pass on to Rayri or Azakar.
[01:12:57] Speaker F: You want to go, Riri?
[01:12:59] Speaker C: Happy to go.
I think the first time Riri woke up, she was just kind of like just trying to just be like Vinnie, this is fine. It's fine. It's just like raccoons. It's fine. It's fine. And then realizes very quickly that there's. It's.
It's a bit bigger than. Than wildlife. And she runs out.
[01:13:26] Speaker A: As you step out. As you step out, I would like.
[01:13:31] Speaker C: I always forget to use which I can spend a hope and make an attack and it will become my ranger's focus. But I have to make a attack first.
[01:13:46] Speaker A: As.
[01:13:46] Speaker C: So as you run out of your grab.
[01:13:50] Speaker A: As you run out of your.
[01:13:52] Speaker C: No, no, roll me. I run back in.
[01:13:55] Speaker A: But roll me.
An instinct reaction.
[01:14:02] Speaker C: Instinct reaction.
[01:14:12] Speaker A: You.
[01:14:13] Speaker C: Why do always roll crits and reactions like so unfair.
[01:14:17] Speaker A: You. As you emerge from your tent and like you turn your heads to the sound of the. The combat happening to your left, there's just this feeling, this.
This twinge of nerves that rips up your neck into your mind and you just like a. Like a sixth sense. You leap to your left as this large claw sweeps towards you, barely misses you and arcs through and sort of like demolishes the front half of your tent. And you turn to realize there is a second creature prowling alongside your tent.
So I'm gonna go ahead and add him to the rotor too.
There are two. Two beasties.
You're welcome.
So you can now. You can now continue.
[01:15:26] Speaker C: Well, that guy's gonna get it.
[01:15:28] Speaker A: Sure.
[01:15:30] Speaker C: He's gonna. He's gonna become my ranger focus.
[01:15:34] Speaker A: I will say that currently this second beast that's between your and cow's tent, it's enough in the darkness that you can't. It'll be disadvantaged to hit it.
The other one though is illuminated by. By cows.
[01:15:51] Speaker C: Yeah, I was going to say I could. What if I.
I've still got movement surely. So if I go a little bit, it's going to jump a little bit out of the way of that bastard.
[01:16:03] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:16:05] Speaker C: And I will.
I'm going to shoot for the one next to Cal, I think because that was my original focus.
So little Hitti Witty.
Thirteen plus three.
So that's a 13. Sixteen with VR, 16 with fear.
[01:16:42] Speaker A: Sorry. The one between C.
Vanier or the one between your two tents?
[01:16:52] Speaker C: The one by Cal.
[01:16:55] Speaker A: One by count. Okay. A thirteen. So thirteen plus.
Are you adding anything extra onto it?
[01:17:04] Speaker C: Three. Sixteen.
[01:17:05] Speaker A: Sixteen. That is a hit. Bring one.
[01:17:08] Speaker C: No fab. That means he is now my rangers range of focus. Which means I always precisely know which direction they're in.
All damage roles I make against them. Also deal stress point.
[01:17:27] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:17:27] Speaker C: So if it's stress and if I miss them I can re roll. But then loot ranger focus. Just so you kind of know what the dealio is.
[01:17:36] Speaker A: Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.
[01:17:37] Speaker C: So you get a stress as well as whatever this is going to be.
[01:17:57] Speaker A: I apologize to anyone watching. The camera has gone funny.
So 12 damage.
[01:18:13] Speaker C: 12 damage and a stress.
[01:18:15] Speaker A: 12 damage and a stress. So it takes a stress. And that is you. You fire the arrow it. As it hurtles towards the creature, it turns and the arrow glances off the scales on its flank. That is actually only minor damage, but it's still taken six in total.
Very, very good. Anything else Rayri? Any other movement? Are you calling it there?
All good.
[01:18:49] Speaker C: That'll be it.
[01:18:50] Speaker A: Okay, who's we? I mean I think we're gonna move straight on to Azakar going next.
[01:18:58] Speaker D: Yeah.
[01:19:00] Speaker F: Could I run out.
I was gonna say could I run out with my lantern as well?
[01:19:11] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:19:12] Speaker F: And my.
And my scabbard.
[01:19:16] Speaker A: So that's a. Call that a 2010. 2010.
Okay. AAR has a lantern. Good.
[01:19:31] Speaker F: I'm going to. Aar is going to run out towards close to Riri.
Obviously he's not going to be able to see this other one that was behind her. And he can see the one that's between Cal. And noticing that Rayri's just made a shot at this one.
He is also. Would you say that's in close range? That's in close range, isn't it?
[01:19:55] Speaker A: Close is for our accents and purposes. Six squares. Yeah, that's fine.
[01:20:02] Speaker B: So close to 30 foot.
[01:20:04] Speaker F: Yeah, you're definitely in close with that. Then I am going to use.
I'm going to use my spirit weapon to launch my scabbard, my scimitar towards him. Sorry.
And try and whack him with that.
[01:20:22] Speaker A: Okay.
So that's.
[01:20:31] Speaker F: That is plus three. Three. So that is an 18 with fear.
[01:20:35] Speaker A: 18 with fear. What I will do off the back of Ravi's fear. Cuz I didn't forgot to add it. I'll up my fear by one off the Back of this fear, I'm going to introduce a, a complication, but that is a hit as a.
[01:21:01] Speaker F: Plus one.
That is 10 points of damage towards that scaly boy.
[01:21:12] Speaker A: Okay, and what does this look like again?
[01:21:20] Speaker F: After he's seen Riri sort of aim and make a hit and he can see clearly where this monster is, he's gonna whip back his scimitar and just, and just fling it like a boomerang towards this creature.
[01:21:37] Speaker A: In which case as you fling the scimitar, it arcs out.
Vanya, you, you are able to sort of like track the trajectory of this blade and you move your right leg up enough that the scimitar like pierces the creature's flank just behind its front right leg and kind of arcs down its side causing whilst the, the wound in the grand scheme of things is relatively superficial, it twists up enough that Vanier, you're able to then finish the sort like the twist of the, the neck.
So. But yeah, as a car that is minor damage, but it slays the beast and Vanya you, you land with a bit of a thud as the creature's legs give out from underneath it.
Anything else has a.
No, I think it's been more than.
[01:22:46] Speaker F: Enough time because it's a. Because the spirit weapon comes back.
[01:22:51] Speaker A: Okay. So you, you grab it back. I think it's been more than enough time for Alfric to roll me another instinct reaction test just in case you're.
[01:23:02] Speaker E: Still in the entire thing.
He's a sleepy boy. Is it with a disadvantage again?
[01:23:10] Speaker A: Yes, unfortunately.
Okay. In which case the creatures kind of death rattle is enough to like you stir. You sit up with a, a start and, and you can see through the like the silhouettes like playing the shadows playing across your.
The canvas of your tent. You can see and the sounds you can see, you can tell that something is happening outside. So Alfric, you are now eligible to jump into the initiative if you so wish.
[01:23:50] Speaker E: Staggers outside several rounds late clutching his violin.
[01:23:57] Speaker A: In your jim jams.
[01:23:58] Speaker E: What's going on?
Yep, these little silk like sleeping hats.
[01:24:08] Speaker A: Okay, so yeah, what as you, well, as you stagger out, we'll move you out the temp for a temp. There you do. The first thing you notice is Azakar and Rayri on the other side of this kind of sputtering campfire as a car illuminated by a lantern.
And then as you scan you can see the Vanu is currently on the back of this large like draconic beast that's slumped to the ground.
And out the corner of your eye you see another beast that has just turned to look at you as having just emerged.
[01:24:53] Speaker E: Do I see it see it or do I.
[01:24:55] Speaker A: You see it's sort of like shadow.
It's a very atypical. It's a very typical sort of like the gleaming eyes in the darkness. Like it's reflecting the. The dying embers of the camp light.
Also I forgot to add the comp to introduce a complication.
As you like. As you stagger out the night illuminates slightly.
It's not showing hold.
Hold illuminates as over one of the. Over the sort of like the. The ridge to the north of your camp.
A glowing moat like one of the floating lava orbs begins floating in your direction.
I will.
I will add that proper because there's a graphic for it and everything. This is going to be huge. Don't mind me.
Don't. Don't mind that.
There we go.
There it is.
Yes. It's. It's glowing. It's about 15ft off the ground, give or take.
But it's about 10 foot in diameter. So it's actually. So actually floating about 10ft off the ground. I'll argue.
Yeah. What do you do Alric.
[01:26:50] Speaker E: I spotting this creature in the. The nearby darkness. Would you say that's close or. I can never tell what's close.
[01:26:57] Speaker A: What's close is like six squares. Yeah. So that's definitely close. If anything you're very close.
[01:27:03] Speaker E: Okay.
He's going to desperately cast in rapture in sort of the hope that whatever is chaos is going on over there. He can slow this particular monster cuz he. He doesn't know if there are more around them.
So I have to make a spell cast roll against a close target.
[01:27:34] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:27:34] Speaker E: On a success you can temporary temporarily keep their attention on you narrowing their field of view and drowning out any sound but your voice.
[01:27:42] Speaker A: Oh blimey. Stress as it's sound based I'm gonna. I'm gonna forego the disadvantage for being in darkness.
Yeah. Roll them bones.
[01:27:58] Speaker E: So I just roll.
[01:28:00] Speaker A: How do you roll a so for you? I believe it's presence checks as a bard.
[01:28:08] Speaker E: I believe that's true. Yes.
[01:28:14] Speaker A: Just a normal talent is a 151515 with hope. That is a hit.
So it doesn't do any damage. It just forces it to focus on you. Yeah.
[01:28:36] Speaker E: Yes. And I can spend. I think I can.
Sorry. In a sec. I can.
Where is it?
And I can also deal a stress to it by marking a stress.
[01:28:52] Speaker A: So mark's just. Do you want to mark a stress to cause A stress.
[01:28:57] Speaker E: Yes, I shall.
[01:28:59] Speaker A: Okay, big pun. It takes a stress. So in which case, as you let. I assume, I imagine this to be a bit of a dissonant chord to grab its attention. And it turns to you, and you hear this low rumbling growl emit from somewhere deep within the beast as it turns its attention to you. And in this moment, the way it stalks forward ever so slowly reminds you of watching prowling cats hunting small little songbirds in tree branches. And you realize in this moment that you are, in fact, the songbird.
Anything else? Africa.
[01:29:50] Speaker E: I think that's it.
[01:29:51] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, I'm going to interject and spend a fear to have it leap at you into the light as it goes.
It's gonna lit. Yeah, it's gonna leap at you. Its eyes flash before it strikes Alfric, and your evasion is halved.
Rounding up before it attacks you for plus three.
Eight to hit, but your evasion halved.
[01:30:43] Speaker E: Yeah, that hits.
[01:30:44] Speaker A: Okay.
Like you're.
[01:30:46] Speaker E: You find yourself usually 12, but it's 6 at the moment.
[01:30:50] Speaker A: Oh, I ignore those rolls.
I click the wrong button.
In which case you find yourself sort of like mesmerized for a moment too long as the thing sort like beguiles you with its. With its stare, and then it bites down on you for 13 damage.
[01:31:17] Speaker E: 13 damage. Okay. That is.
[01:31:19] Speaker A: Actually doesn't bite. It claws at you.
[01:31:22] Speaker E: Armor slots.
Yeah, that's. That's major damage. I. I think I can take that. Yeah, that's okay.
[01:31:35] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:31:36] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:31:37] Speaker A: In which case you feel yourself flung to the ground as this thing, like, smacks you with this incredibly. This unnaturally powerful strength that's. I'm going to.
You know what? I think I'm then going to use its relentless ability to immediately take another turn. So it swiped at you. It spotted Rayri and Vinnie and Rayri as it stalks towards you.
Your evasion is halved. I'm rolling hot on that.
And it's going to swing at you in these wild swings for 20 to hit.
[01:32:26] Speaker D: For.
[01:32:30] Speaker A: Nine damage.
He's been armor.
Yeah. Okay.
And as it sort of like leaps forward, slashes at Alfred, leaps forward again, slashes at Rayri. It plants to its two front paws, claws in the. In the mossy ground, and sort like growls a challenge at you as well as a car.
I'm gonna pass my turn up. Who wants to step in next?
[01:33:10] Speaker B: I guess you want to go first, cow.
[01:33:17] Speaker A: Oh, I think you're on mute.
[01:33:21] Speaker D: Just double check the.
The thing that is on me and Dan regarding the.
Yeah, so what the other Creature did to us. Is that gone because it's dead or is it not gone?
[01:33:37] Speaker A: That is still active. So if I leave you to activate, I'll gain a fear that's still active.
[01:33:45] Speaker D: Okay, Trying to think about that.
[01:33:52] Speaker B: Well, I. I do have a question.
So thinking outside the box, Mr. DM, how difficult would it be for strong boy who this creature into the magma bubble?
[01:34:21] Speaker A: Well, I mean the.
[01:34:22] Speaker C: Did they tag team. Is that just one fear?
[01:34:25] Speaker D: It's true question. I like that. It's. It's technically one move.
[01:34:30] Speaker A: Technically. Technically one move.
If you tag team.
[01:34:37] Speaker E: If you have levitate helps.
[01:34:43] Speaker A: It would definitely help.
The. The creature looks thick three Cs. It looks. It's a het like. Well, I mean vanu and cow, you know, because you've just been. You've well cal you've been punched by it. And Vanier, you've been wrestling it. Like these are slabs of moving a slight slabs of muscle, like tightly wound muscle. So you know that beneath the crust of this magma orb.
Oh, hello. Am I back?
I think we're lagging.
Oh, hello.
[01:35:32] Speaker C: We just heard thick cross.
[01:35:36] Speaker A: That's exactly what I said. Right. Am I back? Am I better?
Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.
[01:35:42] Speaker F: We heard it rees.
[01:35:44] Speaker A: Okay, little bit. Hello. Hello. Right, Test, test, test, test. Lag, lag, lag, lag, lag. Right, we're back. Hello.
[01:35:52] Speaker B: Apologies.
[01:35:54] Speaker A: You. So you know cow because you've been punched by it, Vanier because you've been wrestling it. These things are dense, heavy packed walking tanks of muscle.
But you, but Vanier, as you glance over, you do know that underneath the crust of this magma orb is hot. Well, I mean it's lava, so of course it's hot. But that if you were able to somehow introduce this dragon spawn to the magma inside the orb, bad things would happen to the dragon spawn.
It's just a case of how you might go about getting it. Getting this kind of 200 pound lump 10ft in the air with enough velocity.
[01:36:46] Speaker B: To enter the orb.
So how about this then, dm? What if with enough movement could I with my cold, icy, windy arcane gauntlets volleyball this magma onto the creature with cowl holding or like maybe pushing the creature towards the magma at the same.
[01:37:17] Speaker C: Time opening it up like an egg.
[01:37:21] Speaker A: If, well the even van year would know that fundamentally, if you like, if you were to interact with this orb, the cross is gonna like crack, break away and like fall into the magma. So there's no real. You can't like grab it because your hands would just go in it.
[01:37:45] Speaker B: Even if I'M creating icy magic as I'm pushing it.
Cooling it down at the same time.
[01:37:55] Speaker A: Let's see.
[01:37:56] Speaker B: You can totally tell me.
[01:37:57] Speaker A: No, no, no, no, no. I'm. I'm on. I'm on board for it. And this is what hope, fear is for. Creatively, this is what hope and fear is for. So you can absolutely try it.
[01:38:08] Speaker B: I'm. I'm just thinking outside about we got this floating magma thing coming our way. Why not kill two birds, one stone? Throw the magma onto the creature. But yeah, if it's. If you think it's within the realm of possibility.
[01:38:23] Speaker A: Within the realm of possibility. Yes.
[01:38:27] Speaker C: You might lose your hands in the process.
[01:38:31] Speaker A: It's either you introduce the orb.
Yes. You either introduce the orb to the Dragonspawn or you introduce the dragonsborn to the orb.
[01:38:41] Speaker B: One of the two, maybe. Yeah. How about the mean cow together tag teaming pushing that creature into the magma orb. How are you getting with one almighty?
Well, it's only 10 foot in the air, right?
[01:38:56] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:38:59] Speaker B: With an uppercut.
[01:39:02] Speaker A: I've.
[01:39:03] Speaker B: I've literally punched a ghost out of existence.
[01:39:09] Speaker A: Well cow, did you want to tag team with this or like Alfric has levitation is all I'm gonna say.
Alfric has levitation as a spell.
[01:39:22] Speaker B: Triple type team.
[01:39:25] Speaker E: I'm on the world. I have levitation.
[01:39:27] Speaker D: I mean I have plenty of hope. So I'm. I'm game to do something.
I've got five hope and I don't need them the same way, but everyone else does. I think this is. This is kind of good.
[01:39:40] Speaker A: Who. I have four hope.
[01:39:41] Speaker E: I have more than enough.
[01:39:42] Speaker A: I've got you down as six hope, Alfric.
[01:39:48] Speaker E: Ah, I don't know where that came from.
[01:39:51] Speaker D: You got like you got some earlier.
[01:39:53] Speaker A: So who. Who would like to help Van year? Who is planning on rugby tackling this thing and like WWE style wrestling? Toss it into a floating orb of magma.
[01:40:08] Speaker B: The levitation from Alpha would be very helpful in this scenario.
[01:40:13] Speaker E: I can do that thing. I can check if there's any limitations on it. Yeah, no, it has to be within close range of where you currently are.
[01:40:22] Speaker B: That's which is absolutely fine. Your. Your within.
[01:40:25] Speaker A: You're in melee range.
Okay. So is Vanya taking the next turn?
[01:40:35] Speaker B: Yes, I will. I will introduce that fear to you. Dm. I will.
I will do. I'll initiate the action.
I'll just say get a bit of help as I start running towards this creature with a fist.
Sparking out wind and ice as I'm going for a rocket punch.
[01:41:02] Speaker A: Okay. I'm gonna.
I'M gonna have to argue for. So, Alfric, if you're gonna levitate, that'll be. I. I assume it's a spell cast roll of some sort.
[01:41:13] Speaker E: It's a spell casting roll again.
[01:41:15] Speaker A: Okay. Shall I rol you? If. If that is invert commas. Your role, then. Yeah, your role. And then we obviously we choose between the two.
Is a strength role.
[01:41:29] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a strength roll.
[01:41:33] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:41:35] Speaker B: Do I have any, presumably?
[01:41:37] Speaker A: Well, you choose which you take.
[01:41:42] Speaker B: Yeah. Could I spend an experience in this scenario? What's the experience to improve my strength?
[01:41:53] Speaker A: What's the experience in question?
[01:41:56] Speaker B: I was good so thoroughly. The hunt is my, like, combat y experience that I use. However, there's a small part of me that also I'm thinking cook to meat using my monstrous culinarian experience. Experience Barbecue.
[01:42:17] Speaker A: But no, no, no, no, no. As exotic as it is, cooking via floating lav orb is not a acknowledged culinary art.
[01:42:30] Speaker B: No.
[01:42:32] Speaker A: Right. Roll. Roll some dice.
[01:42:34] Speaker B: I'll do it. Do a straight roll.
[01:42:36] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah.
[01:42:37] Speaker B: Spell cost for my strength.
18, 19, 20, 21.
[01:42:50] Speaker A: Okay. Do we want to use.
[01:42:53] Speaker B: Didn't George just.
[01:42:55] Speaker A: Was it a crit?
[01:42:56] Speaker D: Didn't George just get a crit?
[01:42:58] Speaker A: No, I was.
[01:43:00] Speaker D: No, no, sorry.
[01:43:04] Speaker B: I rolled with hope as well.
[01:43:08] Speaker E: I mean, I got an 18.
[01:43:10] Speaker A: 18. My plus 18 with hope, I got.
[01:43:16] Speaker B: Yeah. So basically take my role.
[01:43:19] Speaker A: Well, who. Who do we want to pick? Because whoever's we pick gains hope.
And actually, so Georgia actually needs. Alfric spends three. Hope. Sorry, bring. Pardon. To do the tag team.
So it drops you down to three. And. Okay, so yeah, who. Who wants to take the. The hope, Alfric or Vanier?
[01:43:41] Speaker B: I feel like with what we're trying to do here, I don't want to risk a low going below 20 on this roll.
I'm. I'm worried if we went with your own, he'd be like, oh, you needed a 20.
[01:43:59] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:44:00] Speaker B: In this, I'm like, no.
[01:44:02] Speaker A: In which case, as this orb is kind of floating.
Floating perilously close towards you. I'm hoping this won't be a pain. Like, the last one was you, Vanier. You grab this. This draconic beast.
Like, you effectively stoop like. Like it raises up to. To claw to bring down its claws on you as you kind of vault over the log vault, pass Rayri and your tent, and you catch it under the front legs and like, you lift it up and it's like you're carrying a bear.
Like a scaly bear and this orb that's kind of listing toward, like towards the center of Your camp.
What does your levitation sound like or look like? Afric.
[01:45:09] Speaker E: I imagine he kind of scrapples for the violin that he kind of dropped when he was thrown to the floor. And he kind of, he does like a single sharp note that seems to rise up and whatever he grabs rises up with that note.
[01:45:28] Speaker A: Okay, very good. In which case, yeah, Vanier. You feel yourself like you feel the weight, the strain of your arms lessening as the. The creature split, begins to sort of like lift off the ground.
And as you slam it into the side of this, the crust of the magma globe, the crust crack like cracks some more and then splits apart. And that's the point. That's your cue to sort like let go and just finish with a shove with your shoulder.
And the magma orb breaks into like the crust breaks into pieces and are immediately like sucked into the heated magma in the center. And the, the horned hunter screams as it hits the side of this thing and then is slowly in. In it, like slowly drawn in to the mass. And like you have to step back and shield your eyes as the. The light is blinding and the heat is searing.
Whose tents are they?
Like, especially in the low light, it takes a while to, to kind of adjust. But that's Alfric and Cal.
Alfric, you have to sort like roll out the way from the heat. And then you watch as yours and Cal's tents ignite and burst into flames.
The creature like screams as it's absorbed in and the heat of the orb causes it to rise up into the night sky.
And as the creature sort of like disappears into the magma, like end of Terminator 2 style, just the hand, the claw going in last. It rises up enough into the sky and it illuminates the light sky for a moment before the outer edge, it rises high enough that the outer edge begins to cool and it recrusts.
And by the time the orb lists back down to like ground level, it is cleared the camp and the creature is very, very dead.
In fact, it's not even a bloodstain.
There's definitely not a bloodstain.
But yes, as you watch this orb kind of disappear overhead and sort of like re crossed over.
It's the, the creep. The sound of the creatures cries die out. Cal, you pick yourself up from the far side. You hear a.
A rather confused voice.
What's going on? Says Ganis as he sort of like crawled out the end of his tent, like looking around in confusion.
And as he, as he thought he was here. Yeah, as he stands and looks over at you like he sees that you gathered around the campfire. He peers over his shoulder at you. Cal stood at the foot, at the head. Sorry. Of this slain beast.
You watch as the creatures form, seemingly sort of like putrefies into a dark, shadowy mist. And then it dissipates, returning presumably to whichever dragon spawned it.
And as Ganis looks to the five of you and what just happened, he says, we'll call it there.
[01:49:39] Speaker B: Fan. You just drops to his knees.
[01:49:42] Speaker A: The meat that was breakfast.
So with that, with that combat over, that nighttime cotton bat over.
Yeah, we will. We will call it there.
Congratulations, everyone. You did it.
[01:50:09] Speaker B: Hey, thank you for letting us be creative.
[01:50:14] Speaker A: You are more than right.
So, yeah, that. That is pretty much that. So with that combat out the way, your. With your welcome to Merithesis firmly in hand, we'll see what the rest of your adventure has to hold next next time.
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Thank you all for playing.
Let's put this. Let's make your faces beautifully bigger. Thank you all for playing. Thank you all for watching. Thank you, Daisy for sleeping.
Yeah, if we will see you all next time.
Take care everyone. Bye.