A run-through of the adventures of the Warhounds up until this point, narrated by DM Dan.
Tabletop Audio https://tabletopaudio.com/
Meteor Shower Sound Design by OG Sound FX https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC34fZoB9inDzlSoq0qzZ2vA
The Warhounds are fractured as they deal with the loss of a close friend. ALL THE LINKS - https://linktr.ee/explorersofelsewhere MUSIC Adventure by Alexander Nakarada...
Trapped in the Shadowfell, the Warhounds have nowhere to hide as the Illithid forces begin closing in on their location MUSIC Adventure by Alexander...
In the aftermath of the Castle Antolyr score, the Crew begin their downtime and level up, with Atta having to put her new powers...