The Flight of the Sanguivar - Elysia Rising Ep15 Pt2 - Blades in the Dark Actual Play

Episode 15 October 13, 2024 01:07:46
The Flight of the Sanguivar - Elysia Rising Ep15 Pt2 - Blades in the Dark Actual Play
Explorers of Elsewhere
The Flight of the Sanguivar - Elysia Rising Ep15 Pt2 - Blades in the Dark Actual Play

Oct 13 2024 | 01:07:46


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[00:00:00] Speaker A: Previously on Alicia Rising. [00:00:03] Speaker B: There's always one way inside bell tower. The traditional way. One enters a prison in shackles. [00:00:09] Speaker C: Is there a way that magpie can talk to Nephenae and see if she has some sort of magic that will turn magpies eyes red? [00:00:18] Speaker A: She clicks. And as you peer and look, your eyes are bright red. [00:00:25] Speaker D: Oh, boy. [00:00:26] Speaker A: The Hollow seem to have very recently completed some sort of project. [00:00:32] Speaker E: Are people talking about dates? Are people talking about what areas of the city it's going to affect? [00:00:36] Speaker A: As far as the Hollow who are concerned, the birth of the Hollow man is one that will forever change. [00:00:43] Speaker B: Alesia, do you have the plans that I asked for you? The ones of bell tower prison and the areas beneath it, these were drawn from before. [00:00:54] Speaker A: All of this getting wrenched from the ground and hurled into oblivion could really do a number on the underground tunnels, you understand? [00:01:04] Speaker B: Well, thank you anyway. Play it cool, Fairfax. And play along. [00:01:06] Speaker A: The EIC agent begins walking in your direction. [00:01:10] Speaker B: Are you? Traitor. [00:01:11] Speaker A: You're not going anywhere. You're under arrest. Before long, you find yourself in Saint's hollow. Once processing is finished, you're effectively tossed out into the yard. And Magpie, you recognize Samuel. And he recognizes you. Oh, Amina, what have you done? Algernon, you've almost counted down to the exact second. When you hear the first crash and explosion. As the group of you begins moving through the prison estate, you watch as one of the guards is blasted from the walls by a spray of bright white light. It's the children of Arya. It's the children of ire. [00:01:53] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:02:00] Speaker E: Welcome to Elysia, the jewel of the north. On our gilded streets, fortune and fame can be found by anyone. [00:02:12] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Julia and I'm playing Magpie, an ace of our lurk. [00:02:17] Speaker C: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing cavern, a dragon scent slide. [00:02:23] Speaker E: Hi, I'm Meg. I'm playing Frieda, a wolfkin cutter. [00:02:27] Speaker B: Hi, I'm JC and I'll be playing Algernon, an ace of our spider. [00:02:33] Speaker F: Hello, I'm Erol. I am playing Atta, a goblin whisper. [00:02:38] Speaker A: My name is DM Dan. I will be the games master on this adventure. [00:02:43] Speaker E: So come on in and marvel at our wonders. Make sure you see the beautiful views we have to offer. And don't mind the ghosts. They're friendly, really. Grab yourselves a seat and make yourselves welcome in the city of Elysia. [00:03:05] Speaker A: Hello and welcome to explorers of elsewhere's Elysia rising campaign. Hello. I am DM Dan, and I am joined by Julia, Errol, JC, Nate, and Meg. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. [00:03:19] Speaker D: Hi. [00:03:20] Speaker A: We are on the run. Literally on the run. You have successfully infiltrated into Bell tower prison and through some grade a dice rolling, managed to exfiltrate with 40 odd prisoners in tow. And that, for that, I applaud you. You've done very well. You've done very well. Thanks. And that's basically it, right? You've completed. Complete the job. The score's over. [00:03:57] Speaker D: Downtime. [00:03:59] Speaker A: If it weren't for the war. Host of children of Ayah and children of Alicia, the shield bearers that have turned up. Yes, things aren't quite as rosy as you might have hoped. There are quite a few eyes on the on the belt hour prison, and on yourselves. So we rejoin you as Algernon and Magpie begin their descent into the descent, the tunnels linked to bell Tower prison. The tunnels that lead, that run under the sewers of Elysia, whilst the other three are beelining their way through the same said tunnels, but from the other end, hoping to rendezvous with our prison breakies, prison breakers. I suppose you're the breakers and the breakies, aren't you? So let us. Let us join you. Let's turn our attentions to Magpie and Algernon. The sounds of battle are ripping through the air behind you. As the children of Aya and the shield bearers of Elysia scale the walls of bell tower prison. You hear the sounds of the front gate seemingly being knocked down through physical or magical means. And you can hear the carnage as the adherents of the faith descend upon the city. Watch with wrathful fervour. And you can see that there are a number of, you know, a number of the Sangrevar prisoners with use, including Samuel youre pseudo mental. Magpie. Yeah, no pseudo about it, just straight up mental. There are looks of panic and concern, as you can see, the small blips of sort of like white and yellow and red and yellow tabard, as they, as the faith in like, begins to spread out through the prison complex and Al Galan, you know that it's only a moment of time before they realize that all of the cells that housed Sangrevar are empty. As you descend down into the tunnels, you know that you've got to. Well, you know that the faith is going to be chasing after you. You know that right now, your primary concerns are escape. So we have a brand new 06:00 here, and, yeah, we. You begin shepherding everyone in, the other three of you coming from the other end. So you're following the route as prescribed by Algernon, presumably, it's just the three of you, right? Primarily just the three of you because the cobbles are at home looking for mustang. Yeah. So, as. As the three of you go through, the tunnels themselves are surprisingly spacious. You notice that the architecture of the walls is. It seems more deliberate and purpose built than you might expect for what you assume were, like, access tunnels. And glancing at the architecture at her, if nothing else, you recognize that, um, the craft work is similar to that of the ruby keep. Um, you tell. You can notice here and there, like, telltale signs of, um, some quite exquisite goblin, uh, engineering and architecture. Um, but, yeah, the. Like, the. The halls are kind of long and narrow cavern. As you peer down one, you feel like the tunnel itself is stretching away from you. Um, as the light kind of disappears into the murk, every so often, the. The corridors are lined with a slight, kind of arched, like an archway, which narrows the tunnel ever so slightly. And there's a. There's a rank kind of dampness. There's a stench in the air that's not quite that of the sewers, which, you know, are currently running overhead, but it's the smell of something old at the very, very least. And as who's. Do we remember what loadouts we've got? Who of the three of you, who's got lighting? [00:08:57] Speaker C: Yeah, I was gonna say, like, how is the lighting down here? [00:09:01] Speaker A: It is illuminated only by whatever you have brought with you. [00:09:05] Speaker C: Okay, I've definitely. I've definitely brought a lantern. I had a normal loadout. [00:09:10] Speaker A: Okay, so if you mark a lantern in your loadout, if you haven't already got it, who else is carrying a lantern? [00:09:17] Speaker E: A normal loadouts. Four, isn't it? [00:09:19] Speaker A: I've got normal four or five. [00:09:23] Speaker E: Oh, okay, then in that case, yeah, I can. I can have a lantern as well. [00:09:27] Speaker A: Okay, and Atta, you bringing your own light? [00:09:32] Speaker F: Not if these two have got lanterns. I'll try and stick close to them, because I think. Does the gem from the crown count as a loadout item? Currently? [00:09:46] Speaker A: It's small enough that I'll. It's small enough that I'll say it doesn't. That said, how I remember you saying you were transfer. You were. Who's carrying Tavare in? [00:10:02] Speaker C: I mean, to be fair, did we bring her? Because we'd have to do like a. I think she. [00:10:07] Speaker F: She wanted to, right? [00:10:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:10:09] Speaker D: Yeah, I definitely thought you were gonna bring her. [00:10:12] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll be carrying Tavare in there. How much does she count? [00:10:16] Speaker A: Well, how is she being carried? I suppose this is a question more for Atta. [00:10:22] Speaker D: Oh, a little sling you have so she can look out little ghosts. [00:10:27] Speaker F: Yeah, maybe. Maybe we go full death stranding style, and it's like a little capsule with the tavarean baby. Baby's bottle. Bottle in there with a little speaker. [00:10:48] Speaker E: Creepy. [00:10:50] Speaker A: Okay, and who's carrying her around? [00:10:55] Speaker C: I think. I think I will. I'll be carrying him around. [00:10:58] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:59] Speaker C: I had no. I had no involvement of the. Of the. What was made to carry her around. Cavern's not happy with it, but he's accepting it. [00:11:11] Speaker A: Okay, in which case, I will equip you with. It says spirit bottles two, but it's one. One load you. Yeah, so that that spirits bottle is fundamentally tavarian. Okay, cool, so the two of you got lanterns. Meanwhile, Algernon and Magpie, as you plunge into the darkness, like, how are you both? I suppose you're equipment less, aren't you? [00:11:44] Speaker D: Mm hmm. Well, I would like to ask, could sly Tom have got some lock picks for me? [00:11:53] Speaker A: We could do. We can roll for sly Tom to see how well he managed to slink in some tools. [00:12:00] Speaker D: That would be fantastic. Yes, please. [00:12:02] Speaker A: Okay. [00:12:03] Speaker D: Come on, Tom. [00:12:04] Speaker A: Tom is a glorious one. Dicer. [00:12:12] Speaker D: Well, no, come on. [00:12:13] Speaker E: Come. [00:12:13] Speaker D: Come on, Tom. [00:12:14] Speaker C: He is part of the cobbles, unfortunately. [00:12:16] Speaker A: Oh, no, he's actually upgraded. They upgraded to level two when they moved into old town, and they haven't been downgraded yet, so actually, he is, too. So he. [00:12:31] Speaker D: Tom failed. [00:12:32] Speaker E: Oh, Tom. [00:12:33] Speaker D: God's sake, Tom. [00:12:35] Speaker C: You asked the wrong Tom. [00:12:36] Speaker D: I asked the wrong Tom. He wants light on. Shy Tom. [00:12:40] Speaker A: The problem was, it was slight on that you asked if it was pockets Tom, then you would have been all right, but, um. No. Uh, slight. Yes, light on is slight on with you? Would I assume he brings me a fork? [00:12:53] Speaker D: Is this one? [00:12:55] Speaker A: This is the best I could do. Um, he was hoping slight on was hoping, um, to conference, confiscate some shifts off some of the prison mate, the prison inmates, but unfortunately, they were all shifted out. [00:13:08] Speaker D: No shivs. [00:13:09] Speaker A: There's no shivs. Yeah, he's. He apologizes. I'm really sorry. I I thought I could find some, but there was an inspection of the card just before, so slight tom would have a lantern, given that he's a prison guard, but I guess the others would just be torches, so you've got very relatively little light. I'm going to ask the trio. So, atticaveron, frieda, you, as you make your way into this labyrinth of tunnels, and it's it's not only a problem of. There are multiple junctions, like t junctions, cross junctions, but there are also stairs up. There are stairs down the corridors, curve and slope. Like, there is some sort of architectural design here that is quite baffling to understand whilst you're in it. But between the three of you, how are you making sure that you're getting to the right place at the right time? And I'm more than happy for it to be a group role to make sure that you get there, or one person can help another, and the third can just watch. [00:14:35] Speaker F: And our purpose is to rendezvous with magpie algernon. [00:14:40] Speaker A: Right. Yes. [00:14:43] Speaker E: I've got an idea for a flashback to help with this. [00:14:46] Speaker A: Okay. [00:14:47] Speaker E: Is it a possibility that as part of, like, we flash back to the moment where we were pairing? And is it possible for, like, say, frieda to have gone down into those sewers beforehand, following the sort of map that magpie. Was it magpie that managed to obtain it last session? I cannot remember, but we managed to get some sort of, like. No, it was at a ATA, wasn't it? Some sort of map who weren't quite sure on how. How efficient it would be. But we do have some sort of rat map, so would it be impossible to have maybe followed that up by. By following that map along the sewers, but dragging, like, a piece of chalk at, like, head height along the wall so that, you know, we could sort of follow it back? [00:15:46] Speaker A: Sure. Okay. Yeah. And, I mean, that makes sense. That tracks. That tracks. What I'll ask for then, because, I mean, that's something that you would just do if you had the map based off the. Some of the blueprints that you picked up from Fairfax. Algon, I'm actually just gonna go ahead and ask you to roll me, and I'll ask Meg to roll this because you piped up a two dice fortune roll as you are a two dice gang. [00:16:17] Speaker E: Fortune roll. Fortune. Fortune, fortune. There we go. Two dice. Blam. [00:16:27] Speaker D: Oh, that's okay. [00:16:29] Speaker A: Okay. [00:16:29] Speaker D: It's fine. [00:16:31] Speaker A: In which case, you find your chalk line and you're able to follow it, but as you like, you're able to follow it pretty much the way you need to to, you know, in the directions you're heading. Um, atta, as you're going along. Um, because you're presumably you'd be kind of behind, uh, cavern and frieda, as they've got the lanterns. Um, as you're following the predetermined route, you hear something in the darkness, and, like, you turn to look, and you notice that there are little, what seem to be almost little glimmers of light down one of the tunnels that, thankfully, you don't have to go down. But it is an adjacent tunnel, and just in the sort of like the peripheral light from one of the lanterns, you see the tunnel has a carpet of fur and teeth. And numerous rats from the swarm that occupy this tunnel turn to regard you curiously. And these rats are significantly larger than ones that you or asthma might interact with in the sewers. Yeah, they seem to be feasting on something. You can't tell what it is, but the rats have picked up on your scent, and they're looking in your direction. If I could ask for the same fortune role for Algernon and Magpie, please. [00:18:18] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:18:21] Speaker E: If you're following the same chalk line, you notice occasional interview intervals where Frieda's probably got a little bit bored. There's just little, like, you know, cock and balls, you know, magpie smells. Hehe. And, you know, other incredibly childish things. [00:18:42] Speaker D: Let me see. Two dice for tuna. There it is. No, it's not good. [00:18:50] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:18:51] Speaker D: Oh, no, it's not good. [00:18:53] Speaker A: He ain't good. In which case, can't do it as you like. Moving the 40 sangrevar with you is a bit more cumbersome than perhaps you had anticipated. There are a number of Sangrevar that. Some of them clearly have never been into the descent before. But it's clear that they've heard the Stories of the Prisons, the prisoners that go in and don't come back. They've heard the stories of the creatures that lurk in the darkness, and it takes a little while to kind of encourage them to move along. But by the time you do Manage to mobilize them, perhaps part of the reason why they're incentivized is the sounds of the faith beginning their chase through the tunnels behind you. And you can hear the sound, like barked orders. And you can see light kind of in the distance, like, further away down the tunnel, presumably coming from their lights, magical or mundane. And I'm going to. It takes you a while, so I'm going to move the clock. [00:20:06] Speaker D: No, thank you. [00:20:08] Speaker E: Great. Now we got rats and the Religious Zealots. It's lovely. [00:20:12] Speaker A: Rats and the ReligioUS violence. [00:20:14] Speaker D: One of them is dangerous and ravenous for blood. And the others, the rats, the old switcheroo. [00:20:26] Speaker A: So, um, we will, um. As you like. As the two of you and the 40 sangreva realize, um, that you're being chased, you will need to get a move on. As. As you're kind of rushing through the tunnels, you see some light from up ahead approaching, and magpie you recognize the voices of the other three, which. And as you kind of round a corner cavern attaevd, uh, Frieda, you see your two. Your two fellow crewmates, um, at the head of this large kind of horde of, uh, of Sangrev, like ace of our sangrevar, um, wearing all. Wearing the kind of yellow and black striped tops of, uh, of bell tower prism, um, but Cameron over there, like, over their heads, you also notice that there are. There are militants, faithful militants. I mean, hot pursuit. As you notice this atta, you glance behind you and realize that the direction, like the dark toll that you just came from, there are little glimmers of reduced kind of reflecting light. And you can hear the sounds of chittering and scratching and algaenon, like you facing the other three. As you peer around, you can see that some distance away in the tunnels that will mark your escape, there appears to be a vermin tide heading in direction. [00:22:19] Speaker D: Oh, fantastic. [00:22:21] Speaker F: It. [00:22:24] Speaker D: It'S like plague's tale. Keep moving, everybody. [00:22:30] Speaker A: You do notice, as you. So the three of you, as you. Well, Algernon, you have the blueprints, the vatness, right? So you know that if you're quick, you'd have to move kind of back towards the faith. But if you're quick, there is a. What is. You did pass what was effectively a large, kind of deep cylindrical room, like a storm drain of sorts, that would kind of get you back up to sewer level relatively quickly. But you'll have to hurry. You've got the. You're currently sandwiched between the faith coming from one direction and this ever growing wave of rat like, carnivorous rat coming from the other. But if you. If you make a break for this storm tunnel, this storm drain, you might be able to escape up and out in time. [00:23:27] Speaker B: Okay. I'd like to propose a flashback, please, Dan. [00:23:30] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. [00:23:33] Speaker B: Shortly before I leave, shortly before Algernon leaves to get arrested, I want to have a little chat with Frieda. [00:23:41] Speaker A: Okay? [00:23:41] Speaker B: The spectre have a job for her. Frida, I was wondering perhaps if you'd play messenger for me again. [00:23:51] Speaker E: Of course. What do you need me to do? [00:23:55] Speaker B: You don't have to do this one. I understand how badly you got scarred during your last interactions with this particular faction, but I was wondering if you had any further inroads with our arsonist friends. [00:24:10] Speaker E: I am honestly not sure. I didn't exactly leave on the best of terms last time, but I know where they are, and I'm sure we could get a message to them. [00:24:30] Speaker B: Well, if you know where to find them, I might propose an olive branch. [00:24:34] Speaker E: Okay. What have you got in mind? [00:24:38] Speaker B: I'd like you to go and find your contact with them and tell them about a particular artifact that got stolen from them a few weeks ago. A rather large set of bellows capable of distributing their alchemical fire. And you've heard where it is? It's currently being kept underneath the cathedral of our mother. [00:25:03] Speaker E: And, I mean, that might do it. [00:25:06] Speaker B: There's a chance at around midnight tonight, there might be a lot fewer of their crusaders keeping watch there. [00:25:16] Speaker E: I see. That's all right. Yeah, I like it. I have no. I don't know if they're there. They'll be that willing to talk to me, but I can give it a go. [00:25:31] Speaker B: As long as I get the message. Frida. [00:25:34] Speaker E: Okay. [00:25:35] Speaker A: Frieda. Yeah, this sounds like. How. How are you approaching the giving of the message? Are you going in bold as brass? Are you going in somewhat softly, softly, which ability are you gonna use? Because, interestingly, you gain an audience. Like you. You. When you request it, through the sort like the criminal underbelly of Alicia, you are granted the ear of Velka himself. [00:26:15] Speaker F: Oh, okay. [00:26:17] Speaker E: Uh oh. Hmm. [00:26:20] Speaker A: This would be the first time that you've interacted with him since he personally kicked you out and led to your somewhat mental break. But, yeah, he offers you his ear. How are you approaching this? [00:26:38] Speaker E: I definitely want to go in chin up. I don't want to go in cowering, but I also want to hold back on the arrogance. [00:26:56] Speaker A: Okay. [00:26:57] Speaker E: So I want to go in as if it's strictly business. [00:27:01] Speaker A: Okay? [00:27:02] Speaker E: You know, we've got. We've got information that you need. This is an olive branch. Let's let bygones be got. Bygones. Or at least let's keep a strictly professional relationship. Makes sense. [00:27:21] Speaker A: Yeah. I'm going to start this as risky. [00:27:25] Speaker E: Lesser effect, and I'm assuming consort. [00:27:29] Speaker A: Consort? Yeah. So you can make it desperate standardization. Or if Algernon's assisting, you get an upgrade, either to the outcome or the dice. [00:27:48] Speaker E: So it's risky, lesser. Right. [00:27:51] Speaker A: So you can naturally just flip it to desperate standard, and you get. Either way, you get plus one upgrade. [00:28:00] Speaker E: Could I upgrade it to, like, risky standardization? [00:28:04] Speaker A: Okay. [00:28:05] Speaker E: Yeah, you do it that way, and. [00:28:06] Speaker A: Then, if you want to, you can now swap it to desperate. Great. [00:28:11] Speaker F: I think Dan's trying to tempt you with the desperate. [00:28:13] Speaker A: Think of the XP. [00:28:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:28:17] Speaker E: Think of the XP, indeed. Oh, bugger it. Why not? [00:28:23] Speaker A: Okay, desperate. [00:28:25] Speaker E: Great. [00:28:25] Speaker A: It is desperate. Great. I'm also willing to throw open a. A devil's bargain if you want to add that to the mix. [00:28:35] Speaker E: Okay, what's the devil's bargain? [00:28:39] Speaker A: Regardless of what happens, a mysterious follower confirms their suspicion about your affiliation with the kindling. [00:28:53] Speaker E: Mysterious follows of. [00:28:58] Speaker D: Could it be a certain il Nishi assassin? [00:29:01] Speaker E: Oh, should we do it for the plot, guys? [00:29:04] Speaker D: Oh, my God. If this prison break doesn't kill us, then the assassin certainly will. [00:29:15] Speaker A: I am. [00:29:16] Speaker E: I'm gonna expend my special armor to gain two dice with it. [00:29:20] Speaker A: Okay, so this becomes four dice, desperate, greater consort. [00:29:27] Speaker E: Right, so the modifiers plus two, isn't it? [00:29:29] Speaker A: Yeah, yep. [00:29:31] Speaker E: And then it's desperate, desperate, greater. [00:29:34] Speaker A: Yeah. And you're telling Velka that if he were to reclaim some lost items from the cathedral, tonight would be the night. [00:29:43] Speaker E: Yes. [00:29:44] Speaker A: Okay, cool. Rather than boat ready. Yep. [00:29:53] Speaker E: Okay. That's okay, that's okay. [00:29:56] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. You do it. But there's a consequence. Uh, you suffer severe harm. A serious complication occurs. You have reduced effect. Okay. [00:30:08] Speaker E: Not a fail. [00:30:09] Speaker A: It's not. It's not a failure. No, no, no. So Velka hears you, hears you out. Doesn't particularly respond. One, in fact, is stony silent in his response. The only kind of interaction you get with him is the slow is the long stare and the mechanical wheezing from his breathing apparatus. And there is a solitary nod, and with a. Like, a swish of the cloak, he turns to leave. Having taken your information on board, I'm going to say this is a reduced effect. So he will take you up, or he will take your advice, but he's not going to offer any more kind of support for you in this upcoming endeavor. But, uh. From a nearby alley, the interaction is observed by a slender, muscular il naishi, um, who. Whose brow furrows before he slinks away into the darkness to inform a certain songbird of your duplicity. Um, so he didn't kill me. [00:31:34] Speaker E: So win win. [00:31:36] Speaker A: So, um, what's the what? Well, was there a particular intention you had in mind? JC, with the. [00:31:48] Speaker B: I want there to be some kind of fuss at the cathedral, so at least some of these, um, faithful are called away. [00:31:57] Speaker A: Sure, sure. Okay. Um, in which case, yeah, I will reduce the, like, the magnitude of the faith that are here. So there's still not as many as. So those that attacked the. The prison, not all of them, seemingly, have come into the tunnels after you. Okay. Very, very good. So you've reduced. You've reduced the number of the faith chasing you. As you and the five and the 40 break into this storm drain. You can see that the drain itself stretches up, at least kind of 100, 120ft, like directly up, you can see that there are a number of sort of walkways going round the perimeter, sort of like going up staircases and then bridging across to, like, it looks. It looks horrendous to navigate just on your own, but to shepherd for a crowd of 40 is going to be extremely difficult. I'm going to just light a fire under your bums. You can hear the scrabbling of the vermin tide as it closes in on you, but as you. Who's sort of like leading the. Who's leading the charge, fundamentally. [00:33:27] Speaker D: I think. I reckon Algernon, he's a leader. [00:33:31] Speaker A: Okay. So you can see that as the. As the Sangreva kind of filter in, you can see the lights of the faith getting a bit closer. The first. The first obstacle you notice is that the stairway that begins up from this sort of, like, ground floor that you're at, there appears to be, you know, a few steps up. There is an iron gate barring the way, just like across the stairwell, and it appears to be locked shut. [00:34:10] Speaker D: Don't know why anyone's looking at me, frankly. Did anyone bring my lock fix? [00:34:17] Speaker C: I was gonna say lock picks. [00:34:20] Speaker D: Maybe Cameron brought my lock picks. [00:34:22] Speaker C: I will bring lock picks. [00:34:24] Speaker D: They're zero, by the way. They're fine lockpicks. So I would have. I would have left them with you guys when I went to get arrested. [00:34:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Now that you've rendezvoused with the others, you can, Algona Magpie, you can start equipping yourself with your gear. But bear in mind, if it is weighted gear, one of the three will have to mark that on their loadout to them. [00:34:46] Speaker D: I think I would have. I probably would have requested my lock picks, which are zero and probably a blade. So a one, if anyone's happy to have carried that, and I will take it over from them now. [00:35:01] Speaker A: Yeah, okay, so, yeah, in which case, you just pop out a rapier in your inventory and your. Yes, you can see that this. This gate is, like, quite heavily rusted. It looks quite heavy, heavy duty, given its structure. You, you know, there's nothing kind of stopping you from swinging round it up to the steps after, but to get. [00:35:27] Speaker D: 40, that's not the best thing when you've got a whole crowd. So I'm gonna attempt to unlock this gate. [00:35:36] Speaker A: I'm gonna start this at a risky standard. [00:35:39] Speaker D: Sure. There isn't like a clock for this gate or anything, is there? It's not as if I'm gonna gain anything by converting. [00:35:49] Speaker A: As you approach, you notice that the mechanisms look quite intricate. [00:35:55] Speaker D: Oh, my God. Come on. [00:35:56] Speaker A: And there is, in fact, a four clock. [00:35:59] Speaker D: Fine. I will convert it into. What is my. What is my. My special armor. Again, infallible. Expend to add one effect level. Well, I might as well. I might as well have the XP if I have the opportunity to get it right. [00:36:18] Speaker A: Desperate. Great. [00:36:19] Speaker D: Um. Yeah, why not? Desperate. Great. I'd like to push myself. Is that too stressed? Push. [00:36:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [00:36:31] Speaker F: Cool. [00:36:31] Speaker D: So that's another die. I've got three in my tinker, so. Plus one it is. Desperate. Great. [00:36:43] Speaker A: Hmm. So for four dice. Tinker. [00:36:46] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. I hope I don't regret this. Let's go. This is what I'm built for. [00:37:03] Speaker A: Amazing. Amazing. [00:37:05] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:37:05] Speaker A: So a 04:00. So a triple success. A triple six. Yeah. That is at least four segments. [00:37:16] Speaker D: Thank you. [00:37:17] Speaker A: So you're able to. [00:37:17] Speaker E: You might as well have not created that clock, right? [00:37:21] Speaker A: So you're just like. Like, you dive in at a. You glance at it and sort of like, there's a moment where you're like, oh, no, that's gonna be really hot. You just see, like, the tongue comes out as Magpie, and there's a click, like a heavy clunk, and, like, a bit of metal swings down, and then the gate kind of swings towards you. Magpie, because you've overcome this clock. You get one segment of the escape. [00:37:51] Speaker D: Clock filled way, I think, as the gate clicks open in a very sort of accomplished way. I think she's probably gonna kind of look up to Samuel just with a little, like, see what I did kind of look, then open the gate all the way for everybody to go through. [00:38:08] Speaker A: He looks back to you with a face of genuine kind of pride. [00:38:13] Speaker D: No. [00:38:14] Speaker A: And you like a beaming wink. But, yeah. As the gate swings open with a heavy. You're able to then kind of hurry the sangre along. [00:38:29] Speaker F: Can I ask a question, Daniel? [00:38:31] Speaker A: Different. [00:38:32] Speaker F: So Kevryn, Atta and Frieda have come from one direction and another direction as we've rendezvoused with Magpie and Algernon, rat swarm has sort of come in behind us. And so Algaenon and magpie have been coming down or from another direction with the faith basically behind them. So. And then we've sort of both met together and kind of gone another way right through this gate. That's the rough. So. So presumably the faith and the wrath. [00:39:11] Speaker A: So. So, yeah. Team A, which was magpie and algernon, kind of came down. Team B, which was ulot, rendezvoused with them. And then the plan was to go back the way that team B came, but there are now rattos heading from the way you came. There is also the faith heading from the way that they came. So the only other option is up this kind of awkward to navigate storm drain. [00:39:45] Speaker F: Can I ask another weird addition question which may or may not inform a flashback? So not a lot of people die. A normal amount of people die in Elysia, right. And they go to the mausoleum to have their bodies and ghosts processed. What happens to their bits that maybe, like, would. Can you, like, perhaps procure buckets of blood or chum? [00:40:14] Speaker D: Awful. Awful chum. [00:40:18] Speaker A: People chum? Well, arguably the people were chum. That's. That was secret of mausoleum. So, I mean, yeah, you could potentially have visited the mausoleum somehow to procure some. Actually, no, they would not let people chum out of mausoleum. [00:40:40] Speaker D: It out. [00:40:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:41] Speaker F: Well, either, I guess, like, the flashback might be either an aten cavern or an aten magpie trying to do some kind of, like, saying, I've got a plan. Honestly, with the bits of people, it's not. I just don't. I don't want. I just don't want the bits of people. For me, it's for. [00:41:02] Speaker D: I was going to say, is there no better chum in Elise that you could pick? And then I realized there genuinely isn't, is there? There's barely any meat in Alicia. [00:41:11] Speaker E: It's either. It's people slurry or. Nah. [00:41:16] Speaker F: Or rats. Other rats, which we've already used. [00:41:21] Speaker C: I have a small plan as well, and I wonder whether or not those plans could act together. So what. What were you thinking? [00:41:30] Speaker F: I mean, essentially, if we can procure some. Some meat, questionable meat, from some place that we can try and in utter fashion, create some kind of disgusting device that basically implodes upon the faith to make them covered in the bits and the rats would like. [00:41:56] Speaker E: So the. The sort of. The slurry. The sort of the. It wouldn't be just people, because you've got those big pig animals that they use a lot as, like, transport. Probably be like, other. It just be. It would be corpse slurry, which sounds lovely. [00:42:15] Speaker C: I mean, it doesn't necessarily have to be people slurry. [00:42:18] Speaker E: It could be just slurry. Slurry. You know, just slurry. [00:42:21] Speaker F: I don't know why we're so focused. [00:42:24] Speaker E: Slurry. [00:42:24] Speaker A: Slurry. [00:42:25] Speaker F: Slurry. [00:42:25] Speaker E: Slurry. That's being used to fertilize the mushrooms. Right. So you wouldn't have to go to the mausoleum. You just have to go to the mushroom farms. [00:42:35] Speaker F: Aren't they one and the same. The mushroom farms in the mausoleum are kind of, like, connected. [00:42:40] Speaker C: I mean, there must be mushroom farms that are outside of the mausoleum, but. [00:42:42] Speaker D: They not necessarily on that scale. [00:42:45] Speaker A: Non organic mushroom farms. Yes. [00:42:51] Speaker C: My idea was sort of around same sort of thing. So something of a bomb exploding. But could we use my trance powder that I have in the bomb? So I'm happy to take out, like, an extra load out of trance powder. Like. Like two to make it, like, one to make a big enough bottom. [00:43:14] Speaker E: A lucillogenic slurry bomb. [00:43:16] Speaker A: Yes. [00:43:19] Speaker E: It's great. [00:43:19] Speaker F: And I love it. [00:43:20] Speaker A: I mean, you. Okay. Because there is the. I guess the other food source are eels. There are lots of eels in the river. [00:43:28] Speaker C: Okay, get us a bunch. It'd be great. [00:43:31] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, so I would argue for. I'm gonna charge one stress to whoever wants to help aid making this bomb, this eel slurry hallucinogen bomb, because you've got to. Yeah. You had to go out of your way to find the enough materials whilst also being wanted level two whilst also keeping as things as under wraps as you can. [00:44:07] Speaker D: I definitely could have helped with this, I think. Yeah. How much is it a stress to help? [00:44:14] Speaker A: Well, fundamentally, I'm gonna ask for one stress per, like, bit of per ingredient. And Magpie, if you want to help, then you could, like, substitute. You could take the stress that someone else was gonna take kind of thing. [00:44:27] Speaker D: Okay, I will take a stress. [00:44:30] Speaker F: So I can take a stress as well. [00:44:32] Speaker A: Okay. So, yeah, I'm imagining explosives, the chum and the powder. So three strings between, however. [00:44:41] Speaker D: Yeah. One stress each for me, Nate and Errol, I think. [00:44:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, so you liaise with Ruth to get some eel chum. You. There's. There's some fishy tinkering in caval of the manor. [00:44:59] Speaker D: That's the one of the worst phrases I've ever heard. [00:45:03] Speaker A: Cavern hits up all of his sort of, like, trance powder suppliers in celestry to get enough, presumably for a really, really big night. Yeah, but not in the way that they thought it would be. Okay, so one stress each for the three of you. Nice. And, yeah, we'll count that as, like, a weight. One item. [00:45:25] Speaker E: I'm gonna be really annoyed if you don't call this episode hallucinogenic slurry bomb. Just saying. [00:45:32] Speaker A: Maybe that'll be the crew name. So you. You have this. You have this transpowder bomb. The Sangrevar are filing up the stairwell that you've kind of opened the way for. And, like, the five of you can sit. Like. Where are the five of you placed in amongst the crowd, like, who's in front? In amongst and behind the Sangreva. [00:46:01] Speaker D: I think I'd probably be behind. Would you be behind? [00:46:04] Speaker C: I'll be at the back. [00:46:05] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:06] Speaker D: Okay. Maybe I'll be in the middle. [00:46:09] Speaker A: Okay, well, for those of you at the back, then, you know, being the last to go up as you begin ascending the stairs, sort of like closing the gates to provide any form of. Of obstacle to the encroaching. Like faith. Children of ire. Yeah. As you make your sort of like a half rotation around the side of this storm drain, you can see clerics with their white and gold, like, white and yellow tabards kind of burst into the room, and then they see you all sort of, like, fleeing around the far side of this kind of enormous storm drain. There are cries and shouts. You see one of them sort of like, lift a crossbow. There's a twang, an echoey twang as a crossbow bolt flies out and. [00:47:04] Speaker D: No, no. [00:47:09] Speaker A: You hear a kind of a cry of pain as the bolt strikes one of the sangrevar in the side. It doesn't, like, take them out, but they are wounded, and they're sort of, like, going along with this bolt protruding from their shoulder. And as the. The clerics kind of fan out and look to see if there are any other ways to chase you from their numb, like, from behind them emerges this goblin woman with a glowing staff, war paint freshly applied to her cheeks and brows. And she watches you, her like her glittering white armor reflecting all of the torch light carried by the well. All of the magical light being conjured by her fellow clerics. And lucrative looks at you and her eyes fall on you, specifically Algernon. And like, in a quiet. A quiet voice that's amplified by the acoustics of this. Of this tunnel up, you hear a shout, get them. And the clerics burst into a chase as they move up the stairs to try and catch you as you're heading up. Who's at the front of the grout? The group. [00:48:27] Speaker B: It's me, isn't it? [00:48:29] Speaker E: Yeah, me. And, yeah, I can be a front as well. [00:48:32] Speaker A: Okay, so, um, Algernon, as you see the kind of lucrative below, um, as you're like, you turn your attentions to the obstacles that are coming up. Um, and you notice that this stairwell kind of gets to a point, and there's a effectively, like a large platform and what appears to be almost like a drawbridge that spans the width of this drain pipe, but it is currently. The two halves of bridge are currently up. And as the two of you. As you and Frieda reach it. Frieda, you. Well, the two of you are able to identify what appears to be the mechanism to lower, like, the winch mechanism to lower this bridge, but the mechanism is horribly, horribly rusted. [00:49:19] Speaker D: Uh oh. [00:49:20] Speaker A: Okay. [00:49:23] Speaker E: The rustic mechanism clock. [00:49:25] Speaker A: Yep. The roster mechanism clock is now in play. [00:49:28] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:49:31] Speaker B: Too many clocks. [00:49:32] Speaker E: I'm gonna. Yeah. [00:49:33] Speaker B: Can I try and brute, remember all that practice you've been doing in my wrecking room? [00:49:41] Speaker E: I've got the guns for it. [00:49:45] Speaker B: Speaking of which. And from your gear, I take a. The concealed pistol that I always wear on my wrist, and I strap it on. [00:49:54] Speaker A: Thank you, Frieda. [00:49:55] Speaker B: It feels naked to have nothing up my sleeve. [00:50:01] Speaker A: Frida, I will start you on a risky. I'm gonna start you on a risky lesser. [00:50:10] Speaker D: Cool. [00:50:10] Speaker E: Can I do this and wreck that? Be okay? [00:50:14] Speaker A: Yeah. So what are you doing? So, currently, it's effectively like a large winch that would kind of bring the bridge down so it. Joint joins in the middle and you can cross. [00:50:24] Speaker E: So, yeah, I'm. I'm just gonna try and brute force the rusty mechanism just to see if I can get it going. [00:50:31] Speaker A: Sure, sure. Okay. Yeah. In which case, you can absolutely wreck. So risky lesser, due to its kind of like the sheer. The sheer state of this. This mechanism, I. [00:50:45] Speaker E: Can I do a. Not to be trifle with and push myself to do a feat of physical force that verges on the superhuman. [00:50:56] Speaker D: Wow, you can. [00:50:59] Speaker A: So I will move you to riddle risky greater, I think. [00:51:09] Speaker E: Okay, and that's, uh. Is that. That's two pips of stress, isn't it, to push yourself? Is it one or two? Okay, yeah, yeah. Is it one or two pips? Yeah, two to push. Okay. Worth it. Risky. Great. And it's. It's two dice, so it's not too bad. [00:51:29] Speaker A: And because you're pushing yourself, like, because you put. You get the extra dice on top of. [00:51:34] Speaker E: Oh, do you? [00:51:35] Speaker A: Yeah. You get that as normal. [00:51:36] Speaker E: So there's an extra one dice. Yeah, yeah. [00:51:38] Speaker A: Because you're already a greatest greater effect. So one extra dice, risky, greater as your mummy muscles bulge. [00:51:50] Speaker E: Okay. [00:51:52] Speaker D: Yay. [00:51:55] Speaker A: Okay, describe to me how this looks, Frida. [00:52:01] Speaker E: Frieda's arrogance is back. And as Algernon says, I'll remember the training you did for this in the rec room. She just gives a half smirk, lifts up her guns, kisses both of them, cracks the knuckles and just wrenches it. Yeah, effortlessly. So Algonquin, like it wasn't even rusted at all. Like it was a newly oiled mechanism it just sings well. [00:52:32] Speaker A: Yeah. Algernon, there's a moment where you. You involuntarily kind of have a breath catch for a moment as you watch, like, Frieda just kind of grab this thing and, like, you see the sleeves bulge slightly as there's initial tension. And then suddenly the winch starts turning. And you watch as the oxidization starts kind of like being peeled off as the mechanism rolls around itself. That is, you've rolled a success. That is. Three segments of the rusted mechanism clock the bridge, the drawbridges kind of begin coming down, and they're almost ready to go as this happens. Who's so? If so, Magpie must be in the middle with cavern and Atta are at the back. How's Atta stopping the faith? [00:53:28] Speaker F: Setting off melly smelly trance bombs and getting them. [00:53:39] Speaker D: Yes. That's it. [00:53:40] Speaker F: I feel like. I feel like at a. Either in a flashback via rats that were doing the mapping, or as we were going as well, kind of also has been placing strategically, like timed slurry, little slurry trance pockets for those rats, because we didn't. We want the rats that chasing us to not catch us, but we want them to follow quite closely behind. So I think what has been doing is kind of doing goblin mathematical calculations about, like, where are the best times and places to have. I just want to see lucrative get covered in a rat storm. [00:54:31] Speaker D: That's what we all one. [00:54:32] Speaker F: If it's. If it's in the, you know. [00:54:34] Speaker A: Yeah, no, that is fair. That's fair. Okay, I'm going to argue. If you're taking this opportunity to hike like your hallucinogenic slurry bomb, I mean, that sounds kind of tinkery to me. [00:54:54] Speaker F: Unless tinker and wreck are the same for me, so. [00:54:56] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Suppose wreck could also work. [00:55:00] Speaker F: They're the same for me, but I'm happy to do it. I've not got a lot of stress, but I feel like I'll push myself for an extra dice. [00:55:10] Speaker A: So you kind of. When you say mathematics, are you hoping that there'll be a bit of a, like, it's going to explode before it hits the ground, so it kind of splatters downwards? [00:55:21] Speaker F: Yeah. I want the splatter to be like. Yeah. The concentration, the. The. What's the word? The. The, like, algebraic, like, angles that it's. That it's all over. [00:55:36] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:55:37] Speaker F: On the side of things, all of. [00:55:39] Speaker A: The troll and the wind, like, mathematical figuring is coming out of your head as you peer off in the long distance. Yeah. Okay. That's fair. [00:55:47] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:55:48] Speaker A: Okay, risky standard or risky standard for this year? [00:55:52] Speaker F: Okay, I'm gonna add a dice for some stress, and then I think it. I think it's gonna be a trauma episode today. [00:56:03] Speaker D: You're looking so stressed. Stop it. [00:56:06] Speaker F: It's gotta be done. We're trying to get these sanguina out. [00:56:10] Speaker A: Wait. [00:56:12] Speaker F: Success. [00:56:13] Speaker A: Do it. So I'm going to say that. So you launch this kind of. This grenade type object, and, like, you see a number of the children of ire look up, and as it detonates at the exact point, a moment that you want it to, and bits of mystery meet, kind of laced with this pinky, silvery trance powder. Kind of erupts and coats the lower, like, the bottom of this storm drain kind of area. You see a couple of the clerics, like, looking up at me, panic as they're coated in whatever was contained within this bomb. And, like, there's a pause amongst the clerics for a moment as they try to figure out what's happening before some of them sort of, like, shrug it off because they realize no one's been hurt, but they. Some of them begin carrying on towards the stairs to trace you up, but then they notice that others are just kind of, like, stood blinking and, like, looking at their hands a bit too long with this red viscera kind of dripping off them. Lucrative is one of the ones on the steps turning to see her fellow kind of children of Aya, not like, you know, just stopping dead in their tracks. And then she watches in horror, perhaps joined by anyone else who's peering down as the clerics who haven't made it onto the stairwell. The ones that are just kind of staring at their hands don't notice the carpet of black and brown and teeth that scurries in round the corner. And as they're, like, in a world of their own, thanks to the effects of the trance powder, the. The clerics are dragged to the ground as they are, as their bodies are swarmed by these furry masses. You hear the sickening sounds of flesh being ripped apart as they crawl under armour in. Into the robes of the. The clerics, and just hands and screams kind of emerge from the mass as this vermin tie kind of pulls through the bottom of the storm drain and, like, watching this with adjectives, horror on her face, lucrative. Then looks back up to you. We're gonna bump the faith clock back down to zero. You've managed to stymie them a little bit, but I am, as the plan fundamentally called for the calling of the rats. I'm gonna put the rat clock up. [00:59:15] Speaker D: Whoa. [00:59:18] Speaker E: We've just done an epic power move on to faith. Like you think you can do heinous war crimes. Well, look what we can do. [00:59:26] Speaker A: There are next. [00:59:27] Speaker B: Evil faction are going to be the rats. [00:59:31] Speaker A: There are only about a half dozen cleric like children of ire left after this ratty massacre. And, yeah, lucrative numbers. One of them, as she, like, looks down, then looks up to you. You. And you see a face of abject hatred spread across her features as she sort, like, shouts and barks to her fellow children to carry on chasing you up. [01:00:04] Speaker D: Oh, boy. [01:00:06] Speaker E: We just call back. Shouldn't have been a racist. [01:00:12] Speaker A: Who wants to step in next? So, the faith are still. Still coming. I think what we're going to do, every time we do something, we'll start progressing. The faith in the rat clocks, as appropriate. But, yeah, who's. Who's doing what next? [01:00:27] Speaker D: So, what's the situation with the bridge? Is it. [01:00:30] Speaker A: It's about three quarters down it's going, but it's not. Still. Not quite there. [01:00:36] Speaker D: Right. [01:00:38] Speaker E: Frieda's, like, struggling with that last bit. You know, she had that, like, initial just. It gave, and then it's just caught right at the last second. So you can sort of. As you come up, you can just see her sort of swearing and trying to, like, oh, God damn this bloody thing. [01:00:55] Speaker D: I mean, none of us are really built for strength, right? I mean, I'll try and tinker with it, I guess. See if there's anything tinkering I can do to uncatch the last bit of the mechanism, see if I can figure out what is. What is catching. [01:01:12] Speaker A: So, perhaps. Yeah, the drawbridge has snagged somewhere. Yeah. Quick tinker will start you on. Quick tinker, we'll start you on a risky lesser. Same as Frida. [01:01:22] Speaker D: Risky lesser, maybe I use my special armor to increase that to a risky standard. Okay, so, yeah, that's my. My infallible for being an ace of are. I had one effect level as long as the effect level wasn't already zero. So I'm going to tinker three dice with a. What did you say? Risky limited to start with. [01:01:50] Speaker A: Risky limited to start. [01:01:51] Speaker D: So I'll make it risky standard with my special armor. It's a four. It's a four. [01:01:59] Speaker A: Okay, so enough. That is enough. You manage to find where the chain, like, the part the rope is. Is snagged. And as you sort of, like, jam your. Your tools into and you wiggle it enough that it then kind of drops where the slack of the bridge kind of catches up with it. And the rusted mechanism, like the drawbridge, lands with a heavy, uh, thud, like a concussive thud. Um, and the. The way forward is now open, um, as a concert, as a complication, the faith gained two segments on the clock as they. There's the five of them. Now that they're not weighed down by numbers, uh, make quick progress chasing you from behind as you. So you make your way across the bridge. You're now about halfway up this. This kind of storm drain. Thankfully, a lot of the sangreva don't appear to have been, like, harmed to it. Well, apart from that one that caught the crossbow bolt. Who. Who nominates themselves for being the one peering ahead wise? I assume this is Algernon again, looking out for things that are. Habit coming up. Sure. So let's get rid of the rusted mechanism. And as you peer up, you can see that there are a number of what appear to be sort of like tunnel entrances to this storm drain that don't really have any, but there's no walkways connecting to them. You wonder if they are just sort of like. Like drainage tunnels that lead down into the storm drain to then kind of go off, presumably further, deeper underground. You notice as you peer up, like your eye, it catches your attention. As you notice there's a soft blue glow that's getting brighter and brighter and brighter. [01:04:03] Speaker D: Uh oh. [01:04:04] Speaker A: And as you. The others are kind of shepherding these sangrevar up, you see a number of figures begin to appear at these drainage like, drainage flows, all wearing a similar crazed expression on their face as they look down one, their eyes are obscured by these grimy, goggle like kind of glasses that they peer down it, reflecting the blue light and wearing kind of dirty, like lab coats of a sort. And you recognize the hollow have arrived. [01:04:46] Speaker D: Great deal. [01:04:48] Speaker E: Great. [01:04:48] Speaker D: Cool. [01:04:49] Speaker A: And, Frieda, as you notice this as well, you hear, like, you can hear the sounds of the screeching, feasting rats down below. You can hear the sounds of the children of ire kind of charging up for the stairs after you, gaining ground. You can hear the sort of, like, the crazed whispers from the hollow up, like, beyond, above you. And you also hear a heavy, slow footstep. [01:05:21] Speaker D: Oh, jeeze. Not this guy. No. [01:05:26] Speaker A: And from one of the larger drain pipes, what appears to be a large, broad shouldered figure in a full sealed suit. It looks. Algernon, you glance at it for a moment, and it looks similar to a diving suit. Frieda, you recognize it as being the suit that you saw in the hollows lockup in Rookridge. Except now it is moving. It is complete. It stands at about seven, seven and a half feet tall, and the circular pane where its face would be is glowing with this shifting blue light. And as it appears to be scanning the group, and then you notice, it locks its gaze on you, and with a heft that belies its size, it leaps from its drain tunnel onto the staircase below it, which is between you and escape. And as the figure stands to full height and looks to you, it slowly, kind of creakily, lifts a finger to point at you. Frieda, I've been waiting for this for a long time. And the suit bellows with a heavily distorted voice that seems upsettingly close to Caleb McNulty's as it begins down the steps towards you. [01:07:15] Speaker D: Oh, dear. [01:07:17] Speaker A: Uh, who wants to go next?

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