ABILITY SCORE ROLLING. ORGANISED BARGAINING. DM DAN'S GROWING DREAD. It must be Session 0 for the first brand-new campaign set in the Explorers of Elsewhere setting!
MUSIC Heroic Story - Inspiring Theme by Lesfm - https://pixabay.com/users/lesfm-22579021/
Tabletop Audio https://tabletopaudio.com/ Played on FoundryVTT https://foundryvtt.com/ via ForgeVTT https://forge-vtt.com
We return to 1920s Boston with Lorekeeper Matt as our investigators dive deeper into the dark mystery of Boudelaire's upcoming art exhibit. MUSIC Tabletop...
The Explorers begin to move through Atrach's gargantuan tower of crystallised mana, a place devoid of sense and familiarity, after a surprising encounter in...
Sailing across the Dragonmere, the Warhounds take what chances they can to prepare for the challenges that lay before them. MUSIC Adventure by Alexander...