It's Just Good Business - Tales From Elsewhere - Tale 3 Ep.4 - Daggerheart Actual Play

Episode 17 January 03, 2025 01:25:28
It's Just Good Business - Tales From Elsewhere - Tale 3 Ep.4 - Daggerheart Actual Play
Explorers of Elsewhere
It's Just Good Business - Tales From Elsewhere - Tale 3 Ep.4 - Daggerheart Actual Play

Jan 03 2025 | 01:25:28


Show Notes

The Explorers arrive back in Islebridge with the rescued daughters in tow for a confrontation to unravel a rather convoluted plan. 


Check out The Holm Foundation, a Found Footage Horror-Fiction Podcast created by Fio Trethewey (Big Finish: Gallifrey War Room, 18th Wall Productions) and Georgia Cook (Big Finish: The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles, Gallifrey War Room, BBC Books, The Dracula Daily Sketch Collection). It is a modern day sequel to the gothic novel Dracula -



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:05] Speaker A: Hello. Hi. Welcome everyone to Explorers of Elsewhere's Tales from Elsewhere. Hi, I'm DM Dan and these are some diligent folk. Came up okay. Came a bit stuck there, didn't I? [00:00:28] Speaker B: Tried not to swear in the first five minutes. [00:00:30] Speaker A: Yes, yes. We pick up with our adventurers. With our explorers having recently returned to the town of Islebridge with the two kidnapped daughters in tow. Daughters that were due to inherit the kind of the family responsibilities of basically running this small, quaint little town. There's there seems to have. There. There is a mystery that our explorers here have been unpicking revolving around the kidnap of these young ladies. And now that you're back, you're. You are about to enact a plan to see if you can unpick the final few threads and watch this whole sweater fall apart. Sound about right? Beautiful. Beautiful. Well, if you're watching this for the first time. Hello. Sorry. If you're watching this live. Hello. Thank you for joining us. If you're not watching this live, then treat yourself by clicking the like button and hitting the subscribe button as well because there's gonna be loads of stuff like this. With that in mind, who wants to jump into the title screen and then crack on with this final part of the tale? All across the unknown world, rediscovery pushes ever onwards to find the lands and people lost. All thanks to our brave explorers. [00:02:06] Speaker C: Hi, I'm Dan and I'm playing Vanir the Wolfkin warrior. [00:02:10] Speaker D: Hey, I'm Livy. I'm going to be playing Rayri the Sprite Ranger. [00:02:14] Speaker E: Hi, my name's Theo and I'm playing Cal A Sang of our Guardian. [00:02:18] Speaker F: I'm Georgia and I will be playing Alfric Stormhall, a dragon scent bard. [00:02:23] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Nate and I'm playing Azakar and the Jani Seraph. [00:02:27] Speaker A: And my name is DM Dan, the gm. In these adventures, the further we go, the more we learn of these magical tales from elsewhere. And so turn the music back on. We find you outside a old looking tavern that has recently seen a fair amount of renovation. Like recent renovation. The sign above the door reads the Horse's Head. And the tavern is peculiarly built in the middle of this very large like very wide stone bridge that spans a river that bisects the town of Islebridge. On either side of you on the ends of the bridges, you can see the town of Islebridge kind of reaching out and it is a curious mix of sprite and non sprite sized buildings to create a very kind of Higgledy piggledy skyline. But as the five of you stand in front of the horse's head. Yeah, you. You step in. What? I'll pass this off to you. What time of day is it? What time did you time. When did you time for this encounter to happen? Like morning, afternoon, evening, night, dusk. [00:04:13] Speaker C: Yeah, because I was gonna say later in the day. [00:04:16] Speaker D: Okay. [00:04:18] Speaker A: Dusk. Okay. In which case, yeah. As the sun is setting and the sky is a. An assortment of beautiful warm, reddish, orangish purplish hues, you can hear. You can see the townsfolk of Islebridge kind of ambling past you. None of them are really paying that much close attention to the two cloaked sprites that you've got kind of tucked around the corner. The cloak sprites being Capulene, Fisbee and Montana Fire of their respective clans. But yeah, the five of you heading to the horse's head and as you enter, sat at one of the tables quite like caricaturely. What's that word? Counting stacks of gold coins. Is this rather large handle, like mutton chopped Loravar man who sort of like turns and looks at you and sort of like squints for a moment to see who it is that's just entered. And noticing that it's you, he surges to his feet. You recognize this man to be Varenn Verizon, the Larovar that hired you for this job and seemingly the architect of the whole kidnapping plan plot. [00:05:53] Speaker G: Well, as the day draws near, you are back. [00:05:57] Speaker A: You are back. [00:05:57] Speaker G: And I assume you are back. The victors. You are victorious. You have successfully completed your mission. I applaud you. I applaud you. [00:06:08] Speaker A: He says as he stands up and literally starts clapping. [00:06:13] Speaker D: Is there anyone else in the tavern behind the bar? [00:06:17] Speaker A: You see, Myrtle, the. The goblin lady, there's a couple of kind of sprites. Well, there's a couple of town folks dotted around, but currently it's not quite late enough for everyone to have started to like, come out. You're in the run up to it, but yeah, like, the sprites look over in curiosity. It's like as a Veronica Varen, you know, who's a giant amongst these people, stands up and begins publicly applauding you. [00:06:53] Speaker D: I reach up and take both of his hands and just kind of clasp them. We're gonna have. We got somewhere we can talk? [00:07:05] Speaker G: Oh, well, of course we do. I mean, take. [00:07:07] Speaker D: Just to keep more private. [00:07:09] Speaker G: A bit private. Oh, why, why, yes, Myrtle, you. You keep an eye on the floor here. We're gonna. We're gonna go to the back the back room. Please follow me to my. [00:07:22] Speaker A: To my office, he says, and he might sit down. He. He sort of looks. Looks at you curiously. He leads you to what is effectively a converted like cleaning closet under the stairs that's just about got a table. It's got a desk in that. And he managed to sort like squeeze round it and take a seat. And you can see that arrayed on the desk are a number of relatively small. On the desk and on the walls, a number of small drawn like artists painted pictures of Varenn Verizon. So this man is literally confronted with his own visage like eight times over in this relatively. In this small understair cubby hole. [00:08:24] Speaker G: Squeeze in. Squeeze. We haven't got any sheets, I'm afraid we're still waiting to knock this war. [00:08:29] Speaker A: Through, he says, banging on the. On the wall to his left. [00:08:33] Speaker G: But comment. [00:08:34] Speaker A: Close. [00:08:34] Speaker G: Close the door behind you. If you can. If you can. So what. What good news do you have for me? [00:08:48] Speaker D: Maybe just kind of looks around. [00:08:53] Speaker B: I am afraid it is not good news. We have. Would one of the girls had like. Like a scarf or a neckerchief or something that would have been easy to take off them? [00:09:06] Speaker A: Sure. Absolutely. [00:09:08] Speaker B: Okay. He's obviously got these neckerchiefs from the girls before going in and he sort of hands. He sort of places them on the desk and says, it appeared we found them, but it was too late, unfortunately. It looked like the bandits got to them. [00:09:34] Speaker A: The Lorevar man is like sat. He's rocking on his. On this small chair. This is small wooden stall. So he's just rocking on its back two legs. And as you say that like he's looking at the five of you with this like Sal sales adviser smile on. And then it's. You can see the point where your words register because he like, his eyes go wide and he like wobbles on his chair and then slams back forward and I'm. [00:10:14] Speaker G: I'm sorry. They did. They did what? [00:10:18] Speaker B: We found their bodies. [00:10:24] Speaker G: And then. And then clearly you. You did something and brought. Brought them. Brought them back to life, I assume, given that you are, you know, all. [00:10:35] Speaker B: Powerful explorers, we do not have that power. [00:10:43] Speaker G: So they're. [00:10:48] Speaker B: They're dead, unfortunately. So yes. [00:10:54] Speaker G: And you. You all, you all saw that they were dead. That is a shame. That's a damn. That's a damn shame. Ah, it's. It's gonna break their hearts. The Tiber and Benville, the love that they have for them, for their daughters was. It will bring a tear to the eye. You sure, they're dead. [00:11:37] Speaker C: Sniffing hit and listening to his sort of micro expressions and his reactions, his heartbeat. What's. What's this seem like right now? Does it seem like someone who is a bit shooken because of news of people's like important people's passing or shooken because his. [00:12:10] Speaker D: I think he's hopeful. [00:12:11] Speaker E: I don't think he's shooken like. [00:12:13] Speaker C: Or is he hopeful like. Yeah, what's, what's this got? How's. So the sense we're gonna get from him. [00:12:18] Speaker A: He seen with your acute senses, you have like, you as he's talking. Like anyone who's happens to be able to see Vanier, like Vanya, you can't help but grimace slightly because there is a, there is a distinct like stench of flatulence in the air. And you. To the point where you wonder if Varon here has like farted in shock. And he seems genuinely kind of sh. There was a point when, when, you know, when the foot news was first broken and he did seem genuinely surprised. But like the way that his eyes are kind of flicking from side to side, the way that his brow is kind of furrowed but moving around. It's almost like you're watching like a machine process something. Like you can almost visually see him processing this information to the point where he seems. He does him genuinely kind of like put out and a bit like surprised. But he doesn't seem sad. So. Yeah. And like he's currently looking. You having just asked. [00:13:46] Speaker G: They definitely did. [00:13:50] Speaker A: And he looked to the five of you waiting for. [00:13:52] Speaker C: Just pointing towards the, the. The evidence on the table. [00:13:57] Speaker B: We will be taking these and the other evidence that we found to obviously the proper. [00:14:08] Speaker A: Nods. [00:14:10] Speaker G: That's, that's a real, a real shame. A real shame. [00:14:17] Speaker A: Anyway, he says, clapping his lap, you. [00:14:22] Speaker G: Yeah, you, you if you've got this evidence of this, this foul play by these bandits, I suggest, yeah, if you, if you go over and speak to Sheriff Parrot, if you, if you like, you can leave the, the real hard conversation with the parents, with Tiber and Benville. You can leave that up to me. I mean I see them as pillars of this community and I feel that I need to offer my sincerest condolences and mass apod in their, in their time of need and the now unfortunate reality of their misfortune. June. [00:15:06] Speaker B: Yes, the evidence, it was quite interesting. Obviously we can't share some letters that we found, some sketches. [00:15:16] Speaker A: He. He nods. [00:15:18] Speaker G: And letters and sketches. You say what off. [00:15:24] Speaker B: I think that's better to take to the authorities. [00:15:30] Speaker A: VAN well, actually I say, van, all of you. You watch as he. And then his eyes start, like, flitting to each of you in turn and like the brow starts processing and furrowing. And then he. Right. [00:15:50] Speaker G: Well, yes, yes, of course. I mean, you. You should do what you need to do. But, I mean, although it's not the. The outcome that we were expecting, I'm thankful that you have managed to complete the task that I set you. I mean, by the wording of the letter. You were asked to bring back the two daughters, and it was, you know, expected that they would be on this mortal coil. But as that is not the case, I feel that you have not completely finished the complete. The terms of your contract. So I will. I will have to speak with your superiors as to negotiating a reduction in the pay that I forward to you for a task well tried but not completed. I'm sure you. You understand, from, you know, business people to business people. [00:16:49] Speaker B: I don't think the money aspect is currently on our minds, considering that two young people have lost their lives. [00:16:58] Speaker G: Well, yes, it's thinking about the grease of life, of society, of civilization, no less. That it plagues my mind so much is both a blessing and a curse. But don't you worry. You do what you need to do, he says. [00:17:18] Speaker A: And you can see he's now sort of like scanning you to see if you've got this. Like these letters and sketches you've mentioned poking out. And. [00:17:28] Speaker G: Yeah, you. You do what you need to do and I'll. I'll. I'll break the bad news. How's about that? [00:17:36] Speaker B: It's okay. You look troubled enough. We will go and talk to the families. [00:17:45] Speaker G: No, you. You've done. You've done quite a lot, he says. [00:17:48] Speaker A: And he stands up. And suddenly the room feels a lot smaller with him sort of like two hands leaning on his desk. [00:17:56] Speaker G: I insist. You tell you what. [00:18:00] Speaker A: You. [00:18:01] Speaker G: You've had a bit of an escapade. What. [00:18:03] Speaker A: Why don't you drink? [00:18:04] Speaker G: Drink some food on the house. You grab a seat outside and. [00:18:08] Speaker A: And we'll. [00:18:09] Speaker G: We'll. We'll take care of you. We'll. And then we'll smooth everything over. [00:18:13] Speaker A: How. [00:18:13] Speaker G: How's that sound? [00:18:16] Speaker B: We will complete our job first. Then maybe we'll return. [00:18:23] Speaker A: He smiles with gritted teeth. [00:18:31] Speaker D: Riri looks over at Alfric. After they'd had a conversation about things that Alfred might be able to do for certain periods of time. [00:18:47] Speaker F: Alfred catches. [00:18:49] Speaker D: Her eye and Rha goes a minute, right? [00:18:57] Speaker F: A minute. [00:18:58] Speaker G: A minute. [00:19:03] Speaker D: Ray slams her hand down on the. [00:19:08] Speaker F: We know you kidnapped Those girls and. [00:19:11] Speaker A: You wanted them to leave and it's all on you. [00:19:13] Speaker D: We're gonna tell them all. [00:19:20] Speaker A: As Rayri like. Bear in mind this is so. This is a Laura jump on the table. Okay. Five. [00:19:28] Speaker C: Five. [00:19:28] Speaker A: Five. I was gonna say you slam the table, dying, then climb up. Yeah. As you sort of like stand there jabbing and pointing at him. Varon looks visibly shocked and rattled at this very angry Ignan sprite shouting in his face. And then presumably also there's a. From Vinnie somewhere in the room as well his legs. And you all watch as like this shocked Laura von man like leans away from you for a moment. And then the shock turns into this kind of smirk. [00:20:25] Speaker G: Well, that's all good. Good to say. But I have a suspicion that you do not have any evidence to back up these baseless claims of slander. [00:20:44] Speaker A: And. [00:20:46] Speaker G: Certainly within the town of Islebridge, the laws of justice pride themselves on the integrity of their evidence and proof. It might ruffle a few feathers for you to go around spouting such heinous nonsense. [00:21:09] Speaker F: I think you'll find we have more than enough evidence. [00:21:16] Speaker A: Veron. [00:21:21] Speaker C: Yes, Mr. Vivi. [00:21:25] Speaker A: Varon looks and okay, you got me. [00:21:32] Speaker G: But I was only operating on the express. Only operating on the express instruction of Tybar Fisbee and Benvil Pharam. I think you'll find that there are stamps on any incriminating letters that would also shoulder the blame on those who requested my services as a middleman. [00:22:03] Speaker C: I think this is the time to use that thing. [00:22:06] Speaker F: Now I can either use that or I can put him to sleep. [00:22:14] Speaker C: Can you not just get rid of his memory first and then sleep? [00:22:17] Speaker F: I can do both. I DM Dan. Am I okay to wipe his memory and then put him to sleep? [00:22:26] Speaker A: So hang on. Is it a. Is it just like spend a hope. [00:22:30] Speaker F: So it's recant. He does have to make a reaction roll. And if he fails, he forgets the last minute of conversation. And then slumber is a spell cast roll. [00:22:42] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. I mean you can. You can do them back to back. Although he Depending on how the first. Whatever you roll first goes that more potentially change. Change the outcome. But so bear in mind at the moment he is saying that, yeah, if he. It seems like he knows what you've got, but it's good. Yeah. If you use that, it will be a bit scorched earth. [00:23:16] Speaker D: He knows that. [00:23:16] Speaker A: What? [00:23:17] Speaker D: He knows that we know that he knows that we know. [00:23:20] Speaker A: Yes. [00:23:20] Speaker F: Yeah. If we take his memory, then he won't know that we. We know. [00:23:24] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:23:25] Speaker C: Unless he stole the Stamps? [00:23:27] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:23:28] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:23:28] Speaker D: I. No, I, I. [00:23:30] Speaker E: No, I think the parents aren't. Now if the parents. [00:23:32] Speaker D: I wonder if they're in on it. I wonder if they wanted to scare them so they wouldn't join the adventurous guild. [00:23:39] Speaker A: For those. For those interested, roll me a instinct. [00:23:49] Speaker C: Oh, an instinct. Yeah, I'll roll that. [00:23:55] Speaker D: Wait. [00:23:58] Speaker A: Oh my God. All the dice. Okay. What? [00:24:03] Speaker C: We got it. [00:24:05] Speaker B: I got a 19 with fear. [00:24:08] Speaker A: Rayri rolled less with fear. Cow rolled live with fear. That. Okay, so Van year 16 with hope. [00:24:21] Speaker C: 16 with hope. [00:24:22] Speaker A: And Alfric 14 plus. [00:24:24] Speaker C: I'm gonna add that to a slayer die. [00:24:26] Speaker A: Sure, sure. So Alfric roll with hope. Well the. I mean unless you want me to farm three fear. This is more just a reaction roll. [00:24:38] Speaker C: How is it? Reaction. [00:24:39] Speaker G: Okay. [00:24:39] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:24:41] Speaker A: So Vanier and Alfric you recognize as he says this. As he kind of says as he reveals that Tyber Fisby and Benville fum. So the two girls parents. But they will be implicated in whatever claims you make against him. The way that he pouts. You get the impression that the parents aren't involved. And in fact he's done that to cover himself. [00:25:17] Speaker F: I think we should put him to sleep and then rifle through his things. [00:25:21] Speaker D: I think we should kill him, maybe. [00:25:23] Speaker C: Wipe his memory and then sleep. [00:25:26] Speaker F: Yeah, that was. That was my plan. He might resist one or both. [00:25:30] Speaker C: Well, well might as well try because I can certainly knock the man out if it all fails. [00:25:37] Speaker A: Okay. Alfric as he like as he stood there pouting, but he's got this, he's got this like irritating bravado about him that says like I've got you cornered. Yeah. What do you do? What is your. What does your mind wipe look like? [00:25:59] Speaker F: I think Alfric very much does not enjoy this man's company. And he sort of hurries up next to rare Rees on the desk. He goes I don't really like you. And then he snaps his fingers in front of his face. [00:26:16] Speaker A: I was hoping it would just be with the violin and crept. [00:26:22] Speaker E: It's a little violin version. [00:26:24] Speaker F: I don't think there's room in this cupboard for me and my bike is. [00:26:27] Speaker A: No, no. Okay. So as you kind of channel this mind altering magic, what does he need to roll? [00:26:39] Speaker F: He needs to roll a. So I'm scrolling. A reaction roll. [00:26:46] Speaker A: A reaction roll. Okay, bear with me. 15. Okay. There he is. So. Oh, interesting. This is a straight D20 roll. Boom. Here we go. [00:27:15] Speaker C: Prior dice or something that do they work with? [00:27:19] Speaker B: They don't act with reaction. [00:27:20] Speaker F: I mean it's a 15. So it's. He's. [00:27:23] Speaker A: He's rolled a 17. [00:27:26] Speaker C: That's what I was. [00:27:29] Speaker A: As you click nothing. He like, he pulls his chin back into his chest as you click at him and like his eyes glass over slightly for a second and then he, You. [00:27:47] Speaker G: You just try to do something funny. [00:27:49] Speaker A: To me, he says. And he like, his face goes beet red as he and his jowls start wobbling as he points a finger at you. I'm sorry. [00:28:00] Speaker F: Sleep falls out. [00:28:03] Speaker A: Clad 2. [00:28:03] Speaker D: Plan 2. [00:28:06] Speaker A: Okay. Plan 2. In which case, as you pull out your violin, please make me a spell cast roll. [00:28:15] Speaker F: That's just a normal role. [00:28:17] Speaker A: Yeah. So for all extents and purposes, he. You're not involved though. Okay. In which case you. You're like plan B. And then you go to reach for your violin and then it just gets caught in everyone like gets caught on cow's sleeve and. And then your bow comes out and you like elbow as a car in the chin. And this, this music is far too peaceful as you attempt to like get your. Your violin Spell casting focus out. He's like shaking beat root in the beat, red in the face. And he looks, as he looks to you all, like his eyes are beginning to bolt slightly as he's. [00:29:16] Speaker F: Like on himself. [00:29:20] Speaker A: Like at the sheer indignation of it. And I'm not going to take a fear because instead he shouts, myrtle. Myrtle. And like he throws a hand down on a small, what looks to be like a small golden bust of himself. But then as he looks up to you, he then turns this bust 90 degrees and it just rotates on the neck. And as he does that, the section of floor that he stood on in front of this like back wall suddenly rotates and he disappears through this rotating wall that he's installed. [00:30:05] Speaker E: Bastard. [00:30:08] Speaker A: And you like in the. In the confusion of Alfred, kind of getting tangled up with everyone. Yeah. You just watch him as he just slides out and is replaced by. Not replaced by a very confused looking sprite. Patron. Ah, says the sprite. But you can hear him through the wall shouting. What do you. What do you. Who's first in the initiative? [00:30:40] Speaker E: Does it sound like his myrtle sounding is now coming from back in the bar? [00:30:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:30:46] Speaker D: So we're gonna be flipping round. So I'm gonna be furthest in the room. Yes. [00:30:53] Speaker A: The room that you're in, like half of it was rotating platform. So he's. Yeah, he's just pivoted out and yeah. Left you in. So. Yeah, I see what you mean. You and Alfric are furthest from the. [00:31:06] Speaker E: Door Yeah, I feel like I'm probably at the back. So I literally have bolted out back into the. The pub and I my hand going towards. I don't intend to kill this man. I want to knock him out. [00:31:23] Speaker A: Okay. [00:31:23] Speaker E: For the record, if I get hold of him, I am knocking him out. But yeah, that's the plan. [00:31:30] Speaker A: In which case, as you kind of chase him out of what did you burst out of this little understair cubby room? And you emerge back into the main area of the like the main drinking area of the tavern. You can see Varon like running across the. The, the. The drink hall shouted, they're trying to kill me. They're trying to kill me. And like the spirit, right patrons that are in there just what like there's one really confused looking like ace of our woman that's just watched her date disappear into the wall. And like as Varon is, he's clearly sort of like Dr. Robotnik running for the front door. And Cal, you notice that behind the bar, Myrtle, the Goblin bar lady is looking at you with this like really intense stare. And you then watch as her top lip curls as she bares her teeth. [00:32:45] Speaker E: For the moment, I'm ignoring her. [00:32:48] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:32:48] Speaker E: Unless I see a weapon and I am running on after Varan. My experience actually has lightning speed. [00:32:59] Speaker A: Okay. [00:33:00] Speaker E: I never use my experiences, but let's. It, let's. Let's do this. Which means I want to try and get as close to him as possible. [00:33:07] Speaker A: Okay. [00:33:07] Speaker E: With the hopes of tackling him to. [00:33:09] Speaker A: The ground, I will in this case ask for the agility check to see if you can get across like get across this distance and also between the sprites and the chairs and the tables. [00:33:21] Speaker E: So just to check, will that. Will I be able to roll my agility roll plus my experience on top? [00:33:26] Speaker A: You can. [00:33:27] Speaker E: Then that would be a plus five roll, which is great. [00:33:30] Speaker A: So you're down to five. Oh, yes. [00:33:34] Speaker C: M. Yes. Is this a situation where possibly a tag team role would work? [00:33:43] Speaker A: Quite possibly someone wants to chip in. Although it seems like I, I would argue that unless one of you is Kool Aid manning through the wall. [00:33:55] Speaker C: I mean I'm sure if anyone is. [00:33:58] Speaker A: It'S going to be Van. Well, yeah, cuz Cal is using like lightning speed to get ahead of you all. [00:34:06] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean Vanier is Super John, but obviously I don't want to impede on your narrative what you're doing right now. So I just want to. I'm just checking with you what the boundary is to whether and you can reasonably get to the same Point in time to help in this tag team narrative. [00:34:25] Speaker A: I think in this moment, because we are using an experience. Lightning reflex, like lightning speed. Like, Cal has just left you all in the dust. Okay, so Cal, make me a roll and add plus five to it. [00:34:42] Speaker B: Okay. [00:34:43] Speaker E: Wish me luck. [00:34:44] Speaker C: I don't go on do this. [00:34:49] Speaker A: An 11. [00:34:50] Speaker E: So 11 plus 5. So that's a 16 with fear. [00:34:54] Speaker A: Okay, so you manage to surge across the room. I will. So you manage to surge across the room and you manage. You catch up with Varon, who is definitely slower than you. But as you kind of go to grab him, you with fear, eh, you go. You go to grab him. And as he stood there going, help, help, help. Like, screaming, like, he's got two hands outside the door and he's got his head poking out onto the bridge and he's like, help out. As you grab him and pull him back in. So alerts have been raised. But as you pull him back into the tavern and he looks at you and like the. The beet red in his face has now been replaced with just, like sheet white. He then don't hurt me, he says as he brings his hands up. And then like through his fingers, he peers back over to the bar. [00:36:14] Speaker G: And now Myrtle now. [00:36:17] Speaker A: And you see her pull a lever on the side of the bar counter and count. Like, you hear this loud clunk that then reverberates through the floor. You can hear different clunks going underfoot. And as you like, you can almost trace the direction of this traveling sound to the wall on the floor far side of the drinking hall that has a golden, like, bust of a horse's head mounted to the wall. And like, there's a loud clunk from behind this wall and then nothing really happens. And Vernon just lets out an involuntary oh of disappointment. And then the wall blows out as the horse's head turns out to be attached to some form of arcana tech. Like construct punches through the wall, looks around, and it looks quite odd to see this. Like, you know, when people wear those horse head masks, it's a bit like that. But this construct just kind of like looks around and then spies you and then starts striding towards you. Yeah. The horse's head golem is now in the encounter. [00:37:43] Speaker E: Can just my reaction be to shout help? [00:37:46] Speaker A: Yes, yes, absolutely. You've. You've roll with veer. So I will. I will then take over the. The construct strides across the room towards you. Cow. [00:38:04] Speaker C: And this cow get to take an action. [00:38:09] Speaker A: The action would have been to running close the distance. [00:38:14] Speaker C: Okay. [00:38:15] Speaker E: Because I got it with fear. So I got hold of Vernon, but now he's sent something. [00:38:22] Speaker A: Okay. So I will actually have to not only use your fear, but then spend one of my own fear because it takes two to activate the golem and it strides, it charges across the room and plus two makes an attack against you as it like drops its head and tries to headbutt you with the golden bust. 10 to hit. [00:38:53] Speaker E: That's my evasion, right? Yeah, yeah, it. My evasion's a nine. So it does hit. [00:38:59] Speaker A: Okay. You take. You take your evasion's nine. [00:39:11] Speaker D: Nine. It was an eight. [00:39:12] Speaker B: Yeah, it was an eight year old. [00:39:14] Speaker A: But plus two. Yeah. You take 28 damage as this thing headbutts you with a charge and knocks you to close range. So headbutts you so hard that like you are pulled away from it. Like you are knocked away from Vernon and you kind of crash into the bar on the far side and like sprites go scattering in panic as. As you're flung across the room. [00:39:45] Speaker E: Okay. I just trying to remember it's been a little while. So that was 28 damage, you said. Yeah, I need to get my damage because that's severe damage for me, which is not great. So you need to get my damage down from. Yeah. So if I use an arm slot. [00:40:08] Speaker A: That'Ll drop it to major. [00:40:10] Speaker E: To major damage. So I only take two. [00:40:13] Speaker A: Out of curiosity, how much. How many armor slots does everyone have? [00:40:18] Speaker E: I have like nine. I have nine. I have nine because I have bare bones. [00:40:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:25] Speaker E: And something. Something to do with my vengeance stuff. [00:40:29] Speaker A: Daniel's got loads, right? [00:40:30] Speaker C: Eight. [00:40:31] Speaker D: I've got eight as well. [00:40:33] Speaker A: Okay. I am going to institute implement a house rule right now. Against Matt Mercer's wishes. We. We could now spend multiple armor slots on a single attack. Because you could before it kind of makes sense to. And I don't think Cal can survive another eight of these attacks. So. Yeah, you can absolutely blow more than one armor slot to reduce multiple stamps. [00:41:06] Speaker E: So. Yeah, so I can bring it. If I do another one, it'll bring me down to minor damage. [00:41:09] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:41:10] Speaker E: So one damage. I have one hp. Cool. That's fine. That. That was not very nice. No, it's not. Not in a good place. [00:41:19] Speaker A: It just. Yeah, because you're covered in like the dust from the, like plaster dust from the wall. This thing, this. This rather expensive and ornate looking kind of arcana tech golem with this head just haphazardly attached to the front in such a way that it could hide in a wall. But yeah, it's headbutted you and it sort of like rears up over you as. [00:41:44] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:41:44] Speaker A: Vernon Varin just is seemingly shocked by the efficiency of his golem. Who's next? [00:41:53] Speaker E: Could I. Yeah, I was saying could I as a. As a small thing before I got here. It. Because I was technically holding Vernon before. [00:42:01] Speaker A: Does he go with you? [00:42:02] Speaker E: Could. Could I either. I'm trying to think of what. What Cal would do, like with the instinct of I'm gonna just chuck him like out of. So like chuck him out of the way so he's gonna get hit anyway. But having Vernon be disorientated so he doesn't just run off. [00:42:23] Speaker A: Sure. [00:42:23] Speaker E: Like just. Just using all of his own strength that he has in that moment to get him out of the way. Would that be okay or not? [00:42:29] Speaker A: Give me another agility check. Every agility reaction roll. [00:42:34] Speaker G: Sure. [00:42:34] Speaker A: Let's do that. [00:42:40] Speaker E: That's better. And then agility is three. So that's eight. [00:42:44] Speaker A: I say 18. Okay. So, yeah. In which case you. You were quick enough to react to do something with Varan before you got sideswiped. So what is it you wanted to do? [00:42:56] Speaker E: I just. I just want to chuck him so he's disorientated. [00:42:59] Speaker A: Okay. [00:42:59] Speaker E: So maybe like chucking him against that wall that's nearby. So he can't really react, can't go anywhere. But I still take the full front of the hit from the horse's head. [00:43:10] Speaker G: Cool. Yeah. [00:43:11] Speaker A: So you've managed to pull kind of Varan in, like bounce him off one of the, like the pillars to kind of knock him off balance, and he's is on his ass, but you are sprawled out. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Okay, who wants to step in next on initiative? Oh, I think Vanya. I think Vanya wants to step index on initiative. [00:43:35] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. So, um, am I able to close the distance? I don't know obviously what the scale is here, but am I able to get there with my movement? [00:43:50] Speaker A: Do you want to go through the wall? [00:43:53] Speaker C: Sure. [00:43:55] Speaker A: Well, you know, it's a force wall now because you've just seen it rotate. Okay. I will ask you for a strength check, like a reaction strength check to try. And I think. No, I think it would just be a bog standard strength trick. [00:44:11] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna do. I'll do a strength chat if it's. Is this a. Is this a reaction or is this. [00:44:17] Speaker A: No, full blown. Full blown roll. [00:44:21] Speaker C: Okay. So hope and fear does matter, right? That's. [00:44:25] Speaker G: That's. [00:44:26] Speaker C: Let me just get there. [00:44:27] Speaker A: So. So to paint the picture. Yeah. You're. You're in the room. And this little sprite that's just been rotated in is looking up at you. [00:44:36] Speaker E: Can I help? [00:44:37] Speaker A: He's. Who are you? Where am I? [00:44:43] Speaker C: Pardon me. Yeah, let me just roll. [00:44:46] Speaker B: Okay. [00:44:51] Speaker A: I was a crit. [00:44:53] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:44:54] Speaker A: Okay. So as this fright is demanding to know who you are, like, because also for the cramp, you've had to sort of like roll round and over Rayri and Alfric to get to the wall that Varon's disappeared through. But yeah, gauntlets first. Almost like a ball from someone in. From the perspective of someone in the main drinking hall. What does this look like? Like they've just seen a wall rotate round and like a sprite's disappeared. They've seen this lore of. Of our man appear going, he's trying to kill me. Run across. Like, he's run across the room, made it to the front door, been pulled back by this ace of R. The ace of a golem has burst out of a wall, headbutted this ace of R across the room. And then like in this split second of peace, what do they then see? [00:45:44] Speaker C: They then see as their focus is on this chaos. But then a smash in the wall brings their attention and the camera pans around to like, almost. Not like floor level, but almost like in the air, like level this or. Well, let's just say a big enough hole just breaks open as a gust of wind and ice comes through as Vanier uses that momentum to leap into the air towards what you thought would have been this. What's the guy's name again? [00:46:20] Speaker A: Varon. [00:46:21] Speaker C: Varon. He thought it'd be Varen and then sees this like, massive golem. And you'd think there would be shock, but there's just this wide grin and bloodlust in Vanir's head. Like, finally a monster. And he just goes finally for the hunt for the monster instead. For the kind of forgets man. [00:46:46] Speaker A: Yeah, for the horse head golem. [00:46:48] Speaker C: Yep. [00:46:48] Speaker A: Okay. [00:46:49] Speaker C: And because I'm assuming the Corsair golems push these guys away. He's in the. In the. In the firing line. Anyway. [00:46:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:56] Speaker C: So Vaniers just come straight through the wall to the golem without expecting to. [00:47:01] Speaker A: But in which case, as you come through in a very like, like I say, the horse. The horsehead master stuff, his face kind of peers at you as you come through the wall, like fist rate. Yeah. By all means, you can go straight for the attack. Sweet. And are you taking the hope or putting that in for slayer? [00:47:20] Speaker C: I. I put that as a slayer die. Okay. Would you argue Because I got it as a crit. Yeah. I could have that with an advantage. [00:47:32] Speaker A: Sure. [00:47:34] Speaker C: Thanks. [00:47:34] Speaker A: Sure. [00:47:35] Speaker C: Thanks. [00:47:35] Speaker A: Birdie. [00:47:36] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm gonna spend. Because of this big dude. I. After that short rest we had, I got my deadly focus back. So that's once per short rest. You can just apply your focus towards a single target which is going to be this golem. And now my proficiency has gone up by one, doesn't it? Yeah. So my proficiency. Proficiency is now plus a three. Right. So let's do this. I got advantage. I got. I'm doing an attack roll. Where's. Where's the roller? There it is. I got advantage three on top of that. [00:48:27] Speaker A: 22 with hope. Okay, very good. [00:48:30] Speaker C: And I'm going to add a slayer. Another slayer die. [00:48:33] Speaker A: Sure. [00:48:35] Speaker C: Instead of getting hope. [00:48:36] Speaker A: A 20. Yes. Hits. [00:48:41] Speaker C: As he comes barreling down towards this creature. The momentum coming through the wall and this gale of wind and frost as everyone's just like getting plaster in our eye. [00:48:56] Speaker A: Yes. [00:48:56] Speaker C: He comes crashing and barreling down his fist. I get. So yeah, it's 3D 10 plus 3. Let me just do. That's 19 the points of magical damage. If that affects any resistances or whatever. If he's golem, he might be resistant to one or the other. I don't know. [00:49:32] Speaker A: Nope. That is fine. So 19 points of damage is major damage. [00:49:40] Speaker C: Oh wait, I forgot to add my slayer die. Oh, I'm gonna play my 2 2D6 flare die on top of this. [00:49:49] Speaker A: So you're on 19 at the moment. Yep. [00:49:53] Speaker C: Where's my. Where's the roller system? There is roll plus 10. [00:50:00] Speaker A: So 29 is severe damage. [00:50:04] Speaker C: More like it. [00:50:06] Speaker A: And so as you're fit, as you come bursting through the wall, I'm almost imagining pseudo like Wolverine crouch jump through the wall. And as your fist connects, the. The snout of the horse bends. Because I mean gold's quite a malleable metal the best of times. But as your fist kind of carries through like bends this snout down to the right, you buckle a lot. A lot of the metal plating that this thing is constructed of. And you can hear the sounds of like the. The cog work inside kind of clacking against the inside of the now buckled armor armored hide. And it. It rocks this golem a good few steps and it staggers and collapses to the ground. Yeah. It's taken three damage. [00:51:02] Speaker C: And just I guess the vanu would be like someone shouting out something like someone get the guy. This one's mine. [00:51:13] Speaker A: Who? Azkar, Rayri or Al who wants to jump in Next, you now have a more direct route to the drinking hall. [00:51:23] Speaker C: You're welcome. [00:51:28] Speaker D: I think. [00:51:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:51:32] Speaker D: Rayri's gonna take. Oh, Rari is. Sees the hole and looks to Vinnie. Vinnie, get him. And she points at Myrtle. [00:51:50] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, yeah. [00:51:55] Speaker D: I don't like the look of it. Points at Myrtle. Come. And he's going to fly through the wall and run towards Myrtle. [00:52:12] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, that is absolutely fine. Making the tech roll. That is. That was a 19 with hope. So 19 plus. So. Yeah, yeah, 19 plus. Something absolutely hits Myrtle. So you've noticed as you stand up on the desk and you're looking through your hole, the vanier shaped hole in the wall, Myrtle appears to have two, like, bottled concoctions in her hands. And it look. Yeah, it looks like she's just been mixing something together. But as she sort of like stands tall with these two cocktails in hand. Yeah. She. She hears a bark and a woof. And as she looks around, she's in. Barreled into by Vinnie. Roll for damage. 13. [00:53:31] Speaker D: So that's plus three. [00:53:33] Speaker A: 16. [00:53:34] Speaker D: 16 chomp damage. [00:53:37] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, as Vinnie jumps out, you hear a crunch as he like, bites down on Myrtle's left arm and she. And then she drops the. She drops the. The cocktail and it like clunks onto the floor and rolls away. And luckily you rolled with hope, I believe. Yeah, you run with hope. So it doesn't kind of break and crack when it hits the ground. But that is severe damage for her. That is three damage to good old Myrtle. Okay. And as Vinnie. Who wants to step in next. [00:54:16] Speaker F: I think Alfric looks. Looks up. Remaining companion. I am dreadfully sorry. [00:54:28] Speaker B: It's all right. It's your first run. [00:54:36] Speaker A: Alfric. [00:54:37] Speaker G: What do you do? [00:54:38] Speaker A: What do you do to redeem yourself? [00:54:41] Speaker F: He's gonna sort of stumble run out of this hole into the chaos that is this dining hall. Now, he's gonna see the chaos going on with Myrtle. He's gonna see the chaos going on with this horse, the thing. He's gonna see Cal injured and he's gonna. He's gonna go for the horse. He's gonna write. Okay, there's one spell I know I can't up. [00:55:13] Speaker D: Levitate. [00:55:16] Speaker F: He's gonna cast arcane barrage. [00:55:20] Speaker A: I came barrage. Very good. Very good. Yeah. Please roll me an attack roll. [00:55:26] Speaker F: Yes, it's. It always hits a thing. Oh, it automatically strikes. [00:55:31] Speaker D: So it's. [00:55:31] Speaker A: It's direct damage. [00:55:35] Speaker F: So. Yes, I just roll a D6, I believe. [00:55:38] Speaker A: Okay, very good. [00:55:41] Speaker F: And that is where. Cool. 6. [00:55:50] Speaker A: Is it based on proficiency or anything like that. [00:55:55] Speaker F: So I am going to spend. I will spend two hope. Okay, so that's double. So that's 12. [00:56:03] Speaker A: Two hope. So you're down to three. Ray's capped at six. I don't have to worry about that. Okay, so 12 damage is minor. So one point of damage on the golem as. Yeah, it's, it's kind of. It's staggered as it's picking itself up as you emerge and pummel. But they look like musical notes, right? [00:56:28] Speaker F: Yeah. So he, he finally gets his violin. He's just like desperately filling away at it and the musical notes fly out to Mack the horse. [00:56:39] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, yeah, the golem kind of brings, brings an arm up and as the, the notes impact it and as it does, you can see thanks to the, the armor that's been buckled by Vanier's strike, you can see inside like inside the creature or inside the construct through like through its side and behind all of the sword of like the clacking gears and cogs within it, there is a clearly magical glow presumably of the power source that's running this thing. You roll with hope. So we go on to Azakar. [00:57:21] Speaker B: How with looking through the wall, how far away is the, is the horse with the golem? [00:57:29] Speaker A: Like close. [00:57:30] Speaker B: That's cool. I'm going to bolt beacon. That bastard. [00:57:34] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah. Roll to hit. It's pinned in spot by this barrage of musical notes. [00:57:45] Speaker B: That's a plus three. So 14. [00:57:47] Speaker A: A 14 with fear. In which case, yeah, as you, as you channel your bolt beacon and fire it out the hole in the wall towards towards the golem, the barrage stops and it turns and brings its undamaged left arm to bear and it kind of it. The bolt beacon like is deflected from a, an armor plating on the forearm. That is a miss. Unfortunately. [00:58:18] Speaker B: I was gonna actually say could I add a paradise to that roll? [00:58:21] Speaker A: You can absolutely add a prey nice to that roll. So you're on 14. [00:58:25] Speaker B: I'll add the four to that. Say that'll make an 18. [00:58:29] Speaker A: Brings its arm up and it refracts off the plating. Well, sorry. Catches it on the shoulder on the arm plate. And as it holds for a moment, it then buckles under the weight and you hit it. [00:59:01] Speaker B: That is seven plus two. That is a. That's a nine. [00:59:07] Speaker A: Nine damage is minor damage. It takes one hit point and it's now like tagged. It's easier to hit for someone else. Right? [00:59:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:59:17] Speaker B: He's now vulnerable. [00:59:18] Speaker A: Okay. Very, very good. Well, the, yeah, the, the, the golem staggers back as you strike it with the. The bolt beacon. As you've rolled with fear, I'm gonna step in. And this time as she's being flung around by Vinnie, Myrtle is. Myrtle shouts, eat this. Eat this. She says as she. Who's. Let's see. Actually, let's go with. Sure. She launches this or she. She smashes Max Vinnie with the. With the bottle to try and get him to release her. She's gonna roll a not very high roll. Oh, why is it. [01:00:18] Speaker E: Ow. [01:00:19] Speaker A: I've lost my stat block. There we go. She's gonna roll plus one. She rolls a 15 to hit Vinnie. [01:00:35] Speaker D: Pretty sure that that will hit Vinnie. [01:00:41] Speaker A: That will hit. Okay. In which case as this. As the. The bottle breaks, Vinnie takes a. [01:00:58] Speaker D: No worries. [01:01:00] Speaker A: And as. As she cracks his bottle over Vinnie's head and he doesn't let go, she's just. I've got more where that come from. She like starts reaching for other drinks off the bar to wield his weapons. Back to you lot. Who wants to start? [01:01:22] Speaker E: I think Cal needs to do something now. He's been on the floor for a bit. Yeah, old man. Right. Where, where, where is matey boy? Where's Vernon? Is he near me? What's he been doing? [01:01:38] Speaker A: So for all intents and purposes, you are like in the corner near the front door. Like, so you're in the corner of the wall and the bar and the door. The front door is like just around the. Like just out of arm's reach. Varon is on the other side of the. The door, like slid up against a supporting pillar. So within very close range of you for all of sense and purposes, but kind of sandwiched like towering over you. Is this the horse headed golem that's been assaulted by magical attacks? [01:02:16] Speaker E: Okay, so it is still. It's still attacking me. Okay. [01:02:20] Speaker A: It's. It stood over you for all extents and purposes. Okay. [01:02:27] Speaker E: I will. Then I will fight this thing using my broadsword and my. My dagger, I think, because. Oh, no, it's a magic. It's a arcane magic user, not something that's magical. So I can't use my. That's fine. So it's just paired. So it's plus three for my attack. [01:02:57] Speaker C: So would you like aid in this in terms of. [01:03:01] Speaker E: Yeah, that'll be good. Now that we're both like. Yeah, like we're both. Yeah, now we're both. [01:03:06] Speaker C: I didn't want to hit on your cool, but I feel like this is a moment between us two. [01:03:13] Speaker A: So Vanier's drop in three Hope for a tag team. [01:03:16] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:03:17] Speaker A: Okay, so Cal, how are you starting it? And then Vanya, how are you adding a little sprinkling to it? [01:03:25] Speaker E: I feel like I. There's probably. I like, for some reason I imagine Vanya like punching the thing into my sword. So you actually like physically like you're pushing him straight into the my sword. So I think that would be quite good. So as Cat lets up and gets into the zone, you go, you punch into towards in the middle. I might explain myself. [01:03:56] Speaker C: I will flavor this a bit like to. To empower that based on the role. Because if. If it. If. Yeah, I want to see how. How our roles work with this. [01:04:10] Speaker A: I was going to say both of you make your attack rolls. [01:04:14] Speaker E: So mine should be plus three. I'm just going to double check something though, Dan, before I do anything. I. I don't really know if I to use it because I don't use it very often. But I have the unstoppable class feature. So I'm just checking there's nothing there I need to do to make that work. Whenever you deal one or more hit points on adversary increase your support will die by one. So, okay. [01:04:38] Speaker C: Have you. Yeah. Are you activating your unstoppable? [01:04:40] Speaker E: Yes, I'm activating my unstoppable, but I haven't used it yet. [01:04:44] Speaker A: So. [01:04:45] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, so it'll be the die. Whatever number it's on I think starts on a lower number and it increases. [01:04:51] Speaker A: It's like an increase in rage. [01:04:53] Speaker E: Nice. That's fine. So yeah, so I'm also activating that. Okay, so hopefully useful. [01:04:58] Speaker C: Okay, cool. DM for your knowledge as well, I'm gonna spend another hope to use one of my experiences. Thrill of the hunt. [01:05:12] Speaker A: Yes. [01:05:12] Speaker C: As I'm, you know, this is, this piece is my one focus right now. And Vanya's just loving like that the fight. I'm fighting the beast. [01:05:23] Speaker A: Okay. [01:05:24] Speaker C: Okay, so plus it's a plus three because I've bumped up my experience. So now I'm on a plus six total now. [01:05:35] Speaker A: Okay. With this attack, in which case the two of you roll them bones. So we've got 12. [01:05:52] Speaker C: I got a 15 as. Wait, yeah, 15 with hope. [01:05:57] Speaker A: Both roll 15 with hope. [01:05:59] Speaker C: So I guess it doesn't matter which way we go as. [01:06:04] Speaker A: So Cal, you kind of pick yourself up and seeing Van Year as you like Vanier leaps forward and kind of goes to in effect shoulder barge, like shunt the. The golem off balance towards you and like you see that, you see it about to happen. So you searched your Feet to be ready for it. But Vanier, as you plow in, the golem spins round and block and like parries your hands away and knocks you off balance. A 15 does not hit. [01:06:43] Speaker C: Yeah, I thought as much. [01:06:46] Speaker A: Unless as a car is handing out an advantage I think for bolt beacon. [01:06:52] Speaker C: Oh yes, that's true vantage. Yeah, it's advantage. So yeah, get a roll. [01:06:58] Speaker E: Do we get. Do we get to plus six or not? [01:07:03] Speaker C: So we get a plus six to one of the roll. So if. Yeah, why not? You go, you roll a D6 for us. [01:07:10] Speaker E: Okay, I roll it? [01:07:13] Speaker C: Yeah, roll it. [01:07:15] Speaker E: It's two. [01:07:17] Speaker A: So Cal's now on a 17 with Hope. [01:07:20] Speaker E: Yep. [01:07:21] Speaker B: In which case, to make it, would you like to use my last paradise. [01:07:28] Speaker A: Add an extra two to it to. [01:07:29] Speaker B: Make it the 19th? [01:07:30] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, that would be lovely. Because then we're here as. [01:07:35] Speaker B: As a car is gonna see the both of you like tag teaming and just sort of make a. Make a quick iron prayer to sort of send out to the both of you. [01:07:47] Speaker A: You okay. In which case there's a flash of light that kind of disrupts the. The golem. Like it doesn't see as. As such, but perhaps this kind of magical flash disrupts its arcane kind of matrices. But as it rocks, that then gives you. It slows it down momentarily enough. But Vanier, it goes to parry you, but you're able to grab its arm. Yeah, and a 19 to hit for cow means that it's kind of busy with Vanya as you rise up to strike it. The two of you can roll for damage. [01:08:35] Speaker E: Damage for me is 2d8 plus. [01:08:42] Speaker A: 2D8 plus 5 I believe for you. [01:08:45] Speaker E: Yes, that makes sense. [01:08:49] Speaker C: Remember, yours is what physical. Hold on, let me just get my damage. I got a 21 for my damage. [01:09:04] Speaker A: 21 plus. [01:09:07] Speaker C: No, that's total because I've. Sorry. [01:09:11] Speaker A: So 33 total between the two of you. In which case, Vanier, as you search forward and like grab the arm that's about to parry you and you wrench it backwards to rock this thing off balance. Cow, you're able to surge up and in quick succession your longsword slides up underneath the joints between its shoulder like this neck and the bust, the now bent bust of the horse's head and your slong. Your broadsword cleaves that off the golem's torso as your spell eater dagger slides into its chest cavity and into the. The. The mana crystal heart that empowers the thing. And as a spell eater cracks the the mana crystal and drains its power. The Golem twitches erratically, like, flings the two of you away, and then, like, lurches erratically and then collapses to the ground as on the other side of the room, you hear a boom as this heavy golden horse's head, like, dents the wooden floor. And off the back of that, as the two of you sort of, like, stand over this now destroyed Golem, I will spend a fear. And you hear Varan shout. He says as he, like, crawls across the ground, scrabbles to his feet, and then goes to make it out of the. The front door. Well, he does make it out the front door. [01:11:00] Speaker C: Does he go past me? [01:11:04] Speaker A: He would be more going past Cal, but before. [01:11:09] Speaker C: Okay, it's because I can do a thing if he's going past my reach. [01:11:14] Speaker A: Sure, sure. Let's say you are. Let's say he is. [01:11:18] Speaker C: I, as a warrior, I'm probably one of the few people that can actually do an attack of opportunity as part of the warrior feature. And if an adversary tends to leave your melee range, I have to make, rather than strength roll, I have to make an agility reaction roll against their difficulty. I choose one effect on a success or two on a critical success. So depending on if I hit, let's go and see. So it's a plus two to this roll. Let's see if I hit this. Might not hit 14. Wait, no. Plus. I forgot to add my modifier. Plus two. 16. [01:12:13] Speaker A: 16 is a hit. [01:12:18] Speaker C: And with that, I'm gonna choose one of the features, which is to keep them from moving. [01:12:27] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, then as Varon, like, scrabbles across the ground and then get, like. Gets up to his feet, and he's just about to, like, get. Jump out of the. The front door. There's a. As you grab him by the back of the collar and yank him back into. Into the tavern. And as he. As he's, like, pulled into your. Pulled into your space, he looks around wild, and he looks around in a crazed manner, shouting, like, help. Help. [01:13:06] Speaker G: They're trying to. They're trying to kill Luke. Look, they're trying to do a murder. [01:13:11] Speaker A: But in the. Like, as you hold. As you hold him and the rest of you kind of get, like, filter in and surround him, you can see that a number of the. The Sprite patrons that are in here are just kind of, like, cowering in the corners watching what's. What's happening. Myrtles tried to break free of Vinnie, but he's just kind of, like, thrown her around a bit. Ragdoll style. Is now sitting on the. Like sitting on her to pin her in place. And she, like, you can just hear the sounds of her feet banging against the floor as she thrashes on Vinnie's quite impressive weight. And over this, like, Varun is just spouting incessantly to try and kind of draw attention to his plight when the doorway is shadowed by three figures. And as the. As you look up, you spy Montana and Capulin, now with their hoods down, stood in front of sheriff Paron. And seeing him, Varinger shouts, sheriff. [01:14:30] Speaker G: Sheriff, please help me. They've gone mad. [01:14:32] Speaker A: They've gone absolutely too lally. And as. As the sheriff kind of looks to you and looks at the utter devastation and this shattered golem in, like, bits across the floor. Who's got the evidence of Von's wrongdoings? I do. [01:14:55] Speaker C: At Zakar. [01:14:57] Speaker A: Okay. In which case, yeah, as you present this to. To the sheriff, he kind of looks it. He. He reads over, I should say, I suppose, you. You. They'd also be joined by Tybar Fisby and Benville Farum, the parents of the two daughters. And very, very quickly, Varon's very obnoxiously intricate scheme starts to unravel as the matriarch and patriarch are absolutely sure that they did not. They don't even have a stamp with their clan logos on them. Why would they need them? Why would they need one potato? It would seem that that is in fact. That is, in fact, it. So, yeah, as Varon. As the extent of Varen's plan is laid bare, the sheriff thanks you for successfully apprehending and unraveling this plot. And yeah, the two daughters are reunited with their parents. That said, as Varen is carted away by the sheriff, the five of you are left in the horse's head. Sorry, Myrtle got carted away as well. You're left in the. In the horse's head. The sprites have been shepherded. The patrons have been shepherded out by. By the sheriff. But you are left alone with Kapilina, Montana and their parents, and you realize that there is still, like, even though he's been apprehended, Darren's plan may still work. So as the girls look to you almost as if they're asking for permission, almost as if they're kind of awaiting your decision on what should happen. What do you collectively think these two lovers should do? [01:17:16] Speaker C: I think they should do what they want. [01:17:18] Speaker D: Yes. [01:17:22] Speaker E: Be happy. [01:17:23] Speaker C: Yeah. Don't be stuck because their family wants them to do something. [01:17:32] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean, but they have to all. [01:17:34] Speaker C: Come to a Agreement on who's gonna succeed. [01:17:38] Speaker D: Who's gonna succeed? Yes. [01:17:40] Speaker E: They have to help with the crossover period. [01:17:42] Speaker C: Right. [01:17:42] Speaker E: They need to find someone who's happy to replace them. [01:17:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:17:45] Speaker E: If they just run off, it's going to be chaos. [01:17:48] Speaker C: Yeah. They need. They need to help someone of theirs who they can all trust to help fill those roles. [01:17:58] Speaker D: Bendy, What's. [01:17:59] Speaker A: What's Azakar thinking? What's his stance? Because, yeah. Tyran Benville are both saying, well, without. Without these two daughters with this, everything's gonna go to the abyss in a handbasket. [01:18:16] Speaker B: Azakar's conflicted because he's always done what he's told. [01:18:22] Speaker A: Do you. Between the five of you, do you know of any individuals or organizations that might be able to help these two flailing clans? Tippy Tap, of which Tippy Tap is part of their clan. Do you. Do you know of any external organizations that may be elsewhere? Who. Who is it that steps forward to kind of guide these two ladies to the decision they clearly want to make in a way that will appease their parents? Who's. And is it Alfric? [01:19:06] Speaker E: I was like, is it Alfred? [01:19:08] Speaker F: I think Alfric has been slightly cowed by his inability to assist in the way that he hoped during the. The apprehension. I think he's. He's. His little gears in his brain have started to turn and he's sort of. He's starting to see the connection between this current situation and his situation. And maybe joining the Adventurers Guild is not like the happy, adventurous, everything always comes out in the end situation that he has assumed it to be. So I think he. He takes a little step back with a nervous smile as anyone looks to. [01:19:49] Speaker C: Him and a big gauntlet hand just grabs you on the shoulder. Shoulder in reassurance. Come on, explorer. You've got this right. You're one of us now, you see. Well, you did good. Come on, tell them what you think they should do. [01:20:15] Speaker F: He. He steps forward nervously. Well, I think you should do what you want to do. I think if you want to be together, you should be together. And we will assist. We, the guild will assist in the town. [01:20:50] Speaker A: Tiber and Benville, kind of follow their brows and Benville. The Benville fire. And so the. The elderly ignorance sprite. We who? [01:21:06] Speaker G: The. The. The explorers. You're. You're saying that the explorers will help? [01:21:12] Speaker F: Yes, exactly. We're full of people from. From all over. And I'm sure any issues that may arise, we will be here. We're just a portal away. Of course. [01:21:28] Speaker A: The. The old man like Grumbles and grimaces and then kind of glances over at the elderly mother Tiber and then they both turn to look at their, their daughters who are in effect or like holding hands arm in arm and the two of them, what the. The two of them kind of glance at one another and then turn back. Their parents. Based on of everything that we've seen, the explorers are quite, quite amazing. Father, Papa, they do some amazing things and if they're able to save us with little to no problem, then I'm sure that they can save Islebridge as well. It's going to be fine. It doesn't have to be us. Sometimes we need a little new to add to, to keep things ticking over and Kapulene effect, you know, fundamentally says the same to a mother. And I think between the four of them, the, the two parents turn to the five of you and. [01:22:56] Speaker C: When you. [01:22:56] Speaker A: Get the opportunity, cyber starts. Please speak to whoever it is who needs to know about our plight back in wherever it is you come from. We would be happy to receive aid from the explorers and you too. Just make sure that you come back to visit every now and again. And as the two girls like squat and do a little scream, we will call it Bear. So a rather, a rather frenetic end to our kidnapping mystery. But you did it. You successfully did it. Congratulations everyone. Congratulations. So that wraps up the end of the Daughters of Isle Bridge tale. We are right near the end of the year now. We're, we're closing in on old Crimbo. So yeah, we're suspecting it sounds like we might be doing a little one shot wonder similar to Halloween in a fortnight's time. So if you enjoyed this, make sure firstly to hit the like button but then also hit the bell icon, the subscribe button and the bell icon for notifications when release new videos such as the next Tale that's going to be releasing on the 19th because that's going to be a one and done and it's just going to be a jolly old time and I'm sure that there's going to be a little surprise for the end, end of the year for the, for this final live stream. Yeah. Thank you all for watching. Thank you lot for playing. [01:24:58] Speaker C: Thank you for running the game for us, that is. [01:25:01] Speaker A: All right, we will come catch you later. [01:25:06] Speaker G: Bye bye. Bye bye boy.

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