High Society - Elysia Rising Ep20 Pt1 - Blades in the Dark Actual Play

Episode 20 December 28, 2024 01:19:05
High Society - Elysia Rising Ep20 Pt1 - Blades in the Dark Actual Play
Explorers of Elsewhere
High Society - Elysia Rising Ep20 Pt1 - Blades in the Dark Actual Play

Dec 28 2024 | 01:19:05


Show Notes

The Crew make their move to try and stop Nephinae's plans deep below the streets of Elysia as the campaign finale begins. 


Played using the Blades in the Dark ruleset, by John Harper - https://bladesinthedark.com/greetings-scoundrel


EoE - https://twitter.com/EoElsewhere

DM DAN - https://twitter.com/dmdant | https://www.instagram.com/dmdmt

JULIA - https://www.instagram.com/juliathebard

JC - https://www.instagram.com/JCQuickDIY | https://www.instagram.com/capitalRPG/

MEG - https://www.instagram.com/midgetmeg92

NATE - https://www.instagram.com/njadamart | https://www.instagram.com/pridecaf



Intro Voiceover by Georgia Cook - @georgiacooked

Dark Beginning by Yevhenii Kovalenko - https://pixabay.com/music/main-title-dark-beginning-135858/

Tabletop Audio https://tabletopaudio.com

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello and welcome everyone to Explorers of Elsewhere's Elysia Rising finale. We have gathered here today to pay our condolences to a city on the brink of death. But even as the bell tolls for her impending demise, I am faced faced with five individuals that would see the story end ever so slightly differently. Hello. It's good to see you all. [00:00:40] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:41] Speaker A: Yes, this is the. We're live. We're not live, we're in person. This is. This is a thing and hopefully it's going to go absolutely grand. We have had 19 sessions that have led to this point. There have been a number of tales that we expected to tell. There are a number of tales that we weren't expecting to tell. But they have all led us to this point. So, with that in mind, who would like to jump in? [00:01:14] Speaker B: Yay. [00:01:22] Speaker A: Welcome to Elysia, the jewel of the North. On our gilded streets, fortune and fame can be found by anyone. [00:01:34] Speaker C: Hi, I'm Julia and I'm playing Magpie, an ace of our luck. [00:01:39] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Cavern, a dragon scent slide. [00:01:44] Speaker E: Hi, I'm Meg. I'm playing Frieda, a wolfkin cutter. [00:01:49] Speaker F: Hi, I'm J.C. and I'll be playing Algernon, an ace of our spider. [00:01:54] Speaker B: Hello, I'm Errol. I am playing Atta, a goblin whisper. [00:01:59] Speaker A: And my name is DM Dan. I will be the games master on this adventure. [00:02:05] Speaker C: So come on in and marvel at our wonders. Make sure you see the beautiful views. [00:02:11] Speaker E: We have to offer and don't mind the ghosts. [00:02:14] Speaker A: Friendly, really. [00:02:16] Speaker C: Grab yourselves a seat and make yourselves welcome in the city of Alicia. [00:02:27] Speaker A: This is the story of the fall and rise of Elysia. A promise uttered at the beginning of our tale in an Elysia very much different to the one we find ourselves in now. Our tale has followed a group of five criminals who found themselves in the eye of the storm, doing all they could to stack the odds in their favor as they struggled to survive in a conflict on many fronts between the various factions of the city. Through a journey of heartbreak, celebration, anticipation and trepidation, our crew finds themselves deep under underground in the physical centre of the city. In opposition of Nephene and Turia Valonmar, whose plans would see Alesia's fate hastened to her cataclysmic conclusion. Perhaps their defiance is futile, but Elysians are not ones to accept their enemies victories laying down. All stories come to an end. And this is the end of the story of the fall and rise of Alicia. And so we find the five of you Having embarked on your mission at the same time as your companions from the crew who formed the B team, as you've delved into the depths of the city of Elysia, deep, like below the sewers, into the tunnels that lie underneath, thanks to the acceptance of the invitation from Nephene. Algernon's secret little invitation, which you RSVP'd to in a. In a positive manner. I assume you've been given directions on where you need to go. But perhaps. Perhaps not. To nephinase knowledge, you have been accompanied by, amazingly Songbird and Velka, who have brought with them a small cohort of their finest of the marionettes and the kindling. And so, as the. As the five of you and your gathered allies delve deeper and deeper into Elysia, deeper than any of you have ever ventured before, hoping that the deception of Alganon's acceptance to sit alongside NE will hold up, we need to make an engagement role. So, yes, we've already acknowledged that the point of ingress is one of deception. So we start off, as we always do, with a one dice engagement roll. [00:05:57] Speaker E: Oh, boy. [00:05:58] Speaker A: And let's have a quick look for. You'd have thought after 20 sessions I would know this one else. This is proof that we're doing it. Planning and engagement. Right. So, yes, you are attempting to trick an fna. So the method of deception was the. Was the invite. So is the operation particularly bold or daring? [00:06:27] Speaker E: I mean. [00:06:30] Speaker B: No, it's make or break. [00:06:32] Speaker E: I mean, it's only, you know the fate of the entire city and everyone that lives in it. [00:06:37] Speaker C: And 10,000 rats. [00:06:38] Speaker E: I know. [00:06:40] Speaker A: I'm going to say yes, it is particularly bold or daring. So we are up to two dice. Does this plan's detail expose a vulnerability of the target or hit them where they're weakest? Theoretically, yes, in so much as you're relying on Nephinase pride and expectation that she knows best. However, you're also going into the unknown, so I'm going to also counteract that. As you know, as a. So that's just cancelled out. Can any of your friends or contacts provide aid or insight for the operation whilst you are accompanied by the marionettes and the kindling? They are as in the dark as you are, so. So, yeah, we'll say nothing for that. And are there any other elements you want to consider? Maybe a lower tier target will give you plus one dice. A higher tier will give you minus one dice. [00:07:38] Speaker B: Do it. [00:07:39] Speaker E: I think that's something for you to consider. And that is you're not Hidden behind a webcam. Mate, we're right in this room. So if you don't start being nice to us, don't come over there and. [00:07:48] Speaker B: Like get you would the fact that many sessions ago we mapped various tunnels using rats help us in any way? [00:07:58] Speaker C: Good point. [00:08:00] Speaker A: You know what, that's a bit longer. [00:08:02] Speaker E: We've been down in those sewers a fair few times. [00:08:04] Speaker A: You know what? I think it will. And then the high tier target reduces your. So this is a two dice engagement roll. I think as this is all part of the plan, it is down to JC and Alganon to make the roll. [00:08:28] Speaker F: Two red dice, two red. [00:08:34] Speaker A: Oh six. [00:08:37] Speaker E: Six. [00:08:38] Speaker A: Okay. So if you fetch your dice out, that is a success. So you are in a controlled position. [00:08:48] Speaker C: That's great. Good. [00:08:50] Speaker A: Roll of the score. So curiously as you descended past the sewers using the rat maps that you mapped out for the prison break score to kind of pick out the safer approaches perhaps or the more secure approaches, the the tunnels immediately beneath the sewers are as you saw during the prison break, quite kind of rough hewn, a little bit kind of ill maintained. They look like tunnels that have been kind of excavated for purpose alone rather than any sort of form presentation on purpose like, like sewers. But the lower you go you notice that rough rock and stone starts to get replaced with ruined macy. You see pavement like paved stones beneath your feet. You see the hints of shattered columns lining the sides of the tunnel as you go down. And the further you go the better repaired the state of the tunnels you find until the tunnels lead you to a large cavernous area, far larger than you would expect to find beneath the streets of Elysium. And as you, as the five of you and Valkyr and Songbird and the others kind of glance around you can see these soaring columns, kind of curved columns, rock rising from the floor to the ceiling approximately 60ft up. The columns then sort of like turning into arched arches from the, towards the the tapered roof at the center of this cavern. And you, you notice that across these columns there are small floors flickers of light which give the the, the area this ominous foreboding aura. And as you look the the pathway slopes down slightly so as it reaches into the center of the cavern towards what appears to be a large hexagonal building of sorts. It looks about 40, 50ft across and it is made of a surprisingly clean given the conditions around it, a surprisingly clean white stone. This, the path that you're on leads down to what appears to be a large metallic almost like a Heavy iron wrought door and ata. As you glance around, you notice that the. Well, I mean, being a goblin and you know Elysia was crafted by. Primarily by goblin architects. The. The stone looks completely set. This looks nothing like anything you've seen in Alicia before. And you notice as you squint, you notice that carved into the pillars that kind of hold up that line the walls of this hexagonal building, there appear to be runic inscriptions like large runes carved into the sides. And they are also of a language, of a text that you've never seen before. But all five of you take one look at this Whitestone building and acknowledge it is alien in origin. It is not of the. This place. And you can't think who might have constructed it or when it was constructed. As you head down, like, follow the. The sloping path down to. Towards the large kind of. The large kind of go. It's a slightly brassy iron colored door. And as you approach, you see a number of individuals carrying lanterns turn to look up at you. And even from this kind of distance, you notice that they're dressed in fine, expensive clothing. But they're also immediately identifiable by the silver animal masks that they wear covering their faces. And as the two of them turn to look to you, one of them, the more slender of the two, shouts, halt. Who goes there? [00:14:23] Speaker F: It's Lord Algernon Caldwell, my good man. I've come for the party. [00:14:30] Speaker A: The. The two figures look to one another and you see them whispering and yes, Lady Nefhne's been waiting for you. Please, we're about to. The ritual is already begun. [00:14:51] Speaker F: Very well. And Willy, will you find specimens be joining us. [00:14:58] Speaker A: The larger of the two? Yes, we're just making sure that everyone arrives promptly and on time. And there's a slight inflection in his voice as if to say, hurry up. As who. Who of you is visible as this happens, as this is said, because, Algernon, you are acutely aware that your invitation was for you and you alone. Is it. Is it just you that stepped out to answer them or are you accompanied by. [00:15:35] Speaker F: So I would have instructed my friends to keep the route up as long as possible, so it's up to my crew how visible they want to be. [00:15:44] Speaker E: And where would it be helpful if, like. Because, I mean, I think it would be reasonable for you to have like, Frieda along as the muscle to make sure that you could get down there in one piece, sort of like your hired muscle. So I could be just keeping an eye, sort of arms crossed, you know? [00:16:06] Speaker A: Yeah, eye muscle okay, so what about Cavern? Where do we find Katherine? [00:16:11] Speaker D: I think I'd probably be hanging back as well. Yeah, I'd be hanging back away from sight at all. [00:16:17] Speaker B: Hanging back, trying to hide Magpie. [00:16:19] Speaker C: I feel like Magpie is also hiding, but isn't necessarily. With Atta and Catherine, I think she's probably trying to get into an advantageous position without being spotted. [00:16:34] Speaker A: Might I suggest then, that Kavren and Atta, you are joined by Velka and the kindling. And you are joined, Magpie by Songbird and Marianne. [00:16:48] Speaker C: Makes sense. [00:16:49] Speaker A: Okay, so Algon, and as you step forward with. With Frieda, your. Your personal security. Yeah. You know that there are two groups that are kind of splitting apart behind you. So can I assume that Cavern and Ata are kind of near the entrance to the cavern, and then the marionettes are the ones sneaking up. Okay. In which case. Yeah. As you approach, as you head down the slope with Friede, Algernon, the smaller of the two turns to you and. Oh, where's your mask? [00:17:30] Speaker F: Oh, I was under the assumption I'd receive one upon entry. [00:17:36] Speaker A: They look to one another and. I'll. Allow me to speak with Lady Nephene. I'm sure it won't be a problem. [00:17:46] Speaker F: Am I allowed to make a request? [00:17:48] Speaker A: Of course. [00:17:50] Speaker F: Perhaps a rat. [00:17:52] Speaker A: She, the noble. Well, tilts her head. You can't see a frown or facial expressions, but I. A curious choice, but let me ask. And they kind of turn, head up a small. There's a small flight of steps, maybe four or five steps, and then they push this sort of, like, large iron door open, just enough to be able to slip through. So the, you know, these iron doors are now slightly ajar, and the larger noble just kind of stands looking you up and down. You get the impression that perhaps Frieda, this larger trap is also, physically is also the. The muscle of this duo. [00:18:38] Speaker E: I'm absolutely, subtly, like, squaring up to him a little bit, you know, just like, getting that. That bodyguard stance on, you know. [00:18:45] Speaker A: Okay. And as he sort of, like, looks you up and down, he then turns to you, Algernon. And I never thought that something like this would be possible. Who. Who knew that they were. There was a world beyond this one? [00:19:06] Speaker F: Well, there have been theories knocking around for a while. I've had my own on multiple occasions. [00:19:14] Speaker A: He. He nods and. Yeah, it's. It's a marvel what the. What House Antelia is going to afford us. The. The joys, the. The reward that we're owed. It's. It's a thing of beauty. And there's like a very contented sigh. You wait for a slightly awkward period of time. Nothing seems to be really happening. You don't see the first individual come back out from the door. Are any of our waiting groups trying anything out? [00:19:56] Speaker B: How big is the. In comparison to our team? Is there anybody that is the same height as the one that's with algae? Like similar height. [00:20:10] Speaker A: Oh, I see what you mean. What you mean sort of like a. [00:20:12] Speaker B: Kindling that's physically or any of us. Like, are they sort of built the same as Katherine or Frieda? Height wise. Build wise under whatever they're wearing? [00:20:25] Speaker A: There can be. [00:20:26] Speaker B: Okay. [00:20:26] Speaker A: Absolutely can be. What's the idea? What's the plan? You've got. [00:20:30] Speaker B: The idea is that when the one comes back with the mask, we take the outfits and we somehow. [00:20:39] Speaker A: Okay, okay. So yeah, you can absolutely kind of. [00:20:43] Speaker B: Hey, Catherine, I think we should take their outfits. [00:20:49] Speaker D: I mean, they're all right, but. [00:20:53] Speaker A: The. [00:20:53] Speaker D: Threads are new to you. [00:20:58] Speaker A: Songbird whispers to you, Magpie, I reckon if we go round, we can slide around the sides of the. The building. So whenever that. That scrawny one comes back out, we can jump them. [00:21:13] Speaker C: Magpie just nods. [00:21:14] Speaker A: Okay. In which case are you. Would you like to prowl over to a ready position? [00:21:28] Speaker C: I'd love to, yeah. [00:21:29] Speaker A: Okay, so we're going to start you luckily. So the. The whole. So the engagement role of say is kind of put you in a control position. That said, you are kind of moving around the line of sight of like a sentry. Luckily, they're being interfered with by Algon on the Frieda, like his attention's being diverted. So I'm gonna start you on a risky standard. [00:22:00] Speaker C: Risky standard, yes. Okay. [00:22:03] Speaker A: Songbird will kind of. Songbird will join in with you. So this would be for. For all of you, but would you. And you can take. If Frieda or Alganon want to really draw attention, you can absolutely help for a stress. [00:22:24] Speaker E: Can I help by sort of like, you know, if I'm sort of the. The bodyguard squaring up, like, you know, looking me up and down, I'm going to look him up and down, go, hey, don't I know you from somewhere? [00:22:42] Speaker A: The muscle turns to you and. Yep. If so, if you're happy to mark down a stress. [00:22:50] Speaker C: Yeah, can I have another die for that? [00:22:52] Speaker A: That is another dice. [00:22:53] Speaker E: And I'm gonna be like, oh, yeah, I know you from somewhere. You're. You're a Jocasta's place. Weren't you the other week, you know, in the, you know, having Having a scrap. I saw you and you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember. Yeah, you did all right. You held your own there. [00:23:12] Speaker A: Well, so that's. That takes three do up to five. [00:23:14] Speaker E: Stress and yeah, just help with that distraction, you know. [00:23:16] Speaker A: Four dice roll, four days. Do you want to switch to a desperate GR for free? [00:23:22] Speaker B: No, no. [00:23:24] Speaker E: Okay. [00:23:26] Speaker C: I don't need the xp. [00:23:29] Speaker A: Okay. Roll them bones. [00:23:32] Speaker C: I lost my mic. It's a six. [00:23:35] Speaker E: Oh boy. [00:23:36] Speaker A: It's a six. Okay, so that is a success. So yeah. Frida, as you grab this fellow's attention, Alganon, you not, you watch as these, like this group of six, Magpie, Songbird and four others just begin to slide around. And they. They. It's almost like watching five shadows just creep across this cavern towards the large white stone structure. As that. So as you sneak round Agarmon, you hear the sounds of footsteps approaching from inside. And the more slight of the two re emerges carrying two rat shaped silver masks. And Lady Nephene was found. Your request somewhat amusing, Lord Cadwaladr, but. [00:24:39] Speaker F: She has a great sense of humor. [00:24:43] Speaker A: He nods in agreement and hands you and Friede these kind of rat shaped masks. We are assured that these are necessary for what is to come. [00:24:55] Speaker E: Oh, right. I wasn't expecting this. [00:25:00] Speaker A: And as the like they patiently wait for you to put the masks on. And they're surprisingly well fitted. It's. It's kind of creepy how well they fit to your respective heads. But as you're masked up, Magpie, you can see songbirds like eyes going opening a bit and she's kind of nodding. And you see her like straw, what appears to be a small fine punch dagger from a pocket. [00:25:30] Speaker C: I shall also draw my own blade. [00:25:33] Speaker A: Okay. [00:25:34] Speaker C: Have we declared our loadouts by the way? [00:25:36] Speaker A: We have not. So in a flashback. In a flashback, we will start with. So let's start with cavern. What loadout you going for? [00:25:46] Speaker D: Oh, I'm gonna go medium, I think. [00:25:48] Speaker A: Medium. Okay. And Frieda? [00:25:53] Speaker C: Heavy, heavy flamethrowers galore. [00:25:57] Speaker E: Yeah, I think I am gonna go heavy. I'm hired muscle. They're gonna expect me to be like, you know, to be. To be packing. Right. [00:26:07] Speaker B: And atta how much is light again? It's only two things. [00:26:11] Speaker A: Three. [00:26:12] Speaker B: Three things. [00:26:13] Speaker C: Three weight. [00:26:14] Speaker B: Okay. Three weight. Which some things are costing two weight, don't they? I'm gonna go norm. Regular as well. Norm. [00:26:22] Speaker A: Okay. [00:26:23] Speaker F: And Algonom, I think normal too. [00:26:27] Speaker A: Okay. [00:26:28] Speaker C: And Magpie, is there any disadvantage to a sneaky character of going normal? [00:26:34] Speaker A: You're slower. You would be more readily noticed. Yeah. [00:26:40] Speaker C: Okay. I'LL go light then. [00:26:41] Speaker A: Go light. [00:26:41] Speaker C: Mikay and I would like to draw my blade or two. [00:26:44] Speaker A: Okay. Not to worry. Not to worry. [00:26:46] Speaker F: Normal. [00:26:47] Speaker A: I will. [00:26:48] Speaker E: Yeah, normal. [00:26:49] Speaker A: Normal's up to five, I believe. Yes. I will also ask for your loadouts. This. We now live in a post deep cuts, deeper cuts world and there's an idea from that expansion that kind of makes sense. So if you've got anything. If you want to bring anything that we would be very conspicuous. So fundamentally anything of weight two or more, I need you to declare that now. So think. And also armor. [00:27:20] Speaker E: If you're wearing armor with the bloodletting. [00:27:23] Speaker A: Blade, that's a one up. [00:27:25] Speaker E: That's a one. [00:27:28] Speaker C: If we want flamethrowers. [00:27:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:29] Speaker E: What about flame? [00:27:30] Speaker A: So something like. Something like the flame bellows that someone. [00:27:33] Speaker C: Needs to hold a flame. [00:27:34] Speaker E: Okay. I will. I will declare a flame bellows. [00:27:39] Speaker F: Wow. [00:27:41] Speaker A: That's. Yeah, sure. [00:27:43] Speaker E: Unless anyone else would like the flame bellows. [00:27:45] Speaker D: I can carry them. Because it's probably not great that you. [00:27:47] Speaker A: Say, like, I'm bringing these two now it's a party. [00:27:53] Speaker E: Would it be okay if I could sort of like hold that load out in reserve and sort of have dropped it with, you know, or someone else can take it. I don't. [00:28:04] Speaker D: I'm carrying them definitely knowing that I'm not going to be using them. [00:28:09] Speaker B: Dan. [00:28:10] Speaker A: Yes. [00:28:10] Speaker B: How many numbers of a loadout would several rats be on my person? [00:28:17] Speaker A: You know what? [00:28:18] Speaker B: Quite trained. [00:28:19] Speaker A: You know what? You've worked for it over the space of the campaign. So we will say handful of rats with props is a zero loadout. [00:28:29] Speaker B: Oh, squeak, squeak. [00:28:32] Speaker A: At a handful of rats. [00:28:34] Speaker E: Oh my gosh. I can imagine you walking them like a pack of little chihuahuas with. They've got little sparkly harnesses. She leads on. [00:28:41] Speaker B: She's got like a flasher jacket on now. Flasher. [00:28:49] Speaker A: Yes. I think Atta's. Everyone's just accepted that Atta has some rats floating around on shoulders. [00:28:55] Speaker B: Perfect. [00:28:55] Speaker A: In pockets. Okay. So we've got some rattos, but if you wanted to turn them into explosive rattos, that would be a load, I would imagine. [00:29:05] Speaker B: Okay. Because demolition tools are too. Are we expecting to demolish anything? [00:29:09] Speaker C: I mean Nefoneturia. [00:29:14] Speaker B: I will. I will have demolition tools on myself. [00:29:16] Speaker A: Okay. [00:29:17] Speaker B: Which is a two. [00:29:19] Speaker A: Okay. Grand. So any other. Anyone else wearing armor or carrying anything particularly large? [00:29:27] Speaker E: I think maybe how much is a heavy loadout against 4, isn't it? [00:29:32] Speaker A: Heavy is 6 plus. [00:29:34] Speaker E: Should know this, but I don't. So what have I got? I've got if a flamethrower is two, but I'm sort of holding that in reserve. I'll have a rage essence vial. Oh, that's zero. I don't need to worry about that scary weapon. [00:29:51] Speaker A: I'll have a vile six. You look like an operative on a mission. [00:29:54] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, that's fine. So. So I'll have the scary weapon or tool. So that's. That'll be three. I would definitely have my bloodletting blade, which is four. Yeah, I reckon I'll stick some. Some armor on, you know, not get squashed. [00:30:12] Speaker A: So you've got normal armor, which is one, or heavy armor, which is two. [00:30:17] Speaker E: I'll go normal armor so I can leave myself one free in case I needed any flashbacks. Oh, actually, I've got this on me. [00:30:23] Speaker A: Sure. Okay. Sounds good. Right, so that is our loadouts. So yes, the. The two of them kind of give you. Give the two of you your masks. Magpie, is this when you're jumping in with baby. Okay, doing a jewel takedown. [00:30:43] Speaker C: Is it a skirmish or. [00:30:45] Speaker A: I think so. Okay, so dual takedown. Dual takedown. In which case, Songbird would like to know what do you want to lead a group role for you and her or do you. [00:31:00] Speaker C: Depends. How good is how. How good does she look at skirmishing? [00:31:03] Speaker A: Pretty good. [00:31:04] Speaker C: She Pretty good? [00:31:04] Speaker A: Pretty good. [00:31:05] Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. [00:31:07] Speaker A: Tell you what. Because I can't roll dice very easily, Songbird will help you. Plus one dice. [00:31:14] Speaker C: Cheers, baby. [00:31:15] Speaker A: And then we'll start this on a risky standard again. Yeah, now I will. As there are two of them and one of them is packing slightly, I'm going to create a clock. Front door sentries. [00:31:41] Speaker D: A one segment clock. [00:31:44] Speaker A: So we have a four clock that you'll need to. Amongst you all you'll need to fill in order to fully incapacitate. [00:31:53] Speaker C: And how. What would. At a risky standard, what would we need? Would we need a six to fill that? [00:31:59] Speaker A: A success on a risky standard is two segments. [00:32:03] Speaker C: So how would you get four? What conditions would need to be satisfied? [00:32:07] Speaker A: So a greater effect will take you up to three. Crit will take you up to one. On top of that, someone else doing something else. [00:32:17] Speaker B: I have an idea. Okay, but do you want to do. [00:32:21] Speaker C: Okay, I'm gonna do my. [00:32:22] Speaker A: I mean, Frieda's there as well. [00:32:25] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna do my risky standards skirmish. [00:32:29] Speaker A: You can. [00:32:29] Speaker C: With four dice, you can bodge that. [00:32:31] Speaker A: Up to a desperate. Great. [00:32:32] Speaker C: Desperate great. [00:32:33] Speaker A: And that will give you three segments on a success. [00:32:35] Speaker C: Just take some cash. Severe harm. Why not? It's a great time to do it. The beginning of the Mission now I think I'm gonna stick with my. My risky. Sorry. [00:32:44] Speaker A: Okay. And then separately Frieda, Juicy, Magpie and Songbird appear from the shadows. Are you going to be kind of joining in on the action after what's left? [00:32:56] Speaker E: I am actually. I'm gonna. Frida's going to try and take a sort of non violent route because you know, she now feels like after doing the squaring up and stuff like that, she's now sort of building a little bit of rapport with this bodyguard guy. You know, they're sort of reminiscing about their like fight in the thought I'm. [00:33:14] Speaker B: Coming out to shank Late game romance. [00:33:18] Speaker E: I thought you were shanking the like two with the masks. [00:33:20] Speaker C: Oh, is that right? [00:33:21] Speaker A: No, well the two includes the bodyguard. [00:33:25] Speaker E: Oh, okay. Oh wait, the one that you are. [00:33:27] Speaker C: Building such a sweet connection with right now. [00:33:29] Speaker E: Oh, oh right. Oh yeah, fuck it, we'll shank him. [00:33:33] Speaker A: Okay, so roll. [00:33:35] Speaker E: So I think as, as, as, as. Yeah, as you come behind, I'm just going to like just we're talking. Oh yeah, you know, blah blah, blah. And then I'm just going to like gut punch him. So like as he goes forward you can and like springs back up. You can just go. [00:33:55] Speaker A: Well we'll see. Let's see what state Songbird and I leave these two in. Okay, so four dice Desperate greats skirmish. [00:34:04] Speaker C: No, I said I'd stick with risky standards. [00:34:06] Speaker A: Sticking with risky standards? [00:34:06] Speaker C: Yes, please. [00:34:07] Speaker A: Okay. [00:34:10] Speaker C: It'S a three, so it's technically a fail. [00:34:13] Speaker A: That is a fail. [00:34:14] Speaker E: Oh boy. [00:34:15] Speaker A: Okay, okay, so as the two of you sort of like emerge from the shadows as Songbird sort of like surges forward to get at your. Your higher muscle track that you're speaking to. A bit of debris slips underfoot and it echo the sound of rock tumbling. Echoes. And the figure sort of like turns to look at these two that are kind of mid lunge and they drop to. So they're going to drop into defensive positions and the hired muscle is going to shout the intruders like the enemy is here. [00:35:03] Speaker E: Can I. [00:35:04] Speaker A: You'd like to resist? [00:35:06] Speaker E: Can I? Actually yeah. Can I do the resist? Because I've got bodyguard, so. [00:35:11] Speaker C: Oh, you're allowed to do the resist. [00:35:12] Speaker E: So when I protect, if it counts as protection, if I protect a teammate, I can take 1D to a resistance role. [00:35:22] Speaker A: I don't know if this is protecting a teammate cuz he's not attacking anyone. [00:35:26] Speaker E: Or is there like a way I can interrupt an attacking first and just like land a. You know, I'm happy to resist. [00:35:34] Speaker C: Except do a prowess resist. [00:35:36] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. So also I should remind you all that the crew is now forged in the fire. So you all get one. One dice extra on resistance. [00:35:48] Speaker C: Perfect. Thank you. [00:35:50] Speaker B: That was our perk, wasn't it? [00:35:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:35:52] Speaker A: So. So if you would like four dice. [00:35:54] Speaker C: Resist for me, I believe a four dice resist because I've got three pips in pro three skills pipped in. [00:36:01] Speaker A: Correct. Correct. And you, if you succeed on this, then they'll know that you're here, but they won't manage to get. Get the. [00:36:12] Speaker C: Raise the alarm. That's quite useful. [00:36:15] Speaker A: So you have. You'll buy yourself a little bit of time. [00:36:18] Speaker C: Sure. So that's a four. So I take two stress. [00:36:22] Speaker A: Two stress. Okay. So as Songbird stumbles, like her foot slips out from her and she loses just a few. Like a crucial few inches of space, Magpie, you kind of have to barrel in to kind of COVID for her. And as you leap forward, if you've got your rapier. [00:36:45] Speaker C: No, something smaller. [00:36:46] Speaker A: Something smaller. Well, so you've gone for the. The smaller of the two. But then realizing that the large one's about to shout out, you've had to run forward and effectively like punch in the throat to stop him from calling out, wow. But he sort of staggers back, coughing and spluttering, and the smaller, like the actual noble you suspect kind of looks and lets that little squeak of surprise. But they are fully aware of your presence and sort of like the other marionettes begin to filter out. Friede, you're in the middle of what is about to be a very loud confrontation. What do you do? [00:37:29] Speaker E: Yeah, so I'm going to. I'm just gonna take the first one in front of me. So the big bodyguard dude, he's gonna get punched to the face with the, like, the brass knuckles. Like, you know, as you go up into his throat, I'm there at his temple, like to try knock him out. [00:37:46] Speaker A: In which case that's. Yeah, I mean, that sounds like a skirmish. [00:37:51] Speaker E: Hey, sounds like a skirmish. [00:37:52] Speaker A: Destiny skirmish. [00:37:53] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:37:54] Speaker A: Okay, so I'm going to suggest that you are now realistically, I have to immediately elevate you all to desperate straight away, because time is very much of the essence. [00:38:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:38:09] Speaker A: So we're gonna start you on a desperate standard. [00:38:13] Speaker E: Desperate standard. [00:38:15] Speaker A: Is anyone. So, Magpie, Alganon, want to help out first dress? [00:38:24] Speaker C: Yes, Mr. McNo stress over here. [00:38:29] Speaker F: I'm not sure I can afford it. [00:38:34] Speaker B: Oh, dear. [00:38:38] Speaker F: Yes. So after hearing Songbird cock up, Algannon goes to the noble who has Just given us the masks. [00:38:49] Speaker A: Mm. [00:38:54] Speaker F: Don't I. Don't I know you from somewhere as well? [00:38:58] Speaker A: Okay, so that'll be enough to make him, like, turn and look to you and just distract him for a moment. [00:39:04] Speaker F: Jolly boating weather. [00:39:08] Speaker A: Okay, so. Yeah. In which case there'll be a hard pivot from the noble. It doesn't want to give you too much time and attention because what looks to be two knife murderers have just appeared from the shadows. But that'll be enough for. For an extra dice or an extra effect. And one stress for Algernon. [00:39:30] Speaker B: You're on desperate grading already, aren't you? [00:39:33] Speaker E: Yeah, but if I add another dice, then I've got more chance of, like. [00:39:35] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's do four dice. You can't raise the effect because it's already a greater right. [00:39:41] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. No, so we're on desperate standards, so. [00:39:45] Speaker C: You could raise the effect. [00:39:49] Speaker F: We've already had one failure, so it would be good to get some kind of success on kick, I think. [00:39:54] Speaker E: So. Let's go. Yeah. Quantity over. [00:39:57] Speaker A: Okay. [00:39:57] Speaker E: Yeah. All right. [00:39:58] Speaker A: Okay. [00:39:58] Speaker E: You ready? [00:39:59] Speaker A: Yeah, go for it. Two fives. So that is a partial success. So I will so use a standard effect. So that is two pips on the clock. I will. As a complication, the skirmish is overheard. Like, reinforcements will arrive, but you've got your two segments. You can resist if you like, and that will like it will remain. [00:40:35] Speaker E: Resist is too stress, isn't it? [00:40:37] Speaker A: No, resist is for you. It would. This would be a four dice resistance roll with the crew back up, and then you take the highest result off six. [00:40:48] Speaker E: Oh, okay. [00:40:49] Speaker A: So basically, if you don't roll a four or more, you trauma out. [00:40:54] Speaker E: I trawma out. Well, that's. I mean, that's a risk, isn't it? [00:40:59] Speaker A: Unless someone else wants to step in. So Alganon or Magpie can step in to take the. Take the resistance roll and steal. [00:41:08] Speaker E: Do we resist, or do we just let the reinforcements come? Because we're gonna. We're gonna plow through them anyway. [00:41:14] Speaker F: Maybe. I feel like our stealthy moves might come to an end pretty soon anyway. [00:41:23] Speaker D: Yeah, I've got the fire bellows on. [00:41:25] Speaker F: Me very first hurdle. [00:41:28] Speaker E: Thriller. [00:41:29] Speaker C: You. [00:41:30] Speaker B: Somebody who's not there can't resist for somebody else. Right. [00:41:33] Speaker A: So, yeah, it has to be, you know, narratively, somebody there. [00:41:36] Speaker E: I think maybe let's just let them come. [00:41:38] Speaker C: Let them come and. [00:41:39] Speaker A: Okay. [00:41:39] Speaker C: Let them come. [00:41:40] Speaker A: Let them come. Okay, Very good. [00:41:42] Speaker E: In which going to, you know, sort of, like, do the sort of thing where she, like, throws off her jacket and Then she's just got this, you know, armor and like a bloodletting blade and just like a bandolier of like rage essences. [00:41:57] Speaker A: In which case, yeah, as the. Well, it's one fluid motion as your right fist connects with the sound of bone crunching. As you connect with this large lore of our man's jaw and as he. Sorry, ace of our man's draw. And as he goes sprawling to the ground completely loco. And there's a like a squeal of horror. Like you, the smaller ones you've just heard jolly boat of weather. And then just everything's falling around apart, falling apart around him. Like he just stands and his legs start to quiver and he's looking frantically at the 1, 2, 3, 4 of you, including Songbird. But for cavern and Atta, like you've just watched this kind of fight break out at the. At the front door. [00:42:53] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:42:57] Speaker A: And as you saw like your. Your attentions are focused on the front door. But then in your periphery, in the gloom around the sides of the building, you start to see small flecks of reflective red light. [00:43:16] Speaker C: Uh oh, wow. [00:43:19] Speaker A: And slowly but upsettingly quickly, the sound of chittering and squeaking begins to grow. [00:43:27] Speaker E: Speaking of red boys, it is life. [00:43:30] Speaker A: As you watch and you watch as the shadows surrounding this building seemingly begin to move. And then you realize it's just the dark fur of this. Of the same vermintide that you saw during the prison break score begin to surge from around the sides of the building towards you. [00:43:50] Speaker C: That's okay. We can just feed the backup to them. It's fine. [00:43:57] Speaker A: What do the two of you do in this moment? [00:43:59] Speaker B: If I put my. If I put the goggles on Soul site goggles. Do the rats look any. Can I see like more of the. [00:44:06] Speaker A: Rats as you pull down those lovely goggles that you've got in your head down. [00:44:12] Speaker B: I won't ornamental you. [00:44:16] Speaker A: You notice very curiously so I. I can only imagine it's a very quick like through them. But you notice that each of the rats glows with an intensity they have no right to. There seems to be a lot of magic suffusion going on with this. So it just looks like this wave of sort of like mana moving around the sides of the buildings and beginning to close in on the marionettes. Songbird al fra. [00:44:51] Speaker B: Yeah, it's not hotter anywhere, right? Like so the source can't be. [00:44:56] Speaker A: No, it just looks. Well, so it looks like as I you can. All of the. The, the rats are kind of registering as sort of magically Charged. What you do notice is that the slither in the door open doorway. There is a very bright light coming from inside that room and it seems to only be getting brighter. And as you look around the room you can see. You can see what appears to be a funnel of light coming down from the ceiling into this structure. [00:45:32] Speaker B: So my idea to help them before they kicked off was going to be if you had any transpowder on on you a little rat could go and go trans powder them. But it's kind of. What do you want to do? [00:45:45] Speaker E: Sorry, we got a bit punchy. [00:45:48] Speaker B: Wait until they're done Catherine or I. [00:45:51] Speaker D: Don'T think this is going to end anytime soon. I'm probably actually going to use the fire bellows to sort of try and move the rats away from us and we may need to edge closer to them. [00:46:05] Speaker A: Okay so yeah for. For description purposes. Yeah. These rats I say they're coming around the sides of this building in the center of this cabin. If you're heading kind of directly to the front door to join the others. Yeah they. You'll kind of get sandwiched between the two sides of the. The rat swarms. But you could absolutely use the bellows to try and fend them off. Just you know just to keep you all on your toes. Let's. [00:46:30] Speaker C: Let's chuck in a not a rat. [00:46:33] Speaker E: Clock vermin's hide like five sections. [00:46:38] Speaker A: Six actually. Yes. As the rats. As the rats descend cavern. If you want to use produce the bellows that you've declared and you can absolutely use that. That's the bellows realistically are a. A101. It's in wreck. [00:46:57] Speaker D: Right. [00:46:59] Speaker A: How does wreck zero unless you want. [00:47:05] Speaker F: You have a fire starting expert. [00:47:07] Speaker C: You've got some. [00:47:08] Speaker B: I've got some rat. [00:47:09] Speaker D: And also would I be able to ask Velka to help? [00:47:15] Speaker C: Okay Nate, just a quick note. ATT's got two in wreck. [00:47:18] Speaker B: I've got some. I got some wreck. If you want to throw it. If you want to help them. It seems like more your thing I. [00:47:27] Speaker E: In my head the bellows are probably nearly as big as Atta and put them on your back. There's probably only about an inch clearance. [00:47:35] Speaker D: Can I like hold something for you? [00:47:37] Speaker A: That means it's easier for you to operate a group wreck. Tell you what, if you were at you're happy to bellow. So we the rats they are definitely here. I'm gonna keep you on desperate. So curiously I'm gonna start you on desperate standard. It would be a lower effect. But you've got A bit of a. An AOE effect going on here. It's hard to miss. So we'll start you on desperate standard Velka. Velka is. Is his own person and he's going to roll his own separate wreck. So he's not helping you per se, but he will be. Will be rolling. So by my reckoning, that is, you're starting on two. [00:48:27] Speaker B: I am. [00:48:28] Speaker D: You've got my help. [00:48:29] Speaker B: Oh yeah. Okay, cool. Thank you very much. [00:48:32] Speaker A: Catherine's helping hold up for bellows. [00:48:37] Speaker B: If I push myself, I won't have a lot more to work with. But it's rat time, baby. [00:48:44] Speaker A: Bargain first of the night. Regardless of what happens, the bellows run out of fuel. [00:48:52] Speaker E: Oh, one use, but you could make a bloody good dent in those rats. And really, what else are we going to use the flame throwers for the. [00:49:02] Speaker A: Rest of the rats the rest of the mission. [00:49:08] Speaker B: For an extra dice. [00:49:09] Speaker A: Okay, so is that a. Are you pushing? [00:49:15] Speaker B: If I use the devil's bargain dice for a greater effect, then I'll push myself for an extra dice so that I've got a good cavern helping as well. [00:49:26] Speaker A: Okay, so that sounds like a four dice desperate for. [00:49:31] Speaker B: Yes, white hands on. [00:49:32] Speaker F: So the devil's bargain is going to affect. [00:49:36] Speaker A: So four dice desperate. Great. [00:49:37] Speaker B: Thank you. Thank you. [00:49:38] Speaker A: Roasty toasty rolled and bones. [00:49:41] Speaker B: Oh, a six. [00:49:42] Speaker C: Six. [00:49:44] Speaker B: It's on the cavern dice. [00:49:49] Speaker A: I helped Cavern. You grab the handle on top and lift it up. Okay. So on a desperate grate that is a flat full three segments of the clock as you and like cavern you're not perhaps you're less prepared for what. For what happens than Attu is. But there's this gout of flame that explodes outwards and carpets like a good half, you know, a big chunk of the swamp. The sweet sounds and the smells are horrific as this like mindless just swarm just throws itself into the flames, seemingly against their own like force of survival. But yeah, you're halfway done on the vermin clock. I said that velker was gonna roll his own stuff. So he steps forward along with his kindling. And from as he. He sort of looks at the. The swarm coming from the other side and he lifts his arms up and uncaps what appear to be two tubes on his wrists. And as he. He twists like a dial on one of the cogs on his chest pieces and cavern you and Attitud you hear this high pitched hissing begin to emanate from him. And with a click of his gauntleted fingers, a sparkle lights ignites the gases and Fluids coming from the nozzles on his arms as he begins torching his side. [00:51:36] Speaker E: He is the flamethrower. [00:51:39] Speaker A: He's going to roll three. So he's got a wreck of three, because let's be honest, he's Volcker and he's being helped by his crew. So he'll take a fourth dice. If someone could roll me a four dice rec roll for Velca, please. [00:51:56] Speaker B: Catherine hasn't rolled anything yet. [00:51:58] Speaker A: Go on, mate. [00:51:59] Speaker D: I've got my one tiny dice. [00:52:03] Speaker B: Oh. [00:52:04] Speaker E: Oh, nice. [00:52:07] Speaker A: Okay. And Velker manages to torch another three segments and the rats, so that scorch from both sides, the rats begin to sort of like. Eventually the sound of the chittering dies down enough that you can't really hear near it over the crackling of the flame and they begin to sort of like pull back. But you just like they, you haven't decimated the numbers, but you have blunted this initial, this initial attack. So Vermintide, for all purposes is now dealt with. For now, the young waif at the front door, like, slow seeing all, seeing this all happen, sort of like plucks up enough courage to turn towards the door and you see him go to shout. Who wants to step in? [00:53:16] Speaker E: I mean, I, I, yeah, I can. [00:53:17] Speaker C: I can just magp to shut him up forever. [00:53:22] Speaker E: Okay, she's out for blood. [00:53:25] Speaker A: What are you rolling, Mago? [00:53:26] Speaker C: I mean, I'm just gonna skewer him, aren't I? Let's go skewer him with a skirmish. [00:53:31] Speaker A: Okay, so that sounds like desperate. You are still in desperate. Yet he's about to shout and scream and holla. So we'll slightly on desperate standard. [00:53:42] Speaker C: I can't change the desperate, can I? No, that's fine. In that case, I will just go for it. Just going to attempt to skewer him. [00:53:52] Speaker A: Yolo. [00:53:53] Speaker C: Oh, sorry, didn't count. [00:53:56] Speaker A: Two, four. Four a partial. Okay, so, so we start you on desperate. So you do it. That is two segments. So the rapier like runs him through the back as he, he staggers and like as, so as your rapier pierces him through the back and he, and he falls forward, he holds his hands out and as he falls, he manages to push the doors, the iron doors to the this kind of sanctum area open and reveals you to everyone inside. [00:54:38] Speaker C: Uh oh. [00:54:41] Speaker A: Would you like to resist? If so, he will fall against the door and then just slide down it. So again, buys you a bit of time. The Rattos have kind of been alerted to your presence. [00:54:59] Speaker C: I feel like it would be A good idea to resist on the one hand, and on the other, if I roll less than a four, I'm done. [00:55:08] Speaker E: I reckon we should just go in and decimate them. [00:55:12] Speaker C: I don't know about that. [00:55:15] Speaker E: Sorry, too violent. [00:55:17] Speaker B: We've got a flamethrower. [00:55:18] Speaker C: Let's just resist. [00:55:19] Speaker A: Not anymore you don't. [00:55:20] Speaker E: Yeah, of course it has. We've got a velta who's basically a flamethrower. [00:55:25] Speaker C: Like, do we get the impression that in this sanctum everything is popping off? But that is necessary just on the other side of this door. [00:55:33] Speaker E: I mean. Yeah, we've got to interrupt that. Like, we've got to interrupt. I mean, what an interrupt. Right? [00:55:39] Speaker A: Someone else will paragon these doors for you if you don't resist. [00:55:44] Speaker C: Can I. Can I make it look like I meant to do that? [00:55:48] Speaker A: Okay. So you letting it happen? [00:55:50] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:55:53] Speaker E: Oh, like you could almost like if you grab him by his face front, run him through and then just like gotta push him and then he falls back through the door like. [00:56:03] Speaker C: Or I can pretend that's what I meant. [00:56:05] Speaker A: Yeah, you can surf him into the. No. Okay, so it sounds like you're not resisting. [00:56:11] Speaker C: I mean. Yeah, it's just we're losing opportunities to sneak in and gain an advantage. So maybe I'll resist. [00:56:20] Speaker F: If you're all coming with me anyway, then that's going to be our. [00:56:23] Speaker C: Yeah, okay. Okay. [00:56:25] Speaker A: So this, this will be a prowess resist. So three lights normally, plus one for fortune. The fire. [00:56:31] Speaker E: We're so sneaky. [00:56:35] Speaker D: Sneaking around last. [00:56:38] Speaker E: I think. I think narratively as well. If we're out there like flamethrowers and punching people, they're not just sat inside like, oh, I wonder what's going on out there. [00:56:47] Speaker B: Could be a very loud ritual. [00:56:50] Speaker D: Yeah, it's all part of it. [00:56:51] Speaker A: I'm going to try. [00:56:52] Speaker C: I'm going to try and resist and really hope I don't roll through golden bones. [00:57:02] Speaker A: Okay, so no stress. So you manage to. Yeah. As you run this, this poor oink through with your rapier. Yeah. You kind of catch him enough that as he sort of like falls against the door and just like a hand, a bloodied hand slides down until he kind of crumples to the ground. Two segments on the clock is a completed clock. So you have kind of over overwhelmed the centuries. And whilst your cover may be somewhat blown by the rats, this will. You'll definitely have enough time to reconvene especially for you and the rest of the kindling to join the others, in which case. Yeah. As the. As the small skirmish at the front door kind of dies down Algonon. You feel this kind of. As you kind of get close to the. The iron door, you feel this strange kind of tug on your chest and it feels rhythmic almost. And after, as you. As you come down, as I, you know, glancing through your soul site goggles, you can see that the. The magical energies within this building are increasing with every moment and like, tuning in, you can see what appear to be. You can see the spectral faces of spirits in that funnel of energy coming down from the ceiling into the center of the building. Yes. [00:58:48] Speaker B: Can I. This might be a roll. Can I make. Can I see? Is it like a hole in the ceiling? Is it like a focus thing? Or would it. They still go through even if it was solid, if we interrupted the flow. [00:59:04] Speaker A: So the center of the ceiling of the roof above you is punctured by the. By vines, the large vines that, you know, are kind of holding up the Ruby Keep up above. But it seems that the crack through the stone that the vines have caused is allowing this spiritual energy to kind of filter through down into this hexagonal building in the center of the cavern. But yeah, it looks like something is channeling that energy directly down. So you're hoping that. You're assuming that whatever the ill nature doing upstairs is causing this and that you're really hoping the B team are gonna do what they need to do soon. [00:59:51] Speaker F: I'd like to pick Songbird up if she's. She's the one who tripped up and originally alerted her guards. [00:59:56] Speaker A: Yes, she. She's red in the face, like, her cheeks are flushed and she's just got this, like, look of kind of bashful determination. [01:00:07] Speaker F: Are you trying to fuck us? [01:00:10] Speaker A: She. [01:00:11] Speaker F: It wouldn't be out of character. [01:00:13] Speaker A: She grits her teeth. [01:00:14] Speaker F: And you've taken Nethem a sweet deal as well. She's pulling your strings and we're your. We're your ticket out of here. [01:00:24] Speaker A: She looks. She looks at you kind of incredulously. And if you think I'm one to sleep with the enemy, you don't fucking know me at all, Algernon. [01:00:37] Speaker F: I don't. I guess I don't. Are you going to buckle up and do things correctly, or are you going to go home and miss out on all of this? [01:00:47] Speaker A: She, like, you can see her lips twitching as she like. And as she goes to say something, you. From behind you, you hear a. Like a metallic footstep accompanied by a. And as she sort of looks to you and then over your shoulder to Velka, who's Arrived behind you and Velker sort of like joins, like stands alongside you, tilting ahead. Songbird says it won't happen again. Yes, she. She is chastised and doesn't want to argue with you about it anymore. But yeah, she kind of cows her head slightly. And Velka, along with Cavern and Atta like looks to you all and shall we. As he looks towards this door, I'm. [01:01:54] Speaker B: Somewhat tempted to go up and over and drop something unpleasant directly below the beam of where the Spirits Are. Do we think that might be a good. [01:02:07] Speaker C: What have you got? [01:02:09] Speaker B: Cameron wants to. I've got heavy demolition tools in my. I've declared in my later. [01:02:16] Speaker C: Oh my gosh. Put them under racks. [01:02:20] Speaker B: Yeah. How would it. Would it be feasible to scale this building in any way, shape or form it were. [01:02:28] Speaker A: So let me think. It's. The cavern itself is about 6 foot tall. The building itself is probably about 30 foot in height. So it will take a bit of like, it'll be a clock's worth of climbing. [01:02:41] Speaker B: Interesting. And if Frida tossed me up there, 30 foot. [01:02:48] Speaker A: Shot. [01:02:50] Speaker B: Right. [01:02:50] Speaker A: Now that you're up close your eye. But five of you are able to kind of acknowledge what you're see, what this building is. The stone, what, what you assume to be a white stone is surprisingly sort of like smooth and glossy. It's got a bit of sort of like, you know, damp and dirt from being underground for so long. But the stone looks. It looks a bit out of time. If anything, it doesn't look like it's been here for at the very least at least two years. You do notice however, that there are like here and there, there are cracks that are kind of originating from the floor up, but up close you can see that the large runes that you could. You could spy from a distance up close. The runes themselves are made up of a series of smaller rooms and it's actually very, very finely articulated and delicate in its construction. There are no kind of apertures, there are no windows. There's only seemingly this one entrance. But you notice that on this side of the. The door frame there would appear to be a number of like, physical notes, locks, if you will, things to bar the door from opening there. Are you at a. You don't know what the glyphs are, but you suspect that the. The higher number of glyphs around the door frame would be perhaps a protective conjuration of some sort. And it strikes you that this is a. You get the feeling that this is a prison cell. [01:04:37] Speaker B: Oh. [01:04:39] Speaker E: So maybe let's not blow it up until we know that everyone in that room is guilty. [01:04:44] Speaker B: Right. [01:04:47] Speaker D: We are. [01:04:51] Speaker C: Presumably it's Turia's prison, so. [01:04:55] Speaker E: But then do we know that Turia wants out? Or is it just, you know, Nep using? [01:05:03] Speaker C: She's probably pretty miserable after years of being used as a power source for the veil. [01:05:07] Speaker A: Well, with Vel's question ringing in your ears, shall we? Do you want to. How. How do you want to enter? [01:05:18] Speaker C: Alganon could go in. Algernon and Frieda could go in their head with their masks. [01:05:21] Speaker D: We've got four masks now. [01:05:25] Speaker E: Oh yeah. Put your little. You know, join us. You could be the other two. [01:05:29] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:05:31] Speaker B: If. I think Ata would happily go for a little climb while other people go in the doors and be. [01:05:40] Speaker E: Maybe if it's. Yeah, that would work. Algernon, Songbird Cavern. Friedel Don masks and cloaks and. [01:05:51] Speaker B: No. Velka. Velka. Come. Come with that. [01:05:55] Speaker F: Watch that for the rights. [01:05:56] Speaker E: Yeah. Velca, Velka and Songbird can have, you know, they can have special time together. [01:06:05] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:06:05] Speaker E: And then, you know, help you, you know, do a little like. Do a little climbing. Give me a better bird's eye. [01:06:12] Speaker A: Oh, you got told off. So Algonon's done a mask. Frida's donning mask Cavern. You suspect that? I mean either of these masks that are now no longer owned by anyone. Neither of them had that much in the way of a snout. No. So that might struggle. But Magpie and Atta. Atta might be a bit of an odd feel you, but it would kind of go over your schnoz. [01:06:47] Speaker B: Are there any goblin sized nobility though? Is it like strange that. [01:06:52] Speaker A: Not that. So the two of them were both ace of our. [01:06:55] Speaker B: But racists actually. [01:06:58] Speaker A: If you're. [01:06:58] Speaker B: If you're isest. [01:07:00] Speaker A: I mean. Yeah. Magpie, you can definitely mask up Cavern and say you might struggle. Yeah. [01:07:05] Speaker D: Do you want me to help you with your plan? [01:07:08] Speaker B: If you want to come up top. [01:07:11] Speaker A: I would argue that. [01:07:13] Speaker B: Come and talk with me. [01:07:17] Speaker A: What's the loadout of climbing gear? [01:07:19] Speaker B: Because that is two. Yeah. [01:07:22] Speaker C: So we would have had to have declared. I did consider declaring some climbing gear. I did not. [01:07:28] Speaker A: I. I might then be a bit of a party pooper and say because of the sheer kind of glossy esque surface it would be by the time you got to the top. [01:07:39] Speaker C: I suspect Magpie could expend her special armor to use her shadow ability, which allows her to push herself for a feat of athletics. [01:07:49] Speaker B: To get up top. [01:07:50] Speaker C: To get up top. So if you gave me the devastating tools of destruction. How's your Wreck though my wreck is zero. [01:08:01] Speaker B: Maybe pops away. [01:08:05] Speaker E: Although we're not getting a bird's eye. Maybe you could just be outside the front door and we can signal you with a word or a shouted phrase. [01:08:14] Speaker B: Or a. I guess part of me also kind of wants to better understand these runes and see whether they can be used to our advantage in a way. So I think staying on the outside. [01:08:24] Speaker C: Might be stuck studying maybe. [01:08:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:08:26] Speaker A: Okay. [01:08:27] Speaker E: Frieda shouts Tower. [01:08:28] Speaker B: Bunga, reverse engineer these runes in some way. [01:08:33] Speaker A: Okay, so who's going in through the front door? [01:08:38] Speaker C: So, yeah. [01:08:40] Speaker A: Frieda, Magpie, are you holding back with Katherine? [01:08:46] Speaker C: You could just go in and do the whole like. Well, I'm a dragon scent. Of course I'm coming. [01:08:50] Speaker D: Oh look, my divine. Turn me into a dragon center. Oh, how great. Yeah, I was. Look, I was looking at the fine disguise kit, but I don't know if that's going to help me. [01:09:02] Speaker A: No. Yeah, changing scale color is what I will. [01:09:06] Speaker D: I will stand outside. [01:09:08] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. [01:09:11] Speaker E: Don't worry, we'll get you in that room shortly. Cuz we're very subtle. [01:09:15] Speaker B: Also, either of Elkana or Songbird could go in with y'all. [01:09:18] Speaker C: Yeah. Why was the Songbird coming? [01:09:24] Speaker A: So, yeah, there's a oddly position mask behind it. Okay, so Songbird will come in with you. She will leave the marionettes outside with Catherine and Vel. Right. In which case, as Songbird, Magpie, Alganon and Frieda, you kind of step in round this kind of large heavy metallic door. You find yourself in this hexagonal building Approximately, you know, 40ish foot across. And the the same kind of runic inscriptions you saw on the outside are repeated on the inside. But this time they're kind of inlaid on metallic. These kind of bright brass like metallic strips that run from floor to ceiling. The floor underneath is also made of the same kind of polished marble like stone that the walls are made of. To for all extents and purposes for you all to picture this. You have entered in through the southern wall like the south of this hexagon. And to your left and right on the east and west corners, there are kind of dual flights of stairs up to walkways that extend into the center of the room approximately 20ft above the floor. As you enter, a number of figures wearing silver masks turn to regard you all and you suspect, you have very good reason to suspect that these are the gathered lodge reticent intermingled in their number are dwarfing the majority of them are large, broad shouldered, black lacquered armored figures who also turn to Regards you with gold faceplates and glowing red gemstone eyes. [01:11:32] Speaker E: I'm gonna lean into Elgarnon and just like at the side when I've just go. I'm not very good at hobnobbing with poshos. [01:11:41] Speaker F: I need to keep an eye on the blackguard. Then I'll do the hobnobbing for both of us. [01:11:47] Speaker E: I mean, it's hard to fucking miss him. [01:11:50] Speaker A: As you see scan, you notice that on the as far as your as you're seeing it on the right walkway. So extending from the eastern wall on the platform on the walkway that reaches into the center of the room is a slender figure in a fine purple dress. Her crystalline left arm kind of glowing in the lights of three room. And Nephene kind of looks towards you and despise you Algernon wearing this silver rat mask that you've just had her create. But the light that's reflecting off her crystalline arm is red and it emerged the red glow comes from the center of the room as hovering about 20ft off the center of the this hexagonal prison cell surrounded wrapped in spiked chains surrounded by rotating concentric rings that remind you of an astrolabe is a large crystalline structure. And as you peer, you just about make out what appears to be half a face and a shriveled hand. And Algernon, you recognize the woman encased in this crystalline chunk as Turia Valenmar. An Atta that even I'm outside of course. No. And youth. Well, those of you who are inside, you can feel the like the. The arcane mana emitting from this crystal, from this crystal heart shaped block that's hovering in the center of this hexagon. It's you know, throwing out red light throughout the room. And Algon, you just about make out the eye of Turia turn to look at you as well. And ne her voice echoing off the off the walls of this place says it's good of you to join us, Alganon. Though I only remember the invite being for one. [01:14:23] Speaker F: So from downstairs I sort of do a little bow and then I want to walk up to the level where she is to actually properly have a conversation with her. [01:14:35] Speaker A: Well, as you go to step to like move towards her, you hear, you all hear a voice ripple through your minds. They have deceived us. And it's the same voice that you heard from from the rats in the prison Break Drop and cavern. You hear the sounds of chittering growing again. And Turia's eye, one good eye sort of like turns into as much of a frown as she can with the rest of her face crystallized. And you realize this crystal, this crystalline growth around Turia seems to be emerging from her. She is the source of this wild arcane crystal growth. And you won like this certainly isn't how you remember her years. Like more just over two years ago during the war. But the chains and binding seem to be almost shaping it into this heart shaped appearance. But as you've kind of taken a few steps to head towards Nephene, you just about make out that behind Turia, floating in a similar manner about 20ft off the ground with sh. With bracelets, stone bracelets of a similar material to the. The stone structure around you is Deira. And her head LS as if she's in some sort of trance, but you can see her mouth moving of its own volition. And as with every kind of inflection in De Vera's speech, you feel this thrum of energy emitting from Tyrion. And yeah, the sound of we have been deceived. You feel this pulse of energy as the swarm begins to surge a second time. And Nephene tuts. A shame. She says. And in the uniform, the Black Guard turn and raise their halberds to look at the four of you. And they step forward in unison. And you see the Lodge kind of standing around a bit worried as the the Black Guard mobilize and begin moving towards you. Oh boy. I would like to introduce you all. [01:17:20] Speaker B: Oh my God. [01:17:21] Speaker C: Which clock is this? [01:17:23] Speaker E: It's got so many segments. [01:17:24] Speaker A: It's an eight clock to the defeat the Black Guard. Why has it got a. [01:17:28] Speaker E: Why do you hate does? [01:17:30] Speaker A: I would also like to introduce you. Oh no. To the second small. I think we should take a break. So as our crew find themselves face to face with Turia and her defenders, or Turia Nef and her defenders. We will see what happens and how this story concludes. If you are interested in seeing this conclusion. Well, first of all, we need to hit the like button comment down below on let's get a percentage chance of survival as this leisure, as this cohort, this small legion of Black Guard begin their approach. And yeah, to see. To see the. The actual, the legitimate finale of the Explorers of elsewhere campaign. 2. Make sure to hit the subscribe button and the bell icon for notifications when release new videos that are coming out super frequently and I wouldn't want you to miss them out. So thank you for watching. Thank you all for playing the first half. We'll see you in a bit. Oh boy. [01:18:47] Speaker E: Sa.

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