ABILITY SCORE ROLLING. ORGANISED BARGAINING. DM DAN'S GROWING DREAD. It must be Session 0 for the first brand-new campaign set in the Explorers of Elsewhere setting!
MUSIC Heroic Story - Inspiring Theme by Lesfm - https://pixabay.com/users/lesfm-22579021/
Tabletop Audio https://tabletopaudio.com/ Played on FoundryVTT https://foundryvtt.com/ via ForgeVTT https://forge-vtt.com
Having found the mysterious lady in purple, the Crew begin to tail her in the hopes of uncovering the secrets that tie her and...
Algernon begrudgingly takes on a score for High Priestess Lukraji, but the Iyan's demands in the name of the Faith leave the Crew facing...
With enemies both in front and behind them, the Crew prepare for the fight of their lives as they try to finish their daring...