Halloween Special Pt.2 - Tales From Elsewhere - Daggerheart Actual Play

Episode 13 January 02, 2025 01:17:23
Halloween Special Pt.2 - Tales From Elsewhere - Daggerheart Actual Play
Explorers of Elsewhere
Halloween Special Pt.2 - Tales From Elsewhere - Daggerheart Actual Play

Jan 02 2025 | 01:17:23


Show Notes

DM Dan, Livvy & PC Dan stop off for a short Daggerheart one-shot for Halloween, and we welcome back Nate to the group, and introduce Julia to this new TTRPG system!


Check out The Holm Foundation, a Found Footage Horror-Fiction Podcast created by Fio Trethewey (Big Finish: Gallifrey War Room, 18th Wall Productions) and Georgia Cook (Big Finish: The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles, Gallifrey War Room, BBC Books, The Dracula Daily Sketch Collection). It is a modern day sequel to the gothic novel Dracula - https://linktr.ee/theholmwoodfoundation



Epic Travel on Celtic Road by Lesfm - www.pixabay.com/users/lesfm-22579021

Tabletop Audio - tabletopaudio.com


Daggerheart website: https://darringtonpress.com/daggerheart/

This product was created using the Darrington Press Community Gaming License. The Daggerheart Open Beta Materials are owned and copyrighted by Darrington Press, LLC. All rights reserved. This product is based on the following Public Game Content created and owned by Darrington Press: Daggerheart Open Beta Materials, Darrington Press, LLC, 2024, available at daggerheart.com


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: Hello and welcome back everyone to Explorers of Elsewheres. Tales from Elsewhere are live streamed. Dagger Heart Campaign Episodic campaign thing. Hi, I'm DM Dan. It is Halloween. Halloween. And I'm joined by Julia, Nate, Livy and Dan. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. [00:00:24] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:25] Speaker A: Hello. I hope everyone is sufficiently bereft of pee and rich with tea because we're about to jump back in. We find our explorers in the town, the relatively new town of Cayley Point. Which has put out a bit of a distress call because the mayor of the town believes that this, this, this very night the town will be reduced to wreck and ruin at the the the ghostly hands of a mysterious spectral grave ship. Having started their preliminary investigations, the explorers have headed to the nearby outpost of 10th Bridge and found all of its inhabitants missing. But there were a few straggler remainer skeletons loitering in the shadows of the small outpost town of perhaps 40, 40 unfortunate souls rushing back to Cayley Point. You are preparing some final kind of preparations to prepare yourself for the inevitable attack from this ghost ship. And all we can do now is kind of wait as the clock ticks down to midnight. There's a few things that you've got to do first actually, before we hit midnight. But who would like to watch an intro video and then dive back in? [00:02:03] Speaker C: Yeah, go on then. [00:02:04] Speaker A: Marvelous. Let's go. All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes ever onwards to find the lands and people lost. All thanks to our brave explorers. [00:02:22] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanya, the Wolfkin war warrior. [00:02:27] Speaker E: Hey, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Ray Reid, the Spirit Ranger. [00:02:32] Speaker C: Hi, I'm Julia and I'm playing Lucretia, a Loraval wizard. [00:02:36] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azakar on the Djani Seraph. [00:02:42] Speaker A: And My name is D.M. dan. I'll be the GM in these adventures. The further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere. So we find the four of you having recently arrived back in the town of Tanthbridge. There is a plan that you're setting in motion. You're going to presumably speak to the the owner of the lumber mill to acquire enough kind of wooden planks to allow the townsfolk to barricade themselves in their houses for the inevitable. But you're also going to need some lumber to build some decoys around the central watchtower atop the hill in the middle of Kaylee Point. You're going to build some decoys to it in an attempt to lure the skelebobs into a, like a killing field where you're going to raise up wooden palisades to trap them in and then do unspeakable things to them. But we're also going to speak to the town's local priestess, who's. Who's going on that little sojourn. [00:04:08] Speaker B: Azakar is gonna go and he is going to turn to Lucretia and say, you. You like nature? Yes. [00:04:17] Speaker C: Love it. [00:04:20] Speaker D: Good. [00:04:20] Speaker B: Golden. Golden's a female dragon, right? [00:04:24] Speaker A: Done. A boy dragon. [00:04:27] Speaker B: A boy dragon. [00:04:28] Speaker A: It's got a divine winkus. [00:04:30] Speaker B: Ah, Gugalden. He is. He is a God of nature. Perhaps it would be of interest to you. [00:04:38] Speaker C: I will come along. Out of academic interest. Yes. [00:04:44] Speaker A: Cool. Marvelous. Okay, so as the two of you head across town, you. You can see that there are a number of sort like worried faces in the windows watching you pass as the sky overhead gets darker and darker as you kind of begin your. Your journey into evening. And in the south west corner of. Of the town, so the west, the southwest corner of. Of the hill at the center of the town, you see a building that looks unlike a lot of the other buildings. Whereas the other buildings are quite like high vaulted ceilings, lots of kind of sharp angles. The chapel, it's got this very kind of rounded, almost welcoming aesthetic. It seems like a harbor of peace and well being in this kind of miasma of despair. But as the two of you ascend the steps up into the chapel, you find like knelt down in front of an altar. Like, in front of you is a slender, dark skinned Laroval woman with like long black hair that reaches past like down past her waist. You see a number of very kind of intricate looking ornamentations like, decorating her hair and the tops of her ears. And as she hears the two of you enter, she stands and turns to you. You notice that her makeup, which is immaculately applied. Long kind of sweeping eyelashes, like, well, long sweeping wings over her eyes. Her lips kind of contoured into a tight, almost like a puckered shape, all in this bright lustrous silver. And she regards you with these big dark eyes and a. Since you are a fellow devout. I am she. [00:07:31] Speaker B: Good evening. [00:07:32] Speaker A: She steps. As she walks towards you, you notice that the. The pendant of Gurgoldin that hangs around her neck, which is made of like a carved almost mossy like stone, stands kind of apart from the rest of what she's wearing. And the accent that she has is one that you've never kind of really heard before. But she. She kind of bows slightly and. These are troubling times. Please. This is a refuge. You may speak your mind, you may ask for help. What can we do? [00:08:15] Speaker B: We are. We believe that we will be up against the undead, and we have come for guidance and possibly some sort of divinity to help us. [00:08:38] Speaker A: I assume, with Goldin's grace, that this is a hypothesis gained from travel to Tanthbridge. It is. This is troubling news. What. What would you ask of my chapel. [00:09:06] Speaker C: If I may? We believe we're up against a grave ship. It is an incorporeal mass of souls which becomes corporeal when it makes landfall. We've already struck down a few of them, skeletons and the like, but with. There's every likelihood it's going to be a veritable horde. Is there any type of divine magic that can, I don't know, turn the undead in some way? Just in case we are up against supreme numbers? [00:09:36] Speaker A: The. The priestess ponders for a moment. She lifts a finger to her bottom lip, pinches it slightly between her index and thumb. I am happy to lend my aid. Divine spell casting would be a boon in what is to come. Alternatively, I can provide. I can provide protections for the townsfolk. I can ward their defenses. Or I can. If you intend on fighting this Karaiva ship alone, I can imbue your weapons. [00:10:37] Speaker C: With. [00:10:39] Speaker A: With. With divine essence, so that your physical attacks may cause damage to the incorporeal nature of the grave ship. [00:10:56] Speaker C: Can you, by any chance, imbue fist asking for a friend? [00:11:05] Speaker A: I can imbue inanimate objects with Gogoldin's grace. [00:11:12] Speaker C: So, sort of gauntlets, for example? [00:11:15] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:11:16] Speaker C: Oh, Vanya is going to be very happy about. [00:11:19] Speaker B: He will be. He's very keen on punching. [00:11:22] Speaker C: So that's the menu, is it? Imbuing, defending, or lending aid in the fight. [00:11:30] Speaker A: Correct. [00:11:32] Speaker C: What do you recommend? [00:11:36] Speaker A: She ponders. And on the one hand, I would. I would throw my weight behind the protection of the townsfolk, of course. However, I feel that without a method of striking at this foe, you will not achieve victory. [00:12:11] Speaker C: I am inclined to agree. What do you think, Ka? [00:12:16] Speaker B: I mean, my. My weapon is already. Is already imbued with divinity. [00:12:24] Speaker A: She. [00:12:25] Speaker B: But another pair of gauntlets would help with that. [00:12:31] Speaker A: She looks to you, Lucretia. I smell the scents of the Arcane upon you. [00:12:41] Speaker C: Guilty. [00:12:44] Speaker A: I would. If you are versed in this dangerous art, then perhaps you are already well equipped for what is to come. [00:12:58] Speaker C: I mean, potentially. Do you think that my magic will make a dent in this ship? [00:13:07] Speaker A: The priestess nods. If the two of you are able to imbue the attacks of your allies yourselves, then I can tend to other. Other priorities in the town. [00:13:27] Speaker C: Okay, so we take care of the imbuing and you defend the people. Is that what you're saying? [00:13:33] Speaker A: Correct. I can place defensive sigils throughout the town to ensure that any marauding undead are dispatched. [00:13:52] Speaker B: Sounds like a plan blended. [00:13:55] Speaker C: Yes. [00:13:57] Speaker A: What. What is. What is your plan of attack? A ghost sheep can. Can fly at some considerable heights. How will you tempt it down? [00:14:17] Speaker C: We thought we might lure them with some fake townsfolk to the central area around in the center of town while all the people are hidden away in their house. [00:14:34] Speaker A: Very good, very good. Might this will the. The prospect of new. The prospect of easy prey will be enticing to the crew of a ghost of a grave ship. But may I also suggest that you perhaps you consider the captain of such ship might be a creature of pride, of hubris. Perhaps the offer the opportunity of a greater prize in a. In one of you might tempt the leader of such a vessel down. [00:15:27] Speaker C: So perhaps one of us stands on the tower and waves and shouts, Oi, I'm here. [00:15:33] Speaker A: Hello. Perhaps like that. Perhaps. [00:15:40] Speaker C: Well as a car. You heard. You heard the lady get up on the tower. Gone. [00:15:45] Speaker B: Wait a minute. You just said you to do it. [00:15:48] Speaker C: No, no, no. I think you look a lot stronger than me. Or do you think Vanya would do it? [00:15:53] Speaker B: I think Vanya would have. [00:15:55] Speaker C: I mean, I know Ray would do it. She seems utterly nuts. I love her, but, you know, Vanya might feel upset if we don't give him the opportunity as well. [00:16:04] Speaker B: I. I think his brashness will be a good calling to them. [00:16:10] Speaker C: He's just itching to sucker punch that ship, isn't he? [00:16:14] Speaker B: Oh, he always is. [00:16:20] Speaker A: So just to confirm, what would you like this priestess to do very specifically to protect the. [00:16:29] Speaker B: To put some sigils around. [00:16:31] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. Hopefully that will take out a few of the undead in and of itself as they run off to try and get into the houses or something. Get. Landmines will go off. [00:16:42] Speaker A: Divine landmines. [00:16:44] Speaker C: Okay, yeah. [00:16:45] Speaker A: Nice. Very good, very good. Okay. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss with the priestess or. [00:16:53] Speaker C: No, I don't. I think we're done with the priestess. I need to figure out how the heck I imbue someone else's weapon with magic, if that was what she was implying. [00:17:03] Speaker A: So you can do things like tag teams and. [00:17:05] Speaker B: Yeah, it would be like a tag team thing. [00:17:07] Speaker C: Oh, nice. Okay, cool. [00:17:10] Speaker A: Who is? So whilst a Car and Lucretia doing that between Vanya and Riri, who was gathering the townsfolk to instruct the them to start this grand home alone style defense plan. [00:17:28] Speaker E: Mary's more than happy to do that. She has experience. I mean, one of her experiences is treehouse architect. So she is building things. [00:17:42] Speaker A: Okay. Treehouse architect. Okay. Yeah, that's. That's fine. So one hope for that. Takes you down to two. How the townsfolk are gathered around you, Rayri, how are you approaching? I mean, obviously they're. They're like already on board in so much as if they're not on board, they'll probably not live to see tomorrow. But how are you going about kind of turning this ragtag group of commoners into. To a. An efficient workforce that is building moving decoy dummies and a lifting barricade palisade wall. [00:18:28] Speaker E: I think she gets into the center of town, kind of gets a little. Gets a little box to stand on. She's a little bit higher up and gets Vinnie to do a big bark, get everyone's attention. [00:18:46] Speaker A: Huh? [00:18:49] Speaker E: He does. Goes onwards, literally herding them up. This is what we're gonna do. We're gonna get. Who are you guys over there. Your tent. [00:19:02] Speaker A: All right. Yeah. [00:19:03] Speaker E: You're building big walls. [00:19:04] Speaker A: All right. [00:19:05] Speaker E: Big walls. You got it over there? [00:19:07] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:08] Speaker E: You're making mannequins. Don't ask why. We just are over there. You gotta find things to dress the mannequins. I want. I want lady mannequins. I want boy mannequins. I want girl mannequins. I want old people mannequins. Gotta make it look real spoiled. [00:19:34] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:19:38] Speaker A: Okay. [00:19:40] Speaker E: Just gonna explain kind of the thing. Maybe like do a. Get a stick, make a plan in the dirt. Just kind of. She's like a little Napoleon esque rabble rouser. Just getting her just whipping all into shape. [00:20:01] Speaker A: Okay, what. What ability are you using for this? I mean, it sounds a bit like intimidation. It sounds a bit like a presence. Check. [00:20:18] Speaker E: Fabulous. Can I use my treehouse architect? Yes. Yes. [00:20:23] Speaker A: I've already taken the hope for that, so. Yeah. Adds plus plus two. Are you guys rolling on fire tonight? [00:20:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:39] Speaker E: What was so 12 +architect present. 14. [00:20:49] Speaker C: Oh, plus your present. Yeah. [00:20:55] Speaker E: Plus zero. [00:21:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Beef is suggesting, Nate, that this is your. Your presence. That's. That's doing all this. We need to nerf you. So a grand total of 14 with hope. So the townsfolk, inspired by this. This explorer that's come to help save them, they are galvanized to not only complete the projects but they complete all of the projects. Well, nothing has sort of like accidentally been a bit less good because they're multitasking. Yeah. The mannequins are great. Some of them even wiggle, wobble around the so Weebles. Yeah, pretty much. Pretty much. So just explain to me. Sorry. These sort of like palace. This palisade wall idea. Because it sounded like they would be on the floor and then something would happen and then suddenly they like, erect. [00:22:13] Speaker E: Yeah, we'd have to have some kind of pop up. Sorry, this. Yeah, I mean some kind of pop up style trap direction. I guess all four of us. We have four of us can pull. [00:22:33] Speaker D: Them up once they get some contraptions so that the walls are hidden under some leaves and stuff. Dirt. And then when they're all in this watchtower area. [00:22:49] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Yeah. In which case that is. That is sorted and they've done a good job. [00:22:58] Speaker D: If it makes sense, if I'm thinking aloud, if this boat thing is going to come down near the watchtower as the Skellies descend onto the fake people, we could be pulling these ropes on top of the tower to pull the walls up. And then we'll be also on top of the tower ready to bombard this ship whilst these Skelly Bobs are trapped at the bottom. [00:23:32] Speaker A: Yeah, Okay. [00:23:40] Speaker C: I guess we don't know exactly where the ship's gonna park itself. It may not be right up against the watch tower. So for you, Vanya, he needs a melee range. [00:23:49] Speaker D: That could be an issue. [00:23:51] Speaker C: An issue. [00:23:53] Speaker D: I just start punching all the Skellies on the floor. [00:23:56] Speaker C: Yeah, baby. [00:23:59] Speaker D: Like Sauron in the. [00:24:04] Speaker C: Second day. [00:24:09] Speaker A: Amazing. Okay, so we. We have a bit of a plan. You're so the. The. Well, the barricades for the homes have been sorted. You've more managed to kind of build the decoys and the traps. And the priestess is going to go around and begin kind of bolstering the defenses around the town as well. That takes, you know, some considerable number of hours as the lights around the town of Kaylee Point begin to turn on. As you know, evening gives way to night. Where do we find the four of you on the eve of this defense? [00:25:06] Speaker B: Who is gonna stand on the watchtower and do a big wave of the arms and go, oh, look at me. [00:25:13] Speaker E: I don't know where he. [00:25:14] Speaker D: Oh, me. What am I doing? [00:25:20] Speaker B: We. We were thinking if you go onto the top of the watchtower, you can. You'll be quite good prey for them. [00:25:32] Speaker C: You. You might draw the captain out. [00:25:35] Speaker A: Thought so. [00:25:38] Speaker B: I can. [00:25:39] Speaker A: I can. [00:25:39] Speaker D: Like Dang conflict it to the captain. Yeah, I understand. Predator and prey mentality. [00:25:50] Speaker A: Okay, I'll do it. So Vanya is going to be posted up in the watchtower. Where's Ray going to be posted? [00:26:01] Speaker E: I think, I mean, it is ranged weapons. I would like to stand maybe on top of one of the hang. Is it in a square? Like, are we trying to get them in the middle of the square? [00:26:17] Speaker D: Trying to get them in the middle of the, the area of the watchtower, like that circle basically make fake stools and fake mannequins so that it looks. [00:26:27] Speaker C: Like people on there. [00:26:28] Speaker E: Yeah, it have to all be on the tower, I guess. [00:26:32] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, so the, the palisades, the pop up palisades that the townsfolk built form an oxagon around the watchtower on top of this hill in the center of the town. But yeah, I mean there's, there's quite a lot of room to move around within the sort of like the palisade palisaded area. So, yeah, you could either, you could be on either side of the wall where the they kind of pop up or you could be in the watchtower or whatnot. Yes. Up to you. [00:27:06] Speaker E: I think I probably be in the watchtower as I and shoot far from all angles, so it makes sense be up. [00:27:16] Speaker A: Okay. [00:27:18] Speaker C: Lucretia, I feel like I've got a lot of ranged stuff. It wouldn't be a bad idea for me to be in the tower. Start out on the tower. Yeah. [00:27:28] Speaker A: Okay. [00:27:28] Speaker B: And Azakar, I'll be down on the ground, then around the tower. [00:27:34] Speaker A: Cool, cool, cool, cool. Okay. In which case, are the four of you ready? [00:27:43] Speaker E: Born ready. [00:27:45] Speaker A: Okay. [00:27:47] Speaker D: So did we decide how we're dealing with the Skelly Bobs once they're trapped. [00:27:52] Speaker B: In fighting around the world? Fighting them. [00:27:57] Speaker D: Fighting them. [00:27:57] Speaker A: Go punch them. [00:28:01] Speaker D: I mean, if I was down there, I'd punch them all, but I'm on top of the tower. [00:28:07] Speaker A: Well, I mean, maybe. Well, I was gonna say you can certainly, you know, you're in the watchtower, but it's not so tall that you wouldn't ever be able to make it down to help out. [00:28:18] Speaker C: Fair enough. Okay. [00:28:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Cool. Okay, so the four of you prepare yourselves in the central watchtower. As you see, the lights throughout the town kind of go out as people kind of cast themselves into darkness to, to help with their, with their hiding. And until all you can see is. All that you can see is illuminated by the moon that's partially covered over by this like light, but dark. Like light as in thickness, but dark clouds and you all feel the temperature. Temperature begin to drop very rapidly as the clouds part. And the moon seems to be glowing brighter than usual pretty much as the clocks hit midnight. And in the distance, you see a large galleon like ship with broken hull, tattered sails, ragged kind of rigging is lazily drifting across the clouds, you know, through the sky overhead. And the closer it gets, the colder it gets. And as it begins kind of drifting towards you, who. What it gets to within sort of like far range. Who wants to do. Is there anything that you lot are doing? Because we are fundamentally in combat now, so. Yeah. Who wants to open up? [00:30:22] Speaker C: You say very far range. [00:30:24] Speaker A: Was that very far range? But you do. [00:30:27] Speaker C: We want to get its attention? [00:30:32] Speaker B: Did I do something very quickly? [00:30:34] Speaker A: Yes. [00:30:35] Speaker B: Could I roll my prayer dice? [00:30:38] Speaker A: You can. [00:30:39] Speaker B: So they are two D4s. Let's roll those one and a four. So to keep you up to date, Julia, my prayer dice give me. I can use. I can spend one of them to reduce incoming damage, add to any roll result after the roll, or additionally I can assist in exchange values for that many hope. And I can give that to any PC. So basically, I can give some hope. I can give four hope. I could give one hope. [00:31:09] Speaker C: Okay. [00:31:10] Speaker A: Yeah, very good. Yes, it is at far range. Very far range. Sorry. [00:31:16] Speaker C: As Vanya starts going, hello, over here I go. Oh, I was think, thinking I'd just throw a fireball at it. Is that okay if I do that? [00:31:25] Speaker D: Yeah, I was told to attract them, so you go ahead. [00:31:30] Speaker C: I'll get their attention. You draw them in. [00:31:33] Speaker A: Okay. As this, this ship begins sort of like lowering down towards the ground as it seems to be like zoning in on you, the. Or the three of you in the watchtower. Four if we include Vinnie. Yeah. As it comes into range. By all means, Lucretia, I'll make a. [00:31:53] Speaker C: Spell cast roll against the ship. It is 13. 16 with hope. [00:32:02] Speaker A: 16 with hope. So that takes you up to five. What does your fireball do it? [00:32:10] Speaker C: Well, he needs the ship, the target, and all creatures very close to them must make a reaction roll. 12. [00:32:23] Speaker D: I just imagine this ship is like coming like a doomsday and then suddenly. [00:32:30] Speaker C: It'S not going to be that big. It's D8 plus 5 magic damage if they fail their reaction roll. [00:32:35] Speaker A: Oh, no, I've rubbed my face paint off. Okay, so, so, so you've rolled a. Was it 15? No, 70. What did you roll? [00:32:48] Speaker C: I rolled a 16. 16 with. With hope. [00:32:53] Speaker A: Okay. You conjure this fireball and as you launch it towards the ship and like You. You will watch as this moat of sort of like fire gets smaller and smaller. You then watch as the ship banks and the fireball just grazes past it and misses. Just grazes past. [00:33:23] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. I think I'm getting the measure of it. [00:33:30] Speaker A: Who's going next? [00:33:33] Speaker D: That was a miss. [00:33:34] Speaker C: If I failed. It's your turn, isn't it, Dan? [00:33:37] Speaker A: Oh, yes, that is very true. In which case, as it, yeah, as it like banks off to the right, it then sort of like rotates a full 360 until it's right way up and kind of again pointing at the watchtower. And it's. It's within far range now. And it's close enough that you. Those of you in the tower can see that there's this kind of ghostly like skeleton crew that are hurrying across the deck of this ship like a colony of ants. And Lucretia, as it gets closer and closer, the moon illuminates it and the ship itself kind of glows brighter. You kinda. Well, actually, Vanier, with your cute sensors, you probably notice this is more. But you might not fully apprehend, comprehend what you're seeing. But yeah, Lucretia, you notice this cylindrical shape emerge from the front of the ship. [00:34:43] Speaker C: Oh no. [00:34:44] Speaker A: And you see one skeleton on the deck lift a hand up and as it drops its hands, there is a deafening boom. And this ghostly cannonball is fired out the front of the ship towards the watchtower. No. [00:35:04] Speaker C: Our plan is falling apart. [00:35:07] Speaker A: So I roll a D20. [00:35:10] Speaker C: Who. [00:35:14] Speaker A: That? [00:35:14] Speaker C: Is that what would be known as a crit. [00:35:16] Speaker A: That is a crit. That is a crit. [00:35:20] Speaker C: Oh dear. [00:35:21] Speaker A: That is a crit. [00:35:25] Speaker C: Right? Right. [00:35:26] Speaker A: Okay. So PC down. [00:35:29] Speaker D: Yep. [00:35:30] Speaker A: Crits are max damage. And then you roll again, right? [00:35:34] Speaker D: Yes. I'm just making sure that's the same for gm. [00:35:38] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:42] Speaker D: Gm Critical success. So whenever you're. You automatically succeed. And regardless of pieces you. If you critically succeed on an attack roll, you also deal extra damage. Start with the full value of the damage dice and then make a damage roll normal to add the values. [00:36:04] Speaker A: So I'm just. I'm just going to do this in one single roll. Okay. [00:36:08] Speaker C: Looks like you're doing taking this fight on your own. Aart been nice knowing you. [00:36:13] Speaker A: All the damage roll everybody is 3D 20 plus 60. [00:36:24] Speaker C: How did you max out so good? How did you do? [00:36:32] Speaker A: 92. Almost as much damage as you did to attrak in tail one. Okay. Oh no. [00:36:44] Speaker C: Rot roll does this watchtower have? [00:36:49] Speaker B: What death option are you guys choosing? [00:36:52] Speaker A: This cannonball thing flies true and Azakar you look up as it strikes the side of the tower, punches clean through the stonework. You hear the sound of wood being shredded. And then another, a second explosion as it erupts out the backside of this tower slightly lower down. And as you look up, you watch as the tower like, you watch your stone tower visibly like arc backwards from the. From the impact. And then as it kind of corrects itself, it then begins to list. Cool. The three view in the tower. Tell me what, tell me what you're rolling realistically to try and escape this crumbling, this falling tower that you're in. Probably about 40ft. [00:38:02] Speaker D: Okay. I have an idea for me, I. [00:38:06] Speaker C: Mean, I know I can take care of myself, hopefully situation. [00:38:11] Speaker A: But tell you what, actually, what's probably easier if the three of you can roll me a duality dice each and then we're primarily looking at whether it's hope or fear. [00:38:22] Speaker E: Okay. [00:38:23] Speaker A: Okay. So Ray rerolls with hope. Lucre rolls with hope. Now you roll with hope. [00:38:29] Speaker C: Oh, of hope. Sorry, I misread that. [00:38:31] Speaker A: And Vanier rolls with a bit. The three of you are hurled from the top of the well. The you. You slide as the top of the tower starts to tip and buckle under its own weight. And as the three of you are cast from the tower in a plume of smoke and rubble, Rayri and Lucretia are going to take major damage and Vanier is going to take severe damage. [00:39:00] Speaker C: Could I argue that I would have my teleport ability at this point to get safely to the bottom? [00:39:08] Speaker A: Maybe. What's the blurb for your. For that? [00:39:16] Speaker C: When I have no enemies in melee range, which is true. [00:39:21] Speaker A: Yes. [00:39:21] Speaker C: I can make a spell cast roll. And I'm aiming for 13 on a success spend a hope to disappear from where you are and reappear somewhere with far range that you can die. So I would just go down to the ground. [00:39:33] Speaker A: Okay. [00:39:36] Speaker C: To roll. [00:39:38] Speaker A: Yes. So yeah. Roll, roll me the spell spell craft 14. That is a crit. [00:39:46] Speaker B: And that is a crit. [00:39:47] Speaker C: Really? [00:39:48] Speaker B: Yeah, because you got doubles. [00:39:50] Speaker A: Okay. So double seven. That is a crit. [00:39:53] Speaker C: So spend the hope to teleport to the ground. [00:39:57] Speaker A: Okay, cool, cool, cool, cool. So you. So you teleport to the ground. So you're, you're. I'll downgrade it to minor damage because there'll still be like bits of timber and stone, masonry and whatnot flying in all directions. But as a car. Yeah. You watch in horror as this. Yeah. Tower just collapses backwards upwards. Thankfully not onto any kind of buildings of, of Kaylee Point. Well, I think that's it for my turn. I'm not gonna push the issue. Who wants to go next? [00:40:36] Speaker C: Can I just ask how damage works? So we've taken different levels of damage. What does that mean? [00:40:44] Speaker A: So if you take. [00:40:45] Speaker C: What do I put on my. On my sheet? [00:40:47] Speaker A: So if you take minor damage, damage that is one hit point. So you mark one hit point of health. Major is two, severe is three. [00:40:57] Speaker E: I can use an armor slot to negate one point. [00:41:00] Speaker A: You can? Yes. So we're using the new armor rules. So yeah, you can expand one of your armor slots to reduce it down one level. So from severe to major, from major to minor, from minor to nothing, minor to zero. Yeah. [00:41:12] Speaker C: Okay. I'll mark an appointment. [00:41:14] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. Who wants to go next? [00:41:22] Speaker D: I'm using an armor slot just as a note to make it to severe to major. I was gonna argue a feat and see if I could narratively spin a feature of mine that I've got as part of the character, but I think it's a bit fun fetched. [00:41:40] Speaker A: What's the feature? Acute senses. [00:41:43] Speaker D: No, it's. I've got this. So my third level warrior card Scramble, it's meant. It's meant, it's worded because it's meant to be a short, short range thing. So once per short rest, when an enemy immediately range would deal damage to you, you can avoid the damage entirely and move safely. Move out of melee range from the enemy. So I was waiting for like a big hit from a. Like a. Like a boss or something. [00:42:11] Speaker A: But obviously if you want to scramble away from the tower, I will allow it. [00:42:18] Speaker D: Okay, I will use that feature then, to stop the severe damage. [00:42:23] Speaker A: Okay. Rayri, have you got anything up your sleeves? Are you just eating? [00:42:31] Speaker E: We just kind of. So Vinnie provides two extra armor slots for myself. So Vinnie just kind of throws himself and me off the tower and uses a little cushion and we kind of skid along. [00:42:49] Speaker A: Sure, sure, sure, sure. Okay. Very good. Okay. In which case, yeah, the three of you picked yourselves up. Azakar, you're like, there's a cloud of dust that's emanating out from this tower. But yeah, it's your collective terms. Who wants to go next? [00:43:06] Speaker E: Peter? Is it still within far? [00:43:08] Speaker A: Yes. Well, it's probably very far now because you're suddenly 40 foot closer to the center of the world. [00:43:18] Speaker E: That's different than rough. [00:43:20] Speaker C: That was rough. [00:43:23] Speaker A: Critio. Like by all means, if you. If you want, either you can hold fire for it to sort of have another go, or if no one else wants to, if everyone else Is waiting. Lucretia can have a second go. [00:43:38] Speaker E: Yeah, I can't. I can only do stuff at far. The most I can do is far range. [00:43:43] Speaker C: I will happily swing another fireball. [00:43:46] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:43:47] Speaker B: Okay. Is anyone in need of any healing quite yet? [00:43:53] Speaker E: She's got a little cut on her face. [00:43:55] Speaker B: I've also got bolt beacon as well, so I can also do a far. [00:44:02] Speaker A: Okay, well, Lucretia, you. It's your turn again. Yeah. Make your attack roll with your fireball. [00:44:13] Speaker C: Oh, sorry, I'm doing. I thought. Oh, I thought. [00:44:15] Speaker B: Oh, I can do it. [00:44:17] Speaker C: Sorry. [00:44:17] Speaker A: Well, it's a very far at the moment. Bear in mind. [00:44:22] Speaker C: Let. Yeah, let me. Let me. This. So eight plus seven is fifth. Was that 15? 16, 18. With hope. [00:44:32] Speaker A: With hope again, you are up to the maximum of six. [00:44:36] Speaker C: I am, yeah. [00:44:37] Speaker A: Okay. [00:44:38] Speaker C: Getting a bit embarrassing, actually. [00:44:42] Speaker A: So it was. Sorry, was it. What was it again? Sorry. 15. 18. [00:44:46] Speaker C: So 18. [00:44:47] Speaker A: Yes. 18. [00:44:49] Speaker C: Quick maps. [00:44:50] Speaker A: Okay, Roll for damage. [00:44:52] Speaker C: Oh, how do I do that? [00:44:54] Speaker A: What is. Well, what does it say the damage of your fireball is? [00:44:57] Speaker C: The damage of my fireball is 1D8.5. [00:45:02] Speaker A: Okay. [00:45:03] Speaker C: Magic damage using my proficiency. Which is only one. [00:45:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:45:07] Speaker D: 1D8. No. So we're on a proficiency two at this level. So now it's 2D8 plus five. [00:45:13] Speaker A: I don't think Julia bought the proficiency upgrade. [00:45:15] Speaker C: No, no, no, I think you. [00:45:16] Speaker D: No, no, it's just. You get it Anyway. [00:45:19] Speaker A: Okay, very good. [00:45:20] Speaker C: 2D8 plus 5. Presumably I can. Can I type that into. Andre, how do you do it? [00:45:28] Speaker B: So slash, rest, little dices. Yeah, at the bottom. [00:45:32] Speaker D: Yeah. Click the D8 twice and then click the plus button underneath. [00:45:39] Speaker C: Roll it. Nice. [00:45:41] Speaker A: Another D. [00:45:45] Speaker C: Roll it 1 10. And magic damage. [00:45:49] Speaker A: Okay. As you. Okay, so you hurl the fireball and it, like, despite the fact you've just tumbled 40ft out of a tower and sort of like teleported down to terra firma, like, as you look up and you're able to focus in this moment to hurl the. The fireball. True. And what was the thing about the, like, the blast radius damage? [00:46:14] Speaker C: So it basically says that you target the target and all creatures very clear close to them must make. Make a reaction roll. Sorry. So you only take the damage if you fail the reaction roll. [00:46:30] Speaker A: Okay. Fail the reaction. [00:46:34] Speaker C: Or they take half damage. So they take five if they succeed on that. [00:46:39] Speaker E: So roll individual dice for all 40 skeletons on the shel. [00:46:43] Speaker C: 500 skeletons on the show. [00:46:46] Speaker A: So adversary reaction roles. How do I do that? I assume it's just a D20. Possibly. [00:46:56] Speaker C: I imagine they might have different Stats. [00:47:01] Speaker D: Oh, I just lost it. [00:47:02] Speaker C: Reaction roll. Here we go. [00:47:05] Speaker D: I was looking at adversary. [00:47:11] Speaker C: They don't generate or additional GM moves. They don't contribute to the action. [00:47:15] Speaker A: Duality. Okay, but then I will roll with a D20. Okay, cool. So these are. So some of the crew get caught in the explosion. Okay, so let's just roll 4D20 and look at the numbers separately. One of them is. Is fine. [00:47:39] Speaker C: I think two of them are fine, aren't they? [00:47:42] Speaker A: What's the. What's the target? Oh, is it 12? Okay, so two of the two of them are fine. Okay, so yeah, as the. This blast of fire kind of erupts. [00:47:53] Speaker C: When you say fine, they still take five magic damage. [00:47:56] Speaker A: So as this blast of magic kind of kind of rips across the. The hull of the gray ship, it actually does still consume a full four of the crew. And that is one damage to the ship. Okay, cool. As that happens as a reaction. As the. The ship kind of rocks away from the fireball. You see a number of the crew on the ship, and you see one in particular, Lucretia, that's sort of like grabs onto a rigging rope and leaps off from the back of the ship and swings along the length of the ship and then releases and then sort of like hurtles through the air and lands next to you. It's the ghost pirate Achuk. So it emerges within close range of the attacker and emerg immediately activates. So as it lands, it immediately kind of surges to its feet and swings with its cutlass. This is D20 minus 1A9 versus your evasion. [00:49:10] Speaker C: Oh, it. No, he does not. I, I just. He misses and I go. Fascinating. [00:49:17] Speaker A: You. Yeah. You jump back as you say that, and this rust scimitar just swings. Air cuts through air in front of you. Okay, so that was Lucretia's turn. Who wants to go next? Because Lucretia rolled with hope. [00:49:36] Speaker E: Happy to. [00:49:39] Speaker A: I mean, if you wanted to run towards it, then you'd be in far range. [00:49:43] Speaker E: Livy, run towards the ship. Yeah. So let's go. Well, I was going to get the one that's come to round. Okay, get him. [00:49:59] Speaker A: Get him. Yeah. [00:50:01] Speaker E: So. [00:50:04] Speaker A: So that's certainly within close range of you. [00:50:07] Speaker D: Yeah, go get him. [00:50:09] Speaker E: Exactly. So as we're like me and Vinnie like dust ourselves off. Got like a bit of blood on my nose and I just look over, I just see just this new sort of witchy, like, witch that's with us just go, fascinating. And I'm just. Christ. And then I jump onto Vinnie and We charge okay at this nice skelly bob. [00:50:44] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Yep, yep. [00:50:47] Speaker E: An attack roll. Let's get this one up. It is a chomp attack. A chomper. [00:50:57] Speaker A: Chomper wampa. Oh, oh, oh. You whiffed it roll. Okay, so that's takes. That is a three with fear. Well, three plus something with fear. That takes me up to six of 12 fear. So yeah, as you, as Vinnie kind of lunges in for this skeleton, the skeleton like for a moment just turn like as Vinnie lunges the skeleton like crouches and turns in and vinny and you go straight through it and then it rematerializes. I will reactivate off the back of that and the grave ship will fly in closer and it's again, it's also coming down to earth. [00:52:01] Speaker C: Do your thing, Van. [00:52:02] Speaker A: Yeah, worryingly, as it reaches the top of the hill, you watch as the hull starting from the back, the wooden planks, like the ghostly wooden planks seem to almost start peeling away from the hull of the ship. And the master, the, the central mast suddenly snaps and bends and as a car and vanier as you. Well as car specifically because it's landed in front of you. But you watch as this ship slowly transforms into this large sort of like 30 foot tall ghost ship Golem. As the wooden planks turn into sort of like legs, the cannon that it fired has kind of migrated. Like the hull, like the front of the hull is now its right hand with the cannon barrel poking out of it. The, the sails that are protruding from its back make it look like fins that run down its spine. And where its head would be is what you presume to be the captain deck. Because as well as all of the skeletons that are clambering up and down this thing, there seems to be a. Well, he stands out for his impressive hat. But there's a skeleton skeletal captain stood astride this ghost ship Golem as he points to you and all of the eye sockets and the skeletons on board glow with this intense cold blue flame. But yeah, as a car it lands in front of you and as it transforms it swings its. One of its fists at you. That's not what I wanted to drop. [00:54:01] Speaker B: Yeah, it was. [00:54:02] Speaker C: Give me. [00:54:03] Speaker A: Oh well. So as this like and you've noticed, notice that now that it's touching the ground and the ghostly wood seems to be shifting into a more physical state and you. The stench of rotting wood fills your nose as this fist arcs towards you and you're able to just duck out the way of this cumbersome swing. But then the. The ghost ship Golem stands to full height and like, there's a coral chorus of screams of the dead from the crew that are clamoring across its hull. That's it for me. Who wants to go next? [00:54:43] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh, how well, Dan P. Looks eager. [00:55:01] Speaker A: Transformer ghost. [00:55:05] Speaker D: It sounds cool, doesn't it? [00:55:06] Speaker A: Is that is Vanier taking his turn? [00:55:09] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. If anyone wants to tag team in who have Lots of Hope, feel free, but I'm going to go arch straight at this Golem. [00:55:19] Speaker A: That is a clarion call for you, Julia, if you would like to tag team with Vanier for sure, that would be great. [00:55:27] Speaker D: That'd be three hope you have to spend to do the tag team. [00:55:31] Speaker C: I've got the hope, don't worry. [00:55:33] Speaker D: Sweet. [00:55:34] Speaker A: So you spend three, so Lucasia spends three Hope. And between the two of you, tell me how you're combining your efforts and powers into a singular attack. [00:55:45] Speaker C: I quite like the idea that I tap my staff against your gauntlets, charge them up with magic chick, and then you can do some kind of leapy punch or something. [00:55:56] Speaker D: Yeah, I imagine seeing this thing. All right. Yeah. Vanya just shouts out Lucretia and just try, like, try, like, tries to, like, dart by you raising a gauntlet. [00:56:13] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. [00:56:14] Speaker D: In anticipation. [00:56:15] Speaker C: Hold. Hold up my staff. Ready to imbue you. [00:56:20] Speaker D: And as the gauntlet scrapes across your staff, the fact that you have does. Do you cast, like, primal magic or is it arcane magic? [00:56:31] Speaker C: It's arcane. [00:56:32] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [00:56:33] Speaker D: Well, it. I'm sure the. How the magic amplifies the primal magic in the gauntlets. Yeah, like, almost like a. A matchstick scraping against the lighter to light a flame. And yeah, Vanya just goes charging in to basically punch against this golem's leg. [00:57:00] Speaker A: Okay. [00:57:02] Speaker D: And now what happens here, Julia, is we both make hope rock. So sorry, duality roles. And we're looking to see who gets the, like, the better roles out of us too. [00:57:15] Speaker C: Can I. Can I. Do we use particular modifier for this? [00:57:19] Speaker D: Yes, we do. [00:57:20] Speaker A: You would use your spell spell casting trait. Yeah. [00:57:23] Speaker D: So, yeah. [00:57:24] Speaker A: Knowledge. Yeah. Yeah. [00:57:26] Speaker D: All right, I'm. [00:57:29] Speaker A: For attack. [00:57:30] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:57:31] Speaker C: We're going to do an attack roll. And I'll do a knowledge roll. [00:57:33] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:57:35] Speaker C: Okay, so that's a 23 with hope. [00:57:39] Speaker D: For me, which is better than mine, I think. Wait, hold on. What did I just roll? [00:57:49] Speaker A: 18 plus something plus three attack. [00:57:52] Speaker C: So 21 with fear you rolled. [00:57:55] Speaker D: Yeah. What was yours, Julie? [00:57:56] Speaker C: 23 with hope. [00:57:58] Speaker D: Then yours is better. And we take that and we both get a hope. [00:58:03] Speaker A: Only Lucretia gets a hope. [00:58:05] Speaker C: Okay. [00:58:05] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Because she gets. [00:58:07] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, so Lucretia, you. As you kind of imbue Vanier's gauntlets with additional arcane power, the two, like, what effectively? Julie, you can have a look through your spell list and figure out, like, what spell did I enchant Vanier's gauntlets with? [00:58:28] Speaker C: Probably a wild flame bell, something like that, to add extra sort of fire to his gauntlets. [00:58:35] Speaker A: So a 23 is a hit. Please, both of you, roll me your damage and then we'll add it together. [00:58:42] Speaker D: Remember, it's. Oh, yeah, no, this is just. Yeah, roll your damage. Sorry. [00:58:47] Speaker C: So what does that mean? [00:58:49] Speaker A: So what's the damage of wild flame? [00:58:51] Speaker C: Oh, 2D6. And technically it would also add a stress target. [00:58:57] Speaker A: Okay, so, yeah, add a stress onto yourself and then roll 2D6. [00:59:03] Speaker C: It says 2D6 magic damage and a stress to any again. [00:59:11] Speaker A: Oh, okay. To the ship. Okay. To the ship. Okay. 5. [00:59:15] Speaker C: So I'm gonna roll 2D 6. 5. [00:59:21] Speaker A: Okay. And what's down rolling? [00:59:24] Speaker D: 15. So we do 20 damage in total. [00:59:30] Speaker A: 20 damage in total. [00:59:33] Speaker D: Could I have spent a. Is there any creatures within very close of its legs? [00:59:42] Speaker A: Probably not. They'll be kind of hovering around its torso primarily. [00:59:46] Speaker D: Yeah, because I can't reach his torso. I can only reach his leg at this point. Okay, fair enough. Yeah. I won't pass anything else. [00:59:54] Speaker A: Well, in which case, Vanier, as you leap up and your stony gauntlet connects with the side of the ship, you feel the now physical rotten wood hull splinter under your fiery icy blow. And it sends, like, you see, ripples and cracks emanate from your point of. Point of impact. And a number of skeletons are sort of like knocked away from the ship and just like discorporate, disco, discombobulate as they. As they float away. That is major damage to the ship. As you like Vanya, as you saw, like, then put your feet on the side to push yourself back to land. You look up and notice that a. A skeleton, one of the crewmates, has just leapt off the side towards you, cutlass in hand, and it's going to swing at you as it lands. [01:01:03] Speaker D: Oh, is that a. Is that a. Did you initiate something to do this? [01:01:11] Speaker A: Like, it's an immediate reaction. [01:01:13] Speaker C: It's like a reaction. [01:01:14] Speaker D: Immediate reaction. Sorry. [01:01:15] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, cool. [01:01:17] Speaker A: 11 to hit against Vanya. [01:01:21] Speaker D: My evasion hold on is 12. So no. [01:01:25] Speaker A: So the skeleton sort of like the cutlass embeds into the dirt where your feet were a moment ago. As you kind of spring out the way. And then it looks up to you and as its drawer unhinges. Who's next? Take it out, Azakar. [01:01:43] Speaker B: I'll go next. We can see the. We can see the captain, can't we? [01:01:48] Speaker A: Yes. [01:01:49] Speaker B: How far would you say he is? [01:01:53] Speaker A: Well, he's 30 foot up, so he's. He's close range. If you're at the feet of the. Of the ghost ship, which you are. [01:02:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:02:02] Speaker C: Nice. [01:02:03] Speaker B: I am gonna. [01:02:04] Speaker A: In exchange for an agility roll, I will let you attempt to clamber the ship. [01:02:12] Speaker B: Actually, I was just. Well, I was gonna fire at him. [01:02:15] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [01:02:15] Speaker B: Yeah, I was gonna. I was gonna fire a bolt beacon at him. [01:02:20] Speaker A: Oh, very good. Very good. Okay. Yep. Roll. Roll to hit. It's not very good. [01:02:31] Speaker C: Oh. So I think as you go to hit the captain with your bolt beacon, I probably would have said something like, go on, Azakar. You can do it. And you. You can re. Roll and take the new role. [01:02:49] Speaker B: Thank you. With. With that, in this fight, I can't. [01:02:55] Speaker C: Do it all the time. [01:02:57] Speaker B: With those added words, I'm also gonna spend a. Hope to use an experience, to use keen sight. [01:03:04] Speaker A: Okay. [01:03:04] Speaker B: Which will give me a plus two on that roll. [01:03:06] Speaker A: So down to three. [01:03:08] Speaker B: Oh, it's we love. [01:03:17] Speaker A: He doesn't even need to die before he does anymore. Okay. Yeah, roll me, Roll me damage and then add your max damage on top of it. [01:03:26] Speaker B: Okay. So that is two. Boom boom. Two D8 plus two roll that. That's going to be an eight. And so that's two D8s. So 16. [01:03:38] Speaker A: So 24. [01:03:40] Speaker B: Yeah. 24. [01:03:41] Speaker A: 24. And what else does bolt beacon do? [01:03:47] Speaker B: Deals that using proficiency and making them glow brightly, they become vulnerable. They become temporarily vulnerable. [01:03:54] Speaker A: Okay. You know what you. What does this look like as a car? Sort of. [01:04:03] Speaker B: Upon seeing Vanya, this little skelly, like avoiding the skeletons, he knows that he's got it. He is gonna look straight back up and see the Pirate Captain at the top. He's gonna sort of swift his hands around, producing sort of like this divine bolt that comes from somewhere in his wrists. And then just. Just aim it sort of straight up at him right into his face. [01:04:32] Speaker A: Okay. You watch as this bolt of light arcs up and sort of like towards the ship and then kind of course corrects to follow along the side of the hull as it kind of. Yeah, races up the side of his ship. And the pirate. So the skeletal Pirate Captain is peering over the edge, having just been rocked by Vanya and Lucretia's combined attack. And in this moment, as A car. This. The captain cannot react quick enough as this bolt strikes him under the jawbone and his jaw and skull disintegrate in a flash of light off the back of a cross it. I'm gonna like use the damage threshold for a Pirate Captain. So that is three damage. That is severe damage to the ship. So it's taken six, six damage. And as the Pirate Captain is blown to bits and like glowing bits of captain kind of litter themselves across the ship, lighting it up. Who wants to go next? [01:05:59] Speaker C: Pretty good. [01:06:01] Speaker E: Pretty sweet. [01:06:04] Speaker C: I think it's your moment. [01:06:05] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:06:06] Speaker A: So it's the. [01:06:06] Speaker E: So the captain is. [01:06:07] Speaker A: Now the captain's gone and you can see that the ship is starting to seemingly come apart at the seams. Like the. The golem is kind of wobbling under the jaw. It's effectively. Azakar has taken out the central nervous system of this ship and now it's just kind of flailing and thrashing. It looks like it's on its last legs. [01:06:37] Speaker E: Seeing this Rairie. [01:06:51] Speaker C: She. [01:06:54] Speaker E: Sort of stands back and with I. With one hand, she kind of blows into her hands and you could just see this little corrosive fireball just kind of like start to build up and she sticks it onto the end of her crossbow. She's going to do a. So she can do corrosive projectile spell. But it's cooler if it's more of a ballistic. [01:07:36] Speaker A: Sure, sure, sure. And Azakar, your bolt beacon with the vulnerability. Is that on damage or attack? Vulnerability. Yeah. [01:07:48] Speaker D: So vulnerability it makes. So if a creature is vulnerable, that means any attacks against it has advantage pitch. Which means in this game add an extra D6 to your roll. [01:08:01] Speaker A: Cool, cool, cool. [01:08:02] Speaker E: My. [01:08:04] Speaker A: That's it. And does anyone else want to add anything onto R's attack roll? Any prayer dice or. Let me. [01:08:15] Speaker B: I'm just looking. [01:08:17] Speaker D: I don't have enough hope to do anything. [01:08:20] Speaker E: I need to add. Add a D. I need to add my D6 on. I see. [01:08:28] Speaker A: That's tasty. [01:08:31] Speaker B: I can. I can give you both paradise if you want to aid you in that role. [01:08:39] Speaker E: What's. What's paradise? [01:08:41] Speaker B: The paradise of what I can give you. So I've got a one and a four. I can technically give you five. [01:08:49] Speaker A: So you got to 16. [01:08:51] Speaker E: 16. [01:08:54] Speaker D: I think if I remember rightly, the ship was around 17 if it hits the west. [01:09:00] Speaker C: Yeah, I think so. [01:09:01] Speaker A: Is there any more bonuses? [01:09:05] Speaker C: I mean, would it. [01:09:07] Speaker E: Because it's a spell cast roll. Do I get plus? I do I get my plus? [01:09:11] Speaker A: Oh yeah. You have an. If you have an agility mod. [01:09:15] Speaker E: So I get plus three anyway. [01:09:16] Speaker A: Oh, okay, cool. 19. [01:09:19] Speaker C: Wait. [01:09:20] Speaker A: Cool. Go for damage. [01:09:29] Speaker E: So, yeah, she adds it on and just blasts it straight at just the center. Just going for a, a. The heart of the part. And that's 2, 6 plus 4, 8, 9, 10, 11. [01:09:58] Speaker A: 11. 11, 11. Well, that's, that's minor damage, which is one damage. And Rayri, explain to me what happens. [01:10:17] Speaker C: She's there. [01:10:18] Speaker A: She's there. [01:10:25] Speaker E: It's really tall. She's really small. [01:10:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:10:34] Speaker E: There'S this little like, little burning sort of like sticky bomb that just kind of flies its way up. It just. It just gets his mark. Just hits it straight in the middle of the. [01:10:49] Speaker A: Of its chest internally because the holes started to peel apart. [01:10:54] Speaker E: So it's right in there. Yeah, just like. But it's. It's the shot of her life. [01:11:01] Speaker A: Okay. And in which case, as this skeleton crewmate turns to look at this arrow that's just sort of like landed and then begins to glow brightly as there is this small explosion that kind of ignites the mana, the innate manner that courses through the ghost ship. You watch as this ship detonates in a fiery inferno as chunks of like, rotten wood fly off in all directions. And just like, as they threaten to land on the buildings of Kaylee Point, they all like, disappear into this misty fog like the. The skeletons you've seen before. But as the top half of this ghost ship is blown to bits, the legs stagger and stagger backwards a few steps until one of the feet kind of goes over the precipice of the hill. And as the bottom half of this ship kind of stumbles backwards and begins to roll down the hill, it then. And dissipates as well. And as the moats of, like, necrotic mana rise up into the night sky, the dark clouds recover. Oh, the moon, the glowing moon. And the night returns to normal. [01:12:40] Speaker E: Very quite believe that that will. [01:12:44] Speaker B: Well done. Very. That was great. [01:12:48] Speaker E: I meant. [01:12:52] Speaker A: As you. As you stand in like, around the ruins of the watchtower of Kaylee Point, looking at the traps that never got a chance to. To set off because the moment the ship touched down within the space of a few seconds, you, the four of you tore it apart. [01:13:17] Speaker E: All these random mannequins are there still. [01:13:19] Speaker A: Yeah. As the four of you sort of like take a moment to sit down and like, because of this crazy series of events that took space in probably less than a minute, it. As the town folks start to filter out of their houses and make their way up to you on the top of A hill. The four of you are lauded as heroes of Kaylee's Point for destroying the marauding grave ship. And amongst the thrill of the celebration, we will call it there. [01:14:00] Speaker C: Oh, yay. [01:14:03] Speaker A: So there we go. As Beef in the chat has said. Yes. When in doubt, hit it. [01:14:09] Speaker C: That's what's our reward. A glow of a job. Well done. [01:14:15] Speaker A: Glow of a job. Yes. You collect your payment from. From HQ when you get back to Avonmoor. Yeah, that is it. Congratulations, everyone. You've successfully defended Kaylee's Point. Rather more to the point than I was anticipating, but there we go. Yes, congratulations. We. We are pretty much done here, I believe. So this, this was just a little Halloween one shot. So. Halloween, Halloween. So the next time you see us, we will be starting like tail three proper and we will see who is sat in these gloriously honored four seats here. Yeah. Make sure to keep an eye out on the Eerie channel to see when that comes out. Yeah. Congratulations everyone. I think this deserves some rousing outro music. Yeah. Thank you all for watching. Thank you all for playing. If you enjoyed this, make sure to hit the like button. Comment down below on what your plan would have been. That would inevitably be replaced by just smacking the thing and all plans go. [01:15:37] Speaker C: Out the window once you start smacking. [01:15:39] Speaker A: Yes, yes, absolutely. And to keep up to date with any further Daggerheart live streams or to see the upcoming finale of the Campaign to Elysia Rising campaign, which stars Julia and Nate here, make sure may also. [01:15:57] Speaker B: Include more dressing up. [01:15:58] Speaker A: And they also include more dressing up. Make sure to hit the subscribe button and the bell icon for notifications when we release new content because we're releasing loads and loads of stuff all the time and yeah, we wouldn't want you to miss out. Also, I wanted to do a quick shout out for anyone that happens to be watching, either live or like after the fact. But two of our guests from last time, Georgia and Theo, have a a seat. A Dracula sequel podcast, the Holwood foundation, which is perfectly suitable for these Halloweeny times. They're running a Kickstarter at the moment. You should absolutely 100% go check that out. I'll put the link in the descriptions down below. [01:16:40] Speaker C: Yeah, they've got an episode one out and it's fantastic. [01:16:43] Speaker B: Yeah, you can listen to it. Go and give some money to it so I can hear the rest of it. [01:16:47] Speaker C: Because they can't make the rest. [01:16:49] Speaker B: You need to know what happens. [01:16:51] Speaker A: Amazing. So, yes, thank you everyone. We'll see you next time. [01:17:01] Speaker B: Take this.

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