Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello and welcome to explorers of elsewhere live. Hi. Hi, everyone. Hi.
Hi. Hi, gang. Hi. We're just gonna do our obligatory. If someone else actually could do the obligatory audio check just to make sure that we're all coming through.
[00:00:20] Speaker B: Let's do that now.
[00:00:23] Speaker C: Hi. Hi.
[00:00:25] Speaker D: Oh, hello, world.
[00:00:28] Speaker B: Yes, we are coming through.
[00:00:29] Speaker A: Beautiful, beautiful.
First time consummate professionals, we are. Hi, I am DM Dan. We have explorers of elsewhere and we are doing something old, something new, something borrowed, something cool.
So for the past. For the past some amount of weeks, we had, the five of us have been playing critical roles. Dagger heart, open beta playtest, and we played through both adventures, both the Sablewood Forest and the Marauders of Windfall. And I think we enjoyed it. I think we enjoyed it.
[00:01:20] Speaker B: We wouldn't be here if we didn't.
[00:01:21] Speaker A: This is very true. It's very true. However.
However, what we realized was missing from, you know, the offering from Mister Matt Mercer was a decent world setting. So we've decided to take the dagger heart setting. Sorry, the dagger heart rules and we're going to apply it to elsewhere. So, yeah, this is the start of a brand new series, tales from elsewhere, which will be a very kind of quick, in rapid fire, short form, episodic adventure type thing, a bit like the main campaigns, but even quicker and more condensed. And we can kind of test out and see all the funny things about dagger heart. We can test dagger heart in ways that we might not have been able to test them under, like, the adventure paths and the like. And we get to see, I mean, you know, if we look at the. If we will look at some insignificant other rpg like dungeons and dragons that gets used for all sorts of different kind of world settings and campaign settings and all sorts besides, like, the stock d and d settings. So we're gonna see what happens when we do that to daggerheart and I. Yeah, I'm also quite excited for this.
I'm looking forward to it all.
But very quickly, just in case you are watching us for the first time. Hi. Welcome. Hello. Hello.
Let's have a quick round. Hi, Fi. Oh, how you doing?
[00:02:47] Speaker C: I'm good, thank you, Dan. How are you?
[00:02:48] Speaker A: I am warm.
[00:02:54] Speaker C: Warm is true. I am very warm. London is warm. It's all warm.
[00:02:59] Speaker A: We are being the truest brits that we can be.
Yeah. I'm you. You had a little whip round in the original game as our best boy twig, and I think you've got a sort of a best boy equivalent, really. But I guess we'll see when we get around to introducing him.
[00:03:25] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm excited to introduce him to you guys. Yeah.
[00:03:28] Speaker A: Amazing.
Hi, Nate. How you doing?
[00:03:31] Speaker E: Hello.
[00:03:31] Speaker B: I'm alright.
[00:03:33] Speaker A: Good. Good.
How, in one sentence or less, how.
How do you feel your new character differs from Ruby?
[00:03:45] Speaker B: Immensely.
[00:03:46] Speaker A: Immensely different.
[00:03:47] Speaker B: Immensely different.
[00:03:48] Speaker A: That's very. That's gonna be the quote on the thumbnail. Yeah, immensely. Boom. Done.
Next up. Hi, Livy. How you doing?
[00:03:57] Speaker E: Hello.
[00:04:00] Speaker A: You.
You cut your teeth with a very cheeky scamp in the dagger playtest.
[00:04:08] Speaker E: A cheeky lad.
[00:04:10] Speaker A: And I feel like. So I feel like this was just preparation for your newest cheeky scamp.
[00:04:17] Speaker E: I can't help myself. I just like to do a cheeky scamp.
[00:04:21] Speaker A: Very good. Very good. Very good. And last but not least. Hi, Daniel.
[00:04:25] Speaker D: I'm warm.
[00:04:26] Speaker A: You're warm. Yes, we are all warm. There's like. If there's. If you can hear an ever so slight droning in the background, that's probably the sounds of all of our collectors. Everyone's on desks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, here's the thing. No one really knows if I'm naked below the waist or not.
But on that bombshell, with that thought in mind, let's jump in to the characters. Yeah. We're just gonna quick natter go through the characters, like, how. How we design them, who you. Well, who you playing, how you design them, like, any inspirations you had and so on and so forth, just so we can kind of get to know them before we throw them into the meat grinder.
So let's start. Let's start with you, Fio, who is. We'll go, like, three questions each or something. Yeah. Who is your character?
[00:05:23] Speaker C: So I am playing Cal. Kal is in the rules of daggerheart. He is an order born. So that's the community he's from, has kind of order and structure which have taken on this.
He's also, in the world of elsewhere, a sangivar, which means that his character at some point woke up with red eyes.
[00:05:47] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:05:48] Speaker C: Which is quite disconcerting. Yes. But he's also a vengeance guardian, which in the. I guess the equivalent in D and d is kind of like a paladin of vengeance.
[00:06:00] Speaker E: So.
[00:06:01] Speaker C: Yeah, so I'm kind of excited to see, because I haven't played that line of paladin before. I've played a devotion paladin before as a d and D. And I've played.
I have played other paladins before, and I've played kind of very good, very good characters where I think Cal is going to be kind of walking that morally grey line, which I'm quite excited about, but I thought, I also think he's going to be a lot of fun, just generally and kind of different to the characters I usually play. So I'm hoping you guys enjoy him, and I hope I enjoy him, because we'll see how long it lasts.
Everyone else will enjoy him, probably more than me. No, no, I'm joking. I really like the idea of him, so I'm really hoping that I'm able to get that personality I want across. I think that's the important thing in terms of actually playing, but, yeah, very excited to introduce him more to you as we go on.
[00:07:01] Speaker A: Amazing. Amazing. So, for the benefits of the viewers, I've just popped a picture of Cal over the chat box so you can see, like, who and what we're dealing with. I think the thing that struck most of us immediately was that striking Tom Selleck moustache.
[00:07:20] Speaker C: Yeah, I do love the moustache. The mustache is very fun. That was. That was the big. That. I made the moustache more before I made the man. So, yeah, it was very much like, I want a man with a moustache. And then I was like, oh, this is the man around him.
[00:07:37] Speaker A: Yeah. Little known fact, Cal is actually just the facial hair.
[00:07:41] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:07:42] Speaker A: Everything else is like a host.
[00:07:43] Speaker C: You know, you know, the.
You know, the meme, like, you know, three cobalt and a trench coat. It's just mustache attached to a trench coat. It's actually Cal's the mustache.
[00:07:55] Speaker A: Amazing. Amazing.
So, yes, we've got Cal, who is a sangreva. So anyone who's watching campaign two will know that the sangrevar have been quite a cultural phenomenon that's kind of reared its head in the, like, within the confines of the first campaign. We didn't. We didn't encounter any sanguiva, but now we find that they're. Well, they're becoming. They're being discovered, in a sense.
We'll. We'll kind of do a mini dive into what as being a Sangreva means in a bit. But was there, like, when it came to Cal, was there any particular, like, inspirations that you drew from? Like, was there a particular source, or was it just like a. Like, what is it that led you to create this character?
[00:08:58] Speaker C: So, previously, I've played an rpg where I played a champion of bast in Call of Cthulhu, and he was a bit more of, like a gambit, moon Knight shaped character, and I really enjoyed playing him, and I think wanted to kind of go with a similar vibe again.
People keep sending me videos of the witcher, which I think is going to be quite apt. But then there are other influences as well that I might keep to my chest for a bit because they might be a bit spoiler, but, yeah, I have thoughts and feelings about my boy.
Yeah. I don't know. I really enjoyed kind of gathering things that was shown the ghoul from the new fallout series as well. So I'm kind of, like, collecting things that I like about all these different characters and kind of, like, drawing together someone new, shaving off the serial numbers and creating cow from scratch.
[00:09:58] Speaker A: I like when we were, like, during the development, I think we were all getting very, like, lone wolf edgy boy vibes, weren't we?
[00:10:09] Speaker C: Yeah, I think he's developed a little bit past that, which I think is quite nice as well. So we'll see. I'm actually going to see, like, in terms of RP, what feels comfortable with him as well. Because, you know, a lone wolf dynamic works if you're doing a novel, but a lone wolf dynamic within a party of people who are set to explore together does not work. So it's trying to find the balance in a game as cooperative as a TTRPG is. So, yes, I think. I think it is going to be interesting to see how he develops.
[00:10:42] Speaker A: Cool, cool, cool. So given that obviously cow is a vengeance guardian, so a different flavor to Goru that you were playing last time, Daniel, in comparison to your previous dagger heart character, which was twig, who was a wizard, is there anything particular about the vengeance Guardian rules mechanics that have made you go? Oh, yes.
[00:11:08] Speaker B: All of them?
[00:11:09] Speaker C: No. Yeah, I've really enjoyed.
I really enjoy because I really enjoyed how Dan played his guardian in the last campaign.
And whilst, like, Goro was designed to be hit repeatedly where I don't think the vengeance Guardian quite has that same flavor, we were talking about it together as Guardian to Guardian, you know, about the differences between the two subclasses.
And I think it's going to be interesting to see because I think the vengeance Guardian is less hit me. It's like, if you dare hit me, I will hit you back harder. And I think that's going to be the interesting part of. See how that works dynamically and also how I put that into the roleplay. So, yes, I'm excited, but yeah, I think I quite like the unstoppable was something that Goru had, which I'm very excited to use, which is a interesting class feature. But I'm also enjoying the idea of bold presence, which I think will work as well for Hal, which basically means that whenever I make a presence role against a hostile target, I can spend the hope to also add my strength. So if my presence is high and my strength is high, which in my case, I've designed it to be so I can really upset someone with my presence role depending on what I want to do.
So excited to use that, I hope. Very good moustache.
[00:12:40] Speaker A: And the attached ace of our.
Very good, very, very good. I should just shout out that. Yeah, if anyone's got any questions in chat or amongst ourselves. Yeah, feel free to shout them out, pop them in the chat, whatever. And then we'll cycle back and answer them as and when.
[00:12:57] Speaker C: Cool.
[00:12:57] Speaker A: Okay. So we got a pretty good kind of outline for.
For cow. Moving on. We'll come back and I'll give you some time. Theo, we're gonna ask what your character's biggest brag is, but I'll give you some. We'll go through the other three first to give you some time to mull on that. But next up. Hello, Nate.
[00:13:21] Speaker B: Hello.
[00:13:22] Speaker A: You are playing a rather dashing, aged gentlemen.
Please tell us all about Azakar.
[00:13:37] Speaker B: So Azakar is in the daggerheart sort of playbook. He is playing a seraph, more leaning toward, well, he is a divine wielder serif. So in the playbook, there's two serifs types that you can have. There's the flying type, and then there's the, and then there's the divine wielder type. And I decided not to make things difficult for you.
I'm playing a majority, but he's got wings.
So I said, like, I'll go with the divine wielder because I think that will suit the mujani race a little bit better.
[00:14:16] Speaker A: It's like you're making out that I just utterly despise player characters with free flight at level one, which is, you know, it's hearsay, it's slander.
Yes. You went for the non flying seraph.
[00:14:34] Speaker B: I went for the non flying serif. So seraphs are a bit, again, sort of like a bit like paladins.
[00:14:40] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:14:41] Speaker B: They are all very much about following a God. Their, their weapon is like, it's sort of linked to their God or linked to their religion, and that can cause it to do fun things. Like, it can. I can make it fly from my hand, which is nice.
And there's lots of other things. There's lots of healing stuff that I can do as well as part of a seraph. So it's kind of like a paladin cleric sort of class in a way.
And, yeah, I chose a majani because, one, no one's played a majani yet, and I just think they look really cool.
I think they're really cool as, like, a character type and, you know, sort of seeing the ones that were in campaign one and also in campaign two, I just thought, yeah, I think. I think a mujjani guy would actually be, like, a really good link to the Seraph class.
[00:15:47] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:15:49] Speaker B: Yeah, that's pretty much azakar.
He was a soldier. He was a serif soldier in the great war, to the point where he was then captured and held as a prisoner of war.
And how he got out, I think we'll probably talk out a bit later, but he does have some rather. I tried my best not to go to Edgelord with him, but it sort of went a little bit edge. Lordy. So he does have. I didn't want to do scars because I think we've already got, like, a couple of people in the team who've got scars. So he's actually got a quite nasty burn marks, sort of, like, down his. His right side of his face and down his arms as well from an attack before he was imprisoned.
And to really give a kick in the nads to Katherine, he is a follower of Arya because I wanted to have that very major juxtaposition to the character that I'm playing in campaign two.
[00:16:56] Speaker A: So, yeah, so just for Antonio's just joined. Hello. Welcome. Hi.
Don't know if your classes. Well, just to quickly backtrack, I guess. The Guardian is a weird. Well, if we. If we're comparing to, like, traditional D and D classes, Guardian is almost a bit like fighter with a. With a spring assault based sprinkling of barbarian because it's got the whole unstoppable bit, but it's very much like the defender of the party specific is the tank, and whereas serifs. So, I mean, I know I'm very interested in seeing what the seraph can do because, like, at first glance, I looked at him and, oh, that's like the cleric, but it's actually kind of more like a clericous sit somewhere between, like, cleric Paladin because it's more martial. It's. It's fun. It's fundamentally like the holy warrior, isn't it?
[00:17:58] Speaker B: Yeah. I wonder whether or not the. The thing with D and d that probably people found a little bit annoying was the fact that, you know, sometimes clerics cannot be fighty enough, like you say. Like, I want to play a cleric, then you're immediately sort of shoehorned into that healer role.
[00:18:14] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:18:14] Speaker B: But it definitely feels like with serifs, that's nothing. Not so much the case. They are definitely just sort of a class that has, like, a religious being that guides them and that they fight for. And it depends on. And it depends on the player, really, whether or not that's as a defender, a healer, or as a fighter.
So, yeah, there's a lot of, like, very healy things that I've got in my character sheet, but then there's also a lot of very fighty things got in my character sheet, which is really nice because I like having that spread of, you know, doing. Doing different things.
[00:18:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I think by not having, like, a fighter type class, dagger hearts, been able to spread the ownership of fighting across multiple different, like, class entities. Yeah, I mean, I'm looking forward to it.
So what. What brought you to as a car, like, what inspirations did you have? Was there, like, a bit of art or, like, a character you thought of that? You think. You thought, I'm gonna. Emily, that was it. Just a pure, like, born creation.
[00:19:29] Speaker B: I think he, as I said before, I wanted to play, like, a very sort of very far to the other side of cavern that I'm playing at the moment. So I decided to go with someone who was very, you know, God leaning.
[00:19:47] Speaker A: Are you saying Azakar is not going to be a svelte, promiscuous twink?
As much.
[00:19:55] Speaker B: As much as that's, like, really fun to play? He is definitely going to be very stoic. Very well. We'll see how it goes. Really. I haven't really thought. I haven't really thought of much of his character, but he is very much of. This is the thing we need to do now, sort of character.
It looks like he takes his teachings from his faith very seriously.
Those are the things that got him through the war and, yeah, I think I just had a play around in Heroforge to sort of get his character together, so I don't really have, like, any inspiration for him. I think it's very much just, like, I had a play around in Hero Forge, I got, like, his character design sort of down, and I sort of just had an idea of how I'd like to play his character. So, yeah, it's organically. Yeah, I'm excited to play in the space and see where he sort of sits with the other characters.
[00:20:56] Speaker A: Yeah, that makes sense. Very, very good.
And last but not least, real quick, mechanically, was there anything in the divine weapon but the holy weapon. Seraphim made you go? Yes, please.
[00:21:11] Speaker B: I mean, there's lots, like, no offense to ruby, but there's so much more in the serif stuff that's actually like, I'm really excited to play this, so. And like a lot more with the main effects as well, which make it, like, so much more interesting to build on.
But what makes it really interesting is that they only really have one magical, like, sort of melee weapon. So they have like wands and staffs and things like that, but they only had one, like, magical. So everything else is from melee attacks, but only one. So it's a hallowed axe that I've had to choose.
[00:21:52] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:21:52] Speaker B: I've sort of flavored that into a different sword that he's got.
[00:21:57] Speaker A: Sure. Like the scimitar type thing.
[00:21:59] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
But there's. But besides from that, so a seraph has something called a prayer dice, and that goes off my strength.
So every, every session I get to roll two d four s and whatever mark they come up with, I then get to use that as either I can, I can either increase damage, and it's not just for me, it's for my allies as well. So if I choose to do this.
[00:22:28] Speaker A: Okay, so it's almost like a barred support.
[00:22:31] Speaker B: Yes. So say if I had my two prayer dice, I can roll them. One had a four and one had a two, I could then say, I'm going to use this one with the four on it to let Livy have an extra four, like hope on this dice roll that she's just done, and that will give her that as long as she's in within far range. And I can also give that PC as many hope as well. So I could basically give Livy four hope if I wanted to, if it rolled a four. And I can do that every session.
[00:23:04] Speaker E: Yeah, do that.
[00:23:07] Speaker A: Do that. Please do that, do that.
[00:23:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Like lots of really interesting thing. I'm also playing the same as FiA as well, so I'm also playing an Audubon as well.
And I like the Audubon dedications that you have to do. So you've got like three sayings, and if you imbued any of them throughout your session, through every short rest, you get to roll a d 20 for hope instead of d twelve, which is quite firm.
[00:23:37] Speaker A: Very cool. Okay, Fabi. Well, speaking of the recipient of all of your paradise.
Hi, Livy.
[00:23:51] Speaker E: Hello.
[00:23:53] Speaker A: Please inform us about this curious couple about Ray Rhee.
[00:24:04] Speaker E: So Ray ri, if you haven't guessed by her face, is a sprite, she's in England.
[00:24:16] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:24:17] Speaker E: England. Ignan. It's an England sprite.
And she is a ranger, and she's a beast bound ranger.
[00:24:27] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:24:28] Speaker E: Can't guess that from her little large friend.
[00:24:34] Speaker A: It is a very little, large friend, isn't it?
[00:24:39] Speaker E: Yeah. So her little friend there is also her mount.
[00:24:46] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:24:49] Speaker E: And he's inspired by the mighty beast of Chihuahuas.
So he is essentially a giant chihuahua.
[00:25:00] Speaker A: There was. I'm gonna say that, like, there was a point during, like, character concept creation, and you had a mastiff in Heroforge, and there was a part of me that was, like, good, but we could go better.
[00:25:17] Speaker C: Like.
[00:25:21] Speaker A: So, yeah. Lots of questions about, like, would a giant chihuahua be as yappy as a normal chihuahua?
[00:25:27] Speaker E: Yeah, I mean, we've had a whole lot of. Many questions have come up about this character creation, its temperament, and its general personality. But you will see. You will see what his personality entails as time goes on.
[00:25:46] Speaker A: So. So you said that ray re is a beast bond ranger.
[00:25:52] Speaker E: Yes. Yes. So never played a ranger before. Never really played a character that does range damage in general, to be honest, I'm normally very much a smashy, smashy close range or roguey stabby savvy close range or bard wafty, wafty close range.
So haven't done a lot of range work before.
[00:26:24] Speaker A: It's been, you're gonna embrace the old rooty tutti point and shooty.
[00:26:29] Speaker E: The rooty tutti point and shooty.
So, yeah, I'm excited to do that. I'm not sure how frustrated I will get with it, and so I start doing it, but I think it's gonna be. It's gonna be a fun time.
[00:26:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. It's good. Like, it's that. I mean, I'm enjoying seeing how so. Whereas sort of, like, with the Guardian and the seraph, like, they're kind of new combo flavors of.
[00:27:01] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:27:01] Speaker A: What we would consider traditional classes. Like, this is. This is a pretty firm, like, traditional archetype. So I'm interested in seeing how that.
[00:27:10] Speaker E: Yeah, it's. It's pretty much like, you can't get much more D and D than Ranger with companion animal.
[00:27:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah.
So when it came to Ray Ripley, what series of auspicious events led you to creating this duo?
[00:27:43] Speaker E: How do I describe my chaos brain?
I wanted to play something so somebody reasonably joyous, like, I don't play happy very often. I guess I'm normally gruff or slightly wide boy or bizarre for all of you that knew, core may rest in peace wherever he is.
So I. Yeah, I just wanted to play something a little bit more sort of fun, light hearted, and just, like, happy to be there. I often play people that aren't happy to be here, so I thought that would be a nice change of things, inspiration wise.
Just all of my favorite characters that are like that. So you're looking at Ed from cowboy bebop. You're looking at Mabel from Gravity Falls. You're looking at all those chaotic, sort of ADHD princesses, over the top, annoying but lovable kind of characters that are just slightly bizarre, but you love them for being them.
[00:29:14] Speaker A: And a massive draw and a massive drama.
I'm sure you're gonna fit in with this trio of brooding men that surprise.
[00:29:25] Speaker C: That's.
[00:29:25] Speaker E: I also like, as everyone was making their characters, I was just like, there has to be the comic relief there someone, and it might as well be me. And it's gonna be me.
So think somebody needs to bring.
Somebody needs to bring it.
[00:29:42] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:29:42] Speaker E: Because I think they're all just. They're all quite serious boys.
[00:29:48] Speaker A: So what? Yeah. What mechanics from the ranger are you most excited to exploit and abuse to cause me immeasurable emotional turmoil?
[00:30:05] Speaker E: I think, like, there's nothing that's, like, it's so traditionally D and D. Like, a lot of it is just your classic range of stuff. So what I'm actually most interested in is starting to play my companion, which has just as much experience as me. So I basically have 123456 experience.
Holy capabilities from my companions experience.
[00:30:30] Speaker A: In my experience, you had to create experiences. This is like a plus two bonus for those.
[00:30:37] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:30:38] Speaker A: You haven't played that game.
[00:30:40] Speaker E: So he. He also has three.
[00:30:42] Speaker A: He also has three. Okay, so you. Amazing. Okay. Okay, so we've got a nuanced chihuahua.
[00:30:52] Speaker E: He's had. He's done a lot of history. There's things that he seems. He seems.
[00:30:55] Speaker A: Those eyes have seen a lot of things.
[00:30:58] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:30:59] Speaker B: In different directions.
[00:31:01] Speaker E: Yeah.
That's why he's got so much experience, because you can see in multiple directions at the same time.
[00:31:07] Speaker A: Amazing. Very good.
[00:31:09] Speaker E: And, I mean, he also has his own stress. He, you know, like, yeah, he gets those stress points.
And he also increases my armor score by two.
[00:31:24] Speaker A: What if you wear him?
[00:31:27] Speaker E: If he's in. If he's in fighting with me, I get plus two to my arm as well.
[00:31:33] Speaker A: That's cool. That is cool. To be fair. Yes.
[00:31:36] Speaker E: So he's. I quite like how usable he is. He feels like he's part of me rather than being like, oh, and I've got a dog. Like, I've got a companion. It's just like, oh, this guy is. He has experiences. He has things that shape how he interacts with the world as much as how Raymond would interact.
[00:32:02] Speaker A: Yeah.
So in the, in the chat, Carl has asked. Well, Carl has stated, please tell me the Chihuahua talks, but only to Rayri.
[00:32:15] Speaker E: I think Ray re thinks that it talks.
I'm sure Ray talks to him a lot.
[00:32:23] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:32:23] Speaker E: They have full on conversations.
[00:32:27] Speaker A: Maybe that's the reason for the thousand yard stare.
[00:32:31] Speaker E: Just hears Ray Reid just talking at him for hours on end as they traverse the forest. Yeah.
[00:32:38] Speaker A: Amazing.
[00:32:38] Speaker C: Well, I'm, we should probably reiterate as well that the dog can't die of.
[00:32:44] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:32:44] Speaker E: The dog can't die.
[00:32:46] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:32:46] Speaker E: He can be hit three times.
This was in a long rest scenario.
[00:32:52] Speaker A: Yeah. This was one of the questions I immediately asked when, when you said, yeah, like, they've, like, Darrington press have kind of hard boiled in that, like, you know that line where the, your animal companion just, like, scarpers and it scarfs the field?
[00:33:12] Speaker E: Yeah. He gets a certain amount of hits, depending on his level. And once that is totaled, he's out of the fight and doesn't come back again to a long rest. Yeah, she just skulks back to camp.
[00:33:25] Speaker A: That's cool.
I appreciate that.
Cool. Yeah. Looking forward to seeing the shenanigans and chaos that you bring to the party.
Last but not least. Hello, PC Dan.
[00:33:41] Speaker D: Hello, DM Dan.
[00:33:43] Speaker A: Hello, you are?
Well, given that Nate isn't playing the svelte twink, I feel like you're kind of bringing that energy instead. Right.
[00:33:59] Speaker D: There might be a little ab show in here, and there might be a few biceps crunching here and there.
[00:34:06] Speaker A: Just a cheeky little gratuitous bicep flex.
[00:34:10] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:34:11] Speaker A: So this, this brooding, this brooding creature right here, please give us a little rundown on van. Yeah.
[00:34:22] Speaker D: Yes. So, as you've said, I'm playing Vanier, who is a wolf kin.
[00:34:27] Speaker A: Mm hmm.
[00:34:28] Speaker D: Now, obviously, you might have viewers who do not know who wolf can are. They're essentially like you, your humans of the world, but they're not as, like, there's not as many of them as there are from some of the other races.
[00:34:45] Speaker A: From the viewpoint of the Lorevar, the wolf kin are very passionate, quick to, quick to emotionally change, very direct, perhaps a little brash.
They are, they are problem solvers.
[00:35:07] Speaker D: Yes. And that is exactly what I'm bringing to the table.
Yes. I'm playing, I'm playing a wolf pin there. You could, in D and D terms. Again, for those who aren't familiar with Daggerharthe or your world of elsewhere, they are kind of like your half orc in D and D, but obviously in terms of the campaign setting there, you know, it's not so stereotyped into that role.
But yeah, I've chosen to play a warrior this time.
[00:35:54] Speaker A: Mm hmm. And how does a warrior, like, what, what's different between a warrior and a guardian?
[00:36:02] Speaker D: The Guardian is like your knight in China armor, but like a tank, essentially, in mechanic mechanical terms, whereas the warrior is all about dishing that sweet wheat damage.
[00:36:16] Speaker A: Yes. Yes. It's the DP's.
[00:36:19] Speaker D: It is the DP's.
[00:36:21] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:36:22] Speaker D: And in going down that DP's route subclass wise, I have chosen to pick the cool of the slayer.
[00:36:34] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:36:36] Speaker D: To dish out more damage.
[00:36:42] Speaker A: Okay. So we've got, like, I notice he is sporting a rather fine pair of gloves.
So, like, what's that all about?
[00:36:53] Speaker D: Right. So going along the lines of where did I get the inspiration from for this particular character? So the last character I played for the last campaign was Guardian, stalwart Guardian.
It all started with, you know, I really wanted to play a turtle person, which in this setting was a galapa, but I also really wanted to play a tank based role because it was really hard to fill that role in d and D, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
However, now coming into your elsewhere setting and looking at the various classes currently in a separate campaign, D and D campaign, I'm playing a heavy spellcaster. And looking at the spellcasting roles, I wasn't really, like, feeling it.
[00:37:47] Speaker A: Mm hmm.
[00:37:48] Speaker D: So I look, I was looking at the warrior and I was, like, really feeling playing, just leaning into the warrior. But I always pick swords.
Always pick swords because it's just something I really love in terms of the fantasy theme.
However, I've never played a monk in D and Da, and I saw arcane gauntlets amongst the items that you could pick.
[00:38:14] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:38:16] Speaker D: And then the inspiration started to hit me in terms of character concept. And I think this time round, I really lent more into pulling from different themes to create the concept because arcane gauntlets aren't the most optimal thing to pick as a warrior, especially with warriors having a certain ability to add your levels worth of damage if you're dealing physical damage. But these magical gauntlets deal magic damage. Okay, so I'm losing out on that, but I really wanted to punch things.
[00:38:57] Speaker A: I think what is really, really interesting with Daggerheart in comparison to other fantasy based tabletop rpg's is that, like, a lot of the weapons you see in other games are like the traditional tends to be the traditional weapons, whereas in daggerhart they've. They've got those, but then they've also got things like the arcane gauntlets, the like the effect. We like chakrams, and they've got loads of new, like, fantasy weaponry that would make sense in a world with magic and creatures and so on and so forth.
[00:39:36] Speaker D: Yes, definitely.
So with going with the character creation there, and this time I wanted to, especially playing in a more fleshed out world, I wanted to give the character concepts more thought.
So diggin the sort of vibe that wolfkin, to me, seems to sing with this survivalist in the wild, nomadic type vibe going on.
I've been drawn in from various inspirations for things like those who have played Monster Hunter, the old games there. I'm really digging the vibe of, oh, slaying monsters, carving up what I can from them to sell on or to which we'll find out. I'm leaning into some cooking vibes.
[00:40:30] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:40:32] Speaker D: So for those who have watched delicious and Dungeon on Netflix recently, I'm drawing some senshi vibes there. Yes, yes, there are. With the white hair. There is some witcher vibes there as well, because I really like the Witcher, but yeah, and the gauntlets, for those who are anime fans.
Yeah. For those who have played Genshin, impact the gauntlets, the punching gauntlets are very reminiscent of a character called Wriothesley.
So drawing some little bits of inspiration from there as well. So there's a whole mixture of different media that I'm pulling from this character. But, yeah, essentially we, because of the setting, we're reflavoring the arcane gauntlets to be more primal based magic rather than arcane magic.
So, yeah, so these are more like primal gauntlets. So they're stone and they let off like wind and like blizzardy type magic.
I see. Magic. So, yes, so that is leaning from a background where he's got them gifted to him from a certain world spirit.
[00:41:50] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:41:50] Speaker D: That gets revealed.
So, yes, he does have a whole vibe going on, and I'm very excited to try it out.
[00:42:01] Speaker A: Amazing. Amazing.
Well, we've kind of gone through, like, inspirations and that.
What was your top pick, like, mechanic or, like, class idea that you're looking forward to?
[00:42:17] Speaker D: So, of course, cool. The slayer, you get to dish out more damage. So if I receive hope on some of my die rolls, I can give up that hope to add a d six up. Because of our current level, I can hold up to time, which I can just add on to my damage.
[00:42:41] Speaker A: So is that like, you can accrue that.
[00:42:45] Speaker D: Like, yeah, you can accrue the d sixes, and you can spend however many of that pool of dice.
[00:42:52] Speaker A: I like shoryuken momentous.
[00:42:56] Speaker D: Yeah. So I can literally one man punch for all my dice.
[00:43:02] Speaker A: Well, Carl in the chat is very correctly mentioned Vi from arcane. And. Yeah, like, yeah, when you were describing this character, because the whole sort, like, arcane pugilist idea is something that, yeah, I've had very kind of. It was very dear to my heart within the elsewhere setting. It was one of the first kind of concepts, kind of characters I created. But there's a moment in arcane, it's near the end, and there's a moment where Vi does a punch and, like, everything just slows down, and you see, just like, the gauntlet move around, and then there's a bang, like a sonic boom. And, yes, I'm imagining that's the vibe.
[00:43:42] Speaker D: I'm going for, especially.
So, yeah, mechanics wise, that is like the biggest shtick of the call of the Slayer warrior. However, yes, there are various things I've chosen that I'm hoping mechanically will sort of sink, because obviously, I've just played a guardian who absorbed so much damage, and even with the current build that I have with my warrior, he has a good evasion, but not amazing. So I'm very interested to see how much I get hit and how much armor, how many armor slots I'm going to be spending. But I've got things in the background, hopefully, that work off of those mechanics. So, yeah, I've got some things in the works that I'm trying out here.
I won't go into too much detail because of time, but, yes, I'm very interested to see the little things that I've picked, how they inform the.
The theme of my character through this world, which bear in mind for those who watch these shows. Obviously, myself and Theo have never played in elsewhere before.
So, yeah, that's freezled veteran of a.
[00:45:06] Speaker E: Whole half a year war hero or pow.
[00:45:12] Speaker D: So we'll be leaning on Nate's knowledge.
[00:45:14] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:45:15] Speaker D: As we play.
[00:45:16] Speaker A: The beauty. The beauty of it is we're kind of making up as we go along.
Beautiful. Okay, so that, yeah, Vanya sounds like a very interesting character. I'm very much looking forward to seeing him in action.
Right, fio, your time is up.
What is cows biggest, braggest?
[00:45:38] Speaker C: I don't know if he would brag, but he was known as the blade during the war on his side of. So he worked up the ranks quite quickly as he is much older than the others in the team and joined the war quite young.
So he was like quite a well known general nearer the end. But he is known as the blade.
Not that, again, not that he would brag about that. That is just something that he is. So people might know it. People might not know it, but he is known as a blade. It's one of my experiences as well, is anything that comes up with the blade, he gets plus three, which is very exciting.
[00:46:23] Speaker A: Very, very good. Very good. Okay, so that is your biggest humble brag.
What is Azakar's biggest, braggest?
[00:46:32] Speaker B: Azakar doesn't brag. Azakar is a. Is a humble chap.
I guess, like his biggest brag would actually be that he's got. He's got a weapon that is imbued with Ayah's divinity or he believes it's imbued by Aya's divinity anyway. And that's really cool to him.
[00:46:52] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, inappropriate character build for someone of that. That nature. Very good. So we've got a God sword as a brag.
What is little ray re's biggest brag?
[00:47:13] Speaker E: I think Binny is Ray re's biggest brag.
They are the only known entity to ever be able to tame what they call an arlecchino, which is what the breed is called from the Bronze Mountains. Never, never been mounted before. Never been tamed. And Vinny is the first known.
[00:47:46] Speaker A: First known. So Alakino, did you say ole Keno.
How we spell him that?
[00:47:57] Speaker E: Like the Italian. So a r l e c h I n o.
[00:48:05] Speaker A: Boom.
[00:48:06] Speaker E: Okay, I'm using Harlequin in Italian.
[00:48:11] Speaker A: There we go. So a savant animal tamer. Very, very good. And last but not least, what is Vanier's biggest brag?
[00:48:27] Speaker D: The white wolf.
Actually, it's his cooking.
[00:48:35] Speaker A: This is cooking. Okay.
[00:48:37] Speaker D: Yes. He.
[00:48:40] Speaker E: The one makes a mead carbonara.
[00:48:43] Speaker D: Yes, it's. Although he is the white wolf is well known for his deeds, exploring and monster slaying and providing parts to the community.
His real little passion that sort of brings him down to earth is his unusual cooking from such ingredients that he finds in the wild.
[00:49:14] Speaker A: Okay. Okay.
[00:49:15] Speaker E: Yum, yum.
[00:49:16] Speaker A: Well, there we have it then. We have our four characters.
So, yeah, obviously, we're going to discover more about them as time goes on, but let's do a quick dive into sort of, like, the setting and, like, what. What is the tales of elsewhere? What is it that we're doing? Obviously, we've discussed that. We're playing dagger heart, but, yeah, the the setting for this.
So for those of you who are kind of new to the elsewhere setting, it is a homebrew that has been percolating for quite literally over a decade. It's been a long time, but fundamentally, we.
We exist in a world known as elsewhere very somewhat recently.
Well, elsewhere new, almost everlasting peace. Until one day, the gods of Elysia, who are all the dragons, led by Aya, the broodmother and a khan, the dragon father, they had a bit of a falling out. They had a bit of a barney. It was all due to a khan gifting the mortals the gift of arcane magic, which the mortals of elsewhere used to do some pretty impressive and creative things.
But Aya took umbrage with it. She did not think that the mortals should have this kind of.
This self propagating magic like she. She rather did. Magic still came from the gods in the form of divine. Yeah, had a bit of a fallen out, bit of a barney. A little tiny war that fundamentally split elsewhere right down the middle between the two factions, though siding with Iodo, siding with a khan.
And the. After the consequence of that war, with all of the ever increasing magics unleashed by both sides on one another, resulted in a phenomena known as the Eschaton. When the very like fabric of Alicia, Alicia very fabric of elsewhere started to split, the. The ground began to rupture, the skies began to burn, the seas began to freeze and boil. It was the end of days. And the people of elsewhere, like the mortals, realizing that the dragons had no intention of stopping, they prayed for deliverance, and they were rescued by what were what are now known as the world spirits, which were kind of a number of deities that sprang forth from the wrecked shell of elsewhere herself.
These primally infused deities decided to side with Aya, and in doing so, they managed to overthrow a khanda and his seven children that followed behind him, locked them away, seal them sealed and banished.
And that was it. That's the end of the war.
The dragons went back up to the heavens. The world spirits returned back to the earth to begin the process of healing. But the world of Elysia had been irrevocably changed. I used the term Rubik's cubed. Civilizations were twisted and torn and pulled apart and redistributed, and, you know, the terrain was completely changed under the warping magics of the eschaton. Fundamentally, we have a. A world's worth of people living in a world that they no longer recognize.
So, 18 months ago, from the start of tales of elsewhere, the first, the eschaton finished. Six months ago, the first expeditions began heading out into the world under a. An initiative called the rediscovery to fundamentally remap and rediscover everything. What elsewhere now looks like.
Did I say Elisa again?
[00:53:32] Speaker B: Three times.
[00:53:33] Speaker A: Three times. Very good. Elsewhere. Elsewhere. Elsewhere, yes. Six months ago, the other first exhibitions went out. Most were successful in setting up a number of kind of outposts which within which have now since been connected to the great city Avermore, which currently houses the silver halls, which is a grand kind of school, a college of magic. There are a number of high magisters who operate from Avermore, and they are the brain children, or they are the fathers and mothers of the elsewhere explorer initiative.
And having sent out these expeditions, a what is effectively a set of portal network, like a portal network is now being established to connect even more to these other outposts as they spring up around the world.
So our adventurers, our explorers, will be part of the growing explorer population from Avonmore, striding through these portals to the outposts established by the expeditions to help out, to aid in either, you know, help the outposts quell any problems, aid with the exploration of the local area. And that in itself is our framework for being able to kind of jump and kind of jump and skip from kind of location to location. Different settings, different themes, different ideas.
If at any point you wanted to change up one of your characters to try something else, let's say there's a new dagger heart kind of update, you have that option as well, because the adventures themselves are going to be relatively bite sized, which also makes it much easier for you to watch or listen to.
And that is pretty much it. When we start, we'll start after the break, and we will be joining these four as they go on their first mission together as a. As a foursome, emerging through a portal into one of the outposts, having, presumably, having.
Having all responded to, torn that little slip of paper with the telephone number from the, like the jobs board back in Avermore.
Does the silver halls have an investigation team? It could well do, Carla. It could well do. No one think about that acronym.
So, yes, I'm excited for this. It's gonna be good. We're gonna hopefully give Daggerheart a run for its money, kind of put it through the ringer, see what it can and can't do, see what's good at, see what it could be better at, and then also just kind of expands the elsewhere law a little bit more. Obviously, we had quite a lot of law that was put in place and created off the back of campaign one. Campaign two is still currently in process, but it's fair to say that's a bit isolationist. So that's almost kind of that law development happening in a bubble. But it's good to be able to kind of touch base with the rest of the world seeing what's happening. Yeah. Six months after the conclusion of campaign one.
Tell you what, who would like to watch the title screen before we go to break?
[00:57:22] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:57:25] Speaker A: Cool, right, we will. I'll play this, we'll go to break and then. Yeah, we'll jump in.
All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes ever onwards to find the lands and people lost, all thanks to our brave explorers.
[00:57:52] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azakar and the Jani Seraph.
[00:57:57] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanya, the Wolfkin warrior.
[00:58:02] Speaker E: Hey. Hi, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Ray Reid, the sprite Ranger.
[00:58:06] Speaker C: Hi, my name's Theo and I'm playing Cal, slang of our guardian.
[00:58:11] Speaker A: And my name is DM Dan. I'll be the GM in these adventures. The further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere.