A unexpected re-emergence affords the Warhounds a lead to find out more about the mind flayers. But can they trust their potential new allies?
Adventure by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) - Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Tabletop Audio https://tabletopaudio.com/ Sounds by https://quicksounds.com
Join us as we begin a new Daggerheart adventure, based in the Elsewhere setting! DM Dan guides Nate, Livvy, Dan and Fio into the...
The crew of the Fortune's Claw have unearthed a grave threat in the sewers of Marsember - will they be able to stop the...
The Warhounds once again sail out onto the Dragonmere in search for the kidnapped Suzailans aboard the feared prison-ship, the Penitent Martyr. MUSIC Adventure...