Our Explorers find themselves facing their first dangerous threats and marvellous discoveries in a world of mystery, strangers and hope.
Heroic Story - Inspiring Theme by Lesfm - https://pixabay.com/users/lesfm-22579021/
Romantic Violin Suite Main by Daddys Music - https://pixabay.com/users/daddy_s_music-22836301/
Tabletop Audio https://tabletopaudio.com/
The last of the Algernon's Angels series, the players discuss the final twists and turns in the plot, what happened with the B-Team, and...
Four Space Marines, unstoppable gods of warfare of the Astral Commonwealth, face an insurmountable challenge after liberating the planet of Bristolis IV - rebuilding,...
The Explorers stumble upon a mysterious ruined temple in the wilderness which proves to be more than meets the eye. MUSIC Heroic Story -...