Halloween Special Pt.1 - Tales From Elsewhere - Daggerheart Actual Play

Episode 12 January 02, 2025 01:20:13
Halloween Special Pt.1 - Tales From Elsewhere - Daggerheart Actual Play
Explorers of Elsewhere
Halloween Special Pt.1 - Tales From Elsewhere - Daggerheart Actual Play

Jan 02 2025 | 01:20:13


Show Notes

DM Dan, Livvy & PC Dan stop off for a short Daggerheart one-shot for Halloween, and we welcome back Nate to the group, and introduce Julia to this new TTRPG system!


Check out The Holm Foundation, a Found Footage Horror-Fiction Podcast created by Fio Trethewey (Big Finish: Gallifrey War Room, 18th Wall Productions) and Georgia Cook (Big Finish: The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles, Gallifrey War Room, BBC Books, The Dracula Daily Sketch Collection). It is a modern day sequel to the gothic novel Dracula - https://linktr.ee/theholmwoodfoundation



Epic Travel on Celtic Road by Lesfm - www.pixabay.com/users/lesfm-22579021

Tabletop Audio - tabletopaudio.com


Daggerheart website: https://darringtonpress.com/daggerheart/

This product was created using the Darrington Press Community Gaming License. The Daggerheart Open Beta Materials are owned and copyrighted by Darrington Press, LLC. All rights reserved. This product is based on the following Public Game Content created and owned by Darrington Press: Daggerheart Open Beta Materials, Darrington Press, LLC, 2024, available at daggerheart.com


#daggerheart #dnd #ttrpg

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: Greetings, people of Earth. That's a bit more nerdy than I was anticipating. Greetings. Hello, welcome. On this spooktacular night, you are more than welcome, Beef. You got to remember to take those supplements regularly. Terrible things happen if you don't. Hello, welcome. Hi, I am T.M. dan, and this is explorers of Elsewhere live on Halloween night. How are we all doing? Thank you, Beef. Yes, we have a menagerie of fantastic costumes. We. We have. It really puts things into perspective when people dress up as their sort of like RPG characters as to how weird TTRPG character groups are, but. Yes. Hello. Hi, everyone. How are we all doing? Are we all good? Amazing. Amazing. Well, first things first. Hello, Livy. And hello, Dan. Welcome back. Dressed up as a beautiful Rayri in a beautiful van year. Looking very good. Welcome back, Nate. Hi. Is audio not coming up through for you? Okay. It's not. Okay. Audio. [00:01:38] Speaker B: Hold. [00:01:40] Speaker A: Hold. The. The. The ghouls have gotten into the bits and BO d. You have so many questions, Beef. Feel free to ask away while I click frantically. Discord. Think it's that one, Right? Is that working? Can I get some quacks in chat? I think. I think we're good. I think we're good. Can we hear the quacks? Brilliant. Okay, we are. This wouldn't be an Explorer Elsewhere stream without some audio technical difficulties. Yes. Hello, Nate. Welcome back. [00:02:33] Speaker C: Thank you for having me back. [00:02:34] Speaker A: Yes, you are more than welcome. Dressed head to toe as the fine gent as a car himself. It's good to see it. It's good to see it. And also welcome Julia. Hello. [00:02:46] Speaker D: Hello. [00:02:48] Speaker A: Hi. You are a new face on the Thursday live streams. Welcome. Are you. Are you ready to dagger some hearts? [00:03:01] Speaker D: Is that what we're doing? Oh, God. Okay. I've never daggered heart before, so you might get confused. But I'm gonna try my best. [00:03:08] Speaker A: Well, there's a special rule tonight that because it's Halloween, all dice rolls are rolled with fear. But don't let that. Don't let that. You know, don't let that stop you. It's gonna be great. So without further ado, we, like, gathered here tonight. We have a one shot hope. We're gonna smash through a whole story in one evening. It's gonna be a high octane ride. Who would like to jump into it? [00:03:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:38] Speaker A: Let's go. Beautiful video. All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes ever onwards to find the lands and people lost. All thanks to our brave explorers. [00:03:57] Speaker E: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanir the wolfkin. Warrior. [00:04:02] Speaker F: Hey, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Ray Reed, the Sprite Ranger. [00:04:06] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Julie. Hi, I'm Julia and I'm playing Lucretia, a Lorevar wizard. [00:04:11] Speaker C: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azakar and the Jani Seraph. [00:04:16] Speaker A: And My name is D.M. dan. I'll be the GM in these adventures. The further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere. Welcome everyone as we find four explorers stepping through a portal to perhaps a land that is unknown to them in the to them each in turn. Rayri and Vanier. This. This mission, this job that you've picked up is taking place perhaps a few weeks after the events of the Ulic Mansion murder. There was quite a commotion in the aftermath of it, but you know the. The mages. So Meridius has told you that the funeral for Archmage Ulic was one filled with gravitas and a lot of reverence for a man of such powerful stature. But as you step through accompanied by a familiar face and an unfamiliar face, perhaps between the four of you, tell me what it was that drew you to this particular mission. The job posting was quite well, interestingly the first in large letters across the top of the notice was the word Urgent Explorer is needed in Kaylee Point. And looking through the. The brief kind of description of a relatively new new sign Kaylee Point is you. You discover is a newly established expedition town. And whilst the town is fledging and beginning to kind of get running properly, there is a. There is worrying news coming from the next kind of outpost town to Kaylee Point. And explorers have been requested with urgency to help with Ace to help with a rather curious magical phenomena. But what is about it that you. The. The sign doesn't say much else. But what is it that drew you to this? Let's start with Vanya. [00:07:24] Speaker E: The fact that after the events of last time, Vanya was getting bored and was looking for something exciting to happen again. And seeing probably with Ray Reed come across this posing. [00:07:45] Speaker B: It's like this is perfect. [00:07:49] Speaker E: We got something to do and is like absolutely buzzing to get out and explore again or get into like the nitty gritty of something. Hopefully that's not a pansy pansy party. A more like a. Oh, are we going to fight something mysterious? What are we gonna find? [00:08:14] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. Rayri, why did you. Why were you just tagging along? Or was there something that perhaps. Have you visited Cayley Point in the past? [00:08:25] Speaker F: I don't imagine Ri would have visited Cayley Point. But I think new townships are always an interest to her as she's lost her own town during the war. So always potentially looking for new settlements in the hope of finding somewhere that she might like. [00:08:51] Speaker A: Okay. [00:08:51] Speaker F: She's like mysterious, possibly dangerous. Brilliant. [00:08:59] Speaker D: Settle down. [00:09:01] Speaker A: Azakar, what prompted you to rejoin your former companions on this particular job? Was it by. Was it deliberate or was it by accident that you found yourselves working with familiar faces again? [00:09:19] Speaker C: I like to think it's by accident. I think after the last time you saw Azakar, he spent quite a while sort of meditating and finding himself in quiet contemplation and is now ready to sort of get back out there and. And start helping again. And I think he was drawn to the fact that this one said urgent. But I think. I like to think that he actually saw the note, was sort of thinking about it, then he turned around to see Vanya going oh yeah, let's do this. [00:10:02] Speaker G: And he just kind of went oh God. [00:10:04] Speaker A: Also. [00:10:06] Speaker E: Also, you left us without saying a word. And as soon as we saw you, I am sure their words were had of. [00:10:17] Speaker B: Where did you go after the party? I tried to look around for you and you were not there. I couldn't smell you. Where did you go? You. You didn't even say goodbye. [00:10:35] Speaker C: Azakal will look down, quite sort of. [00:10:38] Speaker G: Dejected and he will just kind of go. I do. I do apologize. I was. It was a difficult time for me and I do apologize for leaving you. If you are interested in this job, perhaps we can join forces again. [00:11:02] Speaker B: Really? [00:11:04] Speaker G: Well, you. [00:11:05] Speaker B: You come with us. [00:11:06] Speaker C: We. [00:11:07] Speaker G: We fought very well last time. Why not again? [00:11:11] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:11:13] Speaker B: Welcome back friend. [00:11:14] Speaker E: And yeah, he'll give you the. The hand clasp. [00:11:19] Speaker A: In which case as this sort of like warriors. Warriors handshake happens, there is a fourth near the sign. Julia. Paint us a picture of who's stood off to the side. And was she kind of with as a car before this moment or did she just happen to be in the right space, right place, right time? [00:11:46] Speaker D: So there is a lore of our lady standing there. Probably kind of lower part of middle aged looking. She's got long brown hair, tied back. She's wearing sort of blue purple type wizardly robes and she has a staff and a hat on. But quite practical garb. Good for. Good for adventuring and exploring. And a big smile on her face. Hello there. Oh, Lucretia. Are you going on the adventure? [00:12:22] Speaker B: The. [00:12:23] Speaker D: The explorers mission? [00:12:25] Speaker B: Yeah. Are you? [00:12:27] Speaker D: What? Wonderful. Oh, I thought I might, yes. If that's all Right. If I could come with you. I just. I absolutely. Oh, I just. I love learning about new things. I just can't get enough. And I saw that it said it was about something about magic. Well. Well, you may have. You may see. I know quite a lot about magic, so I'm very excited. Very excited indeed. You all going? You're going, Are you. You going? Are you going? Are you going? [00:12:54] Speaker E: Yes. [00:12:55] Speaker G: Yes. [00:12:55] Speaker D: And brilliant. [00:12:58] Speaker E: I think there's a moment of this shock interaction where you know when you pass someone and you smell like a really nice. Like perfume or something, when you walk past someone, you're like, oh, that smells really nice. Well, Vanya's got a strong sense of smell and you probably like smells on you. And he kind of like sends him. He's like, you know, that's someone who's not used to dealing with people. [00:13:29] Speaker F: I've had a bath. [00:13:32] Speaker E: You smell really nice. And it's like that moment of, like, slightly brushing, like. [00:13:40] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. You could come with us. No problem. [00:13:43] Speaker D: Oh, thank you. I appreciate that very much. Yes. [00:13:47] Speaker G: May I ask what you bring to this mission? [00:13:52] Speaker D: Well, I know an awful lot about magic and the mysterious. I have a particular interest in the natural world. So I'm hoping that this will be an opportunity to learn something new and hopefully help out in any way I can. Really. [00:14:14] Speaker B: Do you magic? You do magic? [00:14:19] Speaker F: Yes. [00:14:19] Speaker D: Yeah. And she sort of waves the staff vaguely in the air. Magic, you see. [00:14:23] Speaker B: Good. [00:14:24] Speaker D: Makes a little flurry of sparks in the air. [00:14:27] Speaker B: We've lucked in magic. [00:14:32] Speaker H: Things. [00:14:34] Speaker B: I mean, of course, a few of us can do some things, and I've seen Azhakar in the past do some divine. [00:14:42] Speaker D: Oh, I would love to see that. That sounds amazing. [00:14:46] Speaker B: But it's handy to have someone with knowledge. [00:14:52] Speaker D: I don't. I don't like to brag, but I did come top of my class three years in a row at. At my wizard. As my wizarding university. I won't go on about it, though. Nobody wants to hear about that. But yes, really lovely to see you all. You all look very strong. Very strong indeed. That's what I tend to lack is the. The brawn. Yes. You in particular there. I'm Lucretia, by the way. [00:15:20] Speaker B: Pleasure to meet you. My name is Vanir. [00:15:25] Speaker D: Lovely. Wonderful to meet you, Vanir. [00:15:31] Speaker F: Then you just popped on the side. [00:15:34] Speaker A: Yeah. Lucretia, behind Rairi, almost as tall as the Ignan sprite is what appears to be a Chihuahua like dog. That is her size. It's a good three and a half, four foot tall with Heterochroma colored eyes. One orange, one blue. Yes. Okay. [00:16:00] Speaker D: Goodness me. What a fine beast living. Would you like to see my beast? And she pulls out. She pulls out a little creature. [00:16:13] Speaker A: It's gonna be one of those Halloween episodes. [00:16:15] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:16:17] Speaker D: There'S a little kind of Earth elemental creature that can change its form. And it currently looks like a little ghost because it's Halloween. His name's Pebble. [00:16:29] Speaker F: Maybe he's gonna sniff him all over. [00:16:31] Speaker D: Don't. Don't. Not for eating. For friend. No. [00:16:38] Speaker A: So with these. Oh, sorry. There's. There's one. One more who hasn't said his name. Sorry. [00:16:45] Speaker F: Yes. [00:16:48] Speaker G: Azakar. [00:16:50] Speaker A: Pleasure. [00:16:52] Speaker H: He's like the strong, silent type. [00:16:56] Speaker D: Are you good at magic, Azakar? I don't like to make assumptions, but I've met quite a few Majorani in my time who know their way around a codex. [00:17:06] Speaker G: I. I have divine possession. I am a devote to Aya. And she grants me what I need. [00:17:20] Speaker D: The Great Mother will provide. [00:17:22] Speaker G: Indeed. [00:17:25] Speaker A: So as the four of you, as this kind of four way conversation lingers in your minds, you feel that kind of lurching sensation in your gut as you instantly kind of transport from one location in Ava Moore to the portal in Caylee Point. And whereas behind you was the kind of bustling metropolis of what is effectively the capital city of the New World, you suddenly find yourselves atop a hill of. Of some sort, in the shadow of a large watchtower. And as you look around, you immediately feel a chill in the air. There are kind of dark, ominous clouds rolling overhead. It seems. Well, it's difficult to tell exactly what time it is because it is as dark as it is. But you. I mean, yeah, you don't know if it's morning, noon, evening. You certainly know. It doesn't seem like it's night. That is, that is for sure. But as you kind of look around the four of you, you see that around the. The base of this hill that this watchtower is built on, there are a number of buildings that have recently been constructed, presumably for, you know, as you know, the initial stages of the expedition town having been completed. And as you kind of take a moment to realign and kind of recalibrate yourselves, reorientate yourselves from the watchtower in quite a kind of a warm looking, furred coat walks a rather plump, jolly looking Larovar woman. Her cheeks are flushed red. You're not sure, you know. And it gives her this kind of like happy, jovial look that stands somewhat in contrast to the surroundings. And beside her is a Rather diminutive, orange bright woman with a kind of a light pastely jade green hued skin and wearing what appears to be, well, robes that stand apart from this, this plumper Lorava woman. But the lore of our woman looks to you and. Oh. Oh, hello. Hello. You. You must be the explorers that we've asked for. Thank you. For you are the explorers that we asked for. Yes. [00:20:31] Speaker G: Yes. [00:20:32] Speaker H: Yeah, I think so. [00:20:33] Speaker A: Marvelous. You've. You've come at just the right time. We were worried that no one was. Was coming to aid us, but we are truly appreciative for your. For your prompt arrival. It's you. Beg my pardon. My name is Mayor Breen Tanner. I. I look after the town of Cayley Point. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. She asks like your names in turn. And as you respond, she then gestures to the sprite next to her. This, this is Eldra Mace Wind. She's. She's one of our finest. She's a. She's a bit of a hero around these parts actually. And yes, she, she thought that it would be wise if she was here to, to greet you as well. And Eldra, this little Oren sprite just kind of gives you a nod. And as, as Mayatana has just said, thank you for coming at such short notice, this. We find ourselves with a rather curious but desperate problem. Breen. Mayor Breen. Oh please, this isn't the space to speak about. Please follow me down. Let's head to the inn. We could grab, grab some, grab some warmth, grab some food and drink while we explain to you what, what, what aid we need. And in a very sort of like a busy body kind of way, the Mayan just kind of like kind of brushes you up like ushers you on down the hill. Like there's a path that leads down the northern edge of the hill that kind of mixes in with a path that goes all the way around the base of the hill that the town is kind of built around. And before long you find yourself at the weary wanderer, which is rather homely looking tavern tavern in as. As you sit down and drinks courtesy of the mayor brought over to you. You can see that. Well, Azakar, you note that the, the barkeep who's kind of watching you all as you come in is a very heavy browed manjani man with really kind of bushy thick eyebrows. And he, you note that he just kind of like watches the other three enter and then when he spies you he kind of gives you a like a solemn closed eyed nod. And yeah, as as you sit down. The Mayor says so. We. I must. First of all, I must apologize for the somewhat brief explanation on the. On the job advert that we posted to Avonmore. We. It's what we. We didn't want to, you know, really kind of exemplify the. The. The scale of the dire straits that we're in, lest we kind of scared off potential explorers. But, I mean, you all look capable. I'm sure you'll be all right. I'm sure you'll be all right, but we're worried for the safety of the town. You see, there's. There's a. We haven't been established for all that long, only perhaps a few months. But links back to Avermore have meant that we've been able to build Cayley Point up from. From the ground quite quickly. As such, we were also able to send out additional expeditions to local areas to set up outpost towns and the like. You understand, There was one. One outpost town we set up, outpost called 10th Bridge. That was. That was set up to the east. But you. Well, we've kind of. We've kind of lost contact with them. And she kind of looks to you. And as she kind of lets that settle in for a moment, and you notice that she's looking to the four of you as if she's kind of expecting some sort of reaction when the innkeeper walks over. And I think you haven't quite explained everything. They haven't explained the reason why we've lost contact with 10th Bridge, Mayor Breen. And she. Oh, of course. And she stutters and stumbles. The innkeeper says, tantbridge. It is approximately three miles east of here. About a week ago, our guards posted in the watchtower noticed that there was a strange. And he mutters something in a. In a native language. For a moment, he's trying to find a word, but he eventually says, ship of a galleon in the sky, sailing the clouds. Except it appeared quite some distance away. The watchtower gives us a good vantage, and we were able to spy it. But as we monitored it that night, it just stayed in one spot. The next night, we noticed it had reappeared, but it had moved. And the night after that, it had moved again. And that's when we realized that it was moving bit by bit towards the town of Tenthbridge. We've not heard from Tenthbridge in about three days, but since we've sent. We've sent. We sent a scout. Oh, that. That was Eldra. That was Eldra, says the mayor. We. We. We send a scout and we've now we've noticed that everyone in Tanthbridge is missing but the ship is now appearing is once again appearing in the skies and this time it's heading towards us. It appears to be moving approximately a mile a night. We lost contact with Tanthbridge three days ago. Three nights ago and it is three miles away. [00:27:27] Speaker B: We you're here tonight. [00:27:30] Speaker A: The Mayor clenches her teeth and well yes. [00:27:41] Speaker H: How many people were at this t. Bridge? [00:27:46] Speaker A: Well it was. It was just a. An outpost of sorts so no more than 40 or 50. But that is obviously still a significant number of people to go missing and go missing kaylee? Points like 2 maybe 1. [00:28:07] Speaker H: I think we did 5 once missing in a crystal but we didn't like that was. That was. [00:28:13] Speaker F: That was already quite a lot for. [00:28:15] Speaker H: He's pretty decent, isn't it? [00:28:19] Speaker A: Eldra? Eldra looked all over and found. No, it was just as if they'd all vanished. But Kaylee point we home close to 400 now so we would were we terrified of what will happen tonight. So our request of you is you have all of the supplies that all of our supplies at your disposal. We were hoping that you could help stage a defense of some sort to fend off this. This ship. [00:29:03] Speaker H: Yeah, I see why you didn't put all this in the note. [00:29:07] Speaker A: Yes, quite a lot in it. [00:29:09] Speaker G: So you want. You want four of us against a ship that took 40 to 50 people. [00:29:22] Speaker A: Well, yes, but you're explorers. So so you know you're, you're. You're basically heroes, aren't you? So between the four of you will be worth much more than whatever militia. Well obviously our militia is at your command. But between the four of you I. [00:29:45] Speaker B: Can get on that ship. I can punch it out of the sky. [00:29:55] Speaker G: Yes, I'm sure you can. Anyway. [00:29:59] Speaker H: Maybe love. Maybe that's plan B. Punching out the sky. [00:30:06] Speaker B: What's plan A? [00:30:10] Speaker H: Not punching out of the sky. [00:30:14] Speaker A: So yes, we. We don't have all that long. You know. We only have perhaps a number of hours. The the ship tends to appear around midnight so we. We will have approximately 12 hours to prepare and say anything that we can supply help supply you with is at your disposal. Although our means are somewhat meager. We. We have blacksmith, a stonemason. We. Oh we had. We do have a priestess of Kgoldin over at the chapel and, and well, I mean Eldra. Eldra Mace when she. She's. Well, as I say she's a bit of a hero so I'm sure she will be able to help you as well. [00:31:14] Speaker B: Azakar, during your time with the war. Are you familiar with the giant bolty shooty things that. What they called the giant bolty shooty things that you shoot big things out the sky. [00:31:37] Speaker A: Across them. [00:31:38] Speaker H: Massive. [00:31:39] Speaker D: Yeah. Like a giant crossbow? [00:31:42] Speaker G: Not personally, but yes. [00:31:46] Speaker B: Oh, Lucretia, what about you? Do you know a big giant crossbow that shoots big things out of the sky? [00:31:55] Speaker D: Do you mean a ballista? [00:31:57] Speaker B: Yeah, that. [00:31:58] Speaker D: Ah. [00:31:59] Speaker B: Could remix bunch of them and shoot it up the sky. Or at least shoot me up the sky so I can punch it out the sky. [00:32:09] Speaker H: What if these 40 missing people are on the ship? Oh, they might be. Like what's them in there? Oh, just going to shoot them out the sky. Well, I guess it's like kill 40, save 400. Give or take. [00:32:27] Speaker A: Sorry, can I. [00:32:28] Speaker D: Advanced moral philosophy there, Riri. [00:32:30] Speaker A: Can I just say, Dan, with your face paint on, whenever you furrow your brow, it makes. It exemplifies. Exaggerates it beautifully. [00:32:43] Speaker D: Oh, goodness me. [00:32:47] Speaker A: Well, we. We have ready supplies of lumber and stone, but unless any of you happen to be wartime artillery engineers, I'm not entirely sure we'd be able to build a ballista in time. But. [00:33:04] Speaker H: Well, luckily I have an experience in. [00:33:11] Speaker F: Experience ballistic builder. [00:33:13] Speaker A: But I will. I will leave you to consider your plans. As I say, I. I must stress we don't have very much time, but. [00:33:26] Speaker B: Have a place for your townspeople to evacuate to. [00:33:31] Speaker A: She. [00:33:33] Speaker B: Well, basement shelter away from this town. [00:33:41] Speaker A: Well, we could flee the town, but then we might just be run down by this. This ship. It flies on the clouds, you understand. [00:33:53] Speaker H: Big, is it? [00:33:56] Speaker A: She. She starts all like. Gesturing with her hands and the mean keeper, like the Vagina innkeeper, just. It's the size of a boat. The size of a ship. [00:34:12] Speaker F: A boat? [00:34:13] Speaker H: Well, there's like little boats and then there's like. [00:34:16] Speaker A: Like a big ship like that. A galleon. [00:34:24] Speaker H: Yeah, it's quite big, isn't it? [00:34:26] Speaker D: You see, you keep calling it a ship and a galleon, but you know, I've heard tell that it's possible to build these sort of airships. I mean, they're mainly theoretical, but maybe somebody pulled it off. Is that what we're talking about? Like an airship? Some kind of invasion? Some kind of invading force? Perhaps? [00:34:43] Speaker A: The. The two of them shrug. Perhaps, says the mayor. [00:34:52] Speaker G: I mean, does it look like it's made for battle? [00:34:59] Speaker A: Well, it. It's curious it. Because it just appears in the night sky. It just appears in the night sky and then just hovers in place until it disappears a few hours later. And then the next night, it reappears a mile away from where we last saw it until it appeared over tenthbridge. And, well. [00:35:28] Speaker D: We all know how that went. [00:35:30] Speaker A: Well, yes. [00:35:30] Speaker G: Well, we don't. That's no problem, I suppose not. [00:35:34] Speaker H: Like some kind of unidentified flying ship. [00:35:39] Speaker A: Ship. [00:35:42] Speaker H: Interesting. [00:35:45] Speaker A: So the. The mayor. Yeah, the mayor goes to excuse herself. She tells you that. Yeah. If you have any questions, you can. You can like, fight her in her residence. Yes. You have free run of the town and you have her explicit authority to kind of requisition anything that you need. [00:36:10] Speaker H: Is the bar tab paid for? Is that part of the. [00:36:14] Speaker A: Yes. [00:36:14] Speaker H: Position? [00:36:15] Speaker A: Yes, yes, yes, of course, of course. [00:36:18] Speaker H: Right, drinks all around, guys. [00:36:22] Speaker B: Great idea. [00:36:24] Speaker G: I would advise that we keep our spirits up. [00:36:30] Speaker H: Yeah, better after a pipe. [00:36:35] Speaker A: So. So, yes. What is between the four of you? What is your. Like, what plans have you got? What? As. As it currently stands, obviously the information you've got is that this. It's this kind of mysterious floating ship that appears in the night sky. It relocates about a mile each night and it is now on route to Cayley Point. [00:37:03] Speaker D: Cool. [00:37:05] Speaker A: How far? [00:37:06] Speaker F: What's. What's the time, Mr. Walt? [00:37:10] Speaker A: So you've got, give or take 12 hours. [00:37:14] Speaker F: It's three miles. So is it worth. [00:37:18] Speaker H: See what is this going to the place where they all disappeared? Was it three miles away? That won't take us long, will it? [00:37:27] Speaker A: You could if you want, see what's there. [00:37:29] Speaker H: See if there's any, like, stuff, bodies. [00:37:33] Speaker A: If you wanted to head to 10th Bridge, investigate and come back. We could call that two hours of your 10 of your 12. [00:37:42] Speaker H: Sorry, yeah, it might be just. We might find the answer. Might just be a load of viscera. [00:37:51] Speaker A: So are all four of you heading to 10th Bridge? [00:37:54] Speaker D: Yeah. Can we convince Eldoreth to come with us? Because she's seen it before. [00:38:00] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. So, yeah, you track down the little Oren sprite and she. She is more than happy to go with you. She, like, as she prepares herself, you notice that she is equipped. She's equipped herself with a spear that she seems to hold with a lot of familiarity and confidence. But between the four of you, as you kind of regard her, she. As she stands, she strikes his very. This sort of like, almost accidental heroic pose. But like, her hair just seems to like, flutter as if it's gently blowing in the wind, even though, you know, there is. There is no breeze to speak of. Yeah, she. She looks human. Yeah. If you follow me to Tanthbridge, it's. It's this way. [00:39:02] Speaker F: You wanna Spawn, I say, I'm a mountain. Vinnie. [00:39:08] Speaker H: Don't walk. You can take both of us. [00:39:12] Speaker A: Eldra kinda glances from side to side and oh, go in there. She says, and then climbs on the back of the dire chihuahua. [00:39:23] Speaker D: As we're all setting off, I think Lucretia's going to say come along then chaps. Time for a jolly adventure. And everybody gets a hopeful spirit trait. [00:39:44] Speaker A: Yes, one rope for everyone clicking all the buttons. Right. Everyone's up to three Hope. Very good, very good, very good. That does sound ip, doesn't it? Beef? Cool. So a relatively short time later the the path to 10th Bridge is relatively easy going. So you're able to get there within sort of like 35, 40 minutes. And 10th bridge for all extensive purposes is like a small wooden kind of watchtower of sorts with a couple of buildings kind of scattered round. You can see that there are the beginnings of what would look like crop fields. So perhaps you know, they were beginning to to build the extension to Kaylee Point. But yeah, as you arrive like the gloom overhead feels a bit more kind of pervasive. Feels a. It clings to you a bit more. And something you notice as you arrive is the silence. There is no life in 10th bridge. [00:41:18] Speaker E: Not even birds. [00:41:21] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [00:41:22] Speaker A: It is utterly silent. [00:41:26] Speaker E: I will immediately look for footprints in terms of. To try and gauge if there seemed to be more foot traffic than the general idea we were given for the population of this town. So the idea I'm going for is if for example these, if this boat arrived, whether they dropped a bunch of people that then terrorized the town in some way, I'm trying to see if there's any sort signs of like emphasized. Sure, yeah. Or is it a case that there is enough for just the population and it just disappeared? [00:42:16] Speaker A: Sure, roll me an instinct. That sounds like. [00:42:21] Speaker E: Yep, I am going to. [00:42:24] Speaker A: And just as a little PSA for the audience audience in this episode and future episodes we are going to be to sort of using the undocumented changes to the 1.5 rule set that we use in the like the last critical role play test. So we've got changes to armor. Also we're also trying the game's play style. We're making it. Well, we're trying something new but we'll see how that pans out. Yes, then by all means please. [00:42:56] Speaker E: I'm going to use my heightened senses to try and catch any sense, to try and perceive all around me, to hear anything, etc. Etc. So I'm going to spend a hope to bring it down to two to give myself a plus two onto my, my already plus two instinct roll. So I get plus four total for this roll. Here we go. I rolled 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 with fear. [00:43:35] Speaker A: 22 with fear. You okay? Just as an aside, what's everyone else doing while Vanier does his initial scout? [00:43:55] Speaker F: I kind of pop off. Vinnie, assume the little sprite hops off with me and kind just hold. Having a little, just a little wander around. Just kind of looking at, just figuring out quite like just a bit in awe that it's just so quiet and bizarre and just seeing if there's anything fits around, food items, livable, you know. [00:44:32] Speaker A: It's an outpost like as a car. [00:44:37] Speaker C: Is the watchtower, is it like a proper building itself or is it just like a. Just a tall structure that you can watch from? [00:44:46] Speaker A: So it's. Yeah, if we. It's. It's constructed from wood as opposed to the stone structure in the center of Kaylee Point. It is like definitively early Age of Empires level. But yes, it, it looks, I mean it looks relatively well constructed and yeah, like it looks intact. It doesn't, you know, it doesn't look like it's been attacked, but yeah, that's, yeah, that kind of primarily dominates this, this little outpost. Lucretia, what's she doing? While Vanya's role, I think her first. [00:45:28] Speaker D: Thing will be to look around and see if there's any signs of magical devastation, intervention. Like could it be that there was a magical attack upon this place? If there are any sort of vestiges, leftover signs of a big magical event having taken place that might be responsible for the lifeless. [00:45:49] Speaker A: I mean, that sounds a bit like I'm going to roll me a knowledge check. [00:46:03] Speaker D: Sure. [00:46:04] Speaker A: In so much as it's a spell cast roll. [00:46:07] Speaker D: So I'm going to roll my 2D12. [00:46:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:10] Speaker D: And add three to it. [00:46:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:12] Speaker D: So it's 24 with Hope. [00:46:15] Speaker A: Okay, so you go up to 4 Hope. [00:46:20] Speaker D: Thanks. [00:46:23] Speaker A: And Vanier rolled with fear. So I go up to 5 fear. So let me just do that. Okay, cool. Between Azakar and Ray, did either the two of you want to do any roles? [00:46:35] Speaker C: I was gonna say because I'm. I'm looking more for like a structured building that it looked like people would have been in, say. [00:46:44] Speaker A: Sure. [00:46:45] Speaker C: Sort of like the, the biggest building that looked like it would have a good majority of people. [00:46:50] Speaker A: Okay. [00:46:50] Speaker C: In there. [00:46:51] Speaker A: I mean, yeah, it's probably going to be the watchtower. It certainly looks the most defensible of the buildings. Sorry, Ray was there Anything you were sort of like rolling or were you just. [00:47:03] Speaker F: I just want to see what it looks lost looks like potentially that somebody has like there's any sign of life lived in like, you know, has there been a fire around at some point? Has there been things left? Like they've just kind of disappeared like other half eaten sandwiches. I don't know, you know like the. [00:47:28] Speaker D: Marie Celeste where everyone just disappeared in the middle of their dinner type. [00:47:32] Speaker F: Exactly in the middle of their dinner. [00:47:34] Speaker A: I mean, would you perhaps be tag teaming with Van year to. [00:47:38] Speaker F: I'm happy to, yeah, exactly. Kind of investigating to see if. Oh yeah. Has there been a fight? Has a bit of struggle? Has there been. [00:47:47] Speaker A: Okay, in which case, because let's assume that Lucretia is kind of tagging along with Azakar. Will, will do Lucretia's bit first. As you roll a honkingly high roll, you notice that this chill that's in the air, it's something that you picked up on from the moment you arrived because it is unnatural. And as you take a moment and kind of attune to the ambience manner in the air around you, you realize that a. A magical force has like lingers here. It permeates the air. And off the back of that higher role you also know it thrums necromancy. [00:48:52] Speaker D: Okay. [00:48:53] Speaker A: And Vanya and Rayri, as you, as you sort of like look around Vanya, you notice that there are in fact a number of unusual footprints kind of scattered around that you know only your trained eye is able to be was able to pick up. But they're different to the clearly booted footprints that you can see. And looking around there seems to have been some sort of kind of scuffle. But these other footprints, they look bony. And as you think that just a little way over Azakar, as you kind of enter into the watchtower, you hear and with a clatter, this skeletal figure lurches out towards you clutching what appears to be a rusted curved sword. And Lucretia, Rayri and Vanier, you also notice like three more of these kind of skeletal warriors staggering out from like various corners of the outpost. And as these skeletons kind of like begin moving towards you. Let's, let's, let's not roll initiative because the action tracker is not a thing. Let's get fruity. So tell you what, let's. Let's start with, with Az Car. So bear in mind we are using the new rules, which means there is no action tracker. Instead if you miss or roll with fear, then I get to activate a token. Like a. A monster. And I can spend fear to activate additional monsters if I so wish. But as a car, the skeleton. As you open the door, the skeleton is immediately on you. But what do you do? You're much faster than it. [00:51:23] Speaker C: Smash it. Yeah. Oh, I get to battle again in Dagger Heart. I gotta remind myself what the hell to do. Yeah. I think. I think Azakar is gonna bring up his. His scimitar and he is gonna go in for an attack. Seeing that it's sort of clanking up while it's. While it's trying to maneuver itself up, he's just going to go for it while he can. [00:51:55] Speaker A: Okay. In which case. Yeah. Roll. Roll to hit. [00:52:03] Speaker C: That is a. That is an 1313 with hope. [00:52:11] Speaker A: That is a hit. And I won't need to ask of anything more. As you. As this thing kind of rattles towards you, you bring the sword up and like it severs at the spine just below the rib cage and clatters into two bits. The. The cold kind of blue glow in its eye sockets fades away along with this ghostly. And then you watch as the. The corporeal form of the skeleton then turns into a. A blue fog like mist and disappears away. You like looking around you? Lucretia is sort of like close to you. I would argue. Vanier and Riri are probably far, far away from you in a slightly different part of town. But. Yeah. Do you want to head anywhere? Azakar? [00:53:07] Speaker C: Yeah, Azakar's gonna head over to Lucretia. [00:53:10] Speaker G: And say, like, I think we found at least probably what an issue is. I think we should get out of here and warn the others. [00:53:19] Speaker D: That was amazing. You just cut it in half straight away. [00:53:23] Speaker G: Yes, that's what I do. Come on. [00:53:28] Speaker A: Who wants to jump in next? [00:53:34] Speaker E: Just understand the creatures are coming our way. Are they within 5ft of each other or are they spread out? [00:53:44] Speaker A: So you've just heard the sound of Azakar bisecting one of these skeletons. But as you turn and look, you can see that there is a group of three that are kind of clustered together. And they're just sort of like as they stumble. Stumble towards you. [00:54:02] Speaker B: Finally, some action. Can I. [00:54:05] Speaker E: As I look at Rayri. [00:54:11] Speaker B: I blow. [00:54:11] Speaker E: My cape board and present these gauntlets that stop blowing with icy wind. [00:54:18] Speaker A: Sorry, I thought you were gonna say I throw the cloak back and press through these cannons. [00:54:25] Speaker E: That's only when Lucretia's looking. So, yeah, I. Yeah, I. I charge straight at these creatures. And I am going to use a hope to make A whirlwind attack because they're all clustered together. [00:54:48] Speaker A: Okay. So as you charge down these three skeletons, you notice that they seem to be wearing these kind of like torn cloths and rags. Like one's got like a bandana of sorts. And the, the clothing is quite flowing in this moment. The word that kind of springs to your mind, Vanier, is Corsair. These skeletons seem pirate like bsv. Their eyes glowing, their jaw like one of the, the one at the front that kind of lumbers towards you. It's jaw is only connected on one side, so it swings as it kind of begins loping towards you. [00:55:36] Speaker E: Yeah. Vanya gets up to the one that's sort of closest in front at high speed, presenting this gauntlet that's just blowing with this primal magic as he flies, throws a fist towards it. Okay, I'm gonna make my attack roll. Let me just see if now. Because I'm going to be spending a hope anyway if I hit right. So that's gonna be a plus three on this roll. Come on, boy. So that is eight plus seven. One two. So that's 15 plus three. So that's an 18 to hit with hope. [00:56:20] Speaker A: Yep, yep, yep. So you were down to two. So that takes you back up to three. [00:56:24] Speaker E: Takes me back up to three. And because they're clumped together, I'm going to spend that hope that I just gained. [00:56:32] Speaker A: Yep. [00:56:33] Speaker E: So back down to 2A work. I'll use my feature whirlwind, which basically I can spend a hope and I can use that roll against every enemy within the weapons range. And they. Any additional creatures that are hit that I hit that, their AC take half that amount of damage. So I am going to roll my 2d10 plus 3 damage. Plus 3 roll 12. I rolled 12 damage in total. And so that would mean that the other two skeletons take six damage as bits of icy wind sort of blast off in that arc of a punch. [00:57:33] Speaker A: Vanier, describe to me what happens to these three skeletons again. [00:57:41] Speaker E: Have you seen one punch, man? Speeds up with an almighty force and speed. And it almost in that, like, as the camera pans down in that slow motion, the, as this fist comes from underneath the cloak, the gauntlets glow this blue across these veins on the stone. And you can see all the, like the, the, the wind and ice build up in that one slow punch before it just almost like a pushing a tornado out of its fist just creates this just concussive blast of icy wind that just scatters the bones. [00:58:33] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, yeah, Lucretia And Mary, you watch and hear as bits of shattered bone are blown away from the spot where these three skeletons once stood. But interestingly, even as they ricochet off the walls of the buildings nearby before they hit the grounds, they also kind of dissipate into a cold foggy mist. And once again, the town, the outpost, is silent. Sorry. [00:59:15] Speaker B: I should have saved some for you, Riri. [00:59:17] Speaker H: How'd he get scared of him? Did you see if one of them had like an eye patch? Like a little like. You look like a pirate. [00:59:27] Speaker B: Like a pirate. [00:59:29] Speaker H: He had like an eyepatch. He had like a little bandana. [00:59:34] Speaker B: So we're facing undead pirates here. That's pretty cool. [00:59:43] Speaker D: It's. It's not looking fantastic for the people of this. This township, is it? I can sense an atmosphere of necromancy hanging around the place. [00:59:56] Speaker H: Was that the undead? Did that give you that sort of necromancy vibe? [01:00:00] Speaker D: Well, yes, but it's all. It permeates the whole place. Not just coming from them. [01:00:07] Speaker H: Do you think they came from or. [01:00:14] Speaker B: I can. I think I know what happened. Picture this. Flying ghostly ship arrives above town. Few of these Skelly Bobs calm down, kill the people in the town and take them as extra crew on their ship. And now they're coming to this other u. Town with more Skelly Bobs. [01:00:41] Speaker D: My, my. [01:00:42] Speaker B: On their ship. [01:00:45] Speaker G: 40 to 50. [01:00:46] Speaker B: I've got the smarts, you see. [01:00:49] Speaker H: Yes, he's very smart. [01:00:54] Speaker A: So with this kind of discovery in mind, is there anything else you're doing in Tantbridge? Or Eldra, who, who has been with you all this time, is just stood sort of like mouth agape because she's just watched a wolfkin man punch three skeletons into bone meal. But yeah. Is there anything you want? Is there any other investigations you want to do here or. Now that you've got an idea of what you're facing, are you gonna head back to Toon. [01:01:31] Speaker B: Azadar? Does your divine magic have extra punch against these creatures? [01:01:48] Speaker G: I will be honest. I've never. I've never tried. I've never been up against the undead. [01:01:59] Speaker B: Really? [01:01:59] Speaker G: No. This is a first. [01:02:03] Speaker D: We're all learning new things, aren't we? [01:02:05] Speaker B: I came across some undead once. It was not pretty. It's story for another time. Why don't we head back? I think we. Maybe we make a plan of attack. Yeah. [01:02:20] Speaker C: Dan, who. Who is the sprite that's with us again? [01:02:24] Speaker A: Eldra Mace Wind. So she's an Oren sprite and she. [01:02:29] Speaker C: And she's already been here, so she. [01:02:32] Speaker A: She Just kind of had a little wander around, had a look. [01:02:35] Speaker D: Presumably she didn't come across any undead. [01:02:39] Speaker A: Well, you notice that she's a. She looks a bit like, you know, she's absolutely amazed at what she's just seen. But yeah, as cars you kind of begins put two and two together. Like how come she didn't see these? She looks at you and bit sheepishly and. Well, I, I mean I, I didn't get that close to the, to the outpost, you, you understand. [01:03:23] Speaker H: How did you get. [01:03:26] Speaker A: And she sort of like looks around and then looks back up the path that you've come down to. Like the crest of the hill was. The silence. When I noticed that it was completely silent, I, I, I just turned and left. [01:03:55] Speaker G: Oh, there is nothing to be ashamed of. [01:04:01] Speaker D: Sounds totally sensible. [01:04:03] Speaker G: Actually, this is an unusual. I mean after the eschaton we are facing all sorts of strange situations, unknown horrors. [01:04:16] Speaker A: She, she nods. I, I mean I've, I've slow. I've slain a, a three claw horn grix and all by myself and I. [01:04:26] Speaker G: Mean that just love you. [01:04:28] Speaker A: Yes, yes, yes, she says. And she like the pleading she did as a card. [01:04:33] Speaker D: Don't have to be so skeptical. [01:04:34] Speaker G: She just told us she came here and she hadn't. [01:04:38] Speaker D: It was a, it was a lie by omission. She was on her own. She was scared. [01:04:43] Speaker B: A free hunt. Kric. I've had tried some of that before she. [01:04:48] Speaker G: Have you? [01:04:52] Speaker A: Yeah. Eldra is like. There's a pleading look in her eyes when she says yes, yes, but yeah, is, well, she, she, she looks a bit bashful and I. Sorry if I misled you in any way, but whatever took all of these people, I, I feel like. Well, with how easily you dispatch your skeletons, perhaps there's, perhaps there's something else. Perhaps the, the ship. Perhaps it's the ship itself. [01:05:28] Speaker B: What did I say? We punched ship out of sky. [01:05:34] Speaker H: Yeah, I said what if there's people on the ship? [01:05:38] Speaker B: Oh yeah, forgot about that. [01:05:43] Speaker A: So. Yes. Are there any other investigations happening here or are you heading back to Tanthbridge to perhaps set up defenses, for example? [01:05:53] Speaker D: Maybe. Before we go, I want to try out one of my spells. Is there, are there any rules in Daggerheart about the number of times you cast the spells on your codex cards? [01:06:09] Speaker E: A price of whatever it says. Yeah, on the feet. On the card it might say it. [01:06:14] Speaker D: Costs something that says I've got one called Reveal where you make a spell cast roll and if there's anything hidden within. [01:06:22] Speaker A: Oh, hang on. Sorry, you've dropped out. Julia. [01:06:27] Speaker D: If I Could I guess close range. How, how far is that? That. [01:06:31] Speaker A: So go back to rewind a little bit. Sorry. [01:06:34] Speaker E: So close is 30ft. [01:06:36] Speaker D: 30. Within 30ft I make a spell cast roll and anything hidden that would be revealed by a roll of that amount gets revealed. Basically. [01:06:48] Speaker A: Okay. [01:06:49] Speaker D: I, I, I don't know how you determine like what would be revealed. [01:06:56] Speaker A: We, we could work with it. Yeah. If you, if you want to do, do a reveal. Yeah. So your spell cast trait is your knowledge. So please roll me a knowledge check. [01:07:07] Speaker D: Right. So it is 20 with hope. [01:07:13] Speaker A: Wow. We were Lucretia up to 5 hope. [01:07:18] Speaker D: Cheers. [01:07:22] Speaker A: Okay, so 20 with hope. [01:07:26] Speaker D: You get my book and my staff out and I go. [01:07:30] Speaker A: So what I will say you recognize then is that the, the spot where these four skeletons were are all within 30ft of you. Like within close range of you. And you can sense that the like matter that sustained them is flowing towards Cayley Point, but more importantly upwards. [01:08:00] Speaker D: Upwards to in the sort of vague direction of Cayley Point. Yeah. [01:08:04] Speaker A: Yes. [01:08:04] Speaker D: Great. [01:08:05] Speaker A: Perhaps to excellent spy above you. You might suspect that based on the description you, you've descriptions you've had perhaps to a ship that sails the clouds. [01:08:23] Speaker D: Great. I tell the others that. [01:08:27] Speaker H: Well seems like all roads lead to sky ship. [01:08:35] Speaker B: Do we need to get on board the ship? [01:08:39] Speaker G: I was thinking the same that we. [01:08:44] Speaker B: We use that watchtower in the, in the town. That's the tallest thing. Right. We climb at the watchtower. [01:08:54] Speaker E: We unknown it's still not the clouds. [01:08:58] Speaker B: But the boat will come down. Right. [01:09:04] Speaker H: Okay. [01:09:06] Speaker A: Presumably this is a conversation you're having on the way back to Kaylee point. [01:09:10] Speaker D: Yeah, for sure. [01:09:12] Speaker A: Okay. Marvelous. Okay. So you. Yeah. You head back. Yeah. Realistically you've got about 10 hours left. But in the interest of time, what, what sort of preparations are we thinking that we would want to start creating like task the townsfolk with, with building and then they can get started on it over the break. [01:09:38] Speaker C: I definitely think some sort of bomb. [01:09:46] Speaker A: Did you say ghost bomb? [01:09:48] Speaker G: A ghost bomb. [01:09:50] Speaker C: I definitely think some sort of shelter for the townsfolk. They need to start looking after themselves. Yeah. [01:09:58] Speaker E: Without constantly going in my character voice, but suggestions I've kind of was pondering about this. There's corn. There's cornfields all around. Right. If there's like 400 townsfolk, maybe they hide in these cornfields like signs and then. And we build something in the center where they're all meant to appear, these skellies to like trap them in and just bombard them. [01:10:29] Speaker D: I'm definitely on board with the trapping the Skellies, sort of filtering the skellies into the center and us fighting them there. Should we not be maybe getting the townsfolk to board up their houses and take refuge in. In their houses and like, board up their windows and get into their base and all that? [01:10:46] Speaker H: Why don't we make a load of mannequins that look like townsfolk a distraction, and then they'll come down and think they're townsfolk and then we'll be there. [01:10:57] Speaker B: Like. [01:11:03] Speaker D: I love it. [01:11:04] Speaker F: That's what I do. [01:11:12] Speaker A: So hang on. So run this by me again. [01:11:17] Speaker D: We're gonna. Well, corn fields or. Or board everybody and get everybody to board themselves up into their houses, shore up their defenses. I think that maybe I like the mannequin idea at least, are a really good idea. We're gonna get the townsfolk to make mannequins. [01:11:35] Speaker A: Okay. [01:11:35] Speaker C: Only a couple. They only need a few just to. [01:11:38] Speaker F: Kind of stand in the middle of. [01:11:39] Speaker D: The town being like, oh, I'm just a bit older. [01:11:42] Speaker A: I'm just buying an apple. [01:11:44] Speaker G: One, please. [01:11:47] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. [01:11:48] Speaker D: Okay. So there's that, definitely. I think that's really good. Can I can. Oh, sorry. [01:11:54] Speaker E: No, you go ahead. You go ahead. [01:11:55] Speaker D: I was just gonna say I would like Lucretia to do some thinking in her noggin about everything she's ever read about undead, ideally skeletal pirates. I want to know, can we fight them? Can we? Well, I mean, we can based on our experience so far. But, like, is there any chance there's going to be trickier stuff to deal with that we might need to prepare for? [01:12:21] Speaker A: So, okay, so we've got. How. How can we fight them? So at the very least, you know that, like, you would presume that these skeletons are a crew of some sort. And. And they, at the very least, were physically tangible. Yeah, the. The true nature of the ship is yet unknown. As of yet unknown. But yeah, I mean, have you got, like an experience that you can lean on that you might. [01:12:54] Speaker D: I've got my academic savant. Like, I have read a lot. [01:12:59] Speaker A: Okay, so there is an idea that if you are happy to kind of spend a hope for an experience, you automatically succeed if it's relevant. So in exchange for a hope, we can rely on your academic savantness. Okay, just hurry. [01:13:21] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:13:22] Speaker A: Okay, so, yeah, well, down to full hope, your suspicions are confirmed when you see this kind of mana kind of wafting away back up into the sky, that perhaps what you're. What you're facing, you've heard, you. You've read stories and theses on grave ships. Which are ghost like vessels that sail the skies. And so the. The boat itself is a incorporeal mass, but it is actually made of. Up of the trapped spirits within. And sort of like having seen everything that you've seen, like when the crew, which are the souls of the damned that are bound to the ship, kind of go to land, so to speak, they. They become corporeal, but when they return, they return. Return to a incorporeal manner like state. But it also feeds on, like, it feeds on the living. It feeds on life energy and. Or it swells its crew with the living. [01:14:53] Speaker D: Oh, my God. Hate that. Absolutely hate that. [01:14:58] Speaker A: So perhaps. But you also know that because it is this kind of gestalt entity, it. It takes the. The visage of a flying ship, you know, but with, like, holes in it and broken masks and tattered. Tattered. What's the word? What's the word I'm looking for? [01:15:20] Speaker D: I don't know what sales. [01:15:21] Speaker A: Thank you. But it is. It is a conglomeration of manner. So it might not always present itself as a ship. [01:15:35] Speaker D: Right, okay. But. So the important thing is it's incorporeal when it's sailing. [01:15:40] Speaker A: Yes. [01:15:41] Speaker D: In the sky. But then when. When it lands, or when the spirits land, make landfall, they will be corporeal. We can fight them. [01:15:49] Speaker A: Yes. [01:15:50] Speaker D: Okay. [01:15:53] Speaker B: So we can destroy the ship. [01:16:01] Speaker D: In a manner of speaking. [01:16:02] Speaker A: I suppose you could punch a hole through the ship. [01:16:07] Speaker B: Can I punch the ship? [01:16:09] Speaker D: You can punch spirits from the ship for sure. I'm not sure about the ship itself when it's airborne. Should we talk to the priestess? [01:16:19] Speaker C: I was gonna say that. [01:16:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:16:20] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:16:23] Speaker A: Okay, so the to do list is talk to the priestess, get the townsfolk to begin barricading themselves in there. Are you. Are you going for the fields or you going for the homes? [01:16:38] Speaker E: That mean. [01:16:41] Speaker D: The fields feel quite a vulnerable place if they get discovered they're just in the open. [01:16:51] Speaker E: I'm. Okay, here's. Here's a little thinkaroo. [01:16:56] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:16:57] Speaker E: I got an idea. This is me just above board. If we're gonna board them in the houses. I still like this mannequin idea. If we can make a bunch of mannequins near the. Near the town. [01:17:15] Speaker A: Oh, sorry, we lost you, Dan. [01:17:17] Speaker E: The town. [01:17:20] Speaker A: Oh. [01:17:21] Speaker E: Oh, oh, oh, that like all, like the town's people are in, like, the watchtower tower area. So they. They all drop down there. But we then have these hidden, like. Like wooden wall walls to, like, raise up as soon as they all drop down. So we trap them in within a certain area. [01:17:44] Speaker A: Okay, so you're going to speak with the priestess, the townsfolk are going to barricade themselves in their homes, etc. Etc. And you're going to build a number of like decoy target dummies, World of Warcraft style, around the watchtower as well as defensive like Palisades that affect effectively come up to ring in like fence in the skeletons that drop down. [01:18:11] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:18:12] Speaker A: Okay. [01:18:13] Speaker E: And if any of them manage to get outside of that, then it's easier to pick them off first and deal with the ones in. And who knows, we might be able to procure holy water or things that might be effective against undead that we can chuck into the pit of death. [01:18:36] Speaker D: Nice. [01:18:37] Speaker A: Okay. In which case it sounds like we have a plan. So yeah, as you arrive back in Cayley Point, who's gonna head over to the Priestess, pick up with that after the break? [01:18:55] Speaker B: I will. [01:18:56] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:18:57] Speaker A: Okay. Marvelous. So as a car's gonna speak to the priestess while the other three of you kind of put the townsfolk to task. But yeah, I think that's the goodest point is that he to go for a quick break. So if you're enjoying what you're seeing so far, make sure to hit the like button. If you haven't already, hit the subscribe button because then you can chat to us in the chat like good old Chris, who has actually evolved over the space of tonight. And you never know, it might have a similar effect on you. We also have loads of other TTRPG stuff running on the channel and we wouldn't want you to miss out miss out on it. So, yeah, do yourself a favor, hit the subscribe button. We will see you all in about 15 minutes. How's that sound? [01:19:46] Speaker D: Nice. [01:19:46] Speaker A: Beautiful, beautiful. [01:19:48] Speaker H: Nice, nice. [01:19:49] Speaker A: See you in a bit.

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